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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Yo why you guys hate whales?
Based on the people that support it, it's the environmental equivalent of Scientology.

I'm sorry dude, but what the hell do you even EAT lol.
Me? At the moment? Way too much sugar. And starch. And... well, basically carbs ie. fell off the wagon around the time Geelong won the AFL GF, haven't jumped back on since.
Back when I was doing it heavily though... shitloads of steak, chicken, caesar salad (minus most of the dressing and all the croutons), eggs, bacon, protein shakes, tuna, aforementioned Nando's wraps, KFC nuggets, almonds, water, cauli with cheese, broccoli with cheese, cheese, salami, butcher-made beef jerky, cheeseburgers (minus the bun), omelettes... that's about it.


Based on the people that support it, it's the environmental equivalent of Scientology.

Me? At the moment? Way too much sugar. And starch. And... well, basically carbs ie. fell off the wagon around the time Geelong won the AFL GF, haven't jumped back on since.
Back when I was doing it heavily though... shitloads of steak, chicken, caesar salad (minus most of the dressing and all the croutons), eggs, bacon, protein shakes, tuna, aforementioned Nando's wraps, KFC nuggets, almonds, water, cauli with cheese, broccoli with cheese, cheese, salami, butcher-made beef jerky, cheeseburgers (minus the bun), omelettes... that's about it.

Is that actually good for you? Seems very...meaty.


I seriously couldn't do a diet like that, mostly due to a lack of desire / self control and also the fact I really fucking like variety in my diet.

I just attempt to largely eat heathily, drink plenty of water, not too many sugary drinks / snack foods / bad take away and leave it at that. Sometimes I wonder if a lot of people over complicate the whole 'what should I eat' thing.


I seriously couldn't do a diet like that, mostly due to a lack of desire / self control and also the fact I really fucking like variety in my diet.

I just attempt to largely eat heathily, drink plenty of water, not too many sugary drinks / snack foods / bad take away and leave it at that. Sometimes I wonder if a lot of people over complicate the whole 'what should I eat' thing.

I agree.

I think it's relatively simple; you intake less energy than you expend, you lose weight. That's basically what I'm trying to do now. I'll eat relatively healthy meals and snacks whilst doing regular exercise (I've chosen cycling).


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't really understand the point of a diet unless you're grossly overweight, have serious health issues, or are allergic to something.

Otherwise 'dieting' should instead be simply revising your nutritional values, exercise and eating habits towards something that nurtures a consistently healthy metabolism. Changing your diet as opposed to 'going on a diet', or whatever. You can still eat crap, drink booze, and be a slob every once in awhile and be fit, healthy and good looking as long as you don't overindulge and outweigh the good with the bad.

That to me seems to be the biggest problem. Stop consistently eating junk, mix up your diet with more alternatives, and regular exercise. You should be fine, and still get to enjoy potatoes, cake and beer.


I just attempt to avoid carbs when possible. I guess if I get more nuts, cheese and cabrinossi I'll snack less on carby/sugary stuff.

I don't stop eating stuff I like, I just don't eat it as often. 's a lifestyle change, not a sudden detox.

The sugary drinks stuff is for serious though. After a week I actually found them kind of disgusting. Not to mention they do terrible, terrible things to my stomach, especially if I don't get the chance to walk it off.


The sugary drinks stuff is for serious though. After a week I actually found them kind of disgusting. Not to mention they do terrible, terrible things to my stomach, especially if I don't get the chance to walk it off.

That's good man, they are disgusting. Once I stopped drinking them, I couldn't go back either. I'll just drink water all day, can't get enough of it. I will treat myself to a Sars once a fortnight or so as I could never give that up forever.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
This is worse than cricket chat.

You're right. I'm going to go order a pizza and grab some beer and get heinously drunk on a weeknight and call women and cry to them over the phone. Then update my facebook with passive aggressive messages.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
There is no joke. Just my usual Wednesday night.


