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Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]

It was a freebie when I bought my GTX970 so I could play this game. Fuck.

Bro at least you got it for free, the fact that I actually spent money on this pos instead of doing my normal wait and see pisses me off due to falling for the hype. Should of known something was off when reviewers only had a ps4 copy


Älg;169542050 said:
Honestly, I don't think that's such a crazy thing to say. In my experience, performance issues are the ones that are the least likely to get fixed, and the performane issues here are pretty massive.

Yes, and I would normally agree, but there's a number of things that don't add up. For one, verifying the cache fails every time for every person who tries it, and redownloads the entire game. Its as if the build uploaded to Steam and the checksum they use to check it don't match. This could be a separate issue altogether but no other shit ports in recent memory do this; the games are just bad ports and they patch it up over time (AC Unity, Far Cry 4, etc). Another thing is the lack of AO in game but AO commands are in the .ini files. Then of course Joker's Benchmark that runs above 60fps but the game itself is locked to 30fps. That's why I suggested we wait and see.


That might be true, but until AMD gets pretty looking features im sadly going to stick with pricey Nvid and their eye candy smoke and stuff.

Does smoke effects provided by GameWorks look good and realistic is very up to personal preference. To me those look very bad/unrealistic while clipping through batmobile model. Also why we gamers are okey with companies like NV developing these tech as proprietary and don't anymore expect game [engine] developers to develop graphical tech themselves?

Favoring closed ecosystems like Nvidia [GPU+GameWorks+G-Sync] can divide PC gaming where games may end up basically as GPU brand exclusives in not so far away future, considering Nvidia dominant position in market that they can abuse.

It will be very sad day for PC gaming when Nvidia manages to push AMD out of GPU space. I hope tomorrow's FuryX release and benches gets AMD back into the game and give them good start to HBM generation.

I guess my point is that HW companies like Nvidia and AMD should compete with HW [+HW drivers], not with which can provide PC gaming space with more proprietary graphics effects.
Well, on a positive note, at least I can finish my PC versions of Arkham City and Origins until this mess gets ironed out. :/

Kinds wish I would have stuck with my PS4 pre-order.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Bro at least you got it for free, the fact that I actually spent money on this pos instead of doing my normal wait and see pisses me off due to falling for the hype. Should of known something was off when reviewers only had a ps4 copy

Sounds terrible mate. :(
My programmer friend at Iron Galaxy just responded to my message from before. The whole studio is all hands on deck for the performance issues so hopefully, some of the big problems are fixed soon.

Please make sure you mention that the AO is off. This is a deal breaker for most people. The game already looks stellar. Having AO on for the PC version will make it look insane.


This is an unfortunate situation, but it's going to be interesting to see what impact Steam refunds will have on this situation. Granted one confounder is a lot of people opted for the best deal on the game by going with GMG and Nuuvem (who don't have quite as friendly a refund policy on successfully activated keys), but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume Steam sales were perhaps the largest piece of the pie of PC sales for the game.

Before when a company botched a PC port the main motivation to fix it was to save face and try to avoid losing potential customers on future releases. But now there's actually direct consequences of losing the sale after release. The longer it takes you to put out a fix, the more sales you lose on refunds. So I wonder how much motivation this puts on WB/Rocksteady/Iron Galaxy to maximize their resources to get a fix out fast. Or do they just treat it as business as usual.


Seems like its not only the PC port thats not "working" as intended.

I bring to you, the official guide!
Yeah, we have no idea of how this game was made, or what working conditions were like at Iron Galaxy. WB are the one to direct your ire towards.

Plus, rocksteady all of a sudden name the PC port studio on twitter only AFTER all these problems arise.

They'd have kept quiet otherwise methinks


What's interesting is that the Nvidia twitch stream is streaming it right and it's completely stutter free.


The guys got it on an SSD, 16GB RAM and a 980.

Watching it now. I noticed some stutter when he was firing at the tanks. That's similar to how it runs on my 980 Ti. It doesn't constantly stutter, it's just a hard drop into the 40s that only happens for like a split second, and it's completely random.


Actively hates charity
Plus, rocksteady all of a sudden name the PC port studio on twitter only AFTER all these problems arise.

They'd have kept quiet otherwise methinks

Well honestly though, no company announces that. I don't remember Rockstar North or Ubisoft Montreal doing that either.


