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Bluepoint will be aiming to make GOTY quality titles


Excellent gameplay, graphics, music but shit story and

While excellent story, characters, graphics, music but below average

It's no hidden secret that barely serviceable gameplay is fine for winning GOTY's.

There may be some truth in that. Perhaps because game industry wants to be the new Hollywood. Harder to get respect by making mechanically great things when most people probably see only the surface, not the engine below.


Gold Member
Bluepoint is known as a remaster/remake studio. Shouldn't be a surprise that when trying to recruit new talent that they are advertising themselves as more than that now they Sony has bigger plans for them.


Firstly they are different types of game, secondly I've played both and can say Kena plays better than the ascent.

Even the steam reviews for the ascent tell you everything you need to know:

I for one love Ascent's gameplay, I'm on my 3rd playthrough already, whereas I have a hard time with Kena with its open-world boredom and I'm not even sure if I'll finish it even once :/ But the gameplay in both if IMO very basic (which is a good thing), it's just all about how often do you get to use it in practice.


Gold Member
I for one love Ascent's gameplay, I'm on my 3rd playthrough already, whereas I have a hard time with Kena with its open-world boredom and I'm not even sure if I'll finish it even once :/ But the gameplay in both if IMO very basic (which is a good thing), it's just all about how often do you get to use it in practice.

I've played both and they are both good, not great to me. Have a hard time imagining either one of them in contention for GOTY, frankly.
Most games that get GOTY from the “major” game awards nowadays are overrated. It’s seems like games have gotten to the point where they have their own “Oscar bait”:

-Be heavily cinematic and take itself way too seriously
-Have some sort of Father/child dynamic to appeal to the 30-40 age demographic who grew up on PS1-PS2 era
- Have gameplay that’s simple enough for most people to get through the game easily (and also not filter reviewers)

I think Sekiro is the only recent game that won a major GOTY that eschews this, and it was honestly a surprise

Games that focus on gameplay seem to be left out of consideration a lot because people who want games to be respected as art seem to think that means only cinematic games are worthwhile. In reality I believe crafting good gameplay that keeps the player engaged and constantly adapting is the ultimate art form in the medium of gaming.

Here’s hoping BP prioritize making a constantly engaging game in their ambitions.
-Be heavily cinematic and take itself way too seriously
-Have some sort of Father/child dynamic to appeal to the 30-40 age demographic who grew up on PS1-PS2 era
- Have gameplay that’s simple enough for most people to get through the game easily (and also not filter reviewers)

Lol. I never thought about that.


Gold Member
I disagree with the opinion some have that "cinematic" GOTY games somehow sacrifice gameplay. If a game isn't fun to play then being cinematic isn't going to save it. What "cinematic" really means is the game has high production values in visuals, animation, and acting. Somehow that is bad? God of War has all those things, but it is still a God of War game with fantastic gameplay. As controversial as TLOU 2 is, gameplay isn't the reason it is polarizing. These games didn't win GOTY by being "movie games" as some would like to believe. They are fun as hell to play. But I think the problem is a lot of folks have different opinions than the majority who see these games as excelling in both presentation and gameplay. Having a dissenting opinion is fine. Personally, I don't care for either RDR2 or BoTW, but I recognize that I am in the minority and a hell of a lot of people love those games.

-Be heavily cinematic and take itself way too seriously
-Have some sort of Father/child dynamic to appeal to the 30-40 age demographic who grew up on PS1-PS2 era
- Have gameplay that’s simple enough for most people to get through the game easily (and also not filter reviewers)

I think Sekiro is the only recent game that won a major GOTY that eschews this, and it was honestly a surprise

Where are all these "father/child dynamic" GOTY games again? I can think of two over the last few years. God of War and TLOU.
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Gold Member
I for one love Ascent's gameplay, I'm on my 3rd playthrough already, whereas I have a hard time with Kena with its open-world boredom and I'm not even sure if I'll finish it even once :/ But the gameplay in both if IMO very basic (which is a good thing), it's just all about how often do you get to use it in practice.

Kena is hardly a traditional "open world" game, it's more of a 3d platform game centered around a single hub. You can't just go off anywhere and explore from the start, it leads you down a very specific linear path and there is little to no incentive to return to previous areas.

But regardless, one of the two games is executed better than the other, even when you take into account the difference in genres.

