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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Yep, that is the drive belt. It runs off your engine's main crank and connects to the alternator, water pump and power steering. I've only worked on Commodores, but that thing and everything else you listed is a piece of piss to replace.

If you knew how to fix things on cars, you would have paid for:

  • Brake pads - $30-50
  • Brake rotors - $50-100 a pair
  • New tyres and fitting - varies wildly depending (lets say $300 @ $150 a tyre)
  • Wheel alignment - not much, but some places are didgy with these (lets say $80)
  • Drive belt -$50

If we do a rough tally at the top of the price ranges I listed, you were looking at $580. So if you knew your way around a car, that would've saved about half your bill. Fitting these things take no time at all. You could've gotten home from work, had a beer while doing it all and be finished well before the sun went down.

I know you didn't mean to, but your post sounds condescending as hell :lol :lol

"You could've, if you weren't so useless!"


from the swtor thread

Originally Posted by LAUGHTREY:

24~ hours not quick enough, 1 patch every 2 days on average not good enough.

posted by other guy

Shut the fuck up, seriously.
Nah, I won't shut the fuck up.

You shut the fuck up instead.

Choc, present it like Jambo did and people would understand!

Next thing you know Choc is going to be in that thread posting about all these high and mighty nerds over on AusGAF.

But seriously, that thread has gone Feral, what a mess. Any problems at all and everyone is up in arms about it. They will probably have it fixed and amended in a few days tops.


$1237 all up. ._.

As long as you can change the oil and oil filter, you're fine man.

Honestly, that's all I do these days. It's no different on a motorcycle (actually more of a pain since you need a friend if, like me, you don't have a maintenance stand). It's simply change oil, oil filter, check water & coolant level for radiator. Done.

I let the shop take care of the other routine checks as I can't be bothered learning how to do something that only needs looking at once a year or so. There's no shame in it.

Something SOPA related! An awesome RPG writer, Greg Stolze has something to say on the matter.


Such an awesome guy. I own 3 of his books and am looking forward to his next.
Haha man curse you practical people with useful skills and knowledge.

My dad does all the stuff on my car when I come back to my parents' place (I'm 24 and I'm useless with cars, I'd struggle to change a tire).


My dad does all the stuff on my car when I come back to my parents' place (I'm 24 and I'm useless with cars, I'd struggle to change a tire).

Get him to show you some stuff, he'll no doubt be happy to. A lot of it is surprisingly easy. Impress the ladies with your know-how when they have a problem (plus save money for other, better things). A bloke knowing how to fix things is a dying breed.

I didn't know a thing about cars, but I'd give my mates a hand working on theirs, doing whatever they wanted me to. After years of doing that, asking what something is and what it does, I was surprised at how much stuff I knew about them and could fix on my own. I was about your age, maybe a year younger when I started doing that. It's never too late.
Finished AC:R this arvo. Still not sure what was revealed. I'm guessing not much.

This weekend I will be starting
on a digitally-imported version of
purchased from an overseas-based DD (i.e. non-retail) outlet.
Get him to show you some stuff, he'll no doubt be happy to. A lot of it is surprisingly easy. Impress the ladies with your know-how when they have a problem (plus save money for other, better things). A bloke knowing how to fix things is a dying breed.

I didn't know a thing about cars, but I'd give my mates a hand working on theirs, doing whatever they wanted me to. After years of doing that, asking what something is and what it does, I was surprised at how much stuff I knew about them and could fix on my own. I was about your age, maybe a year younger when I started doing that. It's never too late.

Yeah ok you've inspired me. I shall endeavour to learn! Then perhaps one day in the future I can shake my head at my useless son's attempts to change a tire on his flying car.


Get him to show you some stuff, he'll no doubt be happy to. A lot of it is surprisingly easy. Impress the ladies with your know-how when they have a problem (plus save money for other, better things). A bloke knowing how to fix things is a dying breed.

I didn't know a thing about cars, but I'd give my mates a hand working on theirs, doing whatever they wanted me to. After years of doing that, asking what something is and what it does, I was surprised at how much stuff I knew about them and could fix on my own. I was about your age, maybe a year younger when I started doing that. It's never too late.

This doesn't help us loners.


This doesn't help us loners.

Changing the oil and oil filter is a pretty basic thing. If you're not sure how, it's really worth making the effort to find out how it's done, it'll really save you money. Plus you can be a chauvinist jerk and laugh at the women who think the only thing a car needs is petrol.

Something like this will set you on the right path: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGBGLlkwyGA

That guy removes the oil filter too early in that vid, giving the oil a chance to piss out in a different spot, making a mess. Also, the oil filter will never come off that easy. Usually you'll need a filter wrench, or you can be dodgy like me and stab a screwdriver into it and rotate it off with that.

