IT'S NOT A NERF.So the Searing Palm nerf was unlisted in patch notes, but is still in the patch...
wat is this daily dash
Im at work so can't check in game, what's wrong with the new daily dash?
That's where the mind games come in. If you know they're waiting for it you just stun them and dodge the counter-attack.A smart person isn't going to tab out of anything but your stuns and they now are able to get you to commit both of them before they have to.
What's your character's name in-game?
why are devs so shit at explaining things where do we exchange the event items
one thing thats really pissing me of with this game is how shit is never explained
How do I get to Mushin's tower, or is that not a part of the update?
How do I get to Mushin's tower, or is that not a part of the update?
I found out, you just have to talk to someone in hogstead or some other place (either works) and it should let you
LMAO people are saying KFM is nerfed now?
A good KFM will 100-0 you after you burned your Tab, your only goal against KFM is to get into your 100-0 combo (if your class even had one) before he forces you to Tab or you are already dead.
So as a summoner and blade master player, is this patch going to make me happy or sad?
Also, that daily dash is kinda disappointing especially since it lasts 2 full months...
Does Mushin's tower reset everyday or every time I leave the tower?
Every time you leave the tower.
Speaking of which:
7th floor hype! Let's gooooo!
how hard are the floors 5+ compared to 1-4
Easy until 7. I'm totally rekt.
so you're saying they're about the same until 7? o:
i have fallen for the f2p trap once more
Yeah it looks really nice, on the other hand I expect so many people running around with it that I don't feel like buying it. I guess it'll have value later down the road.
Accessed from your inventory isn't it? One of the buttons at the bottom.still no idea how to use my roses after reading this
says transmute red and white roses but i have no idea how to get that menu up
I'm level 12 SMN at the moment and wondering what the blue LMB move is. I check the skill book but can't find it. I don't know if it's functionally different from the red LMB move.
What should my leveling rotation be? I've just been doing LMB RMB LMB RMB with my 1-4 in between when appropriate.
Was it my imagination or was the first daily dash we got all items and this one we are only getting the items we land on?
Assassins can do that too off of two stuns with stun extension.
You don't really get a decent set of skills until your 30's.
But you're a Scummoner, I think you just AFK while your cat kills everything at that level.
If my latency could do BM I would!
The new skill tree options/ui are pretty neat.
You are correct.
First one everthing. Now where it lands. Not sure if there is a reward for completing it.
So can Destros, and BMs with Hongmoon skills.
My point is that seeing a KFM complain about anything in Arena is hilarious. KFM is incredibly dangerous on Arena, you fuck up once and you die to a good one.