New Carcosa preview article up.
The Soldier and The Secretary
The Soldier and The Secretary
Harrigan's signature card is really cool. I love how much diversity there is in this game.
I would imagine the next 2-3 months since demand seems pretty high. I picked one up for above MSRP because I'm impatient, but only because I already bought the entire Dunwich line.
I'm waiting for the reprint before getting a second set.
Thankfully they seem to rotate new printings every quarter or so.
It just got a reprint a month or so ago so it'll be at least 4-6 months. I do suggest looking around at local game shops, though, because the base set isn't generally that hard to find offline.
Thanks everyone!I don't know where you're located, but this US site seems to have it in stock for retail. Don't know what shipping is like. As mentioned, also try local game stores, as I've seen several around town that have it in stock.
Thanks everyone!
Follow up question, regarding sleeves:
Ultra Pro, Dragon Shield, or FFG?
I love the matte Ultra Pro for Magic, but I understand that the FFG sleeves fit a little differently? I'm kind of wary of using smooth sleeves again, I've been spoiled by the usability of matte...
Sleeving is such an interesting topic. Everyone's got their own take on it. There are pros and cons to all of the different options out there. I'd suggest checking out some videos from Tolarian Community College, as he reviews a ton of them (for MTG, which has the same sized cards).Ultra Pro, Dragon Shield, or FFG?
New Carcosa preview article up.
The Soldier and The Secretary
Harrigan's signature card is really cool. I love how much diversity there is in this game.
I think that True Grit supercedes the effect of direct damage. Cards effects always take precedence over rules, and direct damage is a form of damage. Thematically, it makes sense, as it's a talent. Therefore, it's part of your investigator, and not some aid in the form of armor (leather coat, bulletproof vest).Can you put direct damage on non-ally assets? This article references using True Grit to shield you while you use the ability on the Sophie card, but that deals you direct damage and I always thought that direct version of damage had to be applied to the investigator directly and wouldn't be able to be placed on an asset.
I think that True Grit supercedes the effect of direct damage. Cards effects always take precedence over rules, and direct damage is a form of damage. Thematically, it makes sense, as it's a talent. Therefore, it's part of your investigator, and not some aid in the form of armor (leather coat, bulletproof vest).
I missed the word "other," so I see your point. The article seems to imply though that you can apply direct damage to True Grit in order to use Sophie's ability, and also to use it with your own allies (which are not investigators).Hmmm, I'm not entirely convinced with that. True Grit says it can take damage dealt to other investigators at your locations. The use of the word other implies that you can't use it for yourself to reassign direct damage to it rather then your investigator.
This article references using True Grit to shield you while you use the ability on the Sophie card, but that deals you direct damage and I always thought that direct version of damage had to be applied to the investigator directly and wouldn't be able to be placed on an asset.
The article seems to imply though that you can apply direct damage to True Grit in order to use Sophie's ability, and also to use it with your own allies (which are not investigators).
I didn't actually get the impression that the article is suggesting you can assign the direct damage from In Loving Memory to True Grit.
I didn't actually get the impression that the article is suggesting you can assign the direct damage from In Loving Memory to True Grit.
The article makes a point of highlighting that Mark Harrigan's whole deal is having damage assigned to cards he controls, pointing out that, naturally, cards that soak damage are a good fit for him. The part of the article which addresses True Grit comes somewhat after the Sophie description, and seems to be talking over the new options he has for damage-soak cards as a general build include -- since you'll be picking up damage so frequently, you'll want as any places to put those tokens as possible that don't trigger the It Was All My Fault side of Sophie. I think that's how it's linking True Grit as a benefit to the Sophie card's direct damage free trigger -- if you're looking to take advantage of those +2s, you want to be keeping the damage off your actual investigator card as much as possible.
The direct damage from In Loving Memory 100% has to go on Mark Harrigan's card itself (until such a time as there is a card which specifies being able to take direct damage).
Not only can [True Grit] absorb three points of damage, which Mark Harrigan and Sophie could easily convert into three cards drawn and six bonus points to various skill checks, but the card can absorb the damage that his allies would otherwise take.
Saw you're in the UK. Looks like there's a subscription service similar to what we have here with Team Covenant. Might be worth checking out?It's all a bit rubbish here, still can't get a copy of Lost in Time and Space without overspending. Starting to wonder if I need to splash out a bit now or else I will miss this print run and have to wait to the next, which could potentially be post Carcosa.
It's all a bit rubbish here, still can't get a copy of Lost in Time and Space without overspending. Starting to wonder if I need to splash out a bit now or else I will miss this print run and have to wait to the next, which could potentially be post Carcosa.
plus you know.. black rule yadda yadda.." the form of True Grit (The Path to Carcosa, 21). Not only can it absorb three points of damage, which Mark Harrigan and Sophie could easily convert into three cards drawn and six bonus points to various skill checks, but the card can absorb the damage that his allies would otherwise take."
I guess it all comes down to how you parse that section. I can see your side, but also the other as well. Have to keep in mind that these preview articles aren't written by the design team, so they're susceptible to rules mistakes.
