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Brink |OT| _/^\_


This is a game that really could have used a closed (or open) beta. I think a few of the technical issues would've been avoided.


I'm going to reset the US server in about an hour with an updated config, so hopefully we can get a group together then.


i just played a little bit of this with bots, just to familiarize myself with the controls, and my buddy ended up jumping in.

it's nowhere near as bad as some outlets would lead on.

That's not to say it's great by any stretch of the imagination, but there's definitely some fun to be had. I probably shouldn't have spent 60 bucks on it, but if you can snag it for 40 or under, you can have a good time with it.
Kholdstare said:
This is a game that really could have used a closed (or open) beta. I think a few of the technical issues would've been avoided.
The last beta they did (Quake Wars) generated a lot of bad word of mouth since people saw it as a demo of the final game, it got slandered for stuff that got fixed when the beta ended long after release. I don't think what they're going through now is better than having such a beta though, but I can sorta see why they didn't have one like last time (if it's even up to them and not a decision made by Beth/Zeni). But at least now that it's not "free" people that bought it are likely to give it a fair shake despite the issues, maybe, speculation ahoy!

And they did have a very small and secretive PS3 beta, heavily NDA'd.


Proper competitive clan games should be streamed in about half an hour, commentated by everyone’s favorite ET:QW shoutcaster GreasedScotsman, I'll be tuning in if they can get their act together.

*Wait, that wasn't right, tournament starts may 18th, tonight it'll only be some Brink discussion and "get together" gameplay. My bad!
Pandoracell said:
I'm going to reset the US server in about an hour with an updated config, so hopefully we can get a group together then.

Pretty sure you have a similar system to mine, so how does the game run on yours?


Danne-Danger said:
The last beta they did (Quake Wars) generated a lot of bad word of mouth since people saw it as a demo of the final game, it got slandered for stuff that got fixed when the beta ended long after release. I don't think what they're going through now is better than having such a beta though, but I can sorta see why they didn't have one like last time (if it's even up to them and not a decision made by Beth/Zeni). But at least now that it's not "free" people that bought it are likely to give it a fair shake despite the issues, maybe, speculation ahoy!

And they did have a very small and secretive PS3 beta, heavily NDA'd.


Proper competitive clan games should be streamed in about half an hour, commentated by everyone’s favorite ET:QW shoutcaster GreasedScotsman, I'll be tuning in if they can get their act together.

*Wait, that wasn't right, tournament starts may 18th, tonight it'll only be some Brink discussion and "get together" gameplay. My bad!

Will they be playing the pc version?


so after about 5 multiplayer matches, i crashed twice.

1st crash = black screen with just mouse cursor. nothing responding, couldn't bring up task manager. had to hit reset on pc.

2nd crash = screen just froze, with sound looping. couldn't bring up task manager, no response from the system at all. had to actually power down the pc this time.

screw this game. i'm done messing with this. fucking thing will end up screwing up my pc with the way its been crashing. no other game (i have over 200 on steam) managed to crash like this.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
i5 750
GTX560 Ti

Runs pretty solid on my rig with AO off. No lag online thus far. Did just get the sound glitch where I lost sound entirely. I am running it on my 42" plasma in 7.1 surround or on my 23" display.


Zimbardo said:
so after about 5 multiplayer matches, i crashed twice.

1st crash = black screen with just mouse cursor. nothing responding, couldn't bring up task manager. had to hit reset on pc.

2nd crash = screen just froze, with sound looping. couldn't bring up task manager, no response from the system at all. had to actually power down the pc this time.

screw this game. i'm done messing with this. fucking thing will end up screwing up my pc with the way its been crashing. no other game (i have over 200 on steam) managed to crash like this.

Anyone else had any hard crashes on PC? I havent yet, but I havent played consecutive PC MP matches yet either.


Dammit, even with all the bitching and moaning going on in this thread, I'm still really tempted to get this game. I must be broken. The feature-set sounds exactly like what I like in a team-based shooter, and utterly unlike the Halo/CoD online experience, which I loooooath.

The lag issues sound like day-one teething issues. Even AAAA games can be unplayable in the early days. Of course, they eventually improve. Will Brink?

The stupid-bot complaints also don't worry as much as they probably should. Of course they're stupid, they're bots! The fact that they buff you and heal you and place turrets and mines in semi-correct locations is a minor miracle, compared to the bots in most games. And if they get smarter as more humans join and level-up, all the better. Also, they seemed to be able to kill Gerstmann with almost contemptuous ease.

(Speaking of that, I found that Quick Look Jeff did to be kinda disturbing. Like my illusions had been shattered.... I consider myself to be pretty awful at console shooters. I'm almost 50, and I grew up on mouse/keyboard. I'd get my ass utterly handed to me in online shooters, so I stick almost exclusively to co-op and single player game modes. That said, it caused me almost physical pain to watch Jeff awkwardly attempt to shoot at things. He's, like, horrible at it. It was kinda like watching my wife try to play a shooter. I just found it to be a bit shocking, given what he does for a living.)

