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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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I wont't look to trade in my PS3, as there's a lot of games on the system I want to be able to play in the future, and let's face it emulation won't be here for a long time.
This is one thing that bothers me about trading up, there are some stone cold classics this gen that simply didn't sell well enough to warrant a remaster: Vanquish, Pure, Bayonetta, skate, Driver: San Fran, etc. I'll probably never get to play them again.

Well would you look at that, I'm talking myself out of it.
Little lacy French knickers.
Best pants.
This is one thing that bothers me about trading up, there are some stone cold classics this gen that simply didn't sell well enough to warrant a remaster: Vanquish, Pure, Bayonetta, skate, Driver: San Fran, etc. I'll probably never get to play them again.

Well would you look at that, I'm talking myself out of it.

Two things:

1) is trading your PS3 really that necessary to purchase PS4 (i.e. can you afford buy it outright regardless)? Or are you doing what I sometimes do, using the resell value to justify an expensive purchase ("but if I sell this towards the cost, item Y is only £X now! What a bargain, therefore I have to buy Y!!)

2) But will you honestly play those games again? I'm very confident I will, so that's why mine will stay.


It's secret answer number 3:

3) I just want the new shiny thing and haven't really thought it through.

(I'm just acquiescing to my inner 8 year old and ensuring I have something to regret when the novelty of said shiny thing subsides. You speak sense LOM.)


I imagine that's a problem if you have a small penis.

It's secret answer number 3:

3) I just want the new shiny thing and haven't really thought it through.

(I'm just acquiescing to my inner 8 year old and ensuring I have something to regret when the novelty of said shiny thing subsides. You speak sense LOM.)

That's where my reason from 1) comes in: sell something old to financially justify the new spangled piece of kit :p

It's how I ended up with a Vita!

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I never trade systems in, only games (only system I ever traded in was the original GameBoy Advance because it was garbage). Even then, never trade in games you know will cost you more again in the long run and you aren't going to be fiending to replay.

Infamous and Ground Zeroes is when I knew 'next-gen' was going to have enough to whet my whistle and it feels good to be thoroughly impressed by console graphics again, no catches. Oh jesus, I haven't even tried Infamous on me Vita yet. Might melt my mind.

Got some good old friends that have become extreme vegans and borderline animal activists + conspiracy nuts these past few months. Makes me feel sad because I want to find the antidote and get them back to being less crazy and to stop reading the bad parts of the internet because they're kinda insufferable to be around right now. Ironically a detox of information needed I guess!


Infamous is amazing, guys. This new update where you get to turn the HUD off and select the time of day is going to make for beautiful screenshots and videos. Next gen is definitely here and I'm all for it.


I'm trying to get the Gangstas paradise joke on my friends, but they're not seeing the fun of it. Need BGBW to harmonize with me ;-;
Got some good old friends that have become extreme vegans and borderline animal activists + conspiracy nuts these past few months. Makes me feel sad because I want to find the antidote and get them back to being less crazy and to stop reading the bad parts of the internet because they're kinda insufferable to be around right now. Ironically a detox of information needed I guess!

Like creationists and climate change deniers (and in my opinion every religious person), unfortunately I have learned over time that these people will not listen to sense. There is no point arguing with them as they do not listen to logic or proof.

If I want to remain friends with someone who has become extremely vegan, I just keep my mouth shut when they start spewing bullshit, and take the good parts of it - like one friend of mine has given me some amazing raw vegan recipes, which helped when I was trying to eat really healthily.

I'm trying to get the Gangstas paradise joke on my friends, but they're not seeing the fun of it. Need BGBW to harmonize with me ;-;

It's a Gaf thing, keep it with Gaf.


I just discovered Ida Segerhagen on a random GIS:

I cannot believe that someone this beautiful exists. She ought to be recognised as some sort of goddess and we should be throwing ourselves at her feet in prostration several times a day. She should have national holidays named after her and her head should appear on a unified global currency. Her parents should be given the keys to any and all cities. If they ever invent effective cloning, we have discovered our mould.

It's shit, as usual. Eternal october. We'll get a week or two of summer if we're lucky, I guess :p

Also check your PMs plzkthx.
Shit, sorry man, didn't notice. I'm awful at checking PMs. Will sort now.

Blink Me

I just discovered Ida Segerhagen on a random GIS:

I cannot believe that someone this beautiful exists. She ought to be recognised as some sort of goddess and we should be throwing ourselves at her feet in prostration several times a day. She should have national holidays named after her and her head should appear on a unified global currency. Her parents should be given the keys to any and all cities. If they ever invent effective cloning, we have discovered our mould.

