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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


I've been a lurker for the better part of 5 years, figured I should start participating here a bit more often!

How many Sydney siders are there here? Are there regular drinking catchups and events, cause if there are, I'm keen.

As an introduction, I'm the guy who owns AustralianGamer.com, the two Mana Bar videogame Cocktail bars, and I do marketing for MCV Pacific.


Oh good lord.


I've been a lurker for the better part of 5 years, figured I should start participating here a bit more often!

How many Sydney siders are there here? Are there regular drinking catchups and events, cause if there are, I'm keen.

As an introduction, I'm the guy who owns AustralianGamer.com, the two Mana Bar videogame Cocktail bars, and I do marketing for MCV Pacific.


Please answer reptile's patent pending ausgaf quiz, tah!

And welcome.


Reheated mum's lasagna, apple & pear cider, Archer and Red Rock chips. Fuuuuuck yeah.


Welcome to all the newbies. Some people say "the list" is a bit stale, I say that we NEED TO KNOW YOUR POSITION ON CRACKDOWN.

Actually! I propose that the final question on "the list" should be to ask the new AusGAFfer to add their own question.

Yug, when are you going to open Mana Bar Gold Coast so I can have a local place to go again :p

The sad news out of Sega Oz today has made me think a lot about my time in the Valley game Dev scene...

I really miss working in the Valley. I'm not complaining about the new job, but working in basically an industrial complex means I can't quickly pop out of the office to do some banking, or check the mailbox, or grab a hot chocolate.

OK maybe I'm really just thinking about hot chocolate.


At some point MelbGAF was gonna head over to the ManaBar for the second official "meet Kritz" event. But we didn't.

That's the end of that story.

EDIT: Fuck y'all bitches. ManaBar Tasmania's where it's at.

aha ha

Please answer reptile's patent pending ausgaf quiz, tah!

Steam ID?
360 Gamertag?
PS3 thingy?
Thoughts on SOAP?
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
iOS gamer or Android user?
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY?
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Insert guy/girl of interest (Lily Cerna, Ella Morton, Mel McLaughlin, kPOP) here.
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet? Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online!
Join some peope with 'first letter of your username for avatar picture' February!
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Jalapeño man?
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Vegemite... Mana from heaven or foul toxic sludge?
Do you plays the Halos or Duties?

Reheated mum's lasagna, apple & pear cider, Archer and Red Rock chips. Fuuuuuck yeah.
I envy you young man. Watching the latest Archer episodes fresh and new. Like a precocious scamp waiting for the final snowflake of winter heralding the bounding boys of the season in heat.


Are they Sweet Chili RRD chips? If so fuck you. I'm stuck here with half a glass of the only booze in the house and leftover caeser salad from yesterday. AND no new Archer? What depth of hell is this place.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Missy Higgins is awful who the hell chose her?


Religion being discussed in Steam chat.. What's going on in here tonight?

I apologise for that.


Also, should people be allowed to fuck animals if they want? If you watch that Pony cartoon, you probably think they should!



I want a tag give me a tag
I apologise for that.


Also, should people be allowed to fuck animals if they want? If you watch that Pony cartoon, you probably think they should!




Being able to apply internally for a job, go up against one other applicant, get the job and get told today that it's a 26% pay rise. In Tasmania, doing IT and with great opportunities to skill up. Feel pretty lucky!


One of these may not be for my Goddaughter


Mythology is the best place to find names for Pokemon

As an introduction, I'm the guy who owns AustralianGamer.com, the two Mana Bar videogame Cocktail bars, and I do marketing for MCV Pacific.


I've had good times at Mana Bar Melbourne, cheers!


Matthew 5:28 - "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart"

Zeus - "I slept with your mother"


For cider-AusGAF I'm drinking Matilda Bay Dirty Granny. Quite strong, nice kick to it, but not too overbearing. Yum.

I also buckled and bought those Onion and Rosemary Woolies chips. Shit's crack. Well played whoever recommended them.


I envy you young man. Watching the latest Archer episodes fresh and new. Like a precocious scamp waiting for the final snowflake of winter heralding the bounding boys of the season in heat.