Sump plugs (where the oil comes out underneath the car) and oil filters will be in different locations, but they're usually in similar spots and easy to locate. I hope this helps you out some.

If not, I'm sure a friend or family member can show you the ropes. This and monitoring all fluid levels should be a routine thing. On a car, I'd change the oil once every 3 months.

Card Boy

Anyone know where i can get the Complete Tintin comics boxset for under 80bucks either locally in Melbourne or import? I don't care if its those tiny 3 in 1 volumes.

I remember Book Depository had them ages ago, but now they don't.



Choc, present it like Jambo did and people would understand!

Choc must be busy at work lately, because his posts really are becoming more and more nonsensical. Needs to take a minute and self moderate.

Also hearing a Devin Townsend + Meshuggah + Dredg show on the 29th of Feb at the forum. Holy balls.
Played about 7 minutes of the Kingdoms of Amalur demo...

I'm sold. Won't play any more until the game comes out but looks the goods to me. Only problem is deciding what platform to go for...
The way things are now, if there is a PC version of a game, that pretty much without fail is the best version for so many reasons.

I know your feel!

And now I've got my PC all wired up to my TV/home theatre I can't even use the comfy couch excuse.

Where would be the cheapest place to preorder?


Finding someone to gift from the UK Steam Store seems cheapest if you want it day 1, about $45. OZG has it for $41 if you can wait.
The way things are now, if there is a PC version of a game, that pretty much without fail is the best version for so many reasons.

... unless it's from Ubisoft, or Rockstar, or EA. Excusing mods (which aren't really available yet), even Skyrim on PC isn't much better than 360.

fffffffffffffffff Really want to grab this bitchin' statute and art book. Only $35! I already bought the digital version for like $13 at GMG though... Anyone want to buy a War in the North key for $10?!? Thanks Ban!

So Expendables 2 is going to be PG13. The world really has gone mad.
Worst news of the day, stellar cast that is going to waste. Had a bad felling when Sly handed over the fancy Directors chair.

I'm just completely helpless when it comes to this stuff. Practically every other purchase I make in my life I can do research, compare costs, figure out a good deal, etc, but when it comes to car repair, I'm completely at the mercy of the mechanic.
Best bet if you don't know much is to ring Burson's or somewhere and ask how much the items would cost for your car. My Dad is a mechanic so I have learnt enough to do most things on our cars myself. Changing the fuel pump in our EL Falcon was a bitch the first time though. Most sedan tyres should be between $100-140 each and parts are really only expensive if you have an outlier car. Commodores and Falcons are super cheap to get parts for. Thankfully haven't had to replace anything major on the Kia yet.

Just remember that you're paying a crapload for labour. Places generally seem to charge $40-60 an hour labour. Usually the labour is more expensive than the parts.
This. Most mechanics charge out the arse and have no reason to rush through a major job especially because if they mess something up it is on them to repair everything for a second time free of charge. Little irritating to watch my Dad work for years as an honest mechanic and only charge a small labour rate compared to some people I know.

We rebuilt a VL for my first car. Paid $1000 and only spent probably $400 getting it in great condition. Most expensive part was getting it painted, which was still $1100 with me sanding it all back! Fuck living in the bush.

Oh, just got my hands on a Vita for a short period of time. It is motherfucking slick as fuck. Can't believe something that powerful is already on shelves. Ultimate MvC3 on the fucking move yes please
What is the weight like compared to the PSP? Any chance you got to play around with 3G or the Wifi?

I don't know, but did you try the Amalur demo yet?
Cemented it as a must buy after following it since the Big Huge Games purchase. Great lineup of talent and it plays and looks great. Few rough edges that were expected with a first time game.

Anyone know where i can get the Complete Tintin comics boxset for under 80bucks either locally in Melbourne or import? I don't care if its those tiny 3 in 1 volumes.
I know Amazon had them for around $80 last year in a bundle pack with like 6 volumes with 3 or so stories packaged into one book.


Bullshit. It lacks the sexiness of Woopie.
Don't they have the Brand Power ads to cover that particular bullet point?

Worst news of the day, stellar cast that is going to waste. Had a bad felling when Sly handed over the fancy Directors chair.
Fuck, seriously? I only *just* watched it over the weekend and enjoyed every second of it. Very entertaining and it seems, now literally, the last of a dying breed.

Edit: So this is the first time I've heard of that Kingdoms of Whatever... fair to say that if I didn't like Oblivion/Morrowind I wouldn't like this?


Choc must be busy at work lately, because his posts really are becoming more and more nonsensical. Needs to take a minute and self moderate.

