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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


I did. Quite enjoyed it - even if the melee is a bit weird. Still, didn't notice any of what got it RC'd, but I suppose the majority of that might be in the single player campaign.

From all the pictures and videos I saw the HUD looked horrible. What was your take on it?
I can't believe I just bought a Circle Pad Pro and Revelations.

Keneally was a good premier with a bad team and bad history and the party was gone before she got in so she was always stuffed

Also, Midonnay i never knew you were so sexist.

So i guess teh head of westpac being a woman is wrong as well?

Totally. Keneally could have made a good Premier, but she was thrown into a sinking ship. If they'd just accepted defeat and saved her for opposition and to be the next premier she would have done really well.

I did sub like half a mag today...

Hahahahahahahaha. Subbing is the worst thing in the world. I'm so glad I don't have to do that like I used to.


I cracked open the Duplo the other day. He spent most of the time taking it out of the box and then putting it back into the box, and then doing it again. He did connnect two blocks once!


emergency room....ugh!!!

last time I was in one....was waiting for about 6 hours after I had my hand slammed in a glass sliding door.

I think I'd rather slam it again than go through that again.
you've already waited long enough. odd amount of toddlers around. or is it pre toddlers. what would i know im not a parent. all i know is LEGO ROCKS. DUPLO TOO


Look up the inverted Aeropress method, I find it better with some coffees if you want more body than the standard Aeropress method gives you.

I usually drink mine as an Americano (Aeropress "shot", hot water and a splash of milk).

Yeah I'm going to do that next cup,

The place I ordered from gave a free 250g bag of coffee, which is the best coffee I've ever tasted / smelled.

They have a $240 yearly subscription to recieve, postage free, a 400g bag of different imported coffee each month. I might subscribe for three months ($65) and see how it goes.

Current coffe blend us called "Summer Blend", which is a mix of three different Thailand beans. I wish I could take a picture if what it smells like, because man.

Also, I llke my coffee how I like my men. Long and black. I will make a hazelnut latte everyone and then, though.


I'm not a coffee person at all, but I do know some coffee enthusiasts and one of them is friends with a respected barista.

Some tips I have been given by them for making the best coffee.
  • Coffee beans in their raw form keep for quite a long time.
  • Only roast what you are going to use that day.
  • Only grind the beans you are going to use immediately, else it goes stale within minutes.
  • For the above reason, don't buy pre-ground coffee in a packet, it is stale before you even buy it.
I'm not really into it myself, but I thought some of it may be useful to you coffee-drinking types. They're meant to be some good tips for making great coffee at home.


So far I'm buying beans, and I grind only as much as will fit in my little espresso thing for my machines. So in that area, I'm good.

I don't, however, roast the beans myself. So I'm not getting the freshest experience. But I don't think that matters so much relative to grinding and the preparation of the coffee directly prior to pouring.

I think unroasted beans last for about two years before going stale. I may one day go down the hole of roasting my own beans, but it looks pretty labour intensive relative to having a store doing it.

I think I'm gonna go in for a three month subscription have gone in for the three month subscription. They roast and then send the beans out on the same day, and it arrives the day after that. Considering supermarket beans have likely been roasted a week or a month or longer, I think this will be acceptable freshness for a wannabe snob.

EDIT: The Aeropress comes with either 250 or 300 filters, which is great. That's like, half a year worth of them? Depends how many coffees you make a day. As far as I know it's easy to order them online. So, there's that. I currently highly recommend the Aeropress.

EDIT 2: for anyone interested, here's the Tested.com videos on the Aeropress. I trust Will Smith on coffee, and you should too.
How to make the perfect cup of coffee with the aeropress
How to make an even better cup with the aeropress
I'm not a coffee person at all, but I do know some coffee enthusiasts and one of them is friends with a respected barista.

Some tips I have been given by them for making the best coffee.
  • Coffee beans in their raw form keep for quite a long time.
  • Only roast what you are going to use that day.
  • Only grind the beans you are going to use immediately, else it goes stale within minutes.
  • For the above reason, don't buy pre-ground coffee in a packet, it is stale before you even buy it.
I'm not really into it myself, but I thought some of it may be useful to you coffee-drinking types. They're meant to be some good tips for making great coffee at home.

While I agree in my experience grinding your own beans is a shit tonne more effort than it's worth.

It tastes awesome, but not that much more than decent ground coffee ground beans you get from a cafe
I just use this (Sunbeam EM6910 with a burr grinder), grinding the beans as I use them. It's able to pull a good shot but I haven't figured out how to make a nice thick shot of coffee, and forget about a ristretto. Still easily drinkable as an espresso though.



