AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


So, cricket eh? Aussies getting shafted? Anyone want to give me the deets on shit calls etc., or are you all too busy sitting on your Esky's to get to the keyboard to type something?
Need to stop eating so much food and drinking so much fuic. ;_;.

What's everyone up to on nye? I'm not sure yet, its a toss up between playing skyrim and zelda and drinkingbeer, or going down to see regurgitator at the corner hotel, in hawthorn or east melb I think. Anyone know what its like as a venue?
Regurgitator aren't great live, but they're not shit. They did play Kong Fu Sing, I Like Your Old Remix and ! though. Quan looks like a hipster now. I think he had long hair from memory... or short hair... or... something different from how I remember him.
It's to cause arguments, plain and simple. 11 cannot be divided evenly into any grouping.
It's in honour of Spinal Tap, you stupid fuck.

Also, everyone needs to go and fucking see Tintin. So fucking good. Like, classic Indy Jones good. Hell, it's more Indy that all Indy movies, save for Raiders and Last Crusade. And the screenplay is by Edgar Wright. And directed by Señor Spielbergo. With CGI by Weta, who have basically just made Pixar go back to the drawing board... not a single uncanny valley vibe throughout the whole flick. Nick Frost and Simon Pegg are in it as well, as
Thomson and Thompson
(spoilered in case you wanted to see who they were in the movie yourselves) and are fucking perfect in their roles. 3D is also not at all overdone either and manages to be immersive without being overdone (except for once scene, guess which one!). I'd actually say Weta have this 3D thing mastered now, after being a bit disappointed with the implementation in Avatar.

So yeah. See it, fuckers.


Thought the 3D was meh and didn't really add anything. Otherwise great movie though, except some of the capture looks a bit janky to me. Really entertaining.


I want a tag give me a tag
Regurgitator aren't great live, but they're not shit. They did play Kong Fu Sing, I Like Your Old Remix and ! though. Quan looks like a hipster now. I think he had long hair from memory... or short hair... or... something different from how I remember him.
Seen them live near a dozen times, and quans solo show 2 or 3 times :)

They are plenty wonderful and fun live!


Thought the 3D was meh and didn't really add anything. Otherwise great movie though, except some of the capture looks a bit janky to me. Really entertaining.
Well, I think the idea is that it's not overdone which is why it was awesome. Fuck 3D movies that shove it in your face as if it has to be obvious.

Seen them live near a dozen times, and quans solo show 2 or 3 times :)

They are plenty wonderful and fun live!
Recently or when they were first big (circa Unit)? This is going back about 6 months or so. I mean, they were far from shit, but they weren't zomgamazing.


I want a tag give me a tag
Well, I think the idea is that it's not overdone which is why it was awesome. Fuck 3D movies that shove it in your face as if it has to be obvious.

Recently or when they were first big (circa Unit)? This is going back about 6 months or so. I mean, they were far from shit, but they weren't zomgamazing.

Spacing from around 2001 - their show in melb about 2 or so months ago :) were still highly enjoyable then, no flash just lots of songsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsong
You kPOP guys actually follow the Indian cricket team or is it just a case of schadenfreude?

Don't remember chatting with you guys about the England Vs. India test series.

EDIT: Also Google Shopping seems like it could be incredibly handy once they get all the kinks worked out.


You kPOP guys actually follow the Indian cricket team or is it just a case of schadenfreude?

I've watched and adored the Indian team for about 8 years. Before that I'd paid attention but not seriously.

I love anybody who smacks the Australians around, admittedly. Except for Saffers.


EDIT: Also Google Shopping seems like it could be incredibly handy once they get all the kinks worked out.
Having a quick look, it's basically like one of those Getprice/Static Ice (♫One of these things is not like the other♫) things but by Google?

Started sorting out my Steam list today, basically into "Unbacklog" and the rest. Fucking hell, those Telltale games take up a lot of useless real estate in that list.

So these days you love every team?
Hey. You've been basically ignoring me all day. What's going on? All my insults seem to roll off and not affected you at all. Asshole.