That's what it ultimately comes down to though - in order for a game to be in GOTY discussions it needs to be well executed in every aspect. The whole experience is a marriage of gameplay, visuals and sound. It's funny to me that people are suddenly talking shit about games like RDR2 and the Witcher 3 like they don't play well. They absolutely do. They might not be your cup of tea but to suddenly argue they aren't well executed in every aspect just because you personally prefer a different type of game/gameplay (or experience in general) is misguided.

I disagree with the opinion some have that "cinematic" GOTY games somehow sacrifice gameplay. If a game isn't fun to play then being cinematic isn't going to save it. What "cinematic" really means is the game has high production values in visuals, animation, and acting. Somehow that is bad? God of War has all those things, but it is still a God of War game with fantastic gameplay. As controversial as TLOU 2 is, gameplay isn't the reason it is polarizing. These games didn't win GOTY by being "movie games" as some would like to believe. They are fun as hell to play. But I think the problem is a lot of folks have different opinions than the majority who see these games as excelling in both presentation and gameplay. Having a dissenting opinion is fine. Personally, I don't care for either RDR2 or BoTW, but I recognize that I am in the minority and a hell of a lot of people love those games.

Yep. Recent example being The Medium.
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I disagree with the opinion some have that "cinematic" GOTY games somehow sacrifice gameplay. If a game isn't fun to play then being cinematic isn't going to save it. What "cinematic" really means is the game has high production values in visuals, animation, and acting. Somehow that is bad? God of War has all those things, but it is still a God of War game with fantastic gameplay. As controversial as TLOU 2 is, gameplay isn't the reason it is polarizing. These games didn't win GOTY by being "movie games" as some would like to believe. They are fun as hell to play. But I think the problem is a lot of folks have different opinions than the majority who see these games as excelling in both presentation and gameplay. Having a dissenting opinion is fine. Personally, I don't care for either RDR2 or BoTW, but I recognize that I am in the minority and a hell of a lot of people love those games.

yeah thats a load of bullshit. most of the winners of the previous goty's had great gameplay and deserved thier accolades. some of these guys dont know what the fuck their talking about. you think making amazing graphics, animation and hiring good voice actors is easy and cheap? its expensive, hard and time consuming. they should be praised and deserve all the accolades for moving the industry forward. what are they even talking about anyway? red dead 2 and god of war have some of the best gameplay there is! why does it stop being gameplay just because the character moves realistically? oh its a movie game now! i know most of the time its just trolling.
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They absolutely do.

While I agree with most of your points I simply cannot agree that RDR2's international input lag is anything good, politely speaking. It's basically repeat from KZ2, it kills the entire gameplay experience.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I really hope they work on a NEW IP, not extra content on bloodborne or a sequel.


I would like to see "well playing" games instead of focus of GOTY, or animations or graphics or cinematic experience.

More games like Returnal.

No idea why this obsession with GOTY awards when most games winning them are not much fun to play. Just graphics, atmosphere, characters are not enough for me anymore.
Don't developers get bonuses based on goty nominations and the like? They're just trying to get paid


Gold Member
I would like to see "well playing" games instead of focus of GOTY, or animations or graphics or cinematic experience.

More games like Returnal.

No idea why this obsession with GOTY awards when most games winning them are not much fun to play. Just graphics, atmosphere, characters are not enough for me anymore.

I remember the Days Gone director interview talking about this Sony obsession of makinng >= 9/10 Metacritic games.

I don't play GOTY because my GOTY is different from others GOTY people. Getting games so much identical about less gameplay/more heavily story focused is not my preference.


Gold Member
Calm down everyone, what they mean is goty from the year the next game they remaster first came out.
So goty 1998 for metal gear solid, it's gonna be on par with Goldeneye on n64
yeah thats a load of bullshit. most of the winners of the previous goty's had great gameplay and deserved thier accolades. some of these guys dont know what the fuck their talking about. you think making amazing graphics, animation and hiring good voice actors is easy and cheap? its expensive, hard and time consuming. they should be praised and deserve all the accolades for moving the industry forward. what are they even talking about anyway? red dead 2 and god of war have some of the best gameplay there is! why does it stop being gameplay just because the character moves realistically? oh its a movie game now! i know most of the time its just trolling.
Games like Sekiro, DMC5, Bayonetta, Souls, Ninja Gaiden Black/2, DOOM shit all over those games gameplays wise.

