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Battleborn |OT| Multiplayer Online Bad-Ass Shooter


I haven't played Alani but I have fought her several times now and she seems like she needs a nerf in a big way. For a healer she deals way too much damage and fast damage. I mean if you compare her to milo or Reyna it is ridiculous. She is the new galilea. If you are going to be a healer and damage dealer you need to be mediocre at both. Now I haven't played her so maybe she is a shitty healer so if that is the case I take back what I said but right now she kind of sucks to play against.


Alani hasn't given me any trouble honestly. That may be because I main El Dragon though. I can power through her to close range and she's a bit squishy.


I haven't played Alani but I have fought her several times now and she seems like she needs a nerf in a big way. For a healer she deals way too much damage and fast damage. I mean if you compare her to milo or Reyna it is ridiculous. She is the new galilea. If you are going to be a healer and damage dealer you need to be mediocre at both. Now I haven't played her so maybe she is a shitty healer so if that is the case I take back what I said but right now she kind of sucks to play against.

She is also an extremely powerful healer!

Also people on Xbox add me! Daedalius


Sketchbook Picasso
Alani is good at being a front line healer. She's built to be in the fight, as long as someone is with her.

Her weaknesses are that she doesn't have a secondary main attack (that's a heal), her healing is generally burst for main (which needs orb stacks to be potent, so she gets off 1 great heal, and then will give ccrappy heals without stacking again), and any healing from other sources forces her to use offensive moves in defensive ways. Thus taking that option away from her until it cools down.

She's also not really all that fast, so she can't zip out of things like Miko.

Her Waterbubble stun is also on the short side (I think only 1 second, rather than 2 plus). ANd the startup on it means you have to predict enemy movement, rather than control where they are with an instant cast. (This can be adjusted with a mutation, but of course that means she loses something else.)

The only things I could see on her that REALY might need adjustment are her burst heals at some points, or her own max HP. She should be more damaging than Miko (who is more of a constant sustain, with more AoE support), and her basic attacks hitting a bit more than Ambra should be ok too, since she has less buttons that work as attacks.

Either way, I look forward to seeing what they change, and hope it isn't an overreaction to quick judgements.
After extensive hours of playing as Alani she really doesn't need a nerf. I may have over exaggerated her healing abilities cuz it heals you quite a bit but not that much and she is easily taken down by enemies that are constantly on her ass. I agree what SAB says in that she really needs someone to partner up with otherwise she's a sitting duck for anyone to cast slowdown or stun on her and take her out. She can't do much damage so I can see now why she has so many opportunities to heal. I hope Gearbox doesn't nerf her too bad. They can at least buff her movement speed. I don't understand why she's so slow for someone that looks nimble.
Alani is OP as fuck. She does great DPS and is tanky as hell. Can't wait for a nerf. I hope she doesn't represent how GBX will handle DLC, making the characters extremely strong.

I've started using Toby. He is hilarious and some of his kit is great but I feel his force fields need a bit more health.

Victory by one point.



So I just played a game where thorn was literally leaping into the sky with every jump making it super hard to hit her. Is this some legendary? I didn't see anything like that in her skill tree.


So I just played a game where thorn was literally leaping into the sky with every jump making it super hard to hit her. Is this some legendary? I didn't see anything like that in her skill tree.

One of the Level 7 helix-choices increases her jump height by 3x. Her personal Legendary gear reduces her arrow charge-time, so it wouldn't be that.
So I just played a game where thorn was literally leaping into the sky with every jump making it super hard to hit her. Is this some legendary? I didn't see anything like that in her skill tree.

She has an upgrade called Vaulting Hunter at level 7 that allows her to jump higher.
Quick rant:
Stop trying to surrender and play the fucking game! People spend half the game trying to quit instead of making an easy comeback.


Sketchbook Picasso
spatenfloot - Yeah, I know what you mean. People have no backbone on games now-a-days, it's like they surrender as soon as 1 thing doesn't go their way. It's those close matches that are among the most fun, not the ROFLSTOMP ones where the winner is decided in the first 2 minutes...


I was hyped for 'that other game' but picked up Battleborn over the weekend on a whim also.

