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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best

About anything in particular? I'm all ears (and eyes, and fingers) :)
Mainly In relation to cars. Atm I'm just using the cars I've gotten free, is there anything in particular I should buy that can cover alot of events? Or should I just upgrade the cars I've got to bump them into higher divisions when needed.
That was for Planet_JASE.
I didn't say it was okay to manipulate a child's spine I just asked you to explain why there was no spine/brain relationship.

Okay, I'll play. Lets try a simple one. A man's spine is severed, he is now a paraplegic. Which disorders and/or diseases (besides signals from the brain not reaching or being interpreted by the body) are associated with such a severe injury to the spine? Uhh... none that I'm aware of. I'm more than willing to be enlightened.
Bladder and bowel dysfunction. Cardiovascular disease. Deep Vein Thrombosis. Spasticity. Pneumonia. Heterotopic Ossification. Orthostatic Hypotension.

Spasticity is the most interesting one as it causes the brain to react different to it's usual inputs. It exaggerates the responses to the remaining nerves and can be futher exasperated by some of the the previously listed conditions that crop up as a result of spinal injury.

Vascular dysfunction can also cause a lack of blood flow to the rest of the body, especially the heart, causing edema. So the heart can't function normally because of a spinal injury.

What I'm getting at is the body is complex and there are organs and parts of the body that can effect seemingly unrelated parts of the body.

So far, Shaneus has said having his top vertebrae aligned has corrected his posture, improved the range of motion of his neck, has reduced his instances of headaches leading to a clearer mind which lead to him saying this:

My ADHD symptoms, while still there, were noticeably (not significantly) less annoying than before.

Does that in any way seem like it could be possible? The spine, which was restricting blood flow to the brain or causing muscle tension that lead to headaches, was making it harder for someone to manage their ADHD.

If some were to be believed, such a horrific injury to the spine would introduce a plethora of ailments, yet there are no recorded cases of any such thing that I have seen. I would be surprised to read "Spinal Injury Victim Develops Down Syndrome" or anything similar.
So your argument is physical injury doesn't cause chromosomal condition? Breakage of the back did not result in additional chromosome being developed?

Just to recap: My ADHD symptoms, while still there, were noticeably (not significantly) less annoying than before.

Your counter argument is Spinal Injury has never caused or cured Downs Syndrome?

You know what I'm demanding proof of? Adjustments of the spine cure ailments unrelated to the spine itself. Since there is none at all, I think I can sit pretty comfortably in my position. I don't wholeheartedly believe the "absence of evidence isn't necessarily evidence of absence" thing when it comes to this.
If damage to the spine can cause all (but not limited to) the secondary issues that I listed above could you not reason that a spine that is misaligned could be restricting blood flow, putting pressure on nerves or causing stain on muscles?

I would put real money down that if Shaneus had an MRI on his brain showing the ADHD before the adjustment, it would still be visible afterwards. I'm pretty sure we would have heard "Cure for ADHD Discovered, it was Just a Slipped Disc!" some time ago. Alas, we haven't.
My ADHD symptoms, while still there, were noticeably (not significantly) less annoying than before.



how the heck with that summary is it a 7/10



basically the US is imploding again

The congress has failed to come up with a way to reduce the 14 trillion debt so a default package of sweeping cuts will be introduced into the US that will affect social security, medicaid and other things

Basically the US is showing yet again it can't keep its own house in order.

France has announced it has significant exposure to Greek debt so its credit rating is being reduced.

Italy is screwed and Spain is well on the way.

Basically the US and Eurozone are imploding at the same time

Want to know teh congress approval rating in the US right now? 8%

The current approval rating for communism in the US right now? 9%



A couple of things about the spreadsheet:
Can I really change the privacy and editing permissions for others simply as an editor? Seems a bit much for every editor to be able to do.

Should there be an 'owner' column?

There isn't a way to comment on it somewhere is there? Would be better than me posting here.
Every editor can share the document with other people, edit whatever they like and insert / remove columns etc. It's the awesome thing about collaborative authoring systems. Don't worry, there are constant saves made of earlier revisions so we can always roll back if someone fucks it up :)

Yeah, go ahead and add an owner column.

There's a chat function to the right - click on the '3 other viewers' (or whatever number) on the top right - messages you leave there will be read by whoever else is in the doc now or later.

hmm live thread extension ain't working for some reason even though it was working fine after newgaf.
Yeah me too. It's seriously sucks :( Hope it gets fixed soon.

12 hour day at the office yesterday and a 6am start today means I haven't been on much. What have I missed?


its hard enough to get things done with a simple majority in Australia.......

to think the yanks have to make do with a supermajority in the senate.
12 hour day at the office yesterday and a 6am start today means I haven't been on much. What have I missed?
AusGAF is melting down, man!

