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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


That's the first thing I thought about when I found out!

Rudd will challenge Gillard to a duel to decide the fate of the Labor party. The ensuing battle will exhaust both of them, making all believe Labor has fallen. But at the last moment, when all seems lost, Bob Hawke will descend from the Heavens with beer in hand, and tell everyone to "Stop being cunts and have a beer."

The people will come together in the streets to celebrate, and we'll all drink beer and watch sport for the rest of our lives.

Bravo. Spat my drink out.


Someone explain the K-Rudd situation plz.

My name is Maximus Decimus Rudd, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Vegemite Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Bob Hawke. Father to a murdered primeministership, husband to a murdered Mining tax. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

or somewhere there about >_>
Someone explain the K-Rudd situation plz.

Dude wants to run the show since the chick who pushed him out is doing a shit job at making people think they are doing a bang up job. Phat paycheck of being PM would be nice so he is throwing his cards on the table and challenging her to a duel.

Some retarded manbearpig is trying not to choke himself to death while they beat the shit out of each other over the top job, everyone feels sorry for the poor fella so if the other two can't start skulling beers or wrestling bears into stopping their attack on the environment and the working middle class he gets to dribble on the big boy desk.

Dead Man


I'm so embarrassed for the Labor party. HD video of Abbott with his advisor might save them now.

It's funny that the party which is most rigorous about it's elected members having a united front in parliament is the one that is most fractured at the moment.


That's the first thing I thought about when I found out!

Bravo. Spat my drink out.

Woo, double-quoted by the fappsta! Hope you didn't make a mess!

My name is Maximus Decimus Rudd, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Vegemite Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Bob Hawke. Father to a murdered primeministership, husband to a murdered Mining tax. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

or somewhere there about >_>

This is good haha. Vegemite Legions should seriously be in our vernacular somewhere.


Rudd says he wont backstab Gillard or be involved with doing that.

I have a new theory that hes going to get support of key members and make his own party and campaign that shit so he gets seats next election.

He will probably also try and abduct members so a vote of no conifdence happens and the election occurs earlier.
Dude wants to run the show since the chick who pushed him out is doing a shit job at making people think they are doing a bang up job. Phat paycheck of being PM would be nice so he is throwing his cards on the table and challenging her to a duel.

Some retarded manbearpig is trying not to choke himself to death while they beat the shit out of each other over the top job, everyone feels sorry for the poor fella so if the other two can't start skulling beers or wrestling bears into stopping their attack on the environment and the working middle class he gets to dribble on the big boy desk.

That actually helps. Thanks!


8:10: BREAKING: Julia Gillard to hold a press conference tomorrow and Lyndal Curtis understands she will call for a leadership ballot
We have been trying to find a day care nearby that we can get our son into for more than 3 hours at a time as he is a bit of a handful and the gf wants more time around the house and to organise for the wedding, plus he just loves playing with other people.
Finally got offered a full day from a day care a block away which is across the road from the TAFE the gf also has done teachers aide stuff for disabled people through, so that will help get her back into work a bit eventually. Means we have to pull him out of his other day care though.
This is the thank you card he is taking with him to his last session tomorrow.


Seems like a bit of a dick move, "here is a cute card of the child you don't get to see any more", but what do I know.

Also SORRY Omi but I had to use my shitty Android camera to take that picture.

ALSO does anyone have a copy of the Midnight Express EP by Perth grunge rockers (of the past) Gyroscope? My copy got wrecked in first year of uni and my digital copy was lost when my last HDD kicked the can. Everyone should just put their shit up on BandCamp.


Rudd says he wont backstab Gillard or be involved with doing that.

I have a new theory that hes going to get support of key members and make his own party and campaign that shit so he gets seats next election.

He will probably also try and abduct members so a vote of no conifdence happens and the election occurs earlier.

he is best mates with Bob Katter (he was in the office when gillard came in with the knife).......and guess who just launched a new party? :)


Labor numpties won't abandon ship.