I love it. Someone on here said that BB would come to be seen as a forgotten gem - I totally see that now. There's no justice if this title dies early due to unfounded comparisons and unfortunate release window relating to Overwatch.
I was hyped for 'that other game' but picked up Battleborn over the weekend on a whim also.

I love it. Someone on here said that BB would come to be seen as a forgotten gem - I totally see that now. There's no justice if this title dies early due to unfounded comparisons and unfortunate release window relating to Overwatch.


Stupid release scheduling, not helped by an absolute hype zerg for a very, very good 'other game'.

None of that changes the fact that BB is a damn good game that deserves love, no matter what the man-children hype-whores think.



At least I now have two friends on my Steam friendslist who have it :(
I want to play more, but no friends makes it boring to play and I am stuck on The Experiment as it's tough to solo.
What's interesting is going by Steamspy's numbers, not many people seem to have picked up Overwatch when it was on sale for 40%. I feel this is a testament to how overlooked Battleborn is. It's really something seeing one game completely eclipse another.

Battleborn Steam Spy link

I predict it'll go on sale for at least 50% during the summer sale.
I was hyped for 'that other game' but picked up Battleborn over the weekend on a whim also.

I love it. Someone on here said that BB would come to be seen as a forgotten gem - I totally see that now. There's no justice if this title dies early due to unfounded comparisons and unfortunate release window relating to Overwatch.

Lack of advertising, beta feedback, release date, and just general communication is what killed Battleborn sales. The thing is, on PC the game is not doing so hot but on console, specifically on Xbox, there seems to be a steady community playing it. Honestly, get both. I'm in multiplayer heaven with Battleborn and Overwatch out.
Alani doesn't do great damage, but she does get harder to kill especially once leveled and with the full Osmosis/reduced damage buff. I knew they'd nerf her so maybe it will be easier to actually choose her and get her lore done lol


Lack of advertising, beta feedback, release date, and just general communication is what killed Battleborn sales. The thing is, on PC the game is not doing so hot but on console, specifically on Xbox, there seems to be a steady community playing it. Honestly, get both. I'm in multiplayer heaven with Battleborn and Overwatch out.
There's plenty (and likely more) players on PS4 as well. I've never suffered from long wait times.
Alani doesn't do great damage, but she does get harder to kill especially once leveled and with the full Osmosis/reduced damage buff. I knew they'd nerf her so maybe it will be easier to actually choose her and get her lore done lol
In my games, she is often the top damage dealer. I have been top damage dealer and top healer in the the same game.
Lack of advertising, beta feedback, release date, and just general communication is what killed Battleborn sales.

Yeah pretty much. Also people don't have a lot of patience and don't understand how to play it, that also could be GBX fault for not including a good tutorial or tips system in the game.

I love this game, especially now that i'm starting to understand how to play in pvp, but just browse the steam boards and you'll see how much negativity and rage reign on the pc player base.
The game could do with a better tutorial, but it's not exactly hard to grasp if you've played any MOBA before.

Therein is a problem in itself, of course, but even so.


Picked this game up about a day or two before Overwatch launched and I've mainly been playing campaign. Started playing the pvp modes more recently and I was wondering if people are playing in parties more frequently in this game or if I'm just having a long run of bad luck? Every game of incursion I join I seem to wind up losing. I think I've got like 1 win and 10+ losses so far.
Poor teammates can hurt you a lot more in Incursion than in Meltdown (my preferred mode). Incursion is better with the newest update, but there's still a heavy snowball effect which makes comebacks (especially with randoms) really difficult.

Initially I stuck with Incursion because it felt the most MOBA-like to me, but after giving Meltdown a lot more time I actually decided that's the real MOBA mode in Battleborn. It might not seem like it at first, since you don't have towers (sentries), but the dual lane map design gives it way more of that classic MOBA flow. There's a lot more roaming and 'jungling' in Meltdown, and though the objectives are different than the usual MOBA in practice they end up feeling very similar. If anything lane pushing is even more important in Meltdown, even without traditional towers.
Meltdown is 'freer', Incursion is more a team-fight grinder at times. When me and my friends play we tend to alternate, one match Inc., one match Meltdown.
The game could do with a better tutorial, but it's not exactly hard to grasp if you've played any MOBA before.