Saw you're in the UK. Looks like there's a subscription service similar to what we have here with Team Covenant. Might be worth checking out?
Orcs nest had a bunch of expansions when I was in there the other week (London)
Saw you're in the UK. Looks like there's a subscription service similar to what we have here with Team Covenant. Might be worth checking out?
The FFG sleeves are really good too.
That gameworld subscription service is actually kinda insane. They don't put up the costs each month whether they are sending out small packs or the deluxe expansions so you can potentially get the big Carcosa box for just under £13. Although you can't start a new sub on the month a big expansion comes out so if you want that you have to basically have a sub a month early and get Lost in Time and Space too. It is weirdly perfect for me, although I keep reading the small print expecting some kind of hidden trick, it sounds too good to be true.
Question, do you guys think it's possible to have a three-four player game at this point with only one core set and all of dunwich and it's mythos packs? Or would you still need additional cards from the core set?
Yes, but don't..Question, do you guys think it's possible to have a three-four player game at this point with only one core set and all of dunwich and it's mythos packs? Or would you still need additional cards from the core set?
Question, do you guys think it's possible to have a three-four player game at this point with only one core set and all of dunwich and it's mythos packs? Or would you still need additional cards from the core set?
Worse come to worse, you can either give one copy of the card to each player, or restrict to say deck1 two copies, deck two 1 copy, deck three one copy, deck four zero copies..Thanks for the replies everyone. Kind of a bummer, but it is what it is.
Apologies for the photo quality -- this sellotape on the backside of my phone does the camera no favours.
First full day on a week-long vacation in Gran Canaria. While others went to the beach, I'd made some excuses and instead...
Quite a few funny looks from folk (curious, not sneering). And those cards got real damn hot by the end.
(Also, I won!)
Nice man!Apologies for the photo quality -- this sellotape on the backside of my phone does the camera no favours.
First full day on a week-long vacation in Gran Canaria. While others went to the beach, I'd made some excuses and instead...
Quite a few funny looks from folk (curious, not sneering). And those cards got real damn hot by the end.
(Also, I won!)
Side topic.. I have elde sign and I need to put sleeves on the elder sign tarot card..
I Cannot find mayday tarot card 70x122, nor ultra pro (I've found them, get them shipped and they got lost... seller gave me a full refund luckily)..
Any other sleeve brand that will fit those? Ffg sleeping for the whole game would cost me almost as the game +2 expansions...
Docsmagic were the only available ones..
This is about as much detail as you're going regarding sleeves. I have no idea what's available where you're at, but that's pretty much everything that will work.
That's highly doubtful, unless the game design requires them (such as Mystic Vale). There is a sizable portion of the board gaming community that detest sleeves. A publisher putting them in the box will increase the cost of the product, and add something that will not be used by a lot of people, thus generating negative publicity. For us sleevers, it's just something we have to suck up and realize that we're going to be adding 50+% to our purchases a lot of the time.One day, producer will add to the game the sleeves.. one day..
You know all the monsters that are engaged with you follow you with Shortcut, right? Since it's fast, at least you don't take attacks of opportunity. Funny thinking about you grabbing all the enemies to run off and blow yourself up. Zoey: Suicide Bomber.AstroLad I could do a Taunt>Shortcut>Dynamite Blast combo(among other reasons).
You know all the monsters that are engaged with you follow you with Shortcut, right? Since it's fast, at least you don't take attacks of opportunity. Funny thinking about you grabbing all the enemies to run off and blow yourself up. Zoey: Suicide Bomber.
You lucky dude...Nice noaloha...reminds me of playing star wars destiny with my wife and kids at Aulani. There's always time for board games!![]()
do you actually need 2x each xpac pack to handle stuff correctly?We just built four characters for another Dunwich runthrough. Going with Agnes, Daisy, Rex, and Zoey. So two new and two classic for us. Thankfully I have four core sets and 2x each expansion so the only card we were short on was Shortcut (b/c I selfishly splashed it into my Zoey so I could do a Taunt>Shortcut>Dynamite Blast combo(among other reasons)
don't..It's the little events like that within the game that make me love it so much. My friend kinda wanted to start the scenario over and try again, since it was just the start of the campaign and I'm going to have a physical trauma moving forward, but I convinced him that we should just keep going. I think we'll be okay, and I just love the evolution of the story so much (even outside of just the resolutions) to re-do a scenario because we had a "bad run."
I might buy this next payday. Hope the 2 player experience is good.
Common rules error there: Act 2 has additional Objective: text with some requirements for advancing (unlike Act 1 that follows standard rules). You advanced Act 2 at the end of the investigation phase, applied its effects, then resolved an enemy phase immediately afterwards, which - as you noticed - is all sorts of ouch.
You have a location requirement and a timing requirement for Act 2. That required timing is at the very end of the round only, between upkeep and mythos. Essentially this means that, while the subsequent mythos phase will still add some random elements you can't necessarily plan for, you do first get your investigation phase to deal with that mythos and the effect of Act 2's resolution.