RDR has some of the most basic shooter gameplay that even makes itself easier with the Dead Eye mechanic. Slow down time, headshot guys; it’s not terribly challenging. It’s fine gameplay, but nothing special. But compare it something like Vanquish, which also has a time slow mechanic which the whole game’s challenge is built around, and it creates a better, more engaging gameplay loop.

The gameplay loop in a lot of open world and also story based games is usually Do basic combat that gets old quick > Explore until that gets old > Talk to NPCs > repeat. And that’s fine but two out of the three of those aspects is not exciting on a skill based level. And also it’s not really all that innovative. Games have been doing it for a while. It’s offering a lot of variety but none of it is done exceptionally well.

Games that are designed around focusing on skill based challenges are more interesting as games.

And no I’m not trolling this is my genuine opinion.


I wish them the best of luck.

Creating games from scratch is not the same as building established properties, but the sense of personal creativity and fulfillment makes it all the more special. :)
Isn't every AAA game developer aiming to make their game a GOTY contender?

Hell, the Detroit Lions go into each season with hopes of winning the Super Bowl.
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They haven't shown any reason as to why they couldn't at least be in the conversation. They are fantastic studio. I look forward to seeing more from them in the future, hopefully on an original I.P.


Gold Member
What a surprising goal, good to know. And here I was thinking they'd aim for mid tier run of the mill mediocre games.
I know it sound funny, but in reality, a fuckload of devs develop games with 7-8\10 scores in mind.

Unless you think that the 1000+ people who usually develop the copy-paste ubisoft titles really aim at getting 10\10 scores or a goty prize...

Realist\not ambitious people exist.
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I don't really feel that quote has anything to do with winning awards, not everything in gaming needs to revolve around Geoff Keighley and the type of gaming that he seems to want to push. To me it feels more like they're just wanting to release games that people will think of as being their favourite game of the year and I'd imagine that's a pretty standard desire for many of the more capable development teams, irrelevant of who they make games for. I don't feel that making a game to a set formula that helps on the award circuit nessecerily helps the quality of a game.
I'm in no way suggesting that studios don't like to win awards for their games because I would think that having a list of awards on the cover keeps a game in the public's awareness and doesn't harm sales numbers in any way. Also I suppose it can help publishers focus a second push of the Game of the Year version of their title months long after the initial release.
The most important thing is knowing who is going to direct their original game. Also the less time spent on the cinematics, the more time spend on story, gameplay etc.
Current rumors are the following

-Bloodborne Remaster (2 credible people are vetting this such as Colin Moriarty and that chick from Twitter i forget her name but she was on the dot with previous rumors)

-Bloodborne 2
Yes, a sequel you read that right. According to Colin he heard from same source who told him about Insomniacs Wolverine prior to its announcement at the PS event. He did state he will do some more digging and see if he can another additional confirmation.

I would imagine if they are working on the sequel that From Software will obviously offer consulting and guidance as needed, specifically Miyazaki.

If all of this is true, I'll be in heaven.
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Gold Member
Current rumors are the following

-Bloodborne Remaster (2 credible people are vetting this such as Colin Moriarty and that chick from Twitter i forget her name but she was on the dot with previous rumors)

-Bloodborne 2
Yes, a sequel you read that right. According to Colin he heard from same source who told him about Insomniacs Wolverine prior to its announcement at the PS event. He did state he will do some more digging and see if he can another additional confirmation.

If all of this is true, I'll be in heaven.

Don't think a Bloodborne sequel coming from a studio other than From would go over very well. That's a hell of a challenge for a studio doing their own thing for the first time.


They are hinting to all old school Gaf users that they are remaking Metal Gear Solid 4. Don't wake me from this dream.
Their most recent project got a 92 Metacritic and was a remake of a game that originally got ignored by most people. And they have a lot of pedigree in many of their workers, who before joining Bluepoint were working in many Retro Studios, Blizzard or Sony classics.
lmfao sorry but Bluepoint doesn't get to take credit for the fanbase and pedigree FROMSOFTWARE built.

Demon's Souls wasn't ignored by anybody.... Souls games simply weren't a known quantity at that time... and Demon's Souls got noticed by the right amount of people.. precisely.

Let's wait to see if they have what it takes to make an amazing game when they're not building off the foundation others have laid.


Sounds like the fuckwits have delusions of adequacy. They are a company that just takes existing codebases and moves them to newer (and typically easier to develop on) systems. That does not require any great skill.
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