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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Basically, no one knows if they did anything illegal, but if they did something illegal, it's illegal. If they didn't do something illegal, then it's legal.

That's right, but Choc wasn't saying that was he, he was just waffling about illegal agreements.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
and for those saying take the sim out? uh why.

Because stocking a competitors SIM may go against a long standing contractual obligation, for the same reason Samsung Galaxy phones are not sold with Optus SIMs, but instead Telstra. What a customer wants to do with Vodaphone and the Vita is completely irrelevant to what contracts and partnerships have been organised between JB HiFi and Telstra.

I don't doubt this is a grey area due to the Vita being a Sony product outside of Telco, but it seems to me that given the right legal loopholes and contractual obligations (which none of us know about) it makes perfect sense that a company would refrain from stocking SIM cards associated with a competitor.

You can argue until you're blue in the face that it's against customers rights and it sucks and Telstra are evil rarr rarr rarr but none of it matters if this is the contract agreed upon by both Telstra and JB HiFi when their partnership was formed. And if it's in paper, I fail to see how this is anything illegal at all.


Theorising yes.

and EatChildren if Telstra says to JB, you can't have our stuff IF you stock competitors. That is illegal.

if JB and Telstra came to an agreement and said ok well we will stock you only if you advertise for us, or if you give us a discount, or a better rate.

Thats fine. Thats business.

But if Telstra is in the business of demanding competitors not being stocked as part of their terms of trade, then the ACCC would pay them a visit.

basically Terms of trade detail the terms between a company and a retailer. Many companies have tried to abuse their terms of trade (and so have many retailers with smaller companies) and there are a number of TOT i am aware of that break the trade practices act. Doesn't make it right though.

I am not saying the tls jb one does, what i am saying is if you read what JB has said publically, it sounds like it does.

so you are saying its open slather? A large company can tell a retail you can't stock shit if you want our stuff. Whats to stop Apple saying you can't stock Microsoft product if you want our stuff? and through that Apple says no 360 and no 360 games thank you very much.

Nothing, except the law. If it was open slather, it would be fucking bananas and so wrong for consumers it wouldn't be funny.

TOT can be negotiated and if a company is dumb enough to a clearly illegal term thats their perogative. I am not saying there is illegal terms under telstra deals, im just saying JB saying 'we can't stock it because of telstra' makes it sound like their IS an illegal TOT in place.

If at the time of the deal telstra and jb said ok we'll be exclusive and telstra didnt strongarm, thats fine. If when it comes up for re-negotiation telstra says you don't get us unless you remain exclusive, that is NOT fine.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Right, so it's a question of the grand business agreement between Telstra and JB HiFi, which goes back very far and is basically impossible for us to know the details of. If Telstra muscled JB into taking only their products then yes, this is illegal. If a contract was drawn up between the two to organise an exclusive partnerships then no, it is not. As you're aware.

I don't really know where you can go from there. You, I and anybody can theorise all we like but without knowing the operation between JB and Telstra it's impossible to believe one side or the other. I know JB HiFi, just like Fone Zone, is considered a 'Telstra Partner'. And just like Fone Zone, this involves stocking only Telstra SIMs and plans. That is why I assume this isn't Telstra muscling in, but a contractual obligation between the two, one that would be resolved by not bundling Vodafone SIMs with the Vita 3G.
Low carb isn't the only way to lose weight. One thing that Lite'n'Easy has taught me is that my traditional meal sizes were just way too big.
That's exactly why I weigh out most of my meals now. Most of the time I'm not eating too much but if I'm starving when I serve up, I'll serve a much bigger portion.


So, SydGAF Boardgamers, what are we going to do for the board games thing? I think we can agree it has to be a weekend, right? We really need to work out stuff like starting time, duration, if you can host, transport arrangements (some people might need a lift for certain hosts) and anything else relevant. After we figure that out, we can get to picking a weekend.

Here's my information:

Availability: Weekends
Starting time: Anything reasonable
Preferred Duration: Anything up to 6 hrs really (or longer if we do movies and stuff)
Location if able to host: I could host with a table that seats 4-8 but only have 4 chairs. Randwick, and very close to bus stop.
Transport: I would need transport if chosen host isn't accessible by PT.
Phew. Start of exercise regime. Went for a family walk down to the lake, took around 2 hours and there were plenty of hills to push a damn pram up and down. Feel like Gumby. I was also whiney and needy and really dying for some chips so I get the impression the first stage of dieting is kicking in. Have been carrying a little extra blubber most of my life until I got my act together 4 years ago, while managing a Pizza place ironically.