Well I'm getting a solid 30fps with the lock on with enhanced rain and light shafts. I'm just going to leave it alone and play, its not hindering my enjoyment of the game. It really doesn't look better than City or Origins to me so I don't know whats going on here. 3570k and 970.


Yeah, this. Publishers should be willing to give developers the time necessary to do their jobs, and if the time they want isn't enough time, they need to push release dates back and/or give the jobs to other developers and/or straight-up cancel jobs. Customers shouldn't have to take a risk on games working when they release.

True, but port houses should also be responsible for what kind of projects they take on. They could be lowballing just to get the work, but not be equipped for the task.


mmm, they fucked up people who bought B:A City without DLC, they stoped selling DLC for those who bought the normal edition :(

That had more to do with the transition away from GFWL and them being unable to track who owned what DLC if you didn't buy it from Steam.

Oh how things change



WB are a big part of the problem but to not lay any blame at the port house is also not correct, especially if they're not owned by the publisher, like this case. They are often bidding and claiming they can do XYZ in amount of time for amount of money. So at the very least they need to be responsible enough for themselves to know what they can do. It's not their first rodeo. They released Borderlands 2 Vita, one of the more notable bad ports around. If they can't manage the work, they should not be agreeing to contracts stating they can.

Of course, there's a lot of factors we don't know about like if WB or Rocksteady were late with stuff and whatnot, but IG is not blameless.


Junior Member
They worked on KI Season 2 themselves, so hopefully they know what they're doing.

They did great work there for the most part. They bumped up the resolution, added a great amount of much needed gameplay tweaks, their characters are mind bogglingly great in both design and art, the features, modes, etc etc, all amazing work. My only gripe is that it still takes between 8-12 seconds to load in a character on the 'Character Select' screen.
Well honestly though, no company announces that. I don't remember Rockstar North or Ubisoft Montreal doing that either.

Right but thats what I am saying - they dont have to announce it, but they clearly immediately posted the studio to blame on that double twitter post

I actually love this game but to me thats classless and crass. they could have just said "with out PC parner" in the twitter post instead of naming them directly as if its purely out of rocksteady's & WB hands
I now find that if I turn off gameworks it doesn't crash when transitioning to or from the Batmobile. I also find if I uncap the frame rate, change to borderless widescreen, turn off vsync and lock the frame rate to 48 FPS with Rivatuner, I can ignore the frame rate drops, as it doesn't happen much, and just enjoy the game.

I did much the same with Witcher 3.

So much so that I actually managed the first story mission.


if I can get solid 30fps on my 2gig 680 when I get home im probably just gonna play through the thing tbh

thats where my expectations are now. givin up on total completion I just dont wanna get the thing spoiled


I think it's time we all admit that Gameworks is indeed as shitty and detrimental to PC gaming as AMD have been making out.
WB are a big part of the problem but to not lay any blame at the port house is also not correct, especially if they're not owned by the publisher, like this case. They are often bidding and claiming they can do XYZ in amount of time for amount of money. So at the very least they need to be responsible enough for themselves to know what they can do. It's not their first rodeo. They released Borderlands 2 Vita, one of the more notable bad ports around. If they can't manage the work, they should not be agreeing to contracts stating they can.

Of course, there's a lot of factors we don't know about like if WB or Rocksteady were late with stuff and whatnot, but IG is not blameless.

We really dont know what happened behind closed doors. The external studio may have brought up a requirement for more time that the publisher simply chose to move ahead regardless due to the cost of moving out the date (eg marketing costs spent based on a specific date)


Well, I just played the game for about 2 hours and maybe it's too early to tell, but so far so good.

The game stuttered a little at the intro, but that was probably because I had 4k DSR on. As soon as I changed res to 1080p and everything on "max" including Gameworks all 4 options on, the game was a steady 30 fps. Including driving batmobile. Everything was just smooth with no issues.
Last half hour I increased DSR 2x, turned off smoke effect and it still was 30 fps smooth. Here is hoping it lasts, cause it looks and plays great so far.

Have a 970, SSD, 4790k, win 8.1, 8GB RAM.



