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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like I say it at least once a month, there is such a wealth of easily accessible non WWE wrestling these days, if you hate the show so much and keep watching it, that's on you. It's so easy to go without the main roster. In the last two years, I've watched next to nothing of the main product, and I'm more into wrestling than I ever have been.

NXT and the GCS are keeping me on the Network unfortunately.

Yep yep yep

what it do


Thoughts on each match. I skipped through a lot of it after the first two matches were so offputting so probably not the most fully formed thoughts.

- Genuinely didn't give a fuck about anyone in the ladder match. Even after Sami's great match at NXT it was a reminder of "oh, back to this"

- Terrible, slow boring AJ/Jericho match, worst of their series and WWE signed AJ probably so Bullet Club would stop making so much damn money cos I really have no idea why they did otherwise

- New Day tag of no heat. Boring, Rusev was great as usual though. What the fuck finisher with hilariously awful post match with a bunch of old fat fucks doing stupid nostalgia shit.

- I didn't watch Dean/Brock except for the finish because I have made my peace with Dean being entirely uninteresting in ring and a waste of Brock.

- Women's match was great with a flat finish but new belt made up for it. Well done to all the ladies for the best match on the show.

- Happy that Baron won but it was a WWE Battle Royale in 2016.

- Wyatts made to look a joke for the 461st time. lmao

- Snoozer of a main event with another flat finish. Stephanie was the best part of the entire affair.

In a weekend of Evolve and NXT this felt completely outdated and bloated. Doesn't matter though, massively sold out, huge gate, undoubtedly huge merch takes, sold out Raw.

Nothing will change.
Thoughts on each match. I skipped through a lot of it after the first two matches were so offputting so probably not the most fully formed thoughts.

- Genuinely didn't give a fuck about anyone in the ladder match. Even after Sami's great match at NXT it was a reminder of "oh, back to this"

- Terrible, slow boring AJ/Jericho match, worst of their series and WWE signed AJ probably so Bullet Club would stop making so much damn money cos I really have no idea why they did otherwise

- New Day tag of no heat. Boring, Rusev was great as usual though. What the fuck finisher with hilariously awful post match with a bunch of old fat fucks doing stupid nostalgia shit.

- I didn't watch Dean/Brock except for the finish because I have made my peace with Dean being entirely uninteresting in ring and a waste of Brock.

- Women's match was great with a flat finish but new belt made up for it. Well done to all the ladies for the best match on the show.

- Happy that Baron won but it was a WWE Battle Royale in 2016.

- Wyatts made to look a joke for the 461st time. lmao

- Snoozer of a main event with another flat finish. Stephanie was the best part of the entire affair.

In a weekend of Evolve and NXT this felt completely outdated and bloated. Doesn't matter though, massively sold out, huge gate, undoubtedly huge merch takes, sold out Raw.

Nothing will change.
THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS (other than Dean, I still like Dean)


In 2014 Batista won the Rumble. Reigns was the last person eliminated, and the crowd was cheering for him to win (everybody knew Batista was winning after he came back, and they didn't want it). The crowd was mostly behind Reigns as he kept getting a push the rest of the year. Then things took a bad turn in every direction. Bryan (the person they wanted all along) got hurt, so Cena took Bryan's place, dying at the hands of Brock at Summerslam. Survivor Series comes along and they wanted to do this big tag match to end the Authority at long last, and they wanted Reigns to get this big moment so you'd believe it when he won the belt, but Reigns got a hernia and couldn't do the match.

They reacted to this by giving Reigns satellite interviews every week where he'd talk about coming back, and he'd say the stupidest scripted jokes. The crowd hated it more and more. When he finally came back, he kept doing it while fighting the Big Show for months, with the crowd hating it more and more. And then he won the Rumble doing it, which the crowd expected, and hated, to the point they had Seth take Bryan's place and be the savior to try and calm the fans down. Except Seth kept looking like shit and got hurt, while Reigns still kept winning, doing long promos with jokes that the crowd couldn't care about, and main eventing. It was clear they were doing everything for Roman except the stuff that made fans like him in the first place, and the more he was seen, the more he did it, and the more upset the crowd became.