This is worse than cricket chat. Because cricket chat is FUCKING AWESOME. Bring on Friday.

Better than K-Pop chat

I agree with the second sentiment completely. Cricket bores me, but I am going to watch Australia V India T20 next month.

The real fun will be when Rugby League season starts. I will make comments and no one else will say anything because I don't know where Sutton Dagger went.


Better than K-Pop chat



I assume K-Pop chat is comprised entirely out of an arcane series of gifs, much like Chinese Characters or Kanji except all of the pictograms are moving.


Whoa jint, you're dieting? I thought you were in pretty good shape when I met you!

I'm like 174ish and low 50s. Always been a skinny guy growing up. Maybe because I eat more fish/veges than red meat.

Also, picked up my new glasses today. Apparently I now look like a hipster/dick head lol!


Whoa jint, you're dieting? I thought you were in pretty good shape when I met you!

I'm like 174ish and low 50s. Always been a skinny guy growing up. Maybe because I eat more fish/veges than red meat.

Also, picked up my new glasses today. Apparently I now look like a hipster/dick head lol!

's not dieting, 's eating healthier!


You cut carbs for weight loss, not to eat healthier. There's nothing inherently wrong with them if you're burning off what you take in.


I'm not yet, so it's easier to cut the carbs to maintain this weight right now. Though depending on whether I can stick to the running schedule, I can probably eat more potatos.

Potatos are delicious.


You cut carbs for weight loss, not to eat healthier. There's nothing inherently wrong with them if you're burning off what you take in.

That's right. Carbs are meant for energy that your body can quickly access. Carbs that go unused do turn to fat, which is why you don't eat them to excess, just like any other food type.


You guys don't get it. If telstras tot demand exclusivity its illegal. If tls says you have us exclusive or you don't get us those terms would be smacked by the acc

If jb voluntarily offered to not have tls competitors that's different


You guys don't get it. If telstras tot demand exclusivity its illegal. If tls says you have us exclusive or you don't get us those terms would be smacked by the acc

If jb voluntarily offered to not have tls competitors that's different

Can Telstra legally offer an optional incentive not to stock others' products?


I don't see why not. I'm sure it's just restraint of trade terms that would be illegal. Incentives fall outside that domain, so that sounds alright.


rugby league chat is the worst because half the country doesn't know what the hell is going on.

at least cricket and afl is a national sport :D


Grey area but legal under current law. It comes up for review every so often though and there is a limit to the incentives allowed


rugby league chat is the worst because half the country doesn't know what the hell is going on.

at least cricket and afl is a national sport :D

only because the afl say it is their national game :p

Also, by that logic, the a-league must be amazing, it is international ;)


Now the last remnants of that effort have been undone, with The Project moving forward another half hour to 6pm to compete directly with the other commercial news programs, while Ten News at Five returns to a 60-minute format. The Project will also begin a regular 30-minute Sunday night episode.

In a statement, Ten's chief programming officer, David Mott, said: "Being true to our brand, I couldn't think of a better way to start prime time than with The Project. Their innovative style in presenting the news of the day, broader stories and fierce and funny debate has been a refreshing alternative to the competition's traditional news and current affairs hour and in keeping with the irreverence Ten is known for.

"The Project has already made significant headway in building our news hour audience with its recent shift to 6.30pm and this final move of 6pm to 7pm, led by Carrie, Charlie and Dave, will firm up the show's place as a true contemporary alternative news offering."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment...the-project-20120111-1pumh.html#ixzz1j7q020UM

Haven't watched commercial tv in about three or four years, but these knobheads shouldn't be in charge of anything.


Lol. Ffs.

why lol?

let me give you an example of an illegal incentive.

'We will give you a 75% discount on all stock if you never stock competitor or competitor branded products'

i mean that wouldn't be smart for the distributor for 1 but also its an offer that completely shuts down the competition full stop. Therefore deemed anti competive.

the problem is JB Hi Fis public response that they sent out (and they say differently outside of public) is that its telstras fault they can't hold the 3G Vita.

