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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


So ? Do you expect the 360 version to look worse or something ?

For fuck's sake the visuals differences between the PS3-360 versions have always been insignificant, (AssCreed one being a notable exception).
Ok, perhaps screen tearing issues aside but that's not going to show in screenshots very often.

Judging from the screen posted : yes - I know that there were no big differences in the past but that doesn't automatically mean the same for AC3
Judging from the screen posted : yes - I know that there were no big differences in the past but that doesn't automatically mean the same for AC3

I have the 360 version right here. It looks just fine, and the three screens posted is not representative.


Judging from the screen posted : yes - I know that there were no big differences in the past but that doesn't automatically mean the same for AC3

So you are basically implying that Ubi is going to release a noticeably inferior version in 2012 ?

The only time this happened was when AC 1 was released and you know as well as I do that the PS3 architecture was not easy to tame. Times have changed.

The two versions will look very similar, DF Face off will confirm it.


If anything one would expect the WiiU version to look that bad....
You know since it's a launch game and all
I just noticed the 6 hour tutorial shit. Why devs???

I hate casuals....

I really should clarify: By tutorial I mean that the game is giving you new gameplay mechanics throughout the six hours.

By hour 1 you will have the same arsenal of moves, tools and things to do as you will in hour six when the game truly opens up and just lets you go at it. It's a slow starter, nothing else.

My main issue with it was with Boston the city, as in the beginning the city hasn't been built completely, so it's a bit empty and later on more buildings and places are being added as they are being built.


They greyed out the American flag and everything else in the background. I wonder if that will be the same in the rest of Europe.

That´s the special edition box-art, the standard edition will be the same as everywhere else (except Japan, I think they went crazy with the saturation on that one?)


I really should clarify: By tutorial I mean that the game is giving you new gameplay mechanics throughout the six hours.

By hour 1 you will have the same arsenal of moves, tools and things to do as you will in hour six when the game truly opens up and just lets you go at it. It's a slow starter, nothing else.

My main issue with it was with Boston the city, as in the beginning the city hasn't been built completely, so it's a bit empty and later on more buildings and places are being added as they are being built.

From what I remember that's pretty much the way Assassin's Creed 2 was, right?
I read it.

Most of it. Most of it contained information I already knew. However it's nice for anyone who's like "what's this game about? Tell me everything"

it's there for people. I'm all for more info available than less.

I made this one as short as I could for exactly that reason. This quote from Amir0x in the Dishonored thread sums it up:

Short, to the point, very attractive but just enough information to entice the reader to look into the game further if they're so inclined.

I'm not gonna write a fucking novel only two people are gonna read, and then have the rest of the thread be 90% people asking stuff that's already in there. I have better things to do than that. My Skyrim and ME3-OT's were a lot more text-heavy, and most people never bothered reading them, either. So I went for style over substance. Short, attractive and to the point.

From what I remember that's pretty much the way Assassin's Creed 2 was, right?

The game actually only taught you that 'Climb Leap'-move later on in the game.


I'm not gonna write a fucking novel only two people are gonna read, and then have the rest of the thread be 90% people asking stuff that's already in there. I have better things to do than that. My Skyrim and ME3-OT's were a lot more text-heavy, and most people never bothered reading them, either. So I went for style over substance. Short, attractive and to the point.
This man I would follow into battle.
Playing 360 version now, looking very good so far i take this shot
The game looks worse than Revelations on 360, I'm not sure if it's the textures or what, but it looks less sharp among other things, and I played Revelations two days ago, I'm not talking from my memory.
Warning to people trying to avoid spoilers all they can...I would advice against even attempting to look at anything related to the game now until release. HUGE things are getting spoiled on message boards and youtube video comments from people who are playing the game early.

Seriously....media blackout.


So I am not sure if anyone is allowed to talk about this but how is the story (without spoiling anything)? I play games mainly for story and gameplay, but story first and foremost. The AC games are probably my favorite new series this generation. I have already double dipped and preordered the PS3 gold version, and the Digital Deluxe version for PC. I loved the story in the previous games (especially AC2), and am excited about the story possibilities.

Couple other questions:

How are the PS3 exclusive missions?

How is the Myan Ruins misssion?

Is there screen tearing in the PS3 version?