Finally it resulted in...this. His 3rd reign in 6 months, his 3rd big moment in half a year, being hyped as his Real Moment. Amidst a crowd of boos. Because he still talks too much, because he's still cocky in interviews and onscreen, and because they still won't change anything about him to make fans like him again because they want him so badly to be the new Cena, and Hogan, and Rock, and Austin all at once, forgetting that he's none of those. He's just Roman Reigns. For good and for bad, that's who he is. And if you just had him not say shit, this whole time, maybe none of this happens the way it does. As is, in a pisspoor Mania where everything went wrong, this was the only part fans expected completely, which is why it was booed most. It was the culmination of fans being told for 3 years they didn't care about what they wanted, to end an event where they were told it repeatedly for 7 unceasing hours.

Hmmm...but it seems like all of this is driven by injuries that are just a part of life. So if Reigns doesn't get that hernia and miss Survivor Series, then he's a whole different character? But on the flip side he has to fill in the gaps for big injuries to Seth Rollins and John Cena now and he's ostracized. I know the WWE does not make the best decisions on character development, but damn, kind of seems like a bum wrap for Roman.

He did a very good job on that vest


So I'm fairly new to WWE. Is there a reason why Roman is disliked so much? Is it just his presence on the mic (Believe Dat?)

Dude looks alright to me physically and his fights in the ring are pretty good. He's not as flashy as Seth Rollins but can still put on a show and take a beating. The Main Event against Brock at last year's WM was pretty legit.

I felt pretty bad how he was getting booed last night.
Ruined his spotlight with the belt.
The dude's putting in work and training hard to put on a show the writer's create for him. At least applaud that.
Either way him winning is better than HHH winning.

Shane should have won and with Roman winning should have dealt a major blow to The Authority. Then they could have worked a script with the Authority being down and possibly bringing Seth Rollins back to get them back in power.

I mean, everyone puts on a ton of work. Roman isn't special in that regard. If the people don't like him they will boo him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hmmm...but it seems like all of this is driven by injuries that are just a part of life. So if Reigns doesn't get that hernia and miss Survivor Series, then he's a whole different character? But on the flip side he has to fill in the gaps for big injuries to Seth Rollins and John Cena now and he's ostracized. I know the WWE does not make the best decisions on character development, but damn, kind of seems like a bum wrap for Roman.

He's just a charisma black hole and he was a charisma black hole when Cena and Rollins were both around to bounce off of him.


Hmmm...but it seems like all of this is driven by injuries that are just a part of life. So if Reigns doesn't get that hernia and miss Survivor Series, then he's a whole different character? But on the flip side he has to fill in the gaps for big injuries to Seth Rollins and John Cena now and he's ostracized. I know the WWE does not make the best decisions on character development, but damn, kind of seems like a bum wrap for Roman.

That is a pretty big generalization. There are a lot of reason why people don't like Reigns. The main reason probably being that he is basically the chosen one. He's going to get chance after chance to succeed, as demonstrated last night, no matter how much the crowd wants something different.

He is by no means a bad worker. He's fairly decent. But it's obvious that WWE has a clear lack of faith in the guy even though they want him to be on top. They continually protect him by having him not have to do a promo (even though by WWE's own admission, promos are more important to them than in ring ability), they protect him in all of his matches (by having him only work with good workers and most of his good will with fans were made from the Shield where he hid in tag matches every time except once or twice), and they constantly try to edit crowd noise to go in his favor.

Fans these days aren't from the 80s. They know when a company is trying to tell them what to like and they don't like it.


WM sucked but I only watch only the big PPVs nowdays so whatever. I'm subscribing to Network for NXT. I'll catch up on it, unsubscribe and resubscribe after couple months to marathon more NXT.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I am a fan of Miz and will continue to be during his heel run -- he's one of the few pure heels they have left. I am hoping Baron Corbin can continue his heel run from NXT in the WWE since he has been able to draw heat.


Am I wrong in thinking she was just doing a suicide dive and adjusted last second when she realized she wasn't going to make it? I'm probably wrong but that's what it looks like.

