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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Well done runlikehell!

So...what's everyone playing at the moment? I'm losing interest in Child of Light as it goes on. It's very pretty but something just seems missing.

Dark Souls 2, Payday 2 and the Hitman HD collection are currently doing the rounds... none of which are available on the PS4 or Vita, I believe.


Knows the Score
Got Transistor last week, it's really nice to look at and sounds great, but it's kind of slow and the combat is a bit unwieldy. Also, Watch_Dogs but I've been mostly stealing money from people and spending it playing poker badly. Not sure I'd recommend either of them to be honest. Oh, and my son has been playing Mario Kart 8, which is Mario Kart.


Well done runlikehell!

So...what's everyone playing at the moment? I'm losing interest in Child of Light as it goes on. It's very pretty but something just seems missing.

Drakengard 3 and Love Live School Idol Project which may be the only f2p bollocks that's managed to get its hooks in me :((((((((((((((

nabbed Wolfenstein off simplycdkeys today as well so looking forward to getting to play that.


So...what's everyone playing at the moment? I'm losing interest in Child of Light as it goes on. It's very pretty but something just seems missing.

Been playing a bit of MLB The Show 13 and hoping to start South Park since the gf will be on holiday for three weeks from tomorrow.

Afoni says he's playing Dark Souls II


Happy Birthday shorty!

As for games, I'm playing nothing, too busy at the moment. I'll usually have a few quick rounds on Battlefield or Trials if I have the time. I did just get infamous from my house mate though.

Jedeye Sniv

Plumbers have turned off the water in my building and everywhere else is closed. What am I supposed to do for a drink around here?? Gahh
Well done runlikehell!

So...what's everyone playing at the moment? I'm losing interest in Child of Light as it goes on. It's very pretty but something just seems missing.

Pokemon Y: 80+ hours in and I'm finally on Victory Road. With the Gen 3 remakes I'm going to have to be a lot more decisive on my team early on. Really happy with the leaps forward Game Freak have made, but the game is embarrassingly easy, and the over world is still very small!
Well done runlikehell!

So...what's everyone playing at the moment? I'm losing interest in Child of Light as it goes on. It's very pretty but something just seems missing.

Persona 4 Golden on the Vita. Most of the game basically seems to be just living life as a high school kid (should I go to basketball practice tonight or drama club??). It's strangely enjoyable though o_O


Knows the Score


Happy birthday shorty!

Well done runlikehell!

So...what's everyone playing at the moment? I'm losing interest in Child of Light as it goes on. It's very pretty but something just seems missing.
BORDERMOTHERFUCKINGLANDS 2 on my Vita. Cool as fuck, it's sliced through my backlog like a hot knife through butter and now I reckon it's all I'm going to play for the next few weeks.

Only pisser is I can't stop imagining how good a handheld Fallout 3 would be. Sigh.


Best BritGAF Birthday Wish Ever. BRAVO.
BORDERMOTHERFUCKINGLANDS 2 on my Vita. Cool as fuck, it's sliced through my backlog like a hot knife through butter and now I reckon it's all I'm going to play for the next few weeks.

Only pisser is I can't stop imagining how good a handheld Fallout 3 would be. Sigh.
Tiny Tina is the best characters last gen.

Even Salty haters know this to be fact.

This post was brought to you by Kentpaul™
Happy birthday shorty!

BORDERMOTHERFUCKINGLANDS 2 on my Vita. Cool as fuck, it's sliced through my backlog like a hot knife through butter and now I reckon it's all I'm going to play for the next few weeks.

Only pisser is I can't stop imagining how good a handheld Fallout 3 would be. Sigh.

How's the framerate? It's understandably not rock solid 30fps all the time, but it doesn't routinely chug below say 20 right?

hahaha incredible birthday wishes! You guys are just too awesome. Thank you all :)

Happy Birthday to you!


formerly Oynox Slider
hahaha incredible birthday wishes! You guys are just too awesome. Thank you all :)

Happy birthday!

How's the framerate? It's understandably not rock solid 30fps all the time, but it doesn't routinely chug below say 20 right?

Happy Birthday to you!

So I downloaded it and Wolfenstein on the PS4 because I'm at home for a bit because of Drama. BL2 feels a bit chuggy tbh and rough around the edges. Still fun so far though.

