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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


The biggest problem I had with Skyrim is that all the quests feel too similar. Now, that might be because I spent the majority of my time doing too many side quests and not enough of the 'big ticket' ones, but the sameness of the quests I did drove me to push through the main questline and 'finish' it.

True and 99% of them solved by combat. But it is ElderScrolls. :)

And I totally agree with that. It's ridiculous you can be the head of the Dark Brotherhood and then go and join the Companions with no questions asked. Those two things should not be compatible.

From a 'correctness' point of view sure. But from a practicality stand point, I don't want to be locked out.

Also I don't like that there doesn't seem to be that many dialogue options. Maybe it's just that I grew up playing Bioware RPGs where I could up my speech and talk my way out of anything, but in Skyrim persuade and intimidation seems pretty uncommon. Maybe it's just because I haven't used it enough.

Yeah it isn't particularly. Mostly you end up just intimidating because it works better anyway heh.

yep. for free too! do you not read my posts choc? i mentioned this a few times about 2-3 weeks ago when i was deciding on real-world experience coding or going to gdc and studying for another 9 months (+gdc)

edit: in the end it was real world experience + money then going to gdc next year on my own dime.

Good choice career wise I would suggest.


Hello all, I am back. Don't worry as I'm not staying ;).

I just wanted to apologize for the language I used last time I was here. I hope you can forgive me and we could move past this. It was inappropriate and I regret saying it.

Thank you.


Hello all, I am back. Don't worry as I'm not staying ;).

I just wanted to apologize for the language I used last time I was here. I hope you can forgive me and we could move past this. It was inappropriate and I regret saying it.

Thank you.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Door's to the upper right of your monitor on a Windows PC, over there on the left on a Mac. Bye.
Good choice career wise I would suggest.

Pretty much. I've been studying since I finished high school, doing 3 different courses and finishing one. I think if I waited much longer to get some (any) real world experience doing anything now would be the perfect time. Keep in mind I haven't had a proper job lasting longer than 3 months. And the one or two I had were casual, one-day-a-week stuff.


Hello all, I am back. Don't worry as I'm not staying ;).

I just wanted to apologize for the language I used last time I was here. I hope you can forgive me and we could move past this. It was inappropriate and I regret saying it.

Thank you.

All the people who have kerrby on ignore appreciate your effort.


Pretty much. I've been studying since I finished high school, doing 3 different courses and finishing one. I think if I waited much longer to get some (any) real world experience doing anything now would be the perfect time. Keep in mind I haven't had a proper job lasting longer than 3 months. And the one or two I had were casual, one-day-a-week stuff.

Coding in a Uni environment is completely different to real world scenarios. :)

PS> I am perhaps speaking from a bit of regret for not taking up an offer for a placement during my Uni days that perhaps cost me quite a lot. ;)
True and 99% of them solved by combat. But it is ElderScrolls. :)
The last RPG I played before Skyrim was New Vegas, and then to go to Skyrim felt like a massive step backward. Skyrim's presentation is brilliant, but New Vegas beats it in gameplay, variety and number of ways to complete quests.
Coding in a Uni environment is completely different to real world scenarios. :)

PS> I am perhaps speaking from a bit of regret for not taking up an offer for a placement during my Uni days that perhaps cost me quite a lot. ;)

well im doing web dev, so it's not gaming. but im not fussed. coding in a uni environment is very very blase and easy. we've dealt with some pressure deadlines already and i have ulcers :p


well im doing web dev, so it's not gaming. but im not fussed. coding in a uni environment is very very blase and easy. we've dealt with some pressure deadlines already and i have ulcers :p

Mmm, thankfully stress is something I cope with well ;)

I turned down an offer to work for Siemans in Germany fwiw. Not that I regret it in the scheme of how things are now, just would be interesting to see where life had led. :)
The last RPG I played before Skyrim was New Vegas, and then to go to Skyrim felt like a massive step backward. Skyrim's presentation is brilliant, but New Vegas beats it in gameplay, variety and number of ways to complete quests.

I'd agree with that. Oblivion are fantastic. Was that rumour that there'd be no more Fallouts from them ever confirmed? Because that would suck. These days I've got way more time for their games than anything by pretty much any other RPG developer. Which reminds me I've got to play Alpha Protocol.

Edit: Obsidian, not Oblivion dickhead


Hello all, I am back. Don't worry as I'm not staying ;).

I just wanted to apologize for the language I used last time I was here. I hope you can forgive me and we could move past this. It was inappropriate and I regret saying it.

Thank you.

you can be such a cock sometimes :)


I never knew what stress was until this lol.

Well you'd be n Germany instead of Australia, so that would be pretty interesting just in that respect.

Indeed and almost probably wife and childless too! Wahay! :p

Also, stress gets 'easier' to handle as you discover you can only do what you can. ;)


but ever so delicious
Playing words with friends against Omi is terrible, For a) I suck and so far my words have been no more than 3 letters long and b) i have no fucking idea what i'm doing.

Playing this has made me want a chess for friends. And holy shit it actually exists?!

I love me some chess even though I haven't played in .. ah .. So long. Maybe high school? I dunno.
Hello all, I am back. Don't worry as I'm not staying ;).

I just wanted to apologize for the language I used last time I was here. I hope you can forgive me and we could move past this. It was inappropriate and I regret saying it.

Thank you.
Nice of you to apologise.