Yeah, it definitely looks like the improvised when she realized she was going to come up short. It looked great as a last minute thing though.
Hmmm...but it seems like all of this is driven by injuries that are just a part of life. So if Reigns doesn't get that hernia and miss Survivor Series, then he's a whole different character? But on the flip side he has to fill in the gaps for big injuries to Seth Rollins and John Cena now and he's ostracized. I know the WWE does not make the best decisions on character development, but damn, kind of seems like a bum wrap for Roman.
"The majority of critics, I would say, are people who have no clue what they’re talking about and have never been in a wrestling ring. They’ve never been a public speaker. They wouldn’t even know how to lock up with me if I allowed them to. If I gave them the opportunity to lock up and tangle with me in the ring, they would have no clue what to do so for them to critique or ever say anything about any performer is asinine and just blows my mind.”
"The fans have to realize that as opinionated as y’all are in the way you want it, the company is the same way and they’re gonna do what they wanna do… at the end of the day I’m just a guy getting rich"
Comes off not too great

That Reddit insider says Sandow has no apparent future and is likely the next guy released soon

Hmmm...but it seems like all of this is driven by injuries that are just a part of life. So if Reigns doesn't get that hernia and miss Survivor Series, then he's a whole different character? But on the flip side he has to fill in the gaps for big injuries to Seth Rollins and John Cena now and he's ostracized. I know the WWE does not make the best decisions on character development, but damn, kind of seems like a bum wrap for Roman.

Reigns was going to be in Dolph's place (eliminate the whole team and Authority, be the big hero). So on one hand he would have been pushed down people's throats further and earlier, but on the other he wouldn't have done dumb "via satellite" weekly segments, so it's a crapshoot on whether this would have been a worse thing than what we got (dumb pointless Dolph win, Authority coming back anyway, dumb pointless Harper one month midcard title reign ended by dumb pointless Dolph midcard title win, dumb pointless 5 weeks of Reigns talking to kill time and let you know he's still alive)


Reigns was going to be in Dolph's place (eliminate the whole team and Authority, be the big hero). So on one hand he would have been pushed down people's throats further and earlier, but on the other he wouldn't have done dumb "via satellite" weekly segments, so it's a crapshoot on whether this would have been a worse thing than what we got (dumb pointless Dolph win, Authority coming back anyway, dumb pointless Harper one month midcard title reign ended by dumb pointless Dolph midcard title win, dumb pointless 5 weeks of Reigns talking to kill time and let you know he's still alive)

He still does the dumb joke "sufferin' succotash" promos either way, I'm sure.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Am I wrong in thinking she was just doing a suicide dive and adjusted last second when she realized she wasn't going to make it? I'm probably wrong but that's what it looks like.
That's exactly what happened and why it was great, course correction on the fly.


"The majority of critics, I would say, are people who have no clue what they’re talking about and have never been in a wrestling ring. They’ve never been a public speaker. They wouldn’t even know how to lock up with me if I allowed them to. If I gave them the opportunity to lock up and tangle with me in the ring, they would have no clue what to do so for them to critique or ever say anything about any performer is asinine and just blows my mind.”
"The fans have to realize that as opinionated as y’all are in the way you want it, the company is the same way and they’re gonna do what they wanna do… at the end of the day I’m just a guy getting rich"
Comes off not too great

Is this kind of stuff said on Raw, Smackdown, PPV? Or is it off the air statements of his own? Either way it doesn't matter where you say it in this day and age. It will get everywhere. From the 1.5 years I've really been watching regularly, I haven't really seen him say anything too stupid like this. Of course I pretty much stick to the program and don't do a lot of news reading on the side.



That Reddit insider says Sandow has no apparent future and is likely the next guy released soon

That's cruel.

Get over huge, get saddled with a shit gimmick, get big pops whenever you are teased on TV, get released. It's like a nightmare version of Ryder syndrome.


Is this kind of stuff said on Raw, Smackdown, PPV? Or is it off the air statements of his own? Either way it doesn't matter where you say it in this day and age. It will get everywhere. From the 1.5 years I've really been watching regularly, I haven't really seen him say anything too stupid like this. Of course I pretty much stick to the program and don't do a lot of news reading on the side.

He said this stuff during public interviews last year heading into Mania.

This year he said even more stupid stuff.