Therein is a problem in itself, of course, but even so.
Both Overwatch and Battleborn suffer from a lack of an in-depth tutorial and it shows from the people playing the games completely wrong.
Picked this game up about a day or two before Overwatch launched and I've mainly been playing campaign. Started playing the pvp modes more recently and I was wondering if people are playing in parties more frequently in this game or if I'm just having a long run of bad luck? Every game of incursion I join I seem to wind up losing. I think I've got like 1 win and 10+ losses so far.
Same. I've been put in teams with a party or two parties and faced off against another team in a party. I guess people are learning quick to play the game with a group which is good.


Starting to really regret my purchase (PC). I don't think I've ever wanted to like a game as much as I have with Battleborn while simultaneously being disappointed almost every time I log in.

A map vote for Echelon or Coldsnap almost requires me to leave matchmaking or be useless to my team because those maps run like crap (a common problem for AMD card users apparently).

I'd say one in five games is evenly matched, at best. The other four are either incredibly lopsided (which isn't super fun even when you're on the winning team) or someone leaves as it starts or shortly after it begins.

And if you do have a game that isn't incredibly lopsided, people still want to surrender if they get a little behind, despite the fact that I've been in a number of games that turn around after the halfway point (meltdown) or as levels get higher.

I'm used to the incredibly toxic communities for MOBA games, so the attitudes, insults, etc... aren't anything unusual, but it feels like every time I log on to play I mostly get stuck in laggy, unbalanced games. And nothing from gearbox talking about when they're going to fix any of this - better matchmaking, leaver penalties, optimization. I can deal with the character balance issues (I think they're mostly overblown), but jeez just make the damn game playable and put in place some basic functions to prevent people from quitting/leaving/afking/surrendering if they get behind in the first two minutes.
Does anyone on PC want to team up?

I play for a few hours every night and I've been adding randoms to form groups but I figure it would be cool to play with some people here.


Yeah, I'll probably have to try out the other modes soon. Just went on another 4 game losing streak of incursion last night and while I don't mind taking losses, it's kind of a spirit breaker when you're getting nothing but losses D': Ah well. At the very least it seems like I still get a decent amount of exp from them.

Btw, is there any place with some decent tips on playing Phoebe? I've checked youtube but it seems like all of the videos popping up are from way back before the launch when phoebe apparently had some kind of stun attack.
I had a team surrender today while winning 99-88. They were winning 100-99 most of the match, four of them die together and we start to kill their sentry, they surrender after we took one health off lol. People are way too quick to surrender, especially now that the overshield minions spawn all game for both teams. Another match today we were outnumbered all game 5 on 4. They destroyed our sentry, looked like being outnumbered would make for a quick loss. Eventually they got it down to 36 health on our last sentry, then we wiped them out and killed their first one. Now down 50-36, me and a teammate rushed their sentry and got it down to 36, but we died, and they had just enough time with it 5 on 2 to take our last sentry down to 34 and win 36-34. But it seems like in 99% of other games it would have been a surrender either while they were taking down our first sentry or right after.

It makes it hard to get some of the lore challenges, and results in a lot less XP and money than you'd normally get.
Yeah, I'll probably have to try out the other modes soon. Just went on another 4 game losing streak of incursion last night and while I don't mind taking losses, it's kind of a spirit breaker when you're getting nothing but losses D': Ah well. At the very least it seems like I still get a decent amount of exp from them.

Btw, is there any place with some decent tips on playing Phoebe? I've checked youtube but it seems like all of the videos popping up are from way back before the launch when phoebe apparently had some kind of stun attack.
Upgrade her teleport to slow down enemies, increase her attack speed, get the mutation that increases her attack damage after a successful combo, equip her some movement speed and bigger shield, and get the mutation that allows her to instantly use teleport when her shield is gone. Phoebe isn't a tank character so don't try to chase players into their base thinking you can withstand turret fire. Use her teleport to escape or trap enemies. You want to especially get the jump on weaker enemies cuz you can take them out fast with a few pokes. Don't get cocky with her and you'll do fine.
It'll be funny how no one ever receives the 'Angel of Death' title (Kill 10,000 battleborn), because the game dies too quickly. Aaaaaaaaaayyy.

Also, I played with a person with the 'Gearbox Dev' title. And they initiated the early surrender.

This game is awesome but also very depressing, ha ha!
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