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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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I think I'm overdue a Pavement phase again. Poor Maria is getting sick of The Beatles. She asked me how long my Beatles phase would last and seemed less than pleased when I answered over twenty years so far.

Listening to Grounded as I type.

Edit: and now Fillmore Jive
I really like Pavement but I still can't work out if Malkmus is a lyrical maverick or just a fucking chancer, his cadence and phrasing is so out there.

It's on mate.
Dammit, I nearly got a page of hunky men for once and Ninja had to go and spoil it by posting loads of girls. Humph.
Soz Mush.

You forgot lush
...amazing, tune, minge, Hayley, awesome, plus, also...



See that's the thing, it's kind of endearingly primitive and obscure. Or just a bit shit, I can't decide! But he has flashes of genuine brilliance:

"If you enjoy the company,
Of a descending family tree,
Well tuck in your thoughts,
It's there or its not,
The feeling is mutual,"

- Folk Jam

Love that tune.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
See that's the thing, it's kind of endearingly primitive and obscure. Or just a bit shit, I can't decide! But he has flashes of genuine brilliance:

"If you enjoy the company,
Of a descending family tree,
Well tuck in your thoughts,
It's there or its not,
The feeling is mutual,"

- Folk Jam

Love that tune.

It's kitsch, I guess. Perhaps a little too knowingly so. Dunno. I like a few songs. Never really delved too deeply.

Didn't the Boy Greenwood rock some harmonica for them at one point? That's a fairly good endorsement. :)


See the thing is Acrid, I love Zappas hooks, he's an incredible musician. I just tend not to like where he goes after the intro, it's like he has the great little refrain, then goes off on a crazy tangent noodling away. That's why I suggested you'd probably heard the best of Willie The Pimp after a few seconds for me. I really enjoyed the opening 30 seconds of so off both the tracks you posted, but I lose interest fairly quickly. I know he's highly respected and massively talented, I just don't dig his offbeat, improvised style.

He's pretty funny though, I'll give him that. Who calls their daughter Moon Unit? What a joker.

Also, there is a great little indie music shop in Sunderland called Hot Rats. And on the subject of lush intros:

Pavement - Blue Hawaiian
Such a smooth groovy jam.
I can understand not being into the free flowing nature of his style. Prog rock and jazz stuff, all can be classified as chaotic or random.

That said, Willie the Pimp has two amazing guitar solos, so I find it kind of wild you don't like it. Same goes for Muffin Man. I'm biased though I grew up with Zappa.

Haven't heard a ton of Pavement though I do have Slanted & Enchanted.

Jedeye Sniv

I got a promotion at work, I'm now a QA supervisor. So basically, I just sit around and score people's calls all day. It's awesome. Standard mon-fri 9-5 job.

I'm still on the same pay though...so I'm applying for a weekend job at HMV tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get it as 1. I used to run a Blockbuster and 2. I went to school and am good mates with the assistant manager.

soooo...whats working at HMV like? worth it for an extra £350 a month? if it sucks, I can always leave.

It's probably quite fun but i don't think there's much job security, those places are closing so fast these days.


formerly Oynox Slider
I can understand not being into the free flowing nature of his style. Prog rock and jazz stuff, all can be classified as chaotic or random.

That said, Willie the Pimp has two amazing guitar solos, so I find it kind of wild you don't like it. Same goes for Muffin Man. I'm biased though I grew up with Zappa.

Haven't heard a ton of Pavement though I do have Slanted & Enchanted.

Crooked Rain is really good.

'Shady Lane ' is one of mine and E's songs.(I know that's on a different album)


It's probably quite fun but i don't think there's much job security, those places are closing so fast these days.

heh, I don't really care. I work monday-friday in a 9-5 office job as a supervisor/technician. It would only be a weekend job to get extra cash.