The Labor party is like the Matrix cocoon for them, with feeder tubes and shit, since they joined a union or went to a uni barbecue.


The electorate is with Rudd

out of the two of them

This decision is do they want to get obliterated, or do they want a chance to stop Abbott

edit: Gillard think sshe has the numbers.

So did thatcher...


Nothing to do with anything, but god I hate Shorten and everything about him >.< he is everything wrong with the labour party rolled up into one person.


Rudd needs 30 votes........ hopefully there will be some polls over the weekend to build some momentum from.

Rudd will get the numbers easily imo. The ballot is secret so no one knows who votes what

People can tell Gillard she has tehir vote but guess what, she doesnt

Happens all the time in political spills


Oh god said:
Palmer, who is locked in a verbal stoush with Football Federation Australia over a range of issues, contacted fellow mining magnate Sage a week ago to seek his support for the proposal.

While Sage has his own grievances with the governing body over the running of the A-League, he sought to dissuade Palmer from proceeding with the plan on the basis that world governing body FIFA would not sanction a rebel league.

It is believed Palmer also canvassed the support of another disillusioned A-League boss, Newcastle Jets chief Nathan Tinkler, who has threatened FFA with legal action after parting with millions - the undisclosed amount is understood to be the largest paid by any of the A-league’s 10 owners - to buy the franchise license.

“I had recent discussions with Clive and he did suggest the idea of a competition replacing the A-league and being run independently of FFA," Sage said.

“I explained to him how that would put Australia outside the umbrella of FIFA and that you wouldn’t be able to sign FIFA-registered players and play in FIFA-sanctioned competitions and he understood that.

“There’s no way it could happen here, unlike in rugby league where of course it did a number of years back. So the idea got knocked on the head pretty quickly.”


So I was going to talk a little about Mass Effect 3 'cos I just got back from an event, but it looks as though politics is the flash topic for the day. I just want you all to know we did everything in our power to make the ugliest Shepherd possible.


haha welcome to what Football NSW tried to do 2 years ago, break away from FFA.

This is what that means

-No FIFA accredited official can referee your matches
-No officials from the state bodies can referee your matches (because they are not covered by insurance and let me tell you i will NEVER EVER referee a game if i am not covered by FFA's public liability insurance)
-Any official who goes with this league needs to cut themselves off from FFA, denying any chance of progression to FIFA ranks
-Every local association is FIFA affiliated. Meaning every local official association is affiliated with FIFA
-Meaning that you can't even train up officials for your league unless you build a rival referees association from the grassroots.

Which will never happen as AFRF (Federation who provide the A-League referees) has reciprocal deals with the English FA and Italian FA's. We have exchange programs where Italian referees come here and do state league games and we go there and do Serie B and C and Conference (England) matches.

Clive Palmer needs to fucking DO HIS RESEARCH. They have tried this before and it got no where because without officials you have nothing.

No official will break away from FFA because the lack of insurance and the fact you have to cut yourself off from FIFA to do so, means no one will do it.


To give you an indication as to how serious the Public Liability issue is for match officials, i have turned up to a match realised due to a factor out of my control i would not be covered by insurance.

Informed the Ground officials the match will not be going ahead and abandoned the match and drove home.

99.9% of other officials would have done the same.


Lose-lose situation. It's Rudd's if I don't win I'm taking you with me.

the way he has maneouvered into this position will be written for decades to come as to how the politics game

Rudds been in control of this since last election imo.
Wayne Swan statement:



The Treasurer, Wayne Swan, has torn Kevin Rudd in half.

In a statement released at 8.30pm, Mr Swan says Mr Rudd lacks Labor values, has been undermining the government, treats people like dirt and was behind the leaks that destroyed the party’s 2010 campaign.

‘‘For the sake of the labour movement, the Government and the Australians which it represents, we have refrained from criticism to date,’’ he said.
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‘‘However for too long, Kevin Rudd has been putting his own self-interest ahead of the interests of the broader labour movement and the country as a whole, and that needs to stop.