I propose the next 100 posts only talk about positive aspects of video games and related topics. Negativity can earn a 24-hour ban.

Given I proposed it, I should lead by example.

I find that while the Assassin's Creed formula is beginning to feel stale, especially compared to games with good or better stealth like the Batman: Arkham series, Deus Ex, it is still as enjoyable as ever to fly through the air, landing blade first on a pair of guards faces. While some think the bombs are superfluous (including me, before I actually used them) I feel they're a great addition, especially the tactical and diversion bombs.

What is superfluous is the city-building metagame, as it requires no skill and is just busywork. But, get it out of the way early and you can go back to stabbing people in the face. The tombs are just as awesome as ever, and the interior of Haghia Sophia is faithfully recreated, though there aren't as many chandeliers as in the real thing (especially the gigantic one in the centre of the room) it's obviously done for the game. Some of the tombs are a bit more action-focused and are exciting but again don't take a lot of skill. But hey, they're fun so whatever.

The Desmond brain puzzle section is interesting enough that I think you could spin it off into its own full game. That said, I don't think it fits into Assassin's Creed at all. But it is an enjoyable diversion and does require a (little) bit of brain work.

Overall I'd say AC:R is a nice tapas meal. Some dishes are amazing and you want seconds, some you can live without. While I'd prefer a singular, focused dish I'm happy with what was delivered.

The end.

5/5 kritz.net etc.



ezio is feeling stale, not AC

well imo

i have AC:R and am going to dig right into it tonight (played up to the bit where you arrive in istanbul/whatevertheycallit)
ezio is feeling stale, not AC
I disagree. Most things about the engine feel exactly the same way they did in 2006 with the original Assassin's Creed. The animations, controls, movements of both the PC and NPCs are almost all exactly the same and have only been evolved slightly in the past five years. Not to say that they were bad, but I would really like to see AC3 actually try to revolutionise instead of simply try to evolve by adding in tower defence.

For me, moving to late 16th century Japan seems like the perfect way forward. You still move forward in the timeline, but Japan at that time technologically only just started using rifles, so you could focus more on stealth. However the game has mostly been centred in Europe so keeping it there could make sense.


So tempted to record a vid of me dancing with Skyward Sword and post it on Kotaku.

Also - sorry couldn't make it to the Nintendo party Vooks. Tuesday is the night I go climb shit with a group of friends.

Next time I'm in Perth I plan to creepily come to your house, look into your window during a thunderstorm and Serrels stare the shit out of you.


AusGAF is melting down, man!

I propose the next 100 posts only talk about positive aspects of video games and related topics. Negativity can earn a 24-hour ban.
Fuck you.

So anyway, I think I've decided I'm going to write off the vast majority of games in my Steam list. Some of them were just ridiculous purchases that I'll never play and are not worth the stress of having them staring at me. It's a shame there's no trade/gifting system for games that either haven't been played or have only been played for a short amount of time.


So tempted to record a vid of me dancing with Skyward Sword and post it on Kotaku.

Also - sorry couldn't make it to the Nintendo party Vooks. Tuesday is the night I go climb shit with a group of friends.

Next time I'm in Perth I plan to creepily come to your house, look into your window during a thunderstorm and Serrels stare the shit out of you.

Vooks was all IMMA PLAN WAR STRATEGY and then I laughed and went home to pick up my parents from the airport

On the positivity thing, it's probably not any spoilers tos ay that Rayman Origins is pretty bloody amazing.


heh serrels


seriously Cod, go back and play AC1 (which is included free with the ps3 build) and tell me its not different :p
Fuck you.
Cool your jets, man. I'm not singling you out, there's been relentless negativity here for the past week or so. Not really any single person's fault, we've just been discussing negative things a lot.

seriously Cod, go back and play AC1 (which is included free with the ps3 build) and tell me its not different :p
I have the all the AC series on 360. I might have a look to compare. Yes, there are things that are new (in AC you couldn't even assassinate from a roof) but they've been minor additions. One big change is that a lot of missions are now insta-fail if you're detected, whereas there weren't many in the earlier games. Insta-fail on detection is a dealbreaker for me with stealth games (if more than one or two missions).


So tempted to record a vid of me dancing with Skyward Sword and post it on Kotaku.

Also - sorry couldn't make it to the Nintendo party Vooks. Tuesday is the night I go climb shit with a group of friends.

Next time I'm in Perth I plan to creepily come to your house, look into your window during a thunderstorm and Serrels stare the shit out of you.

No, do a video of you spinning full circles in a swivel chair with Skyward Sword.
My computer is playing up, and I'm about ready to splurge on a new machine.