So that implies the terms of trade means they cannot, which implies Telstra is breaking the law. Telstra hasn't exactly come out and said thats wrong so therefore everyone now thinks telstras terms are illegal (in the retail industry who reads and knows about it anyway)

its probably a case that JB is on a very good wicket wtih Telstra and they dont want to fuck it up in anyway. That's fine.

But don't come out and blame it on telstra when in reality its you making a decision to not stock based on the fact you stock telstra gear.

and fwiw the Vodafone deal was struck in Europe and because vodafone is here, piggy backed.

and for those saying take the sim out? uh why. That is actually to a customers detriment. Vodafone is going to offer some very good vita data deals and if they can activate it online after purchase straight away, its a good consumer experience

By saying the sim should go means you are bowing to corporate Australia and actually making it harder for a customer to activate the online services. Not everyone will go with voda fine, but why punish those who want to and do it quickly (especially once you see voda vita pricing) because some retailer has a tanty because they don't want to fuck up a relationship with Telstra?

Way to be on the customers side guys.......


lol @ Salazar. Talked a big game before the series, but now India have proven to be laughable, you don't want to talk about cricket any more? For shame.

I have to cut out all that if I was to go low-carb? Screw that! And 20g of carbs? There's double that in a cup of basmati rice...

I don't need to lose weight anyway but I do want to tone up and lose the small beer gut, just exercise more and eat better I guess.

God that sounds like a lot of work. Where's the beer?
I lost about 10 kilos by... not eating crap all the time, and exercising regularly. It's not too hard. You can splurge when you want to, but it all comes down to eating sensibly. Once you get to your ideal weight it's not really hard to maintain it eating whatever you like, as long as you don't overdo it constantly.


Low carb isn't the only way to lose weight. One thing that Lite'n'Easy has taught me is that my traditional meal sizes were just way too big. Eat until you're not hungry, not until your full and eat balanced and healthy. That seems to be the trick with L'n'E (which includes tons of carbs) and it's the only reason I've been able to stick to it for 6 months now.


why lol?

let me give you an example of an illegal incentive.

'We will give you a 75% discount on all stock if you never stock competitor or competitor branded products'

i mean that wouldn't be smart for the distributor for 1 but also its an offer that completely shuts down the competition full stop. Therefore deemed anti competive.

the problem is JB Hi Fis public response that they sent out (and they say differently outside of public) is that its telstras fault they can't hold the 3G Vita.

So that implies the terms of trade means they cannot, which implies Telstra is breaking the law. Telstra hasn't exactly come out and said thats wrong so therefore everyone now thinks telstras terms are illegal (in the retail industry who reads and knows about it anyway)

its probably a case that JB is on a very good wicket wtih Telstra and they dont want to fuck it up in anyway. That's fine.

But don't come out and blame it on telstra when in reality its you making a decision to not stock based on the fact you stock telstra gear.

and fwiw the Vodafone deal was struck in Europe and because vodafone is here, piggy backed.

and for those saying take the sim out? uh why. That is actually to a customers detriment. Vodafone is going to offer some very good vita data deals and if they can activate it online after purchase straight away, its a good consumer experience

By saying the sim should go means you are bowing to corporate Australia and actually making it harder for a customer to activate the online services. Not everyone will go with voda fine, but why punish those who want to and do it quickly (especially once you see voda vita pricing) because some retailer has a tanty because they don't want to fuck up a relationship with Telstra?

Way to be on the customers side guys.......

Is the deal illegal or not Choc?

You keep spouting about illegal ones, but the vita and jb thing you have no evidence, just your opinion.

Then in a later post you say grey area.

Which is it?


correct fred.

the way JB has said it i ntheir public voice it makes it sound illegal. That's all

I highly doubt Telstra has terms of trade like that, and for JB to make it sound like TLS does would piss TLS off a lot more than a 3G vita
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