Whitney Houston died? Well, I guess Bobby Brown is on his own.
With the shit he did to her, he better hope the Ghostbusters still got his back
Whitney Houston died? Well, I guess Bobby Brown is on his own.
You'd hope so. It's such a shame, Whitney was too hot to handle, now she's definitely too cold to hold.With the shit he did to her, he better hope the Ghostbusters still got his back
Ran them over with his car because he was too busy texting?
That's the dude! And it was him.George Takei
Crab fisherman on Ninja Warrior owned.
SydGAF Board Games wrapped up a short time ago. We all seemed to have a lot of fun, even though we only ended up playing two games and eating lunch. About 6 hours of stuff all up, so a good run. It likely shall happen again, although it seems the next time people are available is early March, unless some others want to join in on the fun.
Oh, and technically we didn't play any board games, but strategy card games are nearly the same thing (and my Munchkin set DOES include a board).
Uuuugh, this RAID 5 migration thing is taking SO long. It's been at least three hours and it's at 8%. It's gonna be a while![]()
Totally has the dog beak thing happening.
'bout 3.5TB. 48 hours wouldn't seem unexpected given the rate it's going :/Ah yea .. That will take a good while. 24 - 48 hours maybe, Depending on how much data you have.
Tomorrow night I think. Unless nobody can make it.Oh, when was the next D&D session? Might not be able to play all of this week, but you guys can continue if you want.
Munchkin and Citadels. One game each.What games got played?
I'm all for it, but almost everyone seemed busy for the next few weeks. Fortnightly or something would probably be good, but I doubt we've got enough people. SydGAF: prove me wrong (please).The best approach I think is to just have everyone show up with a bunch of games and no plan and see what you feel like playing on the spot. With our crew, there would only be like, 20% of games brought would actually get opened up.
March seems a bit late - try and have meet-ups more often. Doesn't matter if only two people show - that's enough for a game of anything.
OK, now it's getting a bit weird...I want SydBoardGAF to become a thing so whenever I'm in Sydney I can come and ruin games and shuffle the cards wrong and get olive oil on everything in front of a whole new bunch of fresh faces. Y'all should consider getting matching SydBoardGAF tattoos.
What games got played?
The best approach I think is to just have everyone show up with a bunch of games and no plan and see what you feel like playing on the spot. With our crew, there would only be like, 20% of games brought would actually get opened up.
March seems a bit late - try and have meet-ups more often. Doesn't matter if only two people show - that's enough for a game of anything.
I want SydBoardGAF to become a thing so whenever I'm in Sydney I can come and ruin games and shuffle the cards wrong and get olive oil on everything in front of a whole new bunch of fresh faces. Y'all should consider getting matching SydBoardGAF tattoos.
Munchkin and Citadels. One game each.
Dave bought 7 Wonders and we played that today. Game is really good. Also played Power Grid last weekend, that's really good too.
The person who had played Citadels before kept getting the rules wrong (we would only find this out part-way due to certain buildings showing up or randomly reading a bit of text)...Wow, Citadels usually plays in under an hour, regardless of participants and Munchkin is a pretty simple game too.
Had anyone played Citadels before? It's one of those games that's easy to learn but you really need to know the strengths of each of the available roles to be effective at it. You'll likely get a lot more out of it on subsequent plays when people are savvy on when to pick particular role cards.
Munchkin lacks strategy but can be fun distraction.
I eagerly await Pandemic-induced tears of eternal sadness.
Thanks for the link. I've just been going through Curt's GAF posts. He's a straight talker, which is refreshing. His game is pretty good too.
I'm all for it, but almost everyone seemed busy for the next few weeks. Fortnightly or something would probably be good, but I doubt we've got enough people. SydGAF: prove me wrong (please).
Dave bought 7 Wonders and we played that today. Game is really good. Also played Power Grid last weekend, that's really good too.
I eagerly await Pandemic-induced tears of eternal sadness.
The person who had played Citadels before kept getting the rules wrong
Main draw is the running gags. The more time you spend with the characters the more you become accustomed to their nuances so you are already laughing before they say something because you know the kind of thing they are going to say.Hey reptile... I don't remember loving Archer as much in the first season vs. this one. As a bigger fan than I, what's different b/w the first season and the second/third?
The person who had played Citadels before kept getting the rules wrong (we would only find this out part-way due to certain buildings showing up or randomly reading a bit of text)...
But yeah, I chalk the length up to inexperience, plus there was a lot of banter. Plus, time just flew by. None of us could believe the time when we checked our watches after Munchkin to find it was 2:45. Then we did lunch, so Citadels probably only took us an hour and a half or so all up...
Thanks for the link. I've just been going through Curt's GAF posts. He's a straight talker, which is refreshing. His game is pretty good too.
Tell me about Portlandia, hipster-hating GAF. It looks funny.
Tell me about Portlandia, hipster-hating GAF. It looks funny.
Dave bought 7 Wonders and we played that today. Game is really good. Also played Power Grid last weekend, that's really good too.
gehrig38. His first post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=34614450&postcount=2648What's his GAF moniker?
There was also discussion about a possible MelGAF 2.0 (or 3.0, 2.5, 3.5 depending on how you calculate it) at the Fed Square beer thing in March.
gehrig38. His first post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=34614450&postcount=2648
gehrig38. His first post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=34614450&postcount=2648
Um, that guy is this guy. I had to look him up when he mentioned the baseball World Series rings. Reading his post, he sounds like one of the most perfectly balanced and down to earth guys in the industry. I'm pretty sure I'll buy that game on that mini-journal entry alone, despite not having played the demo.What a swell guy, thanks for the link.
Those big bloated PR-style OT threads are perhaps a bit unnecessary and overblown, but it must be a great feeling for industry folk like Schilling to come upon threads like this, completely fan-made, and see the enthusiasm from the gaming community for their product.
Can't help but appreciate his earnestness on issues with the demo. He argues that the demo shouldn't have been released in such a fashion and goes into bat for his game, which I hope is sincere and not marketing back-pedaling.