‘‘The Party has given Kevin Rudd all the opportunities in the world and he wasted them with his dysfunctional decision making and his deeply demeaning attitude towards other people including our caucus colleagues. He sought to tear down the 2010 campaign, deliberately risking an Abbott Prime Ministership, and now he undermines the Government at every turn.’’

Mr Swan says Mr Rudd was the party’s biggest beneficiary and it now its greatest critic ‘‘but never a loyal or selfless example of its values and objectives’’.

‘‘For the interests of the labour movement and of working people, there is too much at stake in our economy and in the political debate for the interests of the labour movement and working people to be damaged by somebody who does not hold any Labor values,’’’ he said.

Mr Swan said colleagues ‘‘are sick of Kevin Rudd driving the vote down by sabotaging policy announcements and undermining our substantial economic successes’’.

‘‘The Labor Party is not about a person, it’s about a purpose. That’s something Prime Minister Gillard has always known in her heart but something Kevin Rudd has never understood.’’

"She is tough, determined, forward-looking, and has a good Labor heart. She has a consultative, respectful relationship with caucus while Kevin Rudd demeaned them.

"She’s cleaned up a lot of the mess he left her and has established a good, Labor agenda.

"She’s delivering major reforms, and getting things done that her predecessor could not.

"Colleagues are sick of Kevin Rudd driving the vote down by sabotaging policy announcements and undermining our substantial economic successes.

"The Labor Party is not about a person, it’s about a purpose. That’s something Prime Minister Gillard has always known in her heart but something Kevin Rudd has never understood."

lol. Harsh but fair. Rudd is gonna get to play the victim card quite handily though. Bad move, really.


Gillard has ZERO control now

Rudd wins, Government stays.

Rudd loses, Government is broken up due to no majority, GG calls election, Gillard loses anyway.

This is now pure damage control from the ALP. The electorate prefer Rudd, that much is clear.
So basically, Labor is fucked either way in my opinion. They need massive internal structural reform for me to consider voting 1 for them ever again.

But really, I'd still prefer a government in shambles than Tony Abbott as PM (which is just another way of saying "government in shambles").


So I was going to talk a little about Mass Effect 3 'cos I just got back from an event, but it looks as though politics is the flash topic for the day. I just want you all to know we did everything in our power to make the ugliest Shepherd possible.

Check will fucking kill you as well :)

How was the Bioware dude (this was all arranged months and months ago jintor!) :)


Check will fucking kill you as well :)

How was the Bioware dude (this was all arranged months and months ago jintor!) :)

Oh no, you can customise your character, Check's going to flip the fuck out. Well I won't talk shit about the game because I didn't myself play any of it then, and I didn't really talk to the dudes (and dudette) they shipped in because I wasn't actually there to interview anybody. So I guess I don't have anything to say other than Ugly Shepard is only kind of ugly and not all-out crazy ugly like you see in some of the threads in gaming.




Political commentators saying that a Liberal spill would be inevitable at some point if Rudd wins because Tony will lose significant popularity

They said Rudd and Turnbull are the leaders the electorate want, and i think they are right.
That reminds me, reptile have you had a chance to get that Halo disc looked at?

...I'll do it tomorrow alright!

I keep forgetting. Damn this cold. Damn this work.

Will chuck it in the car and stop off at the video store on the way home. I'll give it a run and if it doesn't work I'll post back to Choc for testing. Maybe it cut itself when it found out Choc was jumping ship to Sony?


I died at that state Labor candidate (20 years old) who has never been to his regional electorate, can't go "because uni starts soon", and said he "would go on a listening tour" if he won.

Shanshan, you should throw your hat in the ring for some outback political action.


So I was going to talk a little about Mass Effect 3 'cos I just got back from an event, but it looks as though politics is the flash topic for the day. I just want you all to know we did everything in our power to make the ugliest Shepherd possible.

This is a statement that I approve of. How was the event anyway? Would've gone if I wasn't stuck here in Melbourne for jury duty.
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