The idea of a subscription to a coffee thing seems really, really foreign to me. But then again, this is coming from someone who'll probably be subscribing to play an online driving game. To each there own, I guess.

So, what am I doing this evening? I'm still at work, having woefully underestimated how long it would take to recover my phone after upgrading and re-jailbreaking the fucking thing. At least it's done, but never EVER will I stay 2.5 hours after knockoff just to get a phone up and running.

I'll be doing it during work hours.*

*FWIW I spent a bit of time during work hours on it too, but that was mostly fucking around, trying to get a solid backup before I wiped the thing.
Actually the fact I was using a really shit grinder probably made it a lot more effort than it should have been.

A mate of mine has one of those nespressos and holy shit it makes good coffee. I've been really impressed by it.


Until recently we were using one if those wth spinning blades that doubles as a spice grinder. Terrible results. You really need a burr grinder for coffee.

Herb and spice grinders were great for chopping up buds of, you know, stuff. Not that I do that anymore, but it was cool many years ago when I did.


Yeah, DEHP tastes great!


Edit: oh wait, I read that wrong and was thinking of something else. Disregard!


'Instant coffee' is a dirty phrase, right? I'd best stay out of this coffee discussion, then. Love a good peppermint tea, though.

Also, I know this isn't the Steam thread, nor the give-away thing, or free-to-a-good-home, but in the name of keeping things local:

...are any of you folks interested in an invitation thingy for Super Monday Night Combat? PM me, or whatever the cool kids do these days. Cheers.


How did I never think of that? Genius

The best part is the powder that builds up under the blade. It's great to have when you're dry or to sprinkle over the top of some freshly prepared stuff. We called it chuff.

Tea chat's where it's at!


I am a snob in this regard and believe supermarket teabags are evil (T2 is pretty crap also, mainly because they're overpriced). I like to buy mine in loose form from http://teas.com.au/ which is based in Chatswood. I like the Gunpowder in the green tea, White Dragon and Golden Dan Chong in the oolong, and Silver Needle in the white teas. Some of them are getting extremely pricey at the moment sadly.


I just use this (Sunbeam EM6910 with a burr grinder), grinding the beans as I use them. It's able to pull a good shot but I haven't figured out how to make a nice thick shot of coffee, and forget about a ristretto. Still easily drinkable as an espresso though.


We have a Sunbeam EM0480 grinder (same as the one in your pic), it's a fantastic grinder. Have gone through many a bag of beans and it still grinds like it was new. We use a Gaggia Espresso machine but as I have gotten lazy with it as of late I just ordered one of those Aeropress things and will see how that goes.


Soup Calibur V is a big letdown. Thought they might have learnt a lesson after including shitty unbalanced overpowered boss fights after that star wars cunt. Turns out they didn't learn anything.

Back to the superior first two soul calibur games, yet again. 3, 4 and 5 are poo.

It would be nice if someone made a good fighting game for a change. The last one was VF5.

It would be even better to see a new Bushido Blade.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Revelations = really, really good so far. So much better than the demo had me expecting.

The Circle Pad Pro = my middle finger, ring finger and pinky start to hurt after a while. Granted, Revelations plays much better with it.


Soup Calibur V is a big letdown. Thought they might have learnt a lesson after including shitty unbalanced overpowered boss fights after that star wars cunt. Turns out they didn't learn anything.

Back to the superior first two soul calibur games, yet again. 3, 4 and 5 are poo.

It would be nice if someone made a good fighting game for a change. The last one was VF5.

It would be even better to see a new Bushido Blade.

Yeah had my suspicions SCV would be really lame :(

3 was such a disappointment coming from 2, and 4 was just arse.

Also hahaha Soup Calibur.
'Instant coffee' is a dirty phrase, right? I'd best stay out of this coffee discussion, then. Love a good peppermint tea, though.

Also, I know this isn't the Steam thread, nor the give-away thing, or free-to-a-good-home, but in the name of keeping things local:

...are any of you folks interested in an invitation thingy for Super Monday Night Combat? PM me, or whatever the cool kids do these days. Cheers.

I'm not above drinking instant coffee. When I get up and have to go to work I don't want to be arsing around with grinds and machines. Decent instant is still tasty and super easy.


I am a snob in this regard and believe supermarket teabags are evil (T2 is pretty crap also, mainly because they're overpriced). I like to buy mine in loose form from http://teas.com.au/ which is based in Chatswood. I like the Gunpowder in the green tea, White Dragon and Golden Dan Chong in the oolong, and Silver Needle in the white teas. Some of them are getting extremely pricey at the moment sadly.

I'll drop by next time I pass by! I have to stock up on Russian Caravan, Peppermint and Green Tea with... I dunno, some kind of rice base.
From all the pictures and videos I saw the HUD looked horrible. What was your take on it?