I just put in an entry to Shopto's win a console competion. I don't stand a chance of winning but worth a try, right?


indeed, anything is worth a try to make our miserable existence just a little more tolerable.

yes indeedy. you have to write about E3

my entry is this:

“ As the impending eve of E3 loomed ever nearer, I had thousands of thoughts swirling around my mind – would Demons Souls 2 appear? Would The Last Guardian come back to life? Will Microsoft get their ass into gear? Will Nintendo show Zelda? Will Doritos and Mountain Dew be pimped at us relentlessly whilst simultaneously ramming the newest AAA Dudebro shooter into my eyes with the fervour of a horny bear?

I watched Microsoft's conference. An improvement on last year – however, that's not saying much. They still bought their A-Game though. Sony's conference was fine...but where was the last Guardian? Batman looked cool. Bloodborne was sexy.

I then watched Nintendo's conference expecting the worst. Instead, within the first ten minutes I got a Robot Chicken claymation Reggie blowing up members of the E3 audience at random via laser beams shooting out of his eyes and a Matrix style fight between the real Reggie and head of Nintendo Satoru Iwata complete with roundhouse kicks, copious slow motion and wire harness stunts. And then Smash Bros. And Bayonetta. And Xenoblade 2. And open world futuristic Zelda WITH MORE LASERS.

And then three ENTIRE DAYS worth of live gameplay footage courtesy of Treehouse @ E3 showing off all the games shown prior. And then Nintendo went and announced a game for the 3DS where you operate as a member of a special task force to take out aliens set up by Abraham Lincoln in Victorian London and a lion is on your team. WHAT.

I already have a 3DS and a kick ass gaming PC. I'm not keen on getting a PS4 or Xbone any time soon. I want a Wii U. Please give me a Wii U. I'll be your friend. ”

guessing they'll pick the guys with insane purchase history to justify the cost. I've only ever bought one game from them.


Major Leagues

Starlings of the Slipstream


Grave Architecture

Carrot Rope

Etc, etc, etc...

So much goodness.

Didn't really like carrot rope or the album it was from. Couldn't say what my favourite album of theirs is, it changes a fair bit. Wowee Zowee hits my nostalgia hard though, that's for sure.


Didn't really like carrot rope or the album it was from. Couldn't say what my favourite album of theirs is, it changes a fair bit. Wowee Zowee hits my nostalgia hard though, that's for sure.
Terror Twilight is great, I love that Carrot Rope is the last track and is labelled "...And Carrot Rope" on the tracklist. It's such a joyous tune too, so much fun.

Favourite record:



Free gin at the colonel Fawcett in Camden. Only had 3g&ts and two neat shots in the first hour. Congratulating myself on being sensible.

Of course, those shots will probably hit me in a minute and I'll end up waking up naked in London zoo tomorrow morning.


lol got an interview for monday hooray

glad i made extra mention of my extensive collection of gaming consoles in my CV. Only for that one job, mind.

Applying for working tax credit too which means I'll be earning an extra £600 a month aww yeah.


Vinyl still astounds me as to how it works. A little needle picking up miniscule peaks and troughs in a groove that's barely a hair's breadth wide. Same with cassettes, all that trickery with with magnets and stuff (right? I'm thinking 8bit will be a good authority on this) confuses me.

There is something understandably logical about the way digital works, a laser reading data from disc, but analogue reproduction seems like black magic.


Vinyl still astounds me as to how it works. A little needle picking up miniscule peaks and troughs in a groove that's barely a hair's breadth wide. Same with cassettes, all that trickery with with magnets and stuff (right? I'm thinking 8bit will be a good authority on this) confuses me.

There is something understandably logical about the way digital works, a laser reading data from disc, but analogue reproduction seems like black magic.

i dunno, analog makes sense to me

it's audio making a needle shake, etching it onto a disc. When you take it home, the opposite happens and as such, the original sound is replicated almost exactly as it was.

digital with all the fucking 0s and 1s is the magical stuff


I get that it's just vibrations being amplified, but it still seems so abstract. And how the hell do tapes work?