Son Of D

Congrats to Runlikehell. Big thumbs up to ya there. And happy birthday to Shorty as well. Have a good one man.

Games wise all I've done is finish Final Fantasy X and X-2. Don't think I can play them again for a while though as I felt burned out so I stopped. Waiting for Mario Kart 8 tomorrow.

On another note, things are getting better for me as well. Found out that I had passed my English course so once I get the certificates (should be next week) I can scan them and send them to Southbank and I'll be all sorted for university. Plus my social life is picking up.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Guys, click on this link twice and post what powers you get.


I already did this in another community but thought it would be fun for BritGAF. Maybe we can use this as inspiration to determine the powers of our characters in the game?

Here is what I got:

Aerokinetic Immunity - The ability to be completely unharmed by air-based attacks.

The user's body is unharmed and immune to any attack made of air or wind.

Okay kind of fucking useless, I guess being immune to farts would be semi-useful. Second one is boss tho:

Information Transferal - The ability to transfer information and knowledge.

The user transfers information into another person's mind. This is particularly useful in reconnaissance missions or tests, since the user can send information regarding miscellaneous data, they can transfer even images and symbols to the person. The user can help others with answering questions and even in undercover operations, possessing knowledge of certain people. The user can help his allies navigate where to go by transferring "maps" into their heads. The data that the user can transfer also includes the knowledge of certain superpowers and secrets to techniques.


formerly Oynox Slider
I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.


I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.

Sploat, you're a fun person to know, I enjoy your banter and your wit & you seem like a compassionate, awesome lady.

I'm pretty much in awe of how generous you seem to be with looking after your other half too. People who aren't awesome don't do that.

People with as much value as yourself deserve all the best things to happen to them & I'm sure with enough PMA and the support of those around you (us in britgaf included), you'll be feeling and doing better in no time!


I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.

You good peeps sploatee, for reals.


Knows the Score
I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.

You're a very pleasant person to around (albeit in text form). Were I geographically more compatible I'd be happy to pop round your house for a chat/cuppa/whatever your poison and you could school me at arcade shoot 'em ups. As it is all I can offer is a picture of a baby goat dressed as a unicorn.


Chin up, hope you're feeling brighter soon.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.

You are a good person and have the capability for immense joy, both in yourself and as a gift to others.


formerly Oynox Slider
Thank you :) just so fucking angry at my dad for pulling this shit just as everything was getting back to normal. Sigh.

ok enough about me. I will re read this nice words on a regular basis :) thanks.


it's obviously an emotional and upsetting subject and i hope it all works out well. and i'm not sure by your posts if your angry, and i understand if you are, but there's another perspective to this which you should find out more about. maybe at the end you won't agree with it, but you may be able to understand why he attempted it.


On my phone, and no neogaf app as far as I know, so will post properly later.

quick and dirty...

Sploats, you are alright bud. No idea where you are but I will give you a giant... hug if I can.

Runslikehell, brilliant job but now is where the real fun begins; your working life.

Happy birthday shortly, may all your dreams come true.

Game guys, get on it -


Cheap RPG maker I was mentioning, although that conversation looked to have died. Taken to whatsapp or something you elitist pigs? /chinner


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.

Reassurance, huh? I'm a bit out of practice, but try these:

You are nice(1), smart(2), funny(3), sociable(4), entertaining(5), dogged(6), compassionate(7), determined(8), helpful(9) and considerate(10). Probably also modest(11). Therefore you deserve the best.


(1) Every post is made in apparent good humour, more than I can say for most of us (me included)
(2) You read books! But you wear your learning lightly.
(3) Deadpan is best
(4) Many lesser mortals have fallen by the wayside in BritGaf, whereas you were here and in the thick of it and accepted from your very first post. That takes some doing (and a great avatar).
(5) It's the way you sneak in little off-the-wall things into posts about something else that weaves your online persona into something more substantial
(6) This needs a footnote? No it doesn't.
(7) Always among the first to the fallen, and never a word out of place.
(8) You just don't give up do you? Or at least if you do, you are not letting on.
(9) Best advice is advice given with a (virtual) smile. Seen you do that so many times.
(10) Yeah you are. Don't know what you are like underneath, but here you are considerateness personified.
(11) for example, hiding your lights under a bushel or two in PMs

I'm not up to speed here, so I've no idea what is getting at you. But whatever it is then (a) it's probably not your fault, and (b) you've almost certainly got the wherewithal to deal with it - unless you are also duplicitous(12)

(12) No evidence of that whatsoever.