Didn't mind it so much. I'm kinda tolerant of a lot though, but it looked fine to me. A little busy, sure, but there's always hope that's been altered for the final release. Assuming that what we played was an older version of it anyway.

Yeah had my suspicions SCV would be really lame :(

3 was such a disappointment coming from 2, and 4 was just arse.

Also hahaha Soup Calibur.

Agreed. Playing it a few weeks ago really soured my opinion on the whole thing - story mode was arse, the lack of team battle (one of my fave modes in any fighter), and just everything else seemed lackluster. Though some of the new characters are kinda fun, and I don't mind the whole Critical Edge system.

That being said, would love to give online a go and see how that plays.


I'll drop by next time I pass by! I have to stock up on Russian Caravan, Peppermint and Green Tea with... I dunno, some kind of rice base.

I think it's online or phone ordering only, though I may be mistaken. I'm happy to bring some of their tea along on board game day if you or anyone else wants to try some.


I'm taking it back tomorrow. Not even bothering with online. I have the originals on DC and GC which will suffice.

If it was 1999 I would be offended at the auto correction to soup calibur, but its 2012 and the series has been dragged through the mud. Such a bitter disappointment, but made tolerable by the existence of the first two sublime games.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I remember having a lot of fun with SC4. What was people's issue with it? The multiplayer was as accessible as ever and the tower mode was intense.

Edit: poor grammar, I'm lying in bed, very tired, blah blah
Back home, yay! Back from the emergency room and it only cost me $5.70 for some oral anti-biotics. Feel like making a thread about it ;)

He got a little bite of some kind a little over a week ago and we didn't think much of it because it didn't spread and he didn't even know the mark was on himself. Ended up putting a bandaid on it the next day to avoid it rubbing on stuff but by the end of the day you could see it having a reaction, slight rash. Took it off which he thought was hilarious which was surprising and it just looked a little irritated.

Over the weekend it turned into a full on welt-like rash, seeping under the skin and everything. Still no reaction from or change in the behaviour of the little guy. Into the GP down the road first thing Monday and he gave him some anti-bacterial/biotic cream to put on it 3 times a day. So far so good. Putting the cream on and it seemed to dry it out really well and it was clearing up really nicely.

Enter Thursday. Get a call this morning at work that he had broken out with some spots around his legs and groin, still not worrying him but obviously not the kind of change we were expecting. Our friends son had come down with Chicken Pox a day earlier so we had an inkling that it was related, which was even more worrying as his immune system was already fighting the original infection. By 4pm they had started pussing up and popping so the gf took him to emergency since none of the GP's would see him.

Had to wait quite a while but the experience was MUCH better than a few months ago. They have a triage nurse dedicated to early diagnosis and was checking up on everyone constantly in the waiting room for drinks, complementary sandwiches and pain medication. Very accommodating. At this point the little guy has been slightly grumpy all day and incredibly sleepy, after I left for work he apparently took his mums hand and walked down to his room, to his cot and asked to be put in for a sleep which he has NEVER done before.

We eventually get in and the doctor is fantastic, very soft touch. Very gentle with Oliver and apologising to him whenever he got upset at getting poked and prodded with stuff. The pediatricians had gone home by this point so a few people came through and gave him plenty of attention to make sure they can nail down what is happening.

Eventually they settled on it being a dreaded STAPH infection. Well, not to the degree that people expect when they hear that word thankfully. My fiancées grandmother died from golden staph due to an incompetent hospital so it carries a bit of stigma. He has Impetigo caused from a staph infection after his initial spider bite got infected. We just have to keep putting the cream on as well as giving him oral anti-biotics 4 times a day, as well as going back in if his condition changes in the very slightest or if it spreads. We have to go back in on Saturday afternoon regardless of how well he is doing to make sure it gets knocked on the head as fast as possible. Cleanliness is godliness, have to put 50ml of bleach in his bath as well as keep him as dry as possible, along with disinfecting everything he touches. Fairly good chance the gf and I will pick some up too apparently.

The doctor even gave us his work hours and gave us a call about half an hour after we left with some more tips he got from another pediatrician he called, class act.

This is what it looks like, NSFS. Also don't google image search for Impetigo. Curious tid bit is that a LOT of Amy Winehouse pictures come up.

Yes I realise we dont really vote in a pm. Although Last I checked she stole the title off krudd.
im ebarrassed to have her as our pm. That said I miss howard.
I thought she was the leader of our nation during the circus leading up to the last election?

Is there another avatar theme for February?
Use the first initial of your username for your avatar. So find a funky looking A in google image search. A few people are doing it.