Of course I could Google all this stuff, but it's just discussion innit. I was talking to my mate about decks the other night, the benefits of direct drive over belt drive, how the Technics 1210's changed the game, how the light shining on the little dimples on the side of the platter line up in various combinations to confirm an exact confirm 33/45 rpm, all that stuff. And I had no idea there was 78rpm printings back in the day either.

I find that kind of stuff fascinating.


Knows the Score
Vinyl still astounds me as to how it works. A little needle picking up miniscule peaks and troughs in a groove that's barely a hair's breadth wide. Same with cassettes, all that trickery with with magnets and stuff (right? I'm thinking 8bit will be a good authority on this) confuses me.

There is something understandably logical about the way digital works, a laser reading data from disc, but analogue reproduction seems like black magic.

Cassettes aren't that hard to explain, you use one pretty much day in a sense. Your bank card has a strip of magnetic tape on it that you push into a reader, so just think of that on a grander scale on a spool. The magnetic reader reads the fluctuations of the strength of the magnetic tape and converts that into, well, things that you can hear. A stereo cassette has 4 of those tracks so when the cassette is spooled half of the tape is read.

Vinyl is kind of similar, fluctuations in the media (the groove on the vinyl) become sounds that make sense to the human ear.

Anyway, enough of the boringness, check this out. In the 60s/70s vinyl wasn't exactly easily available in Russia so inventive folk that they are they bootlegged records onto old X-Ray plates :


(via http://www.vinyloftheday.com/2014/06/18/soviet-banned-western-music/)

Oh, and some old 60s/70s era turntables had a 16 RPM setting. It was developed for spoken word stuff but never really took off.


Nice one 8bit, that makes sense with the fluctuating magnetic field, clever stuff. As is the bootlegged x-ray presses.

This looks like a limited edition vinyl release from some obscure death metal band:


Really cool.

I'm going to post this in the cool pics thread, I think Melchiah will dig it. He loves macabre stuff like this.


Knows the Score
The first Faust album:


The vinyl is clear too.

Why don't you eat carrots?

First time I heard Faust was when a friend recommended Rainy Day Sunshine Girl, listened to it but was kind of taken aback when after 2 minute or so there was a significant high pitched whine introduced without any impact on the track but I kind of dug it. Mentioned this to my friend and asked if other tracks played with expectations similarly, was informed that my copy was corrupted.


formerly Oynox Slider
Why don't you eat carrots?

First time I heard Faust was when a friend recommended Rainy Day Sunshine Girl, listened to it but was kind of taken aback when after 2 minute or so there was a significant high pitched whine introduced without any impact on the track but I kind of dug it. Mentioned this to my friend and asked if other tracks played with expectations similarly, was informed that my copy was corrupted.

Ha! I put it on once, we got about 15 minutes in before E demanded I "turned off that shit". It's not the friendliest album. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have noticed either.


Loving the vinyl and tape discussion going on here. Interesting stuff!

I'm hoping I can use my new St Vincent purchase to convince Jedeye of her brilliance
Happy Sunday peeps!

So many 'blessed be' and 'happy solstice' messages on my Facebook newsfeed yesterday, didn't realise so many of my friends were pagan/bandwagon jumpers.

Had a girlie night over my mates last night, was pretty fun. No plans for today, Andy's watching the F1 so might finish the lego sandcrawler.

Edit: Just listened to those Justice tracks out of curiosity and gotta agree with Dean, they were horrid. So annoyingly repetitive and monotonous, kinda like when you're lying in bed and there's a big fly in the room that keeps buzzing round your head.


Knows the Score
Happy Sunday peeps!

So many 'blessed be' and 'happy solstice' messages on my Facebook newsfeed yesterday, didn't realise so many of my friends were pagan/bandwagon jumpers.

Had a girlie night over my mates last night, was pretty fun. No plans for today, Andy's watching the F1 so might finish the lego sandcrawler.