Hey, while I'm at it... anyone here doing that coal thing on Steam? Anyone want 3 bits? Jase? Will it get you talking to me again as a token of my... something?


Finished with Forrest Gump. That was a good movie. It really played the whole "remember this" trope well. Also if you cried at the end of Red Dog you'll cry at this.

I feel sorry for the people credited in the movie as "Fat Boy" or "Fat Teen".
Hey. You've been basically ignoring me all day. What's going on? All my insults seem to roll off and not affected you at all. Asshole.
Oh, they were meant to be insults? Well... good for you.

Hey, while I'm at it... anyone here doing that coal thing on Steam? Anyone want 3 bits? Jase? Will it get you talking to me again as a token of my... something?
To be honest, I've not really been doing the coal thing. I've got 2 pieces of coal and a useless coupon, all for doing normal things. Having a wishlist. Seeing what coupon that gave me by visiting my inventory. I did join a group for an additional chance, so I guess I have whored myself out somewhat for this competition.

I do have a few of the games that have achievements linked to the daily goals but I haven't attempted any of them. As much as I can be an achievement whore at times I'd rather my first impression of a game be trying to get a random prize.

Apart from anything else, I do not think I need any further prices of coal for this competition. I am certain that I'll win this competition; the universe will see to this, I am certain. The reason why I am certain of this is because the universe hates me, much like you do. It would be horrible to own every game on Steam and, because of my paltry internet capabilities, not be able to download most of them.

So, you see, it amuses me that a large number of people are working hard for coal, knowing that I've already won.

Add me on Steam, you bastard. Also, if someone could invite me into the AusGAF group it would be much appreciated.

Everyone else should add me on Steam, too. Planet_JASE


but ever so delicious
Finished with Forrest Gump. That was a good movie. It really played the whole "remember this" trope well. Also if you cried at the end of Red Dog you'll cry at this.

I feel sorry for the people credited in the movie as "Fat Boy" or "Fat Teen".

You only just watched Gump for the first time?

Finished with Forrest Gump. That was a good movie. It really played the whole "remember this" trope well. Also if you cried at the end of Red Dog you'll cry at this.

I feel sorry for the people credited in the movie as "Fat Boy" or "Fat Teen".

People cried at the end of Red Dog?


Well, anyone else interested in my coal? There must be a few folks here that are doing that coal gathering thing. I don't think you can give them away though, can you... just trade? If that's the case, trade the crappiest voucher for them if you like.

Just doing the

Oh hey, is that that nerd from Something Awful on Survivor? Oh, and Mike and Molly is shit. Last time I turn on the TV because a mate said a guy from Blade Runner was on TV.



just got home, started up gaf and this popped up....


I think damn near everyone I spoke to about Red Dog said they cried or at least had their "allergies" flare up during it.

On an unrelated note (about which there is already a thread), what a horrible representative for a company this is.
Nice choice. I went through a Chan/Hung/Bio (mainly Golden Harvest era stuff) rewatch of my stuff a little while back. No action movies come close to having the physicality that those three had back in the day.
Posting from my parents new computer. Yay.

I asked last time but I have a horrible memory, what is that site where you can do through a checklist of programs to install? Sorry I forgot again.
Also I already saw Red Dog and it was okay. Australian movies make me uncomfortable though so I was too uneasy to get upset. Also Forrest Gump was so good back in the day.

Such an awesome read. Can't spell Ocean without EA, incidentally. Boycott mode activated.

It is the PR company who are fuckwits, the product developers are completely different. Hopefully they can wiseup and stop using a moron and find someone who actually pushes the device for what it really is. Anyone who believes it will let them mess up No0bs is not thinking straight. Should be marketed as it was originally devised.


No doubt the PR company are fuckwits, but as with godaddy's example, companies need to take the medicine for continuing to do bad business even through third parties.

No excuses.
Well, anyone else interested in my coal? There must be a few folks here that are doing that coal gathering thing. I don't think you can give them away though, can you... just trade? If that's the case, trade the crappiest voucher for them if you like.

