
Come on wwe shop
Seriously don't understand why they don't have a vintage collection
I heard Reigns got hit with a toy briefcase at a house show. The video doesn't show it though. Still, Reigns just sits in the corner while Bray Wyatt stands around... What has This Business come to? I was supporting the revamped Reigns but if he's gonna get shown up by a fan he's doomed. He'll probably never reach main event status, let alone the WWE WHC. What a shame.
Nothing is sadder than when Douglas tried to start an ECDUB chant on Raw a while back.
Come on wwe shop
Seriously don't understand why they don't have a vintage collection
Heh heh hehMy dad called him "Squid" Justice because he was a Hogan guy.
You didn't hear about that? It was hilarious!Do what now?
For realz.
Will Cena wear a mask!Very excited for Tough Enough tonight.
There's nothing hypocritical about judging a wrestler's appearance, since that's probably the most important part of being a WWE wrestler.I dunno sounds like the KO haters are being hypocŕiical and projecting to me.
Imagine if the yes movement was supported by Douglas. All the hardcore garbage wrestling fans would jump on it!The yes movement WISHES it could spread like this
Do what now?
For realz.
Sid's dong looks really weird on that shirt.
Oh, man. That made me sad. Haha...
Well I wasn't going to be the one to say it...
Looks like we have free reign to make fun of cm punk
I dont really have a comment on it. Like I said, though, stuff that you say can come back and bite you in the a**. Everybody gets what they deserve in the world. Hopefully he issued a sincere apology and we can all move on from it.
We all have said stupid things, and I dont think you should judge somebody on what they said a long time ago. But some of the stuff is harsher than other things. It is what it is.
That kid kicks better than Daniel Bryan! Taller too!
I just realized you bastards no-sold my post about Mongo. D:
Mongo's finisher was actually a tombstone.
They got most of the 1997 RAWs up quick. I stopped watching only a few months ago and they had the first three, now they are only missing one.
The beginning of 1997 is insane. There are no faces. There are lots of heels, some more heelish than others. Well, there's two faces in the upper mid card. Ahmed and...Goldust.
I'm pretty sure Taker was firmly in face territory around that time.
who is the elephant?
My brother went to this event. Managed to get a Two Sweet from one of them.
why is a gif that big?
:lol at the discussed replacement for Seth if Cena somehow isn't able to be cleared for Summerslam
The one scenario where people actually want Cena
ZZ is smart as fuck naming a HHH match as his favorite
Would have been smarter if he picked his Mania 30 match which was actually great and also included a now retired superstar that is judging him...
Apparently there is a NJPW collab with Sengoku Basara 4...
That Nakamura costume O_O
Who's the second guy? I only recognize Tanashi, Nakamura, and Okada costumes. The second one just seems generic.