So I guess I'm seeing Azura's Wrath in an hour or so?
Can they just give us the Resi5 demo? Azura looks like a bomba title. I will pay bomba price. More likely bomba bomba though, like RF Armageddon price.

Which reminds me that Space Marine on 360 arrived today! Comes in that shitty econosavetheplanet case. Another one for the game trade pile though once I finish it.

Also my Ice Ball Tray arrived today! Who was the scotch man I was talking to? Who had the scotch glass avatar! I think it was cod. I am probably wrong though. Been a long week

oh that game. wtf is with capcom and that fucking font.
I love that font! I wish more font was fun and explosive.

That said, Quentin Bryce has more dignity than every politician in living memory.
Classiest lady in Australia. While she is around I don't mind being under the foot of the motherland.


Hey guys, sorry for the question but does anyone know if I have to give 28 days notice to vacate my current house I'm renting? My lease ran out in December and I haven't signed anything regarding a new lease, do I still have to give the 28 days? In Vic.
4 weeks is standard. If they find someone to move in the day after you vacate though you don't have to pay at all. Not much need for them to rush someone in though of course. Make sure to recheck your condition report and print out all the photos you took when you moved in just in case they try and pull some of your bond from you. Never had a problem with that, which has been fantastic.

Pro tip: clean all the spider webs of the eaves outside and wipe out all the window seals with a damp cloth, will impress the property manager and let you get away with a few dings.

Goddamn. Do you know what kind of spider?
Ouch. Hope he is ok!
He seems okay, little out of sorts but on the mend. No idea on the spider, he was hearty enough to hold it off until we irritated the staph and it took advantage of his lowered immune system. Will see how he is in the morning, might take the day off to keep him company.

buy him some lego to make him feel better.
or if too young
Duplo will be the go, not sure when to start him on Lego as he chews on everything at the moment with the molars coming through. Plus Lego is insane expensive. Would be cool to see him do something like this though.

I cracked open the Duplo the other day. He spent most of the time taking it out of the box and then putting it back into the box, and then doing it again. He did connnect two blocks once!
Oh man, I am waiting till my soon is old enough to crack open the duplo set we have!
He has had a huge tub of Duplo-like items for ages. Spends most of his time with it scattering it around the house for lulz at our behalf. Every now and then he will sit down with me long enough to make a house or something before throwing his tonka through it.

Herb and spice grinders were great for chopping up buds of, you know, stuff. Not that I do that anymore, but it was cool many years ago when I did.
Hell yeah, had a circular metal one when I was at uni, was like a damn blender in my hands. Left it nice and fluffy while still taking it down to the perfect size so it wouldn't let too much air in while still going the distance. Tobacco mixes can go to hell, anything more than 20% is just a goddamn shame.

I think most of the people I play Words With Friends with are cheating. :(
Doesn't everyone? I know I would, when the gf asks me what word she can make I always tell her "Google".

Tea chat's where it's at!
Twinings Russian Caravan.

Back to the superior first two soul calibur games, yet again. 3, 4 and 5 are poo.

It would be even better to see a new Bushido Blade.
Kisses for you. Soul Blade is my favourite of the series. Played the shit out of it with my American soul mate on residences. If I made it to his wedding in NY last year I would have brought it over and spent the whole time facing off with him, so good.

Also Bushido Blade was great, punishing, fun back in the day. Not sure it would fly in the A IS AWESOME generation though. Actually it wouldn't at all. An indie spiritual sequel on Steam could do really well though if it integrates community features well enough for that scene to get behind it.


I remember having a lot of fun with SC4. What was people's issue with it? The multiplayer was as accessible as ever and the tower mode was intense.

Shitty star wars and it was unbalanced.

Also, soul calibur series is like super monkey ball. First two were great, everything since has been bad and getting worse.
Also sorry Omi but I am a bit too tired to do some Catenating tonight. Will hit it hard tomorrow arvo and on the weekend. Also your Chocians are getting more and more regular!

Anyone else hyped for Risen 2?

I get the feeling I'm the only person who loved the first one >.<

Refused Classification.

I still haven't played the copy I imported from Play Asia on 360 AGES ago :(


Hell yeah, had a circular metal one when I was at uni, was like a damn blender in my hands. Left it nice and fluffy while still taking it down to the perfect size so it wouldn't let too much air in while still going the distance. Tobacco mixes can go to hell, anything more than 20% is just a goddamn shame.

Too right man! I agree on the tobacco mixes, the grinder helps mix it up nicely too. I know some people consider it heresy, but I think it does aid in a more even and consistent burn. You don't need a lot, 20% would be about right, just enough to spread the heat properly. Any more than the required amount and it does get quite harsh, besides being pointless.
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