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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Jackie Brown soundtrack...so godly.
Fucking yes shorty! It's his best OST by far. Bobby Womack, The Brothers Johnson, Bill Withers, Foxy Brown, Johnny Cash, arghh!

Three favourite tracks:

Bobby Womack - Across 110th Street

Bill Withers - Who Is He (And What Is He To You)?
(So so good, smooth as fuck.)

Foxy Brown - Holy Matrimony (Letter To The Firm)

Ordell Robbie is one of his finest characters too.
"My ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumbass."
Watched this the other night. Great film, even better soundtrack. I was genuinely shocked when
DeNiro just turns around and shoots the blond girl in the stomach
"If you two aren't the biggest pair of fuck ups, how did you ever rob a bank? Is it this aisle Lewis? Is it?"


Knows the Score


I tried watching that once, got bored. Turned it off.
Yeah, there isn't much action in it, it's a very talky affair. If you don't count the "Chicks with Guns" video I think there are only five gunshots in the whole movie.
Ordell shooting Buamont, Lewis shooting Melanie (twice), Ordell shooting Lewis and Ray shooting Ordell.

It's basically a load of scumbags trying to screw each other over in the most elaborate and lucrative manner possible. Typical Elmore Leonard.

It's my favourite movie of his, you should give it another chance. It gets real juicy about halfway in.
Meh, I don't see the point of forcing myself to watch a film just because other people like it.

There are far too many things I actually want to watch to waste my time watching something I don't.


Yeah, there isn't much action in it, it's a very talky affair. If you don't count the "Chicks with Guns" video I think there are only five gunshots in the whole movie.

Only 15 rated Tarantino movie (if you exclude those CSI eps he did...but they aren't movies anyway) in existence. Jackie Brown is a great flick if you're into crime caper twisty stuff...which is completely different to QT's typical revenge rampage flicks.

Meh, I don't see the point of forcing myself to watch a film just because other people like it.

Definitely the same. I always want to have a personal reason/motivation to watch a film. If a friend just told me "watch it watch it watch it!" all it does is overhype the film for me and I'll end up thinking "Was that it?! What was so AMAZING about that?!"

Jedeye Sniv

Meh, I don't see the point of forcing myself to watch a film just because other people like it.

There are far too many things I actually want to watch to waste my time watching something I don't.


It's Tarantino, ladydude! If ever a director has earned two hours worth of a benefit of the doubt, it's him.

Have you seen Inglorious Basterds or Django? I think they're way slower than Jackie Brown even.

Fun Fact - I saw Jackie Brown with my mum shortly after my 15th birthday. First 'grown up' film I saw at the pics.

It's Tarantino, ladydude! If ever a director has earned two hours worth of a benefit of the doubt, it's him.

Have you seen Inglorious Basterds or Django? I think they're way slower than Jackie Brown even.

Fun Fact - I saw Jackie Brown with my mum shortly after my 15th birthday. First 'grown up' film I saw at the pics.

Haha, yeah I loved both Inglorious and Django. I don't know what it is, I stuck it on, watched about 30-40mins, was totally bored so turned it off. I can't tell you why, I just didn't like it. It's not like I didn't even bother watching it.

Sneaky edit there Jackboy.
To be fair, other classic movies have sent me to sleep.

I probably tried to watch it at the wrong time but I only made it a third of the way into Schindlers List and got bored and turned it off. I made the mistake of admitting this at a dinner party with some friend's of my father's and got a bit of a grilling because they associated me finding the film boring with not being emotionally affected by the real Holocaust.

That one was a real conversational minefield.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
You see, I really want to see it again. I loved the look of the film and I adore films where the director gives you space to react to the characters naturally without a constant idiot's guide. It's going to sound wrong, but I kind of understood Fassbender's character a bit. I mean, yes, he's an absolute nutter but he still felt like a real person, not just a cartoon villain. I was saying this to someone at work today - I think one of its many massive achievements is the way it provides context for people like Cumberbatch and Fassbender - they all work within this sick industry and try and deal with it in their own way. The acting was amazing though, you are so right. I hope it wins everything going.

Maybe you're right about Wolf. I got the sense that the film was deliberately like a Belfort sales pitch, but I can't put my finger on it - there was something just a bit off about it. And the female characters all felt like caricatures. I know it was meant to be a film about mad men and testosterone but it felt like it was intoxicated with it. I was frustrated by the end. It worked in fits and starts for me and shouldn't have been three hours. Three hours!

Yeah it was fucking long. Far too long. I can understand it being a bit too testosterone-y, though it was a definite stylistic choice. I think it was a sales pitch... I'd have to rewatch but the way at th eend the camera turns around as he's addressing the new audience of people in his career suggested to me that in some way the trick is being pulled on the audience too.