I think I prefer Victoria Silvstedt in her prime as favourite Swedish bombshell.
I just discovered Ida Segerhagen on a random GIS:

I cannot believe that someone this beautiful exists. She ought to be recognised as some sort of goddess and we should be throwing ourselves at her feet in prostration several times a day. She should have national holidays named after her and her head should appear on a unified global currency. Her parents should be given the keys to any and all cities. If they ever invent effective cloning, we have discovered our mould.

She is absolutely stunning, and I can see why great throngs of mankind would collapse at her feet in awe of her beauty, but she doesn't do much for me. Blondes generally don't.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Like creationists and climate change deniers (and in my opinion every religious person), unfortunately I have learned over time that these people will not listen to sense. There is no point arguing with them as they do not listen to logic or proof.

If I want to remain friends with someone who has become extremely vegan, I just keep my mouth shut when they start spewing bullshit, and take the good parts of it - like one friend of mine has given me some amazing raw vegan recipes, which helped when I was trying to eat really healthily.

They've been ultra close friends though. Beforehand, one half of the relationship would keep 'the crazy' of the other in check, but for whatever reason, they've now been entirely assimilated and theres no filter anymore.

Normally yup, smile politely, let the vegan propaganda pour out, take what you can. Same thing with religious friends and so on and so forth (I draw the line at creationists :p) Except they've just tried to advise a mutual friend who has cancer to try one of those insane juice only diets and back it up with all that pseudoscience from the 1930's. Thankfully said friend isn't so gullible and told me jokingly "I think they're trying to kill me?", but this is pretty much when a line has been crossed and its hard to know where to go from here.

I care about them deeply, and anything short of kidnapping and deprogramming them seems to come up short at this point I guess? Frustrating doesn't cover it.
They've been ultra close friends though. Beforehand, one half of the relationship would keep 'the crazy' of the other in check, but for whatever reason, they've now been entirely assimilated and theres no filter anymore.

Normally yup, smile politely, let the vegan propaganda pour out, take what you can. Same thing with religious friends and so on and so forth (I draw the line at creationists :p) Except they've just tried to advise a mutual friend who has cancer to try one of those insane juice only diets and back it up with all that pseudoscience from the 1930's. Thankfully said friend isn't so gullible and told me jokingly "I think they're trying to kill me?", but this is pretty much when a line has been crossed and its hard to know where to go from here.

I care about them deeply, and anything short of kidnapping and deprogramming them seems to come up short at this point I guess? Frustrating doesn't cover it.

A friend of mine became a militant vegan and it just took over his whole identity. Suddenly you had this guy who brought his politics and idealism to every conversation and it quickly became boring, annoying and actually quite insulting. The problem I have with guys like that is they never pick their battles. It's just go time, all the the time. There's something about that perceived moral high ground that gets to me. Having a friend try and convert you is to me like being told "you're ignorant but I can help you."

That said I can still have fun with them by annoying them. A girl at uni challenged me on meat eating, asking why I would choose to eat it when there are alternatives that don't harm the environment and are better for you. I said "because I enjoy devouring the spent life force of lesser beings." She went off in the huff.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
That said I can still have fun with them by annoying them. A girl at uni challenged me on meat eating, asking why I would choose to eat it when there are alternatives that don't harm the environment and are better for you. I said "because I enjoy devouring the spent life force of lesser beings." She went off in the huff.


This reminds me a little of the Doug Stanhope skit about Abortions that ends with:

We didn't have an abortion because we weren't ready to take care of a child, we were irresponsible, or because we're not financially capable... The reason we had it is 'cause I really wanted to see what it felt like to kill a baby.

Blink Me

You guys enjoying the smog today? Norfolk's covered in it. Also has anyone ever been to the MCM comic con in London and is it any good since someone bought me tickets.
They've been ultra close friends though. Beforehand, one half of the relationship would keep 'the crazy' of the other in check, but for whatever reason, they've now been entirely assimilated and theres no filter anymore.

Normally yup, smile politely, let the vegan propaganda pour out, take what you can. Same thing with religious friends and so on and so forth (I draw the line at creationists :p) Except they've just tried to advise a mutual friend who has cancer to try one of those insane juice only diets and back it up with all that pseudoscience from the 1930's. Thankfully said friend isn't so gullible and told me jokingly "I think they're trying to kill me?", but this is pretty much when a line has been crossed and its hard to know where to go from here.

I care about them deeply, and anything short of kidnapping and deprogramming them seems to come up short at this point I guess? Frustrating doesn't cover it.

Yeah I get that. It's one thing if they want to survive on juice, but it's another thing when they start banging on about how just changing your diet can cure cancer, and actually trying to persuade some one with cancer to do it? Out of order. Luckily your friend has sense, but someone in that situation can be willing to believe anything and I probably would've stepped in at that point and said something, if said friend had started considering it.