Just doing the

Oh hey, is that that nerd from Something Awful on Survivor? Oh, and Mike and Molly is shit. Last time I turn on the TV because a mate said a guy from Blade Runner was on TV.

i will take your coal if you dont mind.
steam id is


Nice choice. I went through a Chan/Hung/Bio (mainly Golden Harvest era stuff) rewatch of my stuff a little while back. No action movies come close to having the physicality that those three had back in the day.
I scored this (by request) for Christmas, on the mention of some pop-culture superfreak I follow on Twitter. Dubbed and subbed versions of every movie, most even have two discs to allow for a high-bitrate encode plus extras.

Doesn't quite have all the movies I want, but they tend to be less well-regarded than the big ones in that pack. For instance, Twin Dragons (with that scene in the car testing factory... so awesome) and Winners and Sinners (that really isn't a JC movie, more a Sammo Hung movie).

I actually had a full-on nostalgiafest with the dude over Twitter, recalling Saturday nights spent at home in our youth watching the cult movie night on SBS. Jackie Chan month or week or quarter or whatever was the shit. So many VHS tapes used, and all in glorious yellow-tinted, subtitled glory. It spoiled me and turned me into the sub-only elitist you see before you.

Too fucking hard to find any obscure titles to either buy or download shadily on the internet. Always a roll of the dice whether it's dodgy-dubbed or not.

Anyway. I think I just inadvertently, disappointingly blew my brother's (and my) mind. I wanted to look up the model of his plasma because I didn't mind it, and it turns out he has a 1024x768 one. Whoops!

Actually. GAF. On that note, plasma or LCD for gaming? If so, which brand? Only want a 42" but I figure this time of year is the best time to get one. Don't want to spend too much but obviously want the best quality ever because I'm awesome.


i will take your coal if you dont mind.
steam id is
Can do!

Is it advisable to do it now or should we hold off until I get more? What are the chances I'll get more if I don't do shit until the comp ends? Because you could have those coals too. Unless you want them now. Don't care, really!
Can do!

Is it advisable to do it now or should we hold off until I get more? What are the chances I'll get more if I don't do shit until the comp ends? Because you could have those coals too. Unless you want them now. Don't care, really!
thanks for the coals.

whoa does that thing really do what i think it does. are they the newest releases too?
that would save so much time.


Seems I'm destined not to have Bulletstorm. Asked about 6 times but no responses. Oh well, saves me five (or is that 18?) bucks.

I finally finished Skyward Sword. Good game, but with a few foibles that so easily could have been erased. Also, was very disappointed that (don't read or quote if you don't wanna know stuff)
Link didn't get to hook up with Zelda. WTF. But I like how the goofy as hell Imprisoned became a really awesome badarse bushido character design.


Blistering barnacles, Tintin was pretty damn awesome!

Also, Amazon gave me a $5 voucher for spending 3 bucks on Dungeon Defenders


Fuck no. My eyes glaze over every time these knobjockeys discuss the latest ball-sweltering move by the ICF or the Indians or the ashpeople or whatever the fuck they're talking about.
Which one are you using? I finally have my BR/DVD Soniq up and running, remote was shit but setting up the Harmony to control it works beautifully. Still working out the optimal upscale/motion optimisation settings. Have to say though, Armor of God has never looked better!

Just bought a second blu-ray player, Toshiba BDX1200KY.
Very basic but region-free goodness is good.

I think damn near everyone I spoke to about Red Dog said they cried or at least had their "allergies" flare up during it.

Hmph. Didn't notice any such thing when I saw it.
I was pretty unimpressed by Red Dog. I hope its success doesn't lead to a sudden production of more true blue fair dinkum Aussie films. I recall someone saying it was a sad state of affairs that you had to write a depressing, harrowing story to get Australian film grants but I'd prefer 100 more Samson & Delilah's than more variations of Red Dog.

Is it un-Australian if I don't care for cricket?

Using un-Australian is un-Australian. Clubs Australia, fuck off we're full.
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