Problem is, I don't really know my arse fromy my elbow when it comes to these things.

I'm looking to spend around $1500 on a gaming machine. Does anyone here have any advice?


So tempted to record a vid of me dancing with Skyward Sword and post it on Kotaku.

Next time I'm in Perth I plan to creepily come to your house, look into your window during a thunderstorm and Serrels stare the shit out of you.

OK here's my positive post of the day - the XBLA sale has lots of goodies! Ella Morton has started a podcast! Ricki Lee is in the top 20! Everyone was very nice to me on my birthday! I own a plasma light now! More people are reading my comics than ever before! A new Jeff Minter game is about to come out! Life is great!


I hope RandomVince isn't really gone :/

I liked his opinions. Also wanted to know how he's finding the second best game of all time, Xenoblade.




OK here's my positive post of the day - the XBLA sale has lots of goodies! Ella Morton has started a podcast! Ricki Lee is in the top 20! Everyone was very nice to me on my birthday! I own a plasma light now! More people are reading my comics than ever before! A new Jeff Minter game is about to come out! Life is great!

i need some great great great mcdonalds

listen, seriously it sounds like that


My computer is playing up, and I'm about ready to splurge on a new machine.

Problem is, I don't really know my arse fromy my elbow when it comes to these things.

I'm looking to spend around $1500 on a gaming machine. Does anyone here have any advice?

That should buy you a pretty awesome machine if you're willing to put it together yourself or know someone who can help you out. Heck, you might even be able to get a pretty good custom-built model from a computer shop for that cashmoney. Drop by the PCBuildGaf thread in Gaming for some hot tips.



OK here's my positive post of the day - the XBLA sale has lots of goodies! Ella Morton has started a podcast! Ricki Lee is in the top 20! Everyone was very nice to me on my birthday! I own a plasma light now! More people are reading my comics than ever before! A new Jeff Minter game is about to come out! Life is great!

Far too positive, 5/5 kritz.net
That should buy you a pretty awesome machine if you're willing to put it together yourself or know someone who can help you out. Heck, you might even be able to get a pretty good custom-built model from a computer shop for that cashmoney. Drop by the PCBuildGaf thread in Gaming for some hot tips.

Cheers for the advice. My computer is an old man, and he needs to be put down.


OK here's my positive post of the day - the XBLA sale has lots of goodies! Ella Morton has started a podcast! Ricki Lee is in the top 20! Everyone was very nice to me on my birthday! I own a plasma light now! More people are reading my comics than ever before! A new Jeff Minter game is about to come out! Life is great!
I want details on each of these things.

What games? Link?

New Jeff Minter game? Should I buy that jumping goat one? I would only be interested if it isn't as hardcore as his other stuff (that you also love, but I struggle to get into :/).

Okay, so maybe two of them. But I'm glad you had an awesome birthday :)

Also, ridiculously cheap 1.5tb 2.5" USB drives at Tricky Dicky's.

Cheers for the advice. My computer is an old man, and he needs to be put down.
There is not much in life more satisfying than when your PC boots up for the first time after building it from scratch (or performing a major upgrade). It's not difficult if you're halfway competent, but oh man does it feel good, man.


Positive thing: I've been able to schedule 3 hours of RPG playtime a week. I'm now two hours into Deus Ex: HR. It's cheesy and yellow.


OK I'll try to be a bit more even handed.

I have a good job and the people are nice! They made a movie based on The Rum Diary starring Johnny Depp and it's apparently good! I think I might go and have chinese for lunch!


My windows installation is about to expire. It's taking way too much time and money to install this man cave in the back yard. I'm behind schedule for Supanova already and it's only November. Agh!!

yeah I lik the positive stuff even more.

Choc would you believe I still haven't heard the damn thing :p



SPEC OPS: THE LINE Computer Games (Multi Platform)

ClassificationMA 15+
Consumer AdviceStrong war themes, violence and coarse language
CategoryComputer Games
Date of Classification11/22/2011
Production CompanyNOT SHOWN
Country of OriginUSA
File NumberT11/5585
Classification Number251153
COD Elite is surprisingly good. Now that it works. Amazed that 1 million people have already signed up. As someone who loves stats like this I think it's even better than Battlelog.

But I'll never pay for it.


More negatives:

Gazunta completely ignored one of my posts today. Guess that since he's started getting more hits for his comic he has less time for Joe Public. Figures :( Which is a shame, because then he'd know about how Vodafone/3 users can get an extra 2gb on Dropbox. I don't know whether he's on that phone network or not (perhaps he should ask the person who takes his calls for him) but it could've been useful information... if he ever read anything I said :(
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