It's tough, but as I said these people generally won't listen to sense or reason. Once someone starts down that road it's pretty hard to turn around and come back. They have to be left to come to conclusion themselves that they are talking nonsense.

I said "because I enjoy devouring the spent life force of lesser beings."

I must use this some time


This reminds me a little of the Doug Stanhope skit about Abortions that ends with:

And this. So wrong, but so funny.


You guys enjoying the smog today? Norfolk's covered in it. Also has anyone ever been to the MCM comic con in London and is it any good since someone bought me tickets.

Yep, I've been and it's pretty good. Can't remember if MCM is the one filled to the brim with anime/manga and not much else, though.
You guys enjoying the smog today? Norfolk's covered in it. Also has anyone ever been to the MCM comic con in London and is it any good since someone bought me tickets.

I go every year, I should be working at this one. If you've not been to a con before it can be a bit overwhelming. And if you don't like crowds you probably won't have a good time.

It's crazy busy, and I advise getting there as early as you can, because the queues get pretty big pretty quick. There's lots to see and do, it's not just comics but film, games, lots and lots of manga and anime (the Cosplay is pretty dominated by this), also usually there's a Japan section, talks, Cosplay competition.

Let me know if you want to know any more.

Blink Me

Yep, I've been and it's pretty good. Can't remember if MCM is the one filled to the brim with anime/manga and not much else, though.

Hopefully there's more of a mix of stuff. I wanted to go to the one in October last year but was having my tonsils out. I went to Eurogamer on the Friday last year but didn't really enjoy it.

I go every year, I should be working at this one. If you've not been to a con before it can be a bit overwhelming. And if you don't like crowds you probably won't have a good time.

It's crazy busy, and I advise getting there as early as you can, because the queues get pretty big pretty quick. There's lots to see and do, it's not just comics but film, games, lots and lots of manga and anime (the Cosplay is pretty dominated by this), also usually there's a Japan section, talks, Cosplay competition.

Let me know if you want to know any more.

Are the queues as bad as Eurogamer? I don't mind too much if they are as long as there's a lot of stalls to look at.
Hopefully there's more of a mix of stuff. I wanted to go to the one in October last year but was having my tonsils out. I went to Eurogamer on the Friday last year but didn't really enjoy it.

Are the queues as bad as Eurogamer? I don't mind too much if they are as long as there's a lot of stalls to look at.

It's quite different to Eurogamer. For a start it's in a completely different venue, Eurogamer is at Earl's Court and the queuing for entry to the venue is entirely outside to the front doors. I've always found the queuing at Eurogamer to be not that bad. The queuing for the games however is long and dull and I rarely do it.

MCM Comic Con is at the Excel Centre, which has many large rooms inside with a large central corridor down the middle. The queuing is usually entirely done inside one of the large rooms, with the queue snaking up and down. If you have early entry tickets it's not so bad, but I'd still get there at least half an hour before the entry time. If you have normal day entry you may want to get there at least an hour if not more before the entry time. And if you turn up about 11-12, be prepared to be queuing for a couple of hours.

Eurogamer is solely focused on video games, with most of the stalls being games for people to play, and long queues to wait in to play these games. MCM Comic Con is more a collection of stalls for people to browse. There is the comic alley, with many indie comic book creators selling their wares. There is a small gaming section with some playable games, this may have a small queue. I'd say the majority are merchendise stalls, selling all manner of crap. There will be some random stuff as well, I remember an origami stall last year for example.

I'd say it is good fun, just get there early and be prepared to get squeezed a little.

Blink Me

It's quite different to Eurogamer. For a start it's in a completely different venue, Eurogamer is at Earl's Court and the queuing for entry to the venue is entirely outside to the front doors. I've always found the queuing at Eurogamer to be not that bad. The queuing for the games however is long and dull and I rarely do it.

MCM Comic Con is at the Excel Centre, which has many large rooms inside with a large central corridor down the middle. The queuing is usually entirely done inside one of the large rooms, with the queue snaking up and down. If you have early entry tickets it's not so bad, but I'd still get there at least half an hour before the entry time. If you have normal day entry you may want to get there at least an hour if not more before the entry time. And if you turn up about 11-12, be prepared to be queuing for a couple of hours.

Eurogamer is solely focused on video games, with most of the stalls being games for people to play, and long queues to wait in to play these games. MCM Comic Con is more a collection of stalls for people to browse. There is the comic alley, with many indie comic book creators selling their wares. There is a small gaming section with some playable games, this may have a small queue. I'd say the majority are merchendise stalls, selling all manner of crap. There will be some random stuff as well, I remember an origami stall last year for example.

I'd say it is good fun, just get there early and be prepared to get squeezed a little.

