That's bizarre that such a thing would be so difficult.bug that was never fixed, they gave up and literally couldnt do it. sound files are in.
That's bizarre that such a thing would be so difficult.bug that was never fixed, they gave up and literally couldnt do it. sound files are in.
And the remaster doesn't fix it either?bug that was never fixed, they gave up and literally couldnt do it. sound files are in.
I recall the excuse back in the GFWL days being that the sound files are baked into the maps, so they would have needed to have a "patch" as big as the entire game.That's bizarre that such a thing would be so difficult.
Is that true? If so, that's incredibly lame. Way to take responsibility for your work.Given that Blind Squirrel is redirecting inquiries to @2KSupport and @Bioshock...I dunno if we're gonna get patches on these :/
Is that true? If so, that's incredibly lame. Way to take responsibility for your work.
Is that true? If so, that's incredibly lame. Way to take responsibility for your work.
PS4 version of Infinite curb stomps the PS3.
Double the framerate, higher resolution, shorter load times, no pop in and much better IQ in general. Infinite looks extremely crisp on PS4. It doesn't look last-gen at all. This game doesn't seem to have issues either (never crashed, no save game issues and the sound mixing seems better than the other 2 ports as well, esp BS1).
Bioshock 2 looks extremely good on PS4 as well, but has its issues with save space etc. Both 1 and 2 need AF though.
You're good as long you have three save files at the most per game. I had four on BS 1 and wasn't able to create a save on BS 2 until I deleted one. I currently have three save files on BS 2 as well. Not sure if it will allow me anymore. I'll have to try tomorrow.
Not the most ideal solution, mind you, but will do for the time being.
Gotta feeling it's like Iron Galaxy did with Arkham Knight PC - there's an official channel to handle the communication, and it's not for the contracted grunts.
Yes, what you both said makes sense. I'm just peeved that so many aspects are inferior to the originals. Even aside from the technical shortcomings, I'm irked by the artistic changes made - a port house should not be making those kinds of calls, IMO. If anything, they should be going out of their way to keep the artistic vision of the originals intact.Generally, this is part of publisher agreements.
Anyone else notice that their list of issues they're addressing appears to be missing some issues? Stuff like water effects and audio glitches isn't mentioned anywhere in that list. If they fix those items in addition to the issues in their list I'd jump in and start playing.
Even aside from the technical shortcomings, I'm irked by the artistic changes made - a port house should not be making those kinds of calls, IMO. If anything, they should be going out of their way to keep the artistic vision of the originals intact.
Started with Minerva's Den, as usual, and it's still one of the best Rapture stories.
This is probably a daft question, but how do you select the automatic hacking took using a keyboard in Bioshock 1 pc?
EDIT: or am I misremembering and you can't use them like a weapon (so to speak) in the first game?
Started with Minerva's Den, as usual, and it's still one of the best Rapture stories.
Is this standalone? Could someone just go right to this without having finished BS1 or 2?
What's the verdict on this collection? Good enough remasters to justify full price, lazy cash grab that can wait for a price drop, or something to avoid entirely?
You can only use when it when you have initiated a hacking sequence in BS 1. The game will give you the choice to manually hack or use an automatic hacking tool, if you have one available.
BS 2 has it as a selectable weapon from the weapons' wheel and hotkey.
You're in for some goodness. This is THE BioShock DLC.Burial at the sea is so bad, I'm not going to play through it a second time. Finisihed playing after 2 hours. This city doesn't feel like Rapture at all. Vigors? Skyhooks? The whole story...ffs. This is just Bioshock infinite disguised as a prequel to BS1. It feels like I'm playing a bad copy of the first two games.
Luckily I've never played Minerva's Den!
Burial at the sea is so bad, I'm not going to play through it a second time. Finisihed playing after 2 hours. This city doesn't feel like Rapture at all. Vigors? Skyhooks? The whole story...ffs. This is just Bioshock infinite disguised as a prequel to BS1. It feels like I'm playing a bad copy of the first two games.
Luckily I've never played Minerva's Den!
Burial at the sea is so bad, I'm not going to play through it a second time. Finisihed playing after 2 hours. This city doesn't feel like Rapture at all. Vigors? Skyhooks? The whole story...ffs. This is just Bioshock infinite disguised as a prequel to BS1. It feels like I'm playing a bad copy of the first two games.
Burial at the sea is so bad, I'm not going to play through it a second time. Finisihed playing after 2 hours. This city doesn't feel like Rapture at all. Vigors? Skyhooks? The whole story...ffs. This is just Bioshock infinite disguised as a prequel to BS1. It feels like I'm playing a bad copy of the first two games.
Luckily I've never played Minerva's Den!
bug that was never fixed, they gave up and literally couldnt do it. sound files are in.
Best kept secret of the series is that bio2's multiplayer mode functions as a great prequel to bio1. Really fun to play too.
Might have been mentioned already, but Humble Bundle has all three games on sale right now for 75% off. If you buy all three, you'll save a little more, for a total of $13.99. You automatically get access to the two remastered games once you redeem the codes on Steam.
Never played these before, so this seemed like a great time to jump in.
Wait for a price drop, which will undoubtedly come within a month or two. I didn't see it as lazy cash grab, but the games aren't without their problems, as you've likely seen on this thread. Hopefully they'll address it with a patch.
What's the verdict on this collection? Good enough remasters to justify full price, lazy cash grab that can wait for a price drop, or something to avoid entirely?
The problem that lies here is how Bioshock is the best game to play now, whereas starting in a few weeks we'll be flooded with many other great games to play.
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Is the bug with the Handy-Man still in Infinite or did they fix that with the Collection? I hope it's still in otherwise the Platinum will be a pain in the ass.
Yeah I just finished up Bioshock 1 on PS4 and it does have a shadow casted on the wall, the game has several moments like that in the game, perhaps he disabled them to get 4K?Shouldn't there be shadows on the wall of the woman and carriage? If I move slowly closer the wall will just turn black once I get to a certain point. Noticed weird lighting elsewhere too. Anyone else?
I'm really surprised at how awful the sound mixing is on Bioshock 1. I'm not one to usually complain about minor issues, but the way they are now is it makes hearing the diaries and enemy placement pretty difficult. I hope they put out a patch soon that addresses them as that's about my biggest problem with the Bioshock 1 remaster.