Sploat, having met you all I can add is: you and your partner are a fucking cool couple and the world could use more of you.

Oh and you are not half bad at Hearthstone.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna be an absolute emotional vampire and come right out and say 'please can I have some reassuring words please?' Maybe better off posting in the mental health thread but I don't even half know any of those folks. Not sure if I'm annoying people, it's just a mess in my head at the moment.

Sploatee, I don't really like to bear my heart on here, but I would actually buy you a cup of tea with my own money. I'd go to the counter and get it too. I'd bring over sugar and milk and all that stuff. It'd be a good cup of tea, in a mug and a coaster and everything. I'd even get you a packet of chocolate hobnobs to go with it. Proper McVities ones too, none of that cheap Poundland shit.

Honestly, I don't know you all that well in the grand scheme of things, but from what I can tell from our fairly limited interactions, you are positively wizard, sound as a pound, a good laugh, cultured, smart, thoughtful, and as swell a human being as it's possible to be on here.

I always look forward to reading your often funny and always insightful posts.

Basically, you make BritGAF better. :)


Maturity, bitches.
Is it possible to get a direct DRM free download instead of using steam? Never used a humble bundle before and would rather pay full price to have it without DRM.
Well you can pay what you want but need to pay at least a dollar for the steam keys so I assume they have to have stand alones for the cheapskates. That's how it usually is. Ask in the thread I guess.


Thank you :) just so fucking angry at my dad for pulling this shit just as everything was getting back to normal. Sigh.

ok enough about me. I will re read this nice words on a regular basis :) thanks.

Hey sploats - Musha sends all her love and snuggles from beyond the eGrave :(

I know there are people who probably have better experience with what you're going through than I, but consider me a shoulder ready to be cried on & and ear ready to be bent if you ever feel the need. You've got me on here and WhatsApp if you're still on there (and you'll have my number too if so)

No (wo)man is an island, yo.


I remember there were some rocksmith players here, anyone still trying to learn? Got my mastery for nirvanas heart shaped box up by like 1% the other day and was stupidly proud. I had been hitting a wall with it for weeks. Need to find time to play more. Sometimes it sounds like I am getting there.

Well you can pay what you want but need to pay at least a dollar for the steam keys so I assume they have to have stand alones for the cheapskates. That's how it usually is. Ask in the thread I guess.

Will do, judging by the symbols it didn't look like it. Will investigate further.

Are people actually interested in doing a game then or is this more like a "I should write a book"? :)

Hmm, I should really write a book actually.


formerly Oynox Slider
Thank you so much everyone - you guys are the best ever. I've never had such kind words - I really mean that :) Trying to sort out a home visit to make sure everything is OK, not sure if my dad will let me in the house yet but will soon find out, I guess.

Anyway, I've helped make it all a bit sincere so I'm going to really loudly clear my throat and change the subject.

Did anybody see Joey Barton on Question Time?

And Dave, how are you finding BL2 on Vita? I'm a bit cross with it to be honest. It started off fun but it's a really rushed job - bullets don't always hit enemies, I've gotten stuck on the background twice now and had to restart, the menus have tiny print and are really laggy, the frame rate (and I don't even care about 30fps vs 60fps) drops to a level where you really can't tell what's going on, only 3 enemies seem to appear at once, the radar doesn't always pick them up, the graphics are really muddy and you can't tell what is background and what is baddie and when you kill an enemy they just dissolve. It feels like it's unfinished. There's still a good game in there (I've never played BL2 before) but I think the Vita-rush curse has hit again (like with Resistance and CoD). Why do publishers do this? Another six months and I bet it would've been great. As it is, I'm playing FFX instead which is all sparkly and well put together.


Thank you so much everyone - you guys are the best ever. I've never had such kind words - I really mean that :) Trying to sort out a home visit to make sure everything is OK, not sure if my dad will let me in the house yet but will soon find out, I guess.