“I’m in this business for the families. That’s what we are; we’re a PG product. We’re a family-based product. We’re here to entertain families and give them enjoyment. If you’re a 30-year-old man and you want to flip me off at a kids show, then, hey, like I said, you paid your money but just be careful because you could get kicked out.”
Despite the many spoiler bars it's pretty easy to figure out the gist of said spoilers by the discussions surrounding them.
Not that I'm bothered, I'm spoiling myself as well.
Remember when Sandow won MitB? eh? EH?
...I always said it should've been Rhodes moment dammit!

Still leaving, he has a legends deal in place for when he goes so they can still use his likeness. Not sure what he has down the pipeline though, who knows how long he'll stay in the LoN...

I stuck by this man his entire run, I'm proud of myself.


Don't pay any attention to the rusev over there, hes busy being the most entertaining thing about the wwe in and out of the ring. Pay him no mind, nobody else does anyway :(


No One Remembers
More stuff

Cena -
John is still rehabbing from what I know. Dont think he will be back full time till May.

More NXT?
Person asked if someone other than Team SAWFT was deubting tonight
Yes, watch and find out.

Harper - Luke is hurt. Initial expectations put him out till September from what I have been told.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
lol Big E getting some of that El Segundo Brewing Steve Austin's Broken Skull™ IPA.



No One Remembers
Are we just posting out of context quotes here?

Context was provided earlier this afternoon.

Reddit user /u/falconarrow is doing an AMA on /r/squaredcircle.

He's an insider that has been very accurate with what he reports. So I am just relaying the good stuff.
More stuff

Cena -
John is still rehabbing from what I know. Dont think he will be back full time till May.

More NXT?
Person asked if someone other than Team SAWFT was deubting tonight
Yes, watch and find out.

Harper - Luke is hurt. Initial expectations put him out till September from what I have been told.
I knew it. Dude is sick and flabby.
Am I wrong in thinking she was just doing a suicide dive and adjusted last second when she realized she wasn't going to make it? I'm probably wrong but that's what it looks like.
She was going to make it but her foot got caught on the rope at the last second. But yeah you're right. Good on Charlotte for not pulling a Miz.
Trop did you post about the Wyatts?

Do you know the reason the Wyatts are booked like a joke?

ecause Vince thinks he made another Undertaker so he uses them to make others look strong.

Truth is he made Papa Shango 2. This makes me sad.
So what's next for face champ Roman? Besides the HHH rematch of course.

That loser, AJ Styles?

Im willing to bet Cena v Roman for Summerslam. Rollins would face HHH as a face after being a heel on his return for a couple of months.

Fuck it, have AJ Styles be a member of the Authority. That would be interesting and the dude can work being a heel. But he would be a WWE heel sooooo lol

Amazing spot, even though the flip probably wasn't planned.

I still can't believe the women stole the show at Wrestlemania. I'm sure a lot of people will say they had the best match by default, given the mediocrity of the show as a whole, but I hope the triple threat will be looked back on as a great match in its own right. Certainly the best women's match I've ever seen in a WWE ring that wasn't part of NXT, in spite of the botched sunset flip/German near the beginning. And they really did make it seem like a huge deal. From the thankful shelving of the Diva branding and new title belt, to the main event-style entrances, it really felt like the match meant something.

All three women absolutely killed it. Not going to lie, I was rooting for Becky (she's been the most overlooked out of the three, and I've been a fan of hers since her indy days when she was putting on technical clinics at the age of 19), but I'm not even mad Charlotte retained. She held the match together, pulled off the best moonsault I've ever seen, and finally came into her own as a heel. I really could have done without Ric interfering yet again, though. I know Charlotte's a heel, and heels cheat, but having her win clean would have solidified her as a legitimate champion and figurehead of this new era.

As a women's wrestling fan who's lived through the dark days of the Kelly Kelly and Bella eras, hoping against hope that one day the WWE would actually start treating the girls with respect and allow them to rise above the bathroom break stigma...last night was really something special. With the wealth of talent now on the roster, WWE really has the chance to make the women's division mean something. Then again, I thought the same thing about the Knockouts division when TNA hired the likes of Ayako Hamada and Sarah Stock, and we all know what happened there.
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