I'd like to believe that this is the patch that actually fixed the game, but I don't. I'm not gonna redownload 30GB just to probably suffer the same memory leaks.
It's finally playable for me at 60fps/1080P with minor stutter when driving bat mobile and i'm running an older 1st gen i7 920 (oc'd 3.4ghz) / 12GB / 290X 4GB w/ 15.12 Crimson drivers / Win 10.
The only oddity.. I still have to alt-tab out of the game once in order to make the framerate a lot more stable for the rest of the session, seems like a triple buffer glitch but I don't see it mentioned a lot so not sure whats going on there, happened on my previous install of Win 7 and now on a fresh / formatted install of Win 10.