Are they Sweet Chili RRD chips? If so fuck you. I'm stuck here with half a glass of the only booze in the house and leftover caeser salad from yesterday. AND no new Archer? What depth of hell is this place.
I don't know if you caught my previous post, but I actually only realised today that I had short-changed myself on S2 Archer. I still had three eps of that to go, as well as the three "special" episodes (I've watched the first. Patrick Warburton!) and then I can start on S3 proper :D

And the chips, they were the fire-roasted chili and sea salt ones. Really nice. Not too hot at all but good chili flavour. Recommended. I've always been a Kettle guy, but RRD are good with there more adventurous flavours.

For cider-AusGAF I'm drinking Matilda Bay Dirty Granny. Quite strong, nice kick to it, but not too overbearing. Yum.

I also buckled and bought those Onion and Rosemary Woolies chips. Shit's crack. Well played whoever recommended them.
I recommended them :D I also recommend Monteith's Apple & Pear. I don't think it's in small bottles though, so you'll just have to live with sinking a half a litre at a time. Which I don't take issue with at all, funnily enough.
I'm still salty Shaneus.

Yep first one.

I'm feel like selling everything 360 related I own instead of buying a new console. I did just get a new copy of Assassin's Creed Revelations for it though and I really want to play it. :-/

JB or EB might have a trade deal for it. Check out what new releases on PS3 you might like.

A new 360 can be had for fairly cheap nowadays if you are really locked in with XBLA and your library though.


I recommended them :D I also recommend Monteith's Apple & Pear. I don't think it's in small bottles though, so you'll just have to live with sinking a half a litre at a time. Which I don't take issue with at all, funnily enough.

I tip my hat to your refined palate, good sir. I think I can live with that haha.

I'm on 360 #3 too :\
It's getting awfully crowded in here with all these new people. I think I'm going to go and sit in the corner.

Still on my first 360. From the end of 2008... I think. Around the time they switched from Jaspers to Falcons or whatever the heck they did.
EVERYONE should be watching Catwoman on Go right now. It's so, so, SO bad it's awesome. Like, really badly awesome.

Rewatching RedLetterMedia again. Powering through the Star Trek run. Was up until 1:30am last night with Indy 4 which I hadn't actually seen. It was also the first piece of media for the movie I had seen and the first time I acknowledged that an Indy 4 existed.

I can now go back to believing there is only 3 Indy movies. Uncharted is the second trilogy I guess.


I'm still salty Shaneus.

JB or EB might have a trade deal for it. Check out what new releases on PS3 you might like.

A new 360 can be had for fairly cheap nowadays if you are really locked in with XBLA and your library though.

Yeah I'll probably just pick up the PS3 version when it hits bargain price, which should be soon I reckon, then give the 360 version to a friend that wanted it after I finished with it. Lucky for him since he now gets it earlier then expected. Might pick up a 360 again when it's Halo 4 time, hopefully it's below $200 by then.

What happened? I got mine fixed by some dude in brissie for like $100. Actually it was more because it had a stuffed disc drive too.

Cheaper than a new one and its been fine ever since

1 red ring, e74 error. I think for me I won't bother to repair this one, too much hassle and there aren't any exclusives I want to play right now.
We need a question on the quiz that lets us gauge which generations the new guys have played through so the older guys can mock the younger ones for not having played Adventure on university mainframes, and for judging then when they wrongly prefer Mario 64 to Mario 3.
Mario World is better.


I say we bring back the kpop or jpop question that appeared once or twice.

A very important question for judging one's character!


We need a question on the quiz that lets us gauge which generations the new guys have played through so the older guys can mock the younger ones for not having played Adventure on university mainframes, and for judging then when they wrongly prefer Mario 64 to Mario 3.
Mario World is better.
Mortal Kombat or... Mortal Kombat?

I say we bring back the kpop or jpop question that appeared once or twice.

A very important question for judging one's character!
Clearly hasn't worked that well.


The stream is OVER.

Thanks everyone who watched my hour and a half endurance run of Rock Watcher 2012. Archive will be up in a few hours.
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