That doesn't mean he's wrong about Brink, unfortunately. I hope he is, though.


LocoMrPollock said:
Pretty sure you have a similar system to mine, so how does the game run on yours?
I have a GTX 460 with a low end quad core, and perfomance is iffy at 720p with everything maxed except AO and AA turned off. It fluctuates pretty wildly between 30 and 90, according to the ingame fps counter, which isn't very accurate apparently. When looking out in a fairly open area with multiple characters on screen, it's def. Closer to 30.

There are games that look and run better. I'll need to dig into the cvars in order to tweak performance further.


Graphics suck but this game has it's moments. When lag free on xbox360 its fun and frantic. Enjoying it. Was on fence but decided to open it and give it a go.


Teknoman said:
Anyone else had any hard crashes on PC? I havent yet, but I havent played consecutive PC MP matches yet either.

a few threads on the official forums ...


i can't believe devs have the nerve to release shit like this to be honest ...then they act all fucking oblivious about the issues like the people who bought the game are just dumbass or something.

must have hired actual monkeys for quality assurance.

i'm not troubleshooting any more of this game anyway. that was their job, not mine.


Teknoman said:

Why do you think it's utter trash? I know I sound like a parrot, just repeating questions like this, but people seem to not explain what they think is so bad about the game when posting stuff like this.

basicly everything giant bomb review complains about.

I have no way of getting into a game as a squad, %90 of the time I cant join a game, the server browser is ass, the community is already splintered with the my rank only server option, it lags, the smart move system is a gimmick and it bugs out more than it works, characters move like a snail, %80 of the gametime you spend running back to where the action is only to die again and respawn all the way back and run there again, the AI is pretty much the worst I have ever seen, customization options are not as extensive as they hyped, etc

I can go on for another pharagraph but I will just say imo this game should have been a $14 download title, its not worth the full price and I seriously doubt anybody will be playing this in a months time except the most hardcore fans.
I decided to go ahead and take the plunge with my Amazon copy (PC) instead of returning it. I'm pleasantly surprised.

A few points so far:

+One of the slickest UIs ever created.
+Movement and shooting feels good. So many shooters lately get it wrong.
-The marketing for the campaign is a blatant lie. It needed to be called Training, which brings me to:
+As a training mode, the campaign works perfectly. The team bot AI is awful, but not game breakingly awful (yet). It's been a while since I've jumped into TF2, so this may already exist, but this is exactly what that game needed (a story-light single player mode introducing you to team dynamics and various map scenarios).
-Performance is not great on my HD4870 1gb, 6 gigs of ram, i5 760. I'm also getting the black/white grid lines on everything. I keep thinking I'm in an Aperture test chamber with these checkerboard walls (is there a fix for this yet?)

I'm excited to keep going. I just hope Splash Damage is, too.


Saw this on twitter


I'll be playing a lot more tonight, played a little bit and it seemed pretty good.


Biggest issue I have at the moment are the bots. I cannot pass the 2nd mission because my bot team is literally Stone Age stupid.

Played a Challenge mission, was fun and useful. I learned a few things.

Will play online in an hour. No popup textures noticable except on some loading screens personally. This game could use a shot in the arm for colors. The "bright" colors used are not actually bright in the game. The blues and whites and greys and greens in the environments are sooooo bland it makes the game too sterile. Terrible design choice to not make the textures just more vibrant. You want things to pop out at you, not all blend together to make a stew of barf.

Engineer Turrets are not like TF2 turrets. They act.... like statues. No real BOOM appeal.

Other then that, lots going on, so far there is the fun factor. Online will make it or break it obviously for a player like myself who loves a good community drive MP game.

Clicking on your Left Analog Stick is the miracle action. Remember that.


I've been having a blast. Hard bots on the final missions do not fuck around. Bot AI has its genius moments when it's being helpful. I found this duct up above in a level and it takes a couple tricky jumps to get to it, and when I ran out of ammo a bot came up to refill me. :)

I'm not encountering any of the major problems people are having myself. I do love that the AI on hard during the harder missions just murder you in 2-3 shots, so you REALLY need to step your shit up to compete, but I could see how some would hate getting rolled that easily by the bots.

Going to keep playing more after watching this SC2 stream and eating, but so far I'm not sure why there is such a big fuss about this game being ass. I've played probably 10 games online now and only 1 was a slideshow. Maybe I'm lucky? I'll make sure I get around 30+ games played so I can see how frequent the laggy games are. It doesn't seem the game punishes you for quitting out though, which is good in case you do join a laggy match you can just bail out.