Usually he takes a week before posting something.

The way things are now, if there is a PC version of a game, that pretty much without fail is the best version for so many reasons.

Unless its GFWL enforced?
Unless its GFWL enforced?
Arkham City was okay with it. It creates a lot of extra aggravation but I won't say no to a game that has it. Mainly because I am addicted to cheevos. :(

Fuck, seriously? I only *just* watched it over the weekend and enjoyed every second of it. Very entertaining and it seems, now literally, the last of a dying breed.

Edit: So this is the first time I've heard of that Kingdoms of Whatever... fair to say that if I didn't like Oblivion/Morrowind I wouldn't like this?

It could turn out okay still but I am losing hope. All the ingredients are there for a classic but it is up to the Director to create that fucking tasty pie and up to the studio to not fuck it with a raging boner for 20 minutes until all that is left is a dogs breakfast that no one wants.

Also KoA has a strong Fable feel to it. Download the demo! Make sure to play past the tutorial though. Plays great on 360, might even give the PC version a run to see how many whistles' it has.


had a good four hours of... "fun" livestreaming Take On Helicopters. My favourite part of the game is that the on-foot controls are identical to Arma 2. As in, prone, jump-kicks and the ability to get into weapon equip screens.

I'll link the recorded stream once it all loads on for anyone who wants to watch me talk to myself (and ausgaf chat) while playing.


OK then, what about a PC game with UbiDRM and an equivalent console version. We need to cover all combinations here.

As someone who owns AC1 and AC2 on both PC and Xbox, the PC version is still superior despite the fact that, when launching the game, you need to press "play" on the ubisoft menu.


As someone who owns AC1 and AC2 on both PC and Xbox, the PC version is still superior despite the fact that, when launching the game, you need to press "play" on the ubisoft menu.

Maybe I'm not up to date then. I was under the impression there were some pretty odious DRM methods in regular use in PC Land. Seeing Gaming side has regular threads on Ubisoft activation limits for graphics cards, GFWL Monthly complaint threads and whatnot, I seemed to think a few PC publishers liked fucking their customers on a routine basis?

Kind of like Capcom and their PSN DRM scam.


I just finished the 3rd Dresden Files novel "Grave Peril". I know, it took me a while to get there, but I've had too many distractions.

I must say, I really enjoyed the book. It did pick up to a rather exciting finish as I was promised by one of you, was it Jintor? A slightly sad ending that made my heart sink a little for Harry. I'm interested to see how that subplot plays out in the future. With that aside, it looks like things may indeed pick up from here as the foundation has been laid for some large-scale awesome shit to happen. I am very much looking forward to sinking my teeth into the next installment.

Before I do that, I think I may read up on some RPG stuff, like how to not be a shithouse GM in case SydGAF takes an interest in that sort of thing in the near future and I am wanted/needed for that role. I thought I'd start with this. It is also available as a free PDF if anyone happens to be interested.

OK then, what about a PC game with UbiDRM and an equivalent console version. We need to cover all combinations here.

I've found UbiDRM to be much less annoying than GFWL but you don't get MS cheevos. :(
Also I have never bought one of the always online Ubi games on PC (since it got patched out in most of the ones I held out on until they were cheap) but that would be fucking horrible. One of the servers were down over the holidays and blocked people out of something or other game.

Maybe I'm not up to date then. I was under the impression there were some pretty odious DRM methods in regular use in PC Land. Seeing Gaming side has regular threads on Ubisoft activation limits for graphics cards, GFWL Monthly complaint threads and whatnot, I seemed to think a few PC publishers liked fucking their customers on a routine basis?

Kind of like Capcom and their PSN DRM scam.
The PC DRM stuff is similar to console stuff. The problems with GFWL are mostly that it is a poor implementation of an okay idea. Steam runs much better in that respect. Steam is one form of DRM I am currently happy with.
The Ubi activation stuff is no different to other publishers. Even Crysis had a limited number of activations, I do remember Bad Company 2 had a great option to run it from the disc however many times you wanted or do a full install that you had to deactivate to install more than 3 times.

Anything always online though is a bit iffy. Sounds like Steam could use a boost to its offline mode, although it has always worked fine for me.


Just on DRM in general: I have no problems with 'always online' DRM if it's only enforced during the first couple of months a game goes on sale. After all, that's when most of the revenue is made.

Then, when 75% or more of forecast sales are met, patch it out.

That way, people who are dead keen on the game buy on day 1. Those who want to buy but can't maintain an online connection (and thus miss out on a hassle free experience) can still buy the game later, cheaper, but still give money to the people who made the game.

A bit of give and take wouldn't go astray.
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