From a 'correctness' point of view sure. But from a practicality stand point, I don't want to be locked out.
No need to be locked out, it would be good for them to demand you pay penance with an exclusive quest where you have to go out and help orphans or some shit. Just so their reaction seems more realistic than, "Oh you killed all my friends. Come inside fried!"

I turned down an offer to work for Siemans in Germany fwiw. Not that I regret it in the scheme of how things are now, just would be interesting to see where life had led. :)
Oktoberfest everyday! Also you might even be interested in that soccer game I hear about on the multicultural channel. Also German chicks are sooo hot. Met quite a few on holiday in NZ.

Also, stress gets 'easier' to handle as you discover you can only do what you can. ;)
When you go through a fuckawful stressful event you can operate at full strength in the events that seem less stressful. My current job has certainly made me a much stronger person. Also the first 2 months of child rearing were incredibly stressful, improved me as a person in many ways.

Playing words with friends against Omi is terrible, For a) I suck and so far my words have been no more than 3 letters long and b) i have no fucking idea what i'm doing.
I realised how much productivity it would sap from me after I spent 10 minutes staring at my phone thinking up possible combinations.

Can you play Words With Friends on Android?
I wanna play.
Yup, I'm reptilescorpio. It has annoying ads though.
I need to write a map editor. Fark. Tiled Map Editor has source code there. I wonder if I can somehow create and export to sqlite option.. Would save me the trouble of writing a map editor fo sho.

edit: oh wait it exports to json. maybe i can just parse those files with my own program. #thingsimdoingbecauseidontknowwhatimdoingatwork

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Second Apps seems to cache my posts when I go back and forward from something I type.




Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown today released the Greens’ proposal to be put to the Superannuation Roundtable recently established by the Government after talks with the Greens.

“The Greens had detailed discussions with the Government about the revenue going to superannuation as part of the mining tax package, and the need to review superannuation tax concessions. We need to make the system fairer,” Senator Brown said in Canberra.

“Fixing a system so skewed towards high-income earners could go a long way to lift overall levels of savings. Current rules do nothing to ease the growing gap between the rich and poor.

“Tax breaks on superannuation cost the budget $30 billion a year, as Treasury’s latest Tax Expenditure Statement [released 31/1/2012] showed, with almost half of the concessions on contributions going to the top 12% of income earners. The tax breaks were projected to rise to more than $40 billion a year by 2014-15.”

The Greens' plan would see superannuation taxed at a person’s marginal tax rate minus 15 percentage points. Currently all contributions are taxed at a flat rate of 15%. A person whose marginal tax rate is 15% would pay no tax on super. High-income earners would pay more but still significantly less than their marginal tax rate, retaining the incentive to save for retirement.

“The Greens support raising the superannuation guarantee to 12% but tax reform is a crucial part of the debate, and should occur before the mining tax package is legislated,” Senator Brown said.
Theres a lot I like and dont about it

Edit. Seee f###ing arrrrrgggggggh

all it does is scrape the neogaf pages and reformats them to a mobile-friendly format. that's all. your issue honestly sounds like the browser youre using and how it handles leftover data when going backwards and forwards in pages that contain forms.


The greens have no idea.

Super is used to KEEP PEOPLE OFF THE PENSION thus reducing government expenditure in the long run

seriously, if that gets up, whats the point.

you already are not allowed to contribute over a certain amount to stop mega tax evasion so sheez


So reducing the extra tax breaks to the top end of the income spectrum is going to put more people on the pension?

I doubt it.
all it does is scrape the neogaf pages and reformats them to a mobile-friendly format. that's all. your issue honestly sounds like the browser youre using and how it handles leftover data when going backwards and forwards in pages that contain forms.
Yes. Im not saying its 2nd fault really but my experience in using it is sometimes not good. I think real gaf should highlight your posts green though. I like that a lot


So reducing the extra tax breaks to the top end of the income spectrum is going to put more people on the pension?

I doubt it.

Significantly cuts the reasons to co-invest into your super fund with the guarantee

so people won't have as much in super so cannot fund themselevs for as long as they could have potentially

they have already destroyed many tax breaks for super 3 years ago. When you salary sacrifice super it now appears on your payment summary and you cannot use it to bring yourself under means testing limits

which is fine

but super as it is imo is fine

you can only contribute $25,000 per year at the 15% rate (else you get a big fine from the ATO for going over, penalty tax ) if you are under 50. Over 50 its $50,000

so its not like people are putting 400k away each year to avoid tax......

The penalty tax is up to 93% (depending on circumstances)

Oh but the greens didnt tell you this did they


Yes. Im not saying its 2nd fault really but my experience in using it is sometimes not good. I think real gaf should highlight your posts green though. I like that a lot

Super useful.

Another thing I'd love to be able to do is make quotes have automatic linkbacks so I can see conversation threads easily.


Significantly cuts the reasons to co-invest into your super fund with the guarantee
It seems removing the tax from the super contributions of low income earners dramatically increases the reason for those people to co-invest into their super fund.



Fred: i agree, but they also have the co-contributions from the Gvt where they match $ for $ what you put in as a Low Income earner

however the point is that the greens probably think people are putting 100-200k away at 15% a year

and they aren't because they can't

There are limits.

The fact that some people can't touch that money for 40 years should also be taken into account..............

I mean its rewarding you for saving so far ahead. There are many reasons why it should stay
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