Thanks a lot sounds like something I'd enjoy (other than the squeezing). I have priority tickets apparently does that mean I can get in early?
Thanks a lot sounds like something I'd enjoy (other than the squeezing). I have priority tickets apparently does that mean I can get in early?

Yes the priority tickets will get you in from 9am on Saturday and 10am on Sunday. I would recommend getting there for 8:30 on Saturday, 9:30 on Sunday.


So you guys are posting pics of crushes eh?

Always with the tongue that one.

And just 'cos, bonus broody Hayley:

Gah! Much maternal, so appeal, wow.

Not so keen on that barbie doll look Dave, but she is certainly a fine looking lady.
Not long to go before "The Adventures of Acrid and Shorty" begins.
Karen Gillan. A.k.a ridiculously hot.
Yup, in the upper echelons of redheads fo sho.
I think I'm going to shave my head
Do it mane, you can see what shape your head is. And sometimes a hoody will stick to your head like Velcro if you think that will be fun.

My Velcro is loosing its stickiness nowadays though.

Blink Me

So you guys are posting pics of crushes eh?

Always with the tongue that one.

And just 'cos, bonus broody Hayley:

Gah! Much maternal, so appeal, wow.

I had such a huge crush on Hayley from about 2008-2010. Still love her but my new celebrity crush is Christina Hendricks.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Is it weird that I feel absolutely zero attraction towards all these ladies? Maybe, just maybe Hayley Williams, but only because she seems to be a fairly cool person from the innumerate gifs that Ninj posts of her.


Edit: ^ that girl at the bottom is borderline ugly IMO.

I had such a huge crush on Hayley from about 2008-2010. Still love her but my new celebrity crush is Christina Hendricks.
You're never too old to fancy the singer from a teeny bopper punk band.



Hendricks is gorgeous like.
Is it weird that I feel absolutely zero attraction towards all these ladies? Maybe, just maybe Hayley Williams, but only because she seems to be a fairly cool person from the innumerate gifs that Ninj posts of her.
That's it really, apart from being smoking she's just a really cool girl. She always seems to be smiling, laughing, etc, seems like a fun person to be around. And she's quite the trendsetter in terms of fashion and stuff too.

Then add in smart, philanthropic (she advocates a number of charities), talented (people have this opinion that she's just the pretty girl standing at the front but she writes most of the lyrics, a lot of the music and plays multiple instruments) and modest and she's kind of the full package.

/gush mode

Good call on Jamella Jamil in that other thread, another smart, cool, fashionable chick. Very attractive too.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Nothing wrong with differing tastes what about Barbara Meier:

Alexandra Madar:

Nope, you definitely have a type though! I tend to prefer darker features and have never really had a thing for redheads... that said an ex dyed her hair red (she was Indian) and it was very, very nice.

That's it really, apart from being smoking she's just a really cool girl. She always seems to be smiling, laughing, etc, seems like a fun person to be around. And she's quite the trendsetter in terms of fashion and stuff too.

Then add in smart, philanthropic (she advocates a number of charities), talented (people have this opinion that she's just the pretty girl standing at the front but she writes most of the lyrics, a lot of the music and plays multiple instruments) and modest and she's kind of the full package.

/gush mode

Good call on Jamella Jamil in that other thread, another smart, cool, fashionable chick. Very attractive too.

Nothing's hotter than a talented, confident lady, that's for sure. I'm not sure being a member of Paramore makes Ms Williams talented but I get you... And Jameela Jamil is pure perfection, my goodness.

EDIT: To try and steer conversation away from just discussing hot ladies, you ALL must go and see The Double at the cinemas. It releases tomorrow, is directed by Richard Ayoade and has Chris fucking Morris in it.


Nothing's hotter than a talented, confident lady, that's for sure. I'm not sure being a member of Paramore makes Ms Williams talented but I get you... And Jameela Jamil is pure perfection, my goodness.
Haha, fair enough, it's all subjective innit. I was really drawing a comparison between being an integral part of a band musically and simply being the pretty face for a manufactured pop product. Maybe "creative" would've been a better adjective.

You surely can't deny her vocal ability though, even if it's simply on a technical level. That girl can sing man!
To try and steer conversation away from just discussing hot ladies, you ALL must go and see The Double at the cinemas. It releases tomorrow, is directed by Richard Ayoade and has Chris fucking Morris in it.
Oh yeah, I saw the trailer for this the other day, it looks excellent. I adore Submarine, I think it's a gorgeously subtle and heartfelt little movie. The script in particular is fantastic. The appearance of
Paddy Considine
was a wonderful surprise too given that he wasn't in any of the trailers. Me and the lads were laughing our heads off when he showed up!

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