Also to anyone like me who has only played the games and not read the books or comics, and never downloaded the DLC missions for Revelations there is a great guide to the lore leading up to AC3 at the link below. Obviously spoilers if you haven't played previous games/read the books/comics.

I find this very hard to believe.

You can believe whatever you want but I played Revelations again some days ago and I'm playing right now ACIII on the 360, same settings, same tv, same VGA cable, and Revelations looks more sharp, I'm not saying that ACIII it's worst in the graphic department, maybe it has something to do with the colour palette, I don't know but it looks less sharp when you are outdoors.
You can believe whatever you want but I played Revelations again some days ago and I'm playing right now ACIII on the 360, same settings, same tv, same VGA cable, and Revelations looks more sharp, I'm not saying that ACIII it's worst in the graphic department, maybe it has something to do with the colour palette, I don't know but it looks less sharp when you are outdoors.

How far are you? Personally I felt the game goes from "meeeeh" to "pretty" around sequence 5 and 6.


Playing 360 version noe, looking very good so far i take this shot

I see that the money in Connor's pocket is demoninated in pounds. I wonder if, when the story reaches 1775, the game will switch over to the notorious Continental currency which rapidly lost its value to inflation, and had different values in different states.

It might make for a fun economy minigame to manage that; Connor would have to stock up on durable goods rather than depreciating paper.

I'm fascinated by how games use currency; in AC2, few people today really know what a florin was worth (it's between $50 and $150 today, using figures from Hibbert's Medici adjusted for inflation since his time) or an akçe (70¢ to a dollar; I forget where I read this), so you can have items selling for what are completely nonsensical prices if you bother to calculate them. (Some of Ezio's weapons would convert to millions of dollars!)

But with Revolution-era pounds, people pretty much know what they're worth. (A recent biography of Benjamin Franklin offered the following rough conversions to post-inflationary early-21st-century fiat money: £1 then bought you what £70 does now, and one founding US dollar being $19 now.)

I hope the prices of the stuff you buy and sell are realistic. They strive for period realism in lots of other areas, and it can be really educational; hopefully they'll do that with money, too.
Warning to people trying to avoid spoilers all they can...I would advice against even attempting to look at anything related to the game now until release. HUGE things are getting spoiled on message boards and youtube video comments from people who are playing the game early.

Seriously....media blackout.

Thanks for the warning. Avoiding youtube videos for the next month lol.

Guess it's a good thing the PC version is delayed.. These graphics freak-outs are kinda entertaining.
Thanks for the warning. Avoiding youtube videos for the next month lol.

Guess it's a good thing the PC version is delayed.. These graphics freak-outs are kinda entertaining.

Wish my PC wasn't broke right now. I bought ACR on PC and it was beautiful. I've never had any issues with the PS3 version of any AC title outside it being inferior to PC.


Gold Member
I just pray to god that the game isn't segmented as Desmond - kid Connor - Desmond - Adult Connor - Adult Connor goes Sailing - Desmond - Connor finally becomes a fucking assassin and I can actually start assassinating people.
I just pray to god that the game isn't segmented as Desmond - kid Connor - Desmond - Adult Connor - Adult Connor goes Sailing - Desmond - Connor finally becomes a fucking assassin and I can actually start assassinating people.

You will be assassinating dudes from the get go.

4 minutes into the game? seriously? XD

i dont,different team,different engine,this is not the first time this happened

It's a spoiler who you play as apart from Connor. It's something Ubisoft deliberately have not been talking about for a very specific reason.
You will be assassinating dudes from the get go.

It's a spoiler who you play as apart from Connor. It's something Ubisoft deliberately have not been talking about for a very specific reason.

have u played the game?,because at the moment of the photo is just a no named character on a opera,just that
Can anyone with the 360 version confirm that disc 1 is not required at all for multiplayer? I plan on renting the SP disc from Redbox and buying the MP disc for dirt cheap on eBay. I got my level 50 MP from Brotherhood and ready to rock another 50 levels.


Gamestop Hamburg also has the game in stock. Go german folk :)
The game is pretty great, reminds me of Assassins Creed 2, but of course it's another setting.