At least the hair is better. What res is the pc running in the video? Might explain how its generally better looking minus AO

Xbox is pretty darn blurry overall, must 900p or something

I think this or some other picture showing the complete lack of AO in PC version compared with functioning AO in PS4 and Xbone versions should be in the OT. People need to know that the PC version is worse in absolute terms.
tried for about 30 minutes on my 2500K @ 4.0 ghz and 970, and performance was shit. I also had never cancelled my ps4 order, and played that to about the same point. Its like massively better on PS4. Smooth locked 30fps, and for some reason it looks better visually.

On my 970 it was locked 30 but ridiculous stutters every so often, with hiitches were it would completely pause for a bit.

What a trainwreck...
Right but thats what I am saying - they dont have to announce it, but they clearly immediately posted the studio to blame on that double twitter post

I actually love this game but to me thats classless and crass. they could have just said "with out PC parner" in the twitter post instead of naming them directly as if its purely out of rocksteady's & WB hands

Clearly they knew there were problems with the PC port, but it's not like Iron Galaxy's involvement is obfuscated, their logo is in the startup video for the game, with all the middleware suppliers.


tried for about 30 minutes on my 2500K @ 4.0 ghz and 970, and performance was shit. I also had never cancelled my ps4 order, and played that to about the same point. Its like massively better on PS4. Smooth locked 30fps, and for some reason it looks better visually.

On my 970 it was locked 30 but ridiculous stutters every so often, with hiitches were it would completely pause for a bit.

What a trainwreck...

Yup, complete trainwreck.


I get anywhere from 40 fps to 100 fps on a GTX 980 at 1440p, with occasional one second dips to 30 fps during transition scenes. Thank God for G-sync. Game is smooth thanks to it.


I'm only getting stuttering in the batmobile. But damn does this game look rough, also lol at the graphic options. Jaggies everywhere.


Suppose it's a good thing I'm not even halfway through Witcher 3, maybe by the time I get around to this in a month it won't be as shit as it is.


What browser should I be using for that? It's 30fps on IE here at work. That's definitely not 60fps.

It's 60 fps here in Chrome, you also have to change the quality on the video to "Source"

Anyway, that stream is definitely stuttering though. I have noticed it when he moves the camera around quickly. It's very similar to what I've been experiencing on my 980 Ti


I think this or some other picture showing the complete lack of AO in PC version compared with functioning AO in PS4 and Xbone versions should be in the OT. People need to know that the PC version is worse in absolute terms.
I agree. The lack of AO is probably the main reason why some people are saying the game looks better on PS4.
Clearly they knew there were problems with the PC port, but it's not like Iron Galaxy's involvement is obfuscated, their logo is in the startup video for the game, with all the middleware suppliers.

Well first, the blame lies with the publisher. Its their job to ensure everything lines up - from QA to development to corresponding release dates.

Sounds to me like in this case they wanted to just launch a game that clearly wasnt performing well to save money of a delay.
I've got a 970, and the Batmobile settings are mostly smooth for me when locked at 30.

That said, I'm running Windows 10 and AK is on an SSD. It seems like a total crapshoot. A friend of mine has a stronger system, has AK on an SSD and using Windows 8.1 and he said his stutter is so bad he can't even glide let alone drive the batmobile.

Wait...is this a Directx 11 vs. 12 issue?


Ok I'm going to call conspiracy here. I'm going try my best rationalise to prevent sounding mad, here goes....

Nvidia, the way it's meant to be played... The whole gameworks initiative means that the games must be worked on with the help of nvidia to an extent. Nvidia try and tack on many effects and in most cases they will push HBAO+. They didn't this time though. Nvidia must of known the developer was not going to support AO prior on the PC as they are intrinsically involved in the development at some point.

Nvidia knew the PC would not have this feature, but did nothing. This games is a card seller: I do associate the best batman game experience with Nvidia and PC. Up until now ofcourse. When has a game ever came out where the PC version is missing feature that the consoles have? I don't know, perhaps it has happened before. What I do know is, even if my PC can't run a game, I expect it to at least have the same features as the console. I can even forgive a game with bugs that cause it not to run at launch - stuff happens, games are complex and a small mistake can cause a lot of trauma. One thing I can't forgive is intentionally hacking off graphical features like AO for any reason on a PC title.
There was a very small update (633 Bytes? lol) on Steam, content BuildID changed. No idea what that was, but at least there seems to be some activity.
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