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Ban request


Can’t Git Gud
See? Easy
peach satisfying GIF

Thanks to someone !


I have a big Ignore list. There are some cool cats in this place but sadly, lots of retards and trolls. I can read and take a different opinion no problem with that, but there are many idiots that, imo don't contribute, so I can't waste time on it. Lots people of my Ignore list ended up banned too. Curate your experience.
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I have a big Ignore list. There are some cool cats in this place but sadly, lots of retards and trolls. I can read and take a different opinion no problem with that, but there are many idiots that, imo don't contribute, so I can't waste time on it. Lots people of my Ignore list ended up banned too. Curate your experience.
I like having no one in my ignore list. So I can see the exact moment they trip and get banned. Immense satisfaction. I’m playing the long game bro.
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