I am 183cm tall (why don't you heathens use feet) and back before we found out we were having a baby I was around 60kg when I donated blood that time. Fast forward 2 years to the next to I give blood and I was 80kg. Weighed myself yesterday and I have hit 90kg. Bleh. My body just looks strange and lumpy. So unfit too.

Had Lamb Shank stew with carrots, broccoli, potato, diced tomatos and dipped croissants in the broth. Not quite low carb, heh. Won't go hardcore low carb but will cut out white bread and only have multigrain every now and then. Drinking a glass of OJ night and day should fill me up a bit too.

Or you could get a superior card from Team Green!
Hell yes, still tempted by the MSI 560Ti Hawk. Will wait and see on reviews for the NVIDIA midrange 6 series though.

Having gone from 135kg to 97kg last year and just see-sawing between 97 and 100 since the start of December, I truly envy you guys in the 70s...
Congrats on the weight loss dude! That is an awesome effort. Only a matter of sticking at it for a while longer if you have lost that much already.

Doofus celebrities donating to Sea Sheperd nongs.
I really appreciate the sentiment behind their sentiment but fuck they are dicktogs. Absolute clowns. Would be nice for someone else to step up and fight for a better solution than trying to change things by being as annoying as possible.

I'm sorry dude, but what the hell do you even EAT lol.
I'm pretty sure he was giving the example of the low carb diet since he ordered a bowl of chips while we were smashing back beers at the GeeGAF meetup.

you're not allowed to punish a store for stocking a competitor. JB just worried about losing its precious fucking iphones
if JB choose not to stock non telstra stuff
fair enough. if its forced upon them, thats illegal
Will never be seen as punishment as Telstra will just be offering incentives like access to special sales or package deals. Telstra are big enough and have enough lawyers on board to cover themselves Choc. JB used it as a partial reason why they won't run the 3G. If JB thought it would be worth the effort/hassle of stocking it this wouldn't have happened.

Anyone know what the sales figures are for 3G related stuff like iPad plans? I know a lot of people just want the best and brightest so initial sales would be off but how many of those people renewed their 3G plans? The Vita is already pricey enough as it is for a glorified Gameboy, I can't see the masses scooping it up without strong reasons why they need that version.

That is one thing I don't do enough of, exercise. Ever since I gave away hockey due to lack of time a few years ago. :(
Same. Used to go on night walks to dig into my music collection all the time. Played a lot of Basketball and kicking the footy while I was in Geelong but since I have got to Warrnambool I haven't touched anything. Wouldn't mind joining a Cricket club once I get back to Geelong.

This is worse than cricket chat.
But it is informative and cathartic!

You're right. I'm going to go order a pizza and grab some beer and get heinously drunk on a weeknight and call women and cry to them over the phone. Then update my facebook with passive aggressive messages.
Sounds like me age 20. :(

The real fun will be when Rugby League season starts. I will make comments and no one else will say anything because I don't know where Sutton Dagger went.
Is that like Union but with tighter shorts? Or is that the one with all the floppers?

You cut carbs for weight loss, not to eat healthier. There's nothing inherently wrong with them if you're burning off what you take in.
That's right. Carbs are meant for energy that your body can quickly access. Carbs that go unused do turn to fat, which is why you don't eat them to excess, just like any other food type.
Awesome, thanks for the information guys. I can't remember crap of my health classes from high school.

You're not one for economising your energy are you Choc :p
If Choc doesn't get raging sporadically it will take ages to get to AusGAF6/6!


rugby league chat is the worst because half the country doesn't know what the hell is going on.

Well, the half that does know what's going on seems to hold a large portion of the Australian population, so there's that. :p

It was also national sport at one point and quite popular in the locations it's not currently in, but we don't like to talk about that era.

I'm not trying to start anything, that's actually the last thing I want, was just poking some general fun. I am quite comfortable in my sexual sporting preference.

So, SydGAF Boardgamers, what are we going to do for the board games thing? I think we can agree it has to be a weekend, right? We really need to work out stuff like starting time, duration, if you can host, transport arrangements (some people might need a lift for certain hosts) and anything else relevant. After we figure that out, we can get to picking a weekend.

Availability: Weekends, however, I RP every second Saturday
Starting time: Anything reasonable
Preferred Duration: Anything up to 6 hrs really, this is around my usual gaming session length, longer is fine by me.
Transport: May only need transport if raining and not near PT as I only have a motorcycle and no wet weather gear at the moment.

Is that like Union but with tighter shorts? Or is that the one with all the floppers?