ATI 4870 1GB reporting again:

Framerate really is alot better online. I was hitting 50 fps at times...still not ideal performance though. As netcode goes, completely lag free.

I need to find something to stabilize revolvers though...they've got too much recoil.

Animator said:
basicly everything giant bomb review complains about.

I have no way of getting into a game as a squad, %90 of the time I cant join a game, the server browser is ass, the community is already splintered with the my rank only server option, it lags, the smart move system is a gimmick and it bugs out more than it works, characters move like a snail, %80 of the gametime you spend running back to where the action is only to die again and respawn all the way back and run there again, the AI is pretty much the worst I have ever seen, customization options are not as extensive as they hyped, etc

I can go on for another pharagraph but I will just say imo this game should have been a $14 download title, its not worth the full price and I seriously doubt anybody will be playing this in a months time except the most hardcore fans.

How much faster do you want them to move? The Medium moves at a decent speed when sprinting, and the smart system never "bugs out". I havent found a spot that I thought I could climb in a single go that I couldnt. AI isnt great, i'll give you that, but as for the community being splintered, isnt that the same thing as games that let you go against others only close to you in rank?

Also why are you waiting to get back into action/running back to where the action is? Either wait for a medic or respawn and go after another objective that everyone might not be focusing on. Climb over rails and jump across things to get there faster (chain the smart actions).

EDIT: I am having an issue with my character being used in online games. It seems like the game will replace me with a random model at times (noticed during repair cutscenes).


I'm significantly more annoyed by the people playing the game than I am by the game itself.


It'll be awesome once I figure out how the fuck fireteams work and I can play with my friends on the same team.


For those who want to play with friends on 360:

Have one of you make what it is you want to do. (Campaign, freeplay, etc)

Have that person set it to who you want to be able to play. (Friends, everyone, etc)

Once he's watching the cut scene that plays after the load screen and has the option of B to go to a menu or A to skip, have him hit B, and go to invite Xbox Live party. At this point he can skip or wait, and then the match starts. Your friends can also invite you once they are in their game, and however they set their games if it's open then you can just jump in at anytime.

If you want to be together on a fireteam, I believe you have to accept the actual invite sent from the person instead of just joining on your own.

Hope that helps people.


Been playing with BrinkGaf, awesome time...and saw another War lol

Game is better than people are giving it credit for.

EDIT: Lost all connection just now

EDIT: annnnd it's back up


Teknoman said:
How is everyone confused? Play the challenges to learn whats up, then jump into the game, and the objective wheel makes that even easier (it actually turns your view toward the objective).

Spookie said:
How is it confusing? There is a trailer at the beginning of the game explaining how it works. Challenges which explain the objectives and huge glowing HUD icons telling you where to go. Maybe I'm use to obtuse PC games but I don't see how you can't grasp the basics from that.

It's all good and well asking how is it confusing but I've had a handful of matches and despite me guarding different sections of the map earning easy XP not many others seem to know whats going on. Having one person challenging you for an objective throughout an entire match suggests not everybody has a full understanding of the game. Reviews of the game would also suggest the same problem.

For players who are primarily COD players jumping into something like this will be a total mind fuck and the game is going to empty fast. Just like you I really want to like this game as I appreciate FPS games that require a little thought but at the moment this is nowhere near as streamlined as it should be. It's one thing to offer deep gameplay and not just be another shooter in a crowded genre but for me so far this could of been so much more.

I just cant see People taking the time to watch multiple videos in order to get a good grasp of the game. Hopefully I'm wrong and you can stop being the white knight of Brink.


WarMacheen said:
Been playing with BrinkGaf, awesome time...and saw another War lol

Game is better than people are giving it credit for.

EDIT: Lost all connection just now

Agreed. I'm all for telling people to save their money when a game is ass, but Brink is fun. If the laggy matches I find outweigh the non laggy ones, then I'd definitely tell people to save their money until they iron the kinks out.

How's PC version going master race? :O


Teknoman said:
ATI 4870 1GB reporting again:

Framerate really is alot better online. I was hitting 50 fps at times...still not ideal performance though. As netcode goes, completely lag free.

I need to find something to stabilize revolvers though...they've got too much recoil.

How much faster do you want them to move? The Medium moves at a decent speed when sprinting, and the smart system never "bugs out". I havent found a spot that I thought I could climb in a single go that I couldnt. AI isnt great, i'll give you that, but as for the community being splintered, isnt that the same thing as games that let you go against others only close to you in rank?

Also why are you waiting to get back into action/running back to where the action is? Either wait for a medic or respawn and go after another objective that everyone might not be focusing on. Climb over rails and jump across things to get there faster (chain the smart actions).

EDIT: I am having an issue with my character being used in online games. It seems like the game will replace me with a random model at times (noticed during repair cutscenes).