You are dead right about 12 Years. It really humanised the slavers. I do research into the slave trade and so I've read little stories about the sort of people engaged in that and there really were some weirdos. Fassbender should work exclusively for Steve McQueen: he gave his character depth to what could easily have been 2d comic villains. If you haven't seen Hunger or Shame, go watch them right now.


Thought this sounded familiar.
Nas was Foxy's beau for a while when they were in The Firm, this may explain it. Or it's possibly just a plain old coincidence!
Holy shit, how did I forget about Street Life?
Aww yeah! Camp as Christmas, but what a tune.
To be fair, other classic movies have sent me to sleep.
I was bored to tears by The Deer Hunter, I just didn't get the big deal. How long was that wedding at the start? Urgh...
Nas was Foxy's beau for a while when they were in The Firm, this may explain it. Or it's possibly just a plain old coincidence!

Aww yeah! Camp as Christmas, but what a tune.

I was bored to tears by The Deer Hunter, I just didn't get the big deal. How long was that wedding at the start? Urgh...

Another common one is 2001: A Space Odyssey, I think there's only about 20-30 minutes of dialogue ina three hour movie. I respected the film because the way it's paced and the style of it does lend the film this sense of immensity you don't get in other space films. But boy does it drag in parts.


Knows the Score
To be fair, other classic movies have sent me to sleep.

I probably tried to watch it at the wrong time but I only made it a third of the way into Schindlers List and got bored and turned it off. I made the mistake of admitting this at a dinner party with some friend's of my father's and got a bit of a grilling because they associated me finding the film boring with not being emotionally affected by the real Holocaust.

That one was a real conversational minefield.

I've never managed to watch all of Jackie Brown for some reason, have watched pretty much everything else by him though.

As to Schindler's List, it's a film that I would expect to make me feel miserable so I'm not really interested in that. It was like the time I was in Munich with some time to waste and someone suggested visiting Dachau.

Blink Me

I was bored to tears by The Deer Hunter, I just didn't get the big deal. How long was that wedding at the start? Urgh...

Yeah I found the movie tedious as well. I'm always surprised when it shows up on the best war movies list same as the Thin Red Line. Although I didn't enjoy Blade Runner or Taxi Driver either which is kind of blasphemy amongst film snobs.

Jedeye Sniv

To be fair, other classic movies have sent me to sleep.

I probably tried to watch it at the wrong time but I only made it a third of the way into Schindlers List and got bored and turned it off. I made the mistake of admitting this at a dinner party with some friend's of my father's and got a bit of a grilling because they associated me finding the film boring with not being emotionally affected by the real Holocaust.

That one was a real conversational minefield.

Some movies are just dull for some folks. I can't watch Blade Runner at all, that shit is so dull. I NEVER fall asleep watching movies and I've fallen asleep in that one twice. It's cursed.

Also, your holocaust denial is abhorrent and you are worse than Hitler.


bitch I'm taking calls.
It really depends on the time you watch it and the state you are in as well. I tried to start the Pianist several times and I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. Finally sat down and watched it on a cold Sunday night and it clicked perfectly. I would think Jackie Brown is light and punchy enough to pick up any time though.

But come to think on it, anything with WWII as a major backdrop is challenging if only because the material seems so heavy. Except Casablanca and the Sound of Music. Those were classic for me from jump.

And yeah I was mildly disappointed in Blade Runner except for the music, but I think that was mostly due to the fact that the book actually blew my fucking mind. There was no way the film was going to live up to it after that.
Yeah I found the movie tedious as well. I'm always surprised when it shows up on the best war movies list same as the Thin Red Line. Although I didn't enjoy Blade Runner or Taxi Driver either which is kind of blasphemy amongst film snobs.

The Thin Red Line is the endurance test people should take before they watch any film by Terrence Malick. He makes beautiful but very slow films.

The Thin Red Line itself is frustrating because a good 30-40 minutes of the film takes place on one hill. But that film has a ridiculous cast, everybody is in it, even if briefly. IT has some brilliant photography and coupled with the main character's narration really makes you think about the futility of war in a beautiful place.

But the film came out in the same year as Saving Private Ryan and got absolutely slaughtered at the box office.

Son Of D

I fell asleep during Saving Private Ryan once. Just wasn't in the mood for that kind of film at the time. Watched it all on the second viewing though and it was more engaging.

As for Schindler's List, it's a very well made film but I rarely watch it due to how miserable I feel after it.


I still haven't seen Blade Runner or 2001, but plenty of people have told me to approach with caution.