Edit: Just listened to those Justice tracks out of curiosity and gotta agree with Dean, they were horrid. So annoyingly repetitive and monotonous, kinda like when you're lying in bed and there's a big fly in the room that keeps buzzing round your head.

Ooooh, Lego Sandcrawler looks awesome. My wife is off to China this week so I'll probably get Ecto-1 finished.

On the topic of Justice, this is a remake/remodel of their Civilization track by the Fucking Champs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLg916LrGwo


Yeah Mush, I can see that, they're certainly not for everyone. Their music is almost obnoxiously harsh and noisy, but that's why I love it.

On the topic of Justice, this is a remake/remodel of their Civilization track by the Fucking Champs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLg916LrGwo
Hmm, not really feeling this to be honest. It sounds like the theme to an anime or something. I've only heard Cross, and to be honest I can take or leave a fair chunk of that. Tthhee Ppaarrttyy (or however the fuck they spell it) is terrible. Uffie, lol.


I have decided to come to the Meet-up, but my sole friend who can let me crash at his sofa is out for a business meeting in Leeds, so is it possible to find a place to crash at some of your places?

Terror Twilight is great, I love that Carrot Rope is the last track and is labelled "...And Carrot Rope" on the tracklist. It's such a joyous tune too, so much fun.

Favourite record:


Haha, I have that one and was given to me by a huge Pavement fan. Fucking long album though, listened to it a lot of times and can't remember any of the tracks except for Stereo because that track is such a jam!


A day off from games!just watched a film together. Now having a bath, then out on the balcony and a barbecue.

What about you?

Games and anime mostly, been catching up on some season finales and getting some point and click adventuring in with the Blackwell Bundle.
Anyone watched Hannibal (the TV show with Mads Mikkelson)?

Thoroughly creepy shit. The main character's visions and nightmares are far more disturbing than anything in any of the films.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Was it this...

Justice - Waters of Nazareth

...or this?

Justice - Stress

Because both are amaze, Waters of Nazareth melts my face.
Good call, Ninja. It was Stress. I feel like a lot of people can't get past the first 15 seconds and I will admit it is pretty harsh. I love Justice but I can absolutely understand the people who don't. You should check out some of their sophomore album (Audio, Video, Disco) as it has some brilliant tracks on it, my two favorite being On 'N On and Civilization.

On the topic of Justice, this is a remake/remodel of their Civilization track by the Fucking Champs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLg916LrGwo
This is a cool genre bender. I like the thematic SFX in the background.

Civilization (Original Mix)

On 'N On

My favorite remix of Civilization is probably the Duelles mix, but I might be biased for visual reasons...


formerly Oynox Slider
Games and anime mostly, been catching up on some season finales and getting some point and click adventuring in with the Blackwell Bundle.

I'm raising my imaginary fist at anything to do with anime!


brit - comic book - GAF - I finished Fun Home today - what a book. I'm going to re-read Wilson now I think. Roll on pay day...
I feel really bored and restless lately. Especially with the weather being so good, it feels like a waste playing games or watching films, etc. Yet thanks to having no money to go anywhere or do anything, those activities are about the only ones to keep myself occupied.

I think I might have another stab at the Code Academy courses again. Going the gym in the morning will help too.
See that's the thing, it's kind of endearingly primitive and obscure. Or just a bit shit, I can't decide! But he has flashes of genuine brilliance:

"If you enjoy the company,
Of a descending family tree,
Well tuck in your thoughts,
It's there or its not,
The feeling is mutual,"

- Folk Jam

Love that tune.

I'm a big pavement fan, but I find they're not exactly a band that you can easily quote lyrics to people. They all seem to just work somehow in the songs, but they pretty much always look like gibberish written down.


formerly Oynox Slider
I just listened to the Fez soundtrack again and it reminded me of how Fez is basically the very best game ever made, ever. I love that game so much.
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