Anyway, I've helped make it all a bit sincere so I'm going to really loudly clear my throat and change the subject.

Did anybody see Joey Barton on Question Time?

And Dave, how are you finding BL2 on Vita? I'm a bit cross with it to be honest. It started off fun but it's a really rushed job - bullets don't always hit enemies, I've gotten stuck on the background twice now and had to restart, the menus have tiny print and are really laggy, the frame rate (and I don't even care about 30fps vs 60fps) drops to a level where you really can't tell what's going on, only 3 enemies seem to appear at once, the radar doesn't always pick them up, the graphics are really muddy and you can't tell what is background and what is baddie and when you kill an enemy they just dissolve. It feels like it's unfinished. There's still a good game in there (I've never played BL2 before) but I think the Vita-rush curse has hit again (like with Resistance and CoD). Why do publishers do this? Another six months and I bet it would've been great. As it is, I'm playing FFX instead which is all sparkly and well put together.

How are you getting on with it?

The beginning is deliberately slow and it takes a while to teach you all about the combat system, but eventually you are given fairly free reign and the game opens up a lot.


And Dave, how are you finding BL2 on Vita? I'm a bit cross with it to be honest. It started off fun but it's a really rushed job - bullets don't always hit enemies, I've gotten stuck on the background twice now and had to restart, the menus have tiny print and are really laggy, the frame rate (and I don't even care about 30fps vs 60fps) drops to a level where you really can't tell what's going on, only 3 enemies seem to appear at once, the radar doesn't always pick them up, the graphics are really muddy and you can't tell what is background and what is baddie and when you kill an enemy they just dissolve. It feels like it's unfinished. There's still a good game in there (I've never played BL2 before) but I think the Vita-rush curse has hit again (like with Resistance and CoD). Why do publishers do this? Another six months and I bet it would've been great. As it is, I'm playing FFX instead which is all sparkly and well put together.
I fucking love it. Weird thing is, I agree with all of your criticisms. It can be really hard to spot the enemies amongst the visual noise going on sometimes, the framerate is awful, it's difficult to find a comfortable control mapping etc.. and yet I'm absolutely loving the game. It's fucking nuts having such a huge, sprawling FPS / adventure on a handheld. Can't get enough of it. Strangely I'm struggling with aiming too, even though it has gyro assistance and I've never had an issue with the Vita sticks before. Maybe I need to look at the sensitivity.

It could've used more time in the oven, but I'd imagine that the funding just wasn't there. Overall, I'm really impressed with what Iron Galaxy have achieved. I'd hesitate to recommend the game to others, but for £19.99, I'm a very happy man indeed.

It really makes me want Fallout 3 on Vita though. Gutted that it's never going to happen.


formerly Oynox Slider
How are you getting on with it?

The beginning is deliberately slow and it takes a while to teach you all about the combat system, but eventually you are given fairly free reign and the game opens up a lot.

I'm quite liking it actually. I've laughed out loud (in a nice way) a few times at the cheesy voice acting and the way characters finish conversations and then bloody sprint away from each other. I like the characters too. Maybe my JRPG problem was more limited to Persona 4 Golden.

I fucking love it. Weird thing is, I agree with all of your criticisms. It can be really hard to spot the enemies amongst the visual noise going on sometimes, the framerate is awful, it's difficult to find a comfortable control mapping etc.. and yet I'm absolutely loving the game. It's fucking nuts having such a huge, sprawling FPS / adventure on a handheld. Can't get enough of it. Strangely I'm struggling with aiming too, even though it has gyro assistance and I've never had an issue with the Vita sticks before. Maybe I need to look at the sensitivity.

It could've used more time in the oven, but I'd imagine that the funding just wasn't there. Overall, I'm really impressed with what Iron Galaxy have achieved. I'd hesitate to recommend the game to others, but for £19.99, I'm a very happy man indeed.

It really makes me want Fallout 3 on Vita though. Gutted that it's never going to happen.

Yup I have to sort of agree with you. As soon as I posted that my first thought was "I'll just load up BL2 for a quick go...". I'm not angry I guess, just disappointed. I know BL2 is more demanding than something like Uncharted or Killzone but it's frustrating that a bit more time would have really made it something special.
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