I was stunned by The Pianist, I really was. I thought it was incredible. I must watch it again some time.

But it's amazing how your frame of mind can alter your opinion on a movie. I remember watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang in a foul mood and hated every second of it. I watched it a few months later and thought it was a riot.

Edit: The Thin Red Line was ponderous garbage IMO. I absolutely love Saving Private Ryan though, it's a masterclass in how to pace a movie.

Blink Me

The Thin Red Line is the endurance test people should take before they watch any film by Terrence Malick. He makes beautiful but very slow films.

The Thin Red Line itself is frustrating because a good 30-40 minutes of the film takes place on one hill. But that film has a ridiculous cast, everybody is in it, even if briefly. IT has some brilliant photography and coupled with the main character's narration really makes you think about the futility of war in a beautiful place.

But the film came out in the same year as Saving Private Ryan and got absolutely slaughtered at the box office.

I like slow movies, Sergio Leone is my favourite director, but I couldn't stand that movie. Or Sean Penn.


I fell asleep during Saving Private Ryan once. Just wasn't in the mood for that kind of film at the time. Watched it all on the second viewing though and it was more engaging.

As for Schindler's List, it's a very well made film but I rarely watch it due to how miserable I feel after it.
Saving Private Ryan is an amazing film, and one of my favourite war films of all time. Hanks does a great job as Capt. Miller, and the rest of the cast are great as his squad. I love the fact the action never really lets up, but still allows time for some pretty touching moments between Miller and Ryan. If there's anyone in here who hasn't seen it, they should go watch it now.

Same with Schindler's List, though you need to go in with a shit ton of caution. That film really does leave you feeling really depressed. In fact, fuck the caution, go in with a bottle of your favourite poison. You'll need it, especially when the scenes with Ralph Fienne's character are on screen. I've never really truly despised a character as much as I have him, probably because it's likely there were people exactly like him in WW2. Facts like that send a slight shiver down my spine.


Edit: The Thin Red Line was ponderous garbage IMO


No way. No...flippin' way. and it puzzles me how everyone compares it to other WW2 movies (especially Saving Private Ryan) becuase the whole point of the film has very little to do with WW2...I personally don't even consider it a war film. It's a film that questions why conflict between humans exists and how certain humans emotionally deal with it. There is no "Good buy versus Bad guy" story arc here. You can put that film in any war (even present) and the overall message will still be relevant. By all means, the film isn't perfect and it's blatantly obvious why people dislike it, the interrupting monologues can be tideous if you aren't emotionally interested in the protagonist and it is an incredibly long film but visually, especially on blu-ray, the jungle scenes are breathtaking. The soundtrack is gorgeous. If you invest the time into watching it I believe it's somewhat rewarding (from my experience anyway). It's all about how you go in.

Blade Runner is good assuming you know little about it. Watch it blind and be amazed.

I like slow movies, Sergio Leone is my favourite director, but I couldn't stand that movie. Or Sean Penn.

Sergio Leone and punk rock. We'd get along you and me.
Bizarrely, I've watched Heat three times and only mamanged to get through it without dozing off once, which means I slept through this fucking shootout twice


Fun fact - None of the gunshots in the scene were inserted in post production, every single one of fired shots was a blank. Michael mann actually walked in on some of the editors trying to sneak audio files for gunshots in and got really pissed off. Also, Robert De Niro has permanent hearing damage and Val Kilmers ears were ringing for the duration of the filming because none of them wore ear plugs.


Awesome. Which is your favourite movie by him? Mines Once Upon a Time in the West.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly followed by For a Few Dollars More. Mostly a big spaghetti western/Ennio Morricone fan but only reason GBU gets top spot for me is because the pacing is just so perfect I always forget how long the film is.

If you're into spaghetti westerns then you should check out "The Big Gundown" directed by Sergio Sollima. My all-time favourite Van Cleef film. Guy is such a badass.


formerly Oynox Slider

No way. No...flippin' way. and it puzzles me how everyone compares it to other WW2 movies (especially Saving Private Ryan) becuase the whole point of the film has very little to do with WW2...I personally don't even consider it a war film. It's a film that questions why conflict between humans exists and how certain humans emotionally deal with it. You can put that film in any war (even present) and the overall message will still be relevant. By all means, the film isn't perfect and it's blatantly obvious why people dislike it, the interrupting monologues can be tideous if you aren't emotionally interested in the protagonist and it is an incredibly long film but visually, especially on blu-ray, the jungle scenes are breathtaking. The soundtrack is gorgeous. If you invest the time into watching it I believe it's somewhat rewarding (from my experience anyway). It's all about how you go in.