Uh, neither? It's the really awesome one that not much of AusGAF watches. Sutton Dagger please come back!
RE: SydGAF board gaming - I'm free most weekends, and pretty easy in terms of location and duration.

I'll probably be getting PT so won't be able to give anyone a lift unfortunately.

I have a decent sized apartment but a fairly small table so here might not be the best place to hold it. If no one can host, is there a cafe or club somewhere in the city for this type of thing?


Whew, EA accounts all cancelled. No need to try and correct my DOB details on their broken database.

That was considerably less painful than expected. I am now clean/cured/uninfected (aside from Boom Blox in my collection).


Don't hate whales, just hate people who think its okay to throw acid at fishermen, and are supported by the government for doing so.

I hate amateur chemists who think butyric acid is as dangerous as the commonly held perception of acids (assuming you are just dealing with regular diluted samples, not a pure solution which would be unlikely).

It pretty much just smells and irritates, but nothing bad like formaldehyde - which is nasty in small concentrations.

In the context of what was thrown at the whalers, it amounts to stink bombs of parmesan cheese smells.

Don't get me wrong - the whaling protestors are obnoxious in the media, but the harm caused by a few stinking water bombs is significantly less than the harm caused by explosive tipped spears. Hell, seasickness in the southern ocean is probably worse than a butyric acid water bomb.
Lucky the Wii isn't synonymous with online Vince. Won't have a problem on that front.

First episode of the League is kind of funny.

It gets better. Lord does it get better. End of second season is the high point for me. Kevin's meltdown is one of my favourite all time TV moments.


Lucky the Wii isn't synonymous with online Vince. Won't have a problem on that front.


I used to play XBL heaps online (Rainbow Six 3, PGR2, Splinter Cell, Halo 2 etc). I've become completely sick of online multiplayer this gen tbh. I think CoD2 was the last game I played even half regularly.

I think I lay the blame on all the early 360 online titles being (compared to XBox 1 games) shit. PGR3 online was shit. Gears was laggy. R6 Vegas had slowdown. Splinter Cell Double Agent VS mode was dumbed down. Havent really bothered with anything else, since.


Availability: Weekends, however, I RP every second Saturday
Starting time: Anything reasonable
Preferred Duration: Anything up to 6 hrs really, this is around my usual gaming session length, longer is fine by me.
Transport: May only need transport if raining and not near PT as I only have a motorcycle and no wet weather gear at the moment.

As above!


its annoying that the Japanese have freezer loads of stock that they can't get rid off :/

whaling for the sake of whaling is idiotic


whaling for the sake of whaling is idiotic

Oh I want whaling to stop. But some macho version of Greenpeace throwing corrosive and rotten stuff and boarding vessels like pirates is not legit. And when those retards act like they're entitled to charity status, I get mad.


Honestly...I'm putting my GAF reputation on the line here, but I say go Sea Shepherd. The "killing whales for science" excuse is bullshit, and diplomacy has well and truly failed to stop it. I also fully approve of the Rangers in South Africa and beyond shooting poachers in the parks to stop them from killing endangered animals.

Maybe I'm some green-commie-hippy...so be it.


I lean closer to this

Honestly...I'm putting my GAF reputation on the line here, but I say go Sea Shepherd. The "killing whales for science" excuse is bullshit, and diplomacy has well and truly failed to stop it. I also fully approve of the Rangers in South Africa and beyond shooting poachers in the parks to stop them from killing endangered animals.

Maybe I'm some green-commie-hippy...so be it.

than this

Pretty sure you can't be a charity if you're doing illegal actions

(nb i see jintor as being in the middle/disinterested part of the spectrum, but on the other side of the midpoint to greenpeace).

FWIW, I dont think greenpeace are a charity like, say amnesty. They are more like an active environmental coalition between protestors and lobbyists.

Also, I dont mind seeing people gored in the running of the bulls.


has the sea shepard folk being charged with any crimes though? (not saying they haven't done anything illegal)

Can the tax office make rulings based on hearsay and news footage?


has the sea shepard folk being charged with any crimes though? (not saying they haven't done anything illegal)

Can the tax office make rulings based on hearsay and news footage?

They don't do charitable work, for a start. They are a reckless activist organization.

Even before we get to the fact that they are wankers. If your work involves throwing stuff at other people, the government should, where it does not prosecute you, render you no assistance whatsoever.


They don't do charitable work, for a start. They are a reckless activist organization.

Even before we get to the fact that they are wankers. If your work involves throwing stuff at other people, the government should, where it does not prosecute you, render you no assistance whatsoever.

I'm just going to fling shit at the ceiling fan and ask if you subscribe to The Australian?
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