Wait for a medic that gets killed trying to get to you or revive yourself when he does and get killed a second time. Most of the levels dont utilize the smart system since its mostly corridors. And smarts bugs out all the time, you move close to a object and your character all of a sudden starts climbing it in a agonizingly slow fashion. Crysis 2 did the "move anywhere" thing way WAY better than brink.


Neo Member
Ding said:
That said, it caused me almost physical pain to watch Jeff awkwardly attempt to shoot at things. He's, like, horrible at it. It was kinda like watching my wife try to play a shooter. I just found it to be a bit shocking, given what he does for a living.)

That doesn't mean he's wrong about Brink, unfortunately. I hope he is, though.

See. What makes him so right about Brink is in the way it plays. Jeff is actually an incredibly competent shooter player, if you take the time to watch him play many of the other shooters he's played on GB. There have been live shows where playing online, Jeff can do pretty well against GB's fairly large gamer community. He isn't a "top tier" gamer, but he is most definitely not incompetent. Dude can shoot a dude.

I guess what I'm saying here is that it looks awkward because that's how the game itself plays.

Double D

So, does this game not have a sp campaign? Sorry, I hadn't really been following it closely but what I had heard that it was a fps mixed with mirrors edge. Other than that I kind of knew nothing else and reviews are just talking like this is a mp only game. Kind of feel like an idiot cuz I usually know at least the basics of most games before they come out even if I have no interest in them.
Had to rollback my drivers (11.5 is total shit for this game for me) and disable shadows but now I can enjoy it as it's running smoothly now.

They really need to patch this for ATI though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Game is awesome as hell so far. Did the resistance campaign, a level of the security one, a handful of matches online and some of the challenges. The bots are really great at reviving, buffing, etc. and terrible at covering, which makes the challenges pretty annoying.

Online definitely seems like luck of the draw right now, some butter smooth, some unplayable. But when you get into a lag free game, it's pretty amazing. On 360 btw.

Vik_Vaughn said:
So, does this game not have a sp campaign? Sorry, I hadn't really been following it closely but what I had heard that it was a fps mixed with mirrors edge. Other than that I kind of knew nothing else and reviews are just talking like this is a mp only game. Kind of feel like an idiot cuz I usually know at least the basics of most games before they come out even if I have no interest in them.

The SP is basically the MP with bots. Definitely not a buy worthy game for the solo stuff, but you do gain levels and can carry it all over to the MP.
I really cant believe D2D gave me a faulty activation code and they STILL haven't gotten it sorted out for me since yesterday...

It's really amazing that I can just pay for something and not get it


Unconfirmed Member
you can see, underneath the layer of total shit, where this game has mounds of potential. why the fuck was it released in this state?


Painraze said:
you can see, underneath the layer of total shit, where this game has mounds of potential. why the fuck was it released in this state?

Honestly, if you were to get a lag free server with cooperative team mates, it would be fun. One of the main issues for me is the lack of filtering out player servers. The game is honestly only playable on a good dedicated server.

I finally just had a decent game. Despite the lack of microphone usage, the game was perfectly playable and it was fun.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Anyone else getting a "Server is not responding" from Pandoracell's US server? I tried Direct Connecting and it said it was full, so I was hoping to set it on Auto-retry through Steam, but that won't happen with the server not responding.


WaywardScribble said:
See. What makes him so right about Brink is in the way it plays. Jeff is actually an incredibly competent shooter player, if you take the time to watch him play many of the other shooters he's played on GB. There have been live shows where playing online, Jeff can do pretty well against GB's fairly large gamer community. He isn't a "top tier" gamer, but he is most definitely not incompetent. Dude can shoot a dude.

I guess what I'm saying here is that it looks awkward because that's how the game itself plays.
It's not awkward, though.


Animator said:
Wait for a medic that gets killed trying to get to you or revive yourself when he does and get killed a second time. Most of the levels dont utilize the smart system since its mostly corridors. And smarts bugs out all the time, you move close to a object and your character all of a sudden starts climbing it in a agonizingly slow fashion. Crysis 2 did the "move anywhere" thing way WAY better than brink.

Jump over the rails and boxes or whatever in your way...I havent run into a map yet that didnt lend itself to the system in one way or another, certainly not slowly either. The sprint isnt the same speed as Mirror's Edge, but the mantle speed sure is.

And of course the medic will die if he doesnt have backup...but even still, he throws the syringe at you. Even if he dies, you can still revive yourself.


I really don't understand what everyone's problem is. Maybe I just lucked out? I don't know.

I haven't played online yet (my 360's connectivity is defective), but I've been playing both sides of single player all day, and I love it. The game is challenging in just the right ways (for me, anyway), and I'm digging how the graphics are looking. I knew from the beginning that they wouldn't be as good as the trailers (they never are), and I still like it.

Also the customization is the coolest.
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