Blade Runner is good assuming you know little about it. Watch it blind and be amazed.

To your Thin Red Line defence I say harumph. I think Badlands and Days of Heaven do just as much but in 90 minutes. I agree though in that it came out at the same time as Shaving Ryan's Privates but is not really a war film. All Malick's films are just Malick films.

Blink Me

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly followed by For a Few Dollars More. Mostly a big spaghetti western/Ennio Morricone fan but only reason GBU gets top spot for me is because the pacing is just so perfect I always forget how long the film is.

If you're into spaghetti westerns then you should check out "The Big Gundown" directed by Sergio Sollima. My all-time favourite Van Cleef film. Guy is such a badass.

Yeah I liked all of Sergio Leones films even Fistful of Dynamite. As for other Spaghetti Westerns I was watching a Bullet for The General the other day. Got to love the dubbing.
See now I love Blade Runner, I think it's a superb film.

I'm not a fan of War Films in general, I like Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down. Andy has been trying to get me to watch more, he made me watch Platoon. Great film, even if it was horrific.


To your Thin Red Line defence I say harumph. I think Badlands and Days of Heaven do just as much but in 90 minutes. I agree though in that it came out at the same time as Shaving Ryan's Privates but is not really a war film. All Malick's films are just Malick films.

I applaud Saving Private Ryan. It's a great war flick but it's obviously a war film. I found TTRL to be very neutral for a war film. The Japanese aren't villainised and the US troops aren't praised/applauded. It was all about a normal guy questioning his reasonings for fighting. Quite intriguing. But yeah, Malick's films seems to divide people. I remember how much folk in the office loved and hated Tree of Life. Really should invest more time in seeing other Malick films.

I'm not a fan of War Films in general, I like Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down. Andy has been trying to get me to watch more, he made me watch Platoon. Great film, even if it was horrific.

First war film I watched and one of my favs. My dad had it on VHS when I was a kid and I watched it when he was out. Loved it although I watched it again as an adult and found the dialogue to be a bit grating and cheesy at times. Oliver Stone never seems to get dialogue right in his films. I consider it having the best trailer though. One day I'll go out and sing Tracks of My Tears in the middle of the night. One day...


formerly Oynox Slider
I applaud Saving Private Ryan. It's a great war flick but it's obviously a war film. I found TTRL to be very neutral for a war film. The Japanese aren't villainised and the US troops aren't praised/applauded. It was all about a normal guy questioning his reasonings for fighting. Quite intriguing. But yeah, Malick's films seems to divide people. I remember how much folk in the office loved and hated Tree of Life. Really should invest more time in seeing other Malick films.

They give me the best sleeps. I'm not joking. If I'm even slightly drowsy, it's just beautiful. I've only seen 20 mins of Tree of Life but the sleep was better than the film could ever be.

Blink Me

Platoon is my favourite Vietnam war movie even though a lot of people seem to prefer Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket.
I liked Platoon but bits of it I found a little melodramatic, like Willem Deffoe
being shot about hundred times before finally dying

The German film Stalingrad is pretty much the bleakest war film I've ever seen with the exception of Come and See which is just soul destroying. Like, the child actor playing the main character literally needed therapy after the film.

I highly recommend both but they will ruin your evening. I'm not sure if that's a contradictory statement or not.

Blink Me

The German film Stalingrad is pretty much the bleakest war film I've ever seen with the exception of Come and See which is just soul destroying. Like, the child actor playing the main character literally needed therapy after the film.

I highly recommend both but they will ruin your evening. I'm not sure if that's a contradictory statement or not.

Haven't seen Come and See but I did enjoy Stalingrad.
Although I think everyone was either dead or captured (so most probably going to be dead) by the end
. My favourite war movies are mainly from the 60s like Dirty Dozen, Longest Day, Great Escape, The Guns of Navarone and Where Eagles Dare. A Bridge Too Far is really good as well although that's the 70's. Used to love how all those films had an all star cast.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
There are people that don't like Blade Runner?! 2001 I can understand (but not agree with) but Bladerunner?!!


I like slow movies, Sergio Leone is my favourite director,

My favourite war movies are mainly from the 60s like Dirty Dozen, Longest Day, Great Escape, The Guns of Navarone and Where Eagles Dare. A Bridge Too Far is really good as well although that's the 70's. Used to love how all those films had an all star cast.

I like you.

...and fuck Sean Penn. Guy is a slimy rat faced thug.

Also, Full Metal Jacket is the best War film. Apocalypse Now doesn't count on a technicality.


The Film Snob :)


I just bought a crate of Mexican Coca Cola from my local import store.

Never tried it before...got one in the freezer to cool it down

it had better be good.
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