I like all the people doing comparisons between previous AC's on 360 and PS3 have seem to forgotten that AC2 was inferior on PS3. Frame drops and screen tearing all over the place.
I like all the people doing comparisons between previous AC's on 360 and PS3 have seem to forgotten that AC2 was inferior on PS3. Frame drops and screen tearing all over the place.

well some spanishs dudes have the two versions and they like the ps3 version more

i will post their impressions on spanish

El AC3 que he jugado es original y estaba instalado en el HDD...Más que a mi me jode no le jode a nadie,puesto que mi plataforma principal es Xbox360 y es donde más a gusto estoy...de hecho, si no fuera por haberlo probado hoy por la mañana,esta tarde me habría comprado la version de xbox...pero si tengo las dos consolas ¿porque mentirme? ¿porque mentir?

Ha sido probar primero la versión de Xbox360 y después la de PS3...y en cuanto rendimiento HAY BASTANTE DIFERENCIA...me he ido a las zonas de campo abierto y que quereís que os diga,el popping es tan exagerado que algunos NPCS aparecen y desaparecen en tu puta cara,texturas planas que ha medida que te acercas van poniendose "correctamente",ausencia rídicula de vegetación,distancia de dibujado penosa (te subes a una atalaya y los edificios pierden POR COMPLETO el texturizado, adquiriendo un aspecto "plasticoso" y no precisamente agradable a la vista).Mencionar,de nuevo, la falta de vegetación: RÍDICULA.Parece las praderas de una sabána

Cuando vas tranquilo, la tasa de frames es decente pero NO CONSTANTE,pero cuando armas jaleo y se juntan cuatro o cinco guardias, es DIRECTAMENTE PARA DEVOLVER EL JUEGO.Lo que dicen por ahí de luchar a camara lenta es quedarse corto...

-Después de esta decepción,me dispuse a probar la versión PS3 en la misma zona de juego...y para mí en cuanto a rendimiento le da sopas con ondas a la versión xbox360:
No he visto popping de personas que se desaparecen(si algunos arbustos),ni tampoco edificios plasticosos y la distancia de dibujado es MAYOR.Tase de frames MUCHO más constante,super fluido incluso en las peleas,donde si baja algo no es ni parecido a lo que ocurre en xbox...Y para mi algo a destacar:Existe vegetación y bastante,en comparación con la versión xbox360 parece un parque botánico.

A los que decíis que si no hay que ser tan tiquismiquis , que si que putilla gráfica:
Yo no me considero una putilla gráfica y he descartado la versión xbox360 porque EN COMPARACIÓN con ps3 DA PENA.Si fueran unos pocos dientes de sierra,si fueran unas sombras menos pronunciadas...pero joder,por poner uno de los múltiples defectos,es que el juego en algunos momentos se hace INJUGABLE porque va a parones en las peleas..Eso es algo que te afecta en la jugabilidad si o si,por lo que costando 70 napos, es para atizar a Ubi hasta en el carnet de identidad.-

in a nutshell

the poster is a xbox player and played both versions,more pop up and worse framerate and draw distance on the xbox version he says is very noticeable on the 360
I may rent the single player PS3 version and buy the 360 online version. Unless there are features tied to the save files of the older games. I just don't play my PS3 enough and my buddy said he played Brotherhood on PS3 and didn't notice any huge difference after playing AC1 and AC2 on 360.


What kind of twilight zone world am I living in where the 360 version has those problems and the PS3 version is the clean one? lol

I really should clarify: By tutorial I mean that the game is giving you new gameplay mechanics throughout the six hours.

By hour 1 you will have the same arsenal of moves, tools and things to do as you will in hour six when the game truly opens up and just lets you go at it. It's a slow starter, nothing else.

My main issue with it was with Boston the city, as in the beginning the city hasn't been built completely, so it's a bit empty and later on more buildings and places are being added as they are being built.

I'm at a point where I've played thousands of games in my life so any mandatory tutorial at all in these games is a chore for me to go through. A lot of them like to stretch their tutorials out for hours at a time, slowly easing the player in to the game. I'm playing Assassin's Creed 3 not Crusader Kings 2, I could manage with no tutorial at all. Don't mind me though I'm just expressing my frustration with games in general.


I'm glad I didn't look at that screenshot more closely. This is why I stay out of OT's before the release date. People get the game early and start telling and showing everything without apparently thinking they're doing so.
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