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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Thy Poet. I feeleth that despiteth our use of the language of the LORD, the majority of our flock here in the British Gath neither know not nor care not for our correctitude.

Mineth sentiments exactly dear'st sploat, Our romanticism doth be wasted upon the misguided.


Maturity, bitches.
Aren't there like 140 girl band members in AKB48? They must have a merch store the size of a football stadium.

Ha, I recall one of the maids were holding a leaflet (just 1 leaflet) and she approached me to say something while holding the leaflet. Grabbed the leaflet and continued walking like I usually do and didn't realise that maybe that was her only leaflet and she was just trying to lure me back to the cafe....:( felt so bad.

But yeah, Japan looooves their music. Big CD chain stores are still packed with people buying music (Saw one of them headphone stands where you can scan a CD and preview the tracks before that. Haven't seen one of those since Virgin Megastores like 10 years ago) and there's always musicians (not buskers) outside Shinjuku station playing full set gigs. I love the massive truck billboard ads that just randomly drive around. Petrol must be cheap if they can afford to have a huge empty advert truck going around.

Well from what I recall based on what my friend told me, they, one, are split into sections (AKB48, NMB48, SKE48, HKT48) based on regions hence why I ended up in multiple stores because there's a Fukouka branch and an Osaka branch as well as another I've forgotten as well as the Akiba one. Then, two, those are split into groups like Group A, K and B (highly original). So basically you have to know which section and group your favourite is in and go to the correct store.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
And Meatuselah saw it was good. How goest it, Meatuselah?

Goest well doth I, Sploat The Baptist. I have taken a repast from my usual sheparding this last fortnight to nurture and protect my loin spawn, the first born of the House of Meat. Mine wife, like the lioness on the plains, returns to her old hunting grounds after her all to brief sojourn to spit unto this sodden and unworthy Earth a mewling welp. And yea, it hath been good.

What of thee, Sploat The Bapist? Whose feet hast thou washed of late? Whose sins hast thine taken as thine own burden, like Samson at the pillar? What roads hast thou travelled and what parables can thy lay upon the bosom of mine mind?

I appear to be unable to differentiate between Biblical and Shakespeare.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
And Meatuselah saw it was good. How goest it, Meatuselah?

13. And Methuselahsheep saith unto Sploat[1] that on the whole it goeth pretty well.

14. Excepting for the local Council of Elders who doeth their damn best to destroy local businesses.

15. But Methuselahsheep hath yesterday made representations unto the said Council that the Council are a bunch of twats. And waveth banners and interrupteth the Council and doth all manner of other unseemly things. Well, not all manner, but thou seest where this headeth.

16. Which in hindsight mayeth not have been the greatest of ideas.

17. And yet, even now in the face of Great Tribulation, the People still buy Beads.

18. So in the Great Vault of the Heavens all is not bad.

.... [vv 19-27 illegible in the recovered manuscript]

28. How and whither goeth the Sploat[1]?


[1] the meaning of this term is uncertain from the manuscript, though the apparent pronunciation has been checked with other references of the time. It is uncertain whether "Sploat" refers to a heretic sect, a powerful enemy or merely a playful individual acquaintance of the originator.


I love thunder and lightning. What about that?

I nearly got struck by lightning in school. I was about 30 m from where it struck, and it left a small smokey crater in the playground. Thunder is always associated with lightning, so I hate that too. They look and sound cool though.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I nearly got struck by lightning in school. I was about 30 m from where it struck, and it left a small smokey crater in the playground. Thunder is always associated with lightning, so I hate that too. They look and sound cool though.

Saw ball lighting once, in a campsight in Normandy. That was particularly scary.


formerly Oynox Slider
Mineth sentiments exactly dear'st sploat, Our romanticism doth be wasted upon the misguided.

Thou art a wise man, indeed.

13. And Methuselahsheep saith unto Sploat[1] that on the whole it goeth pretty well.

14. Excepting for the local Council of Elders who doeth their damn best to destroy local businesses.

15. But Methuselahsheep hath yesterday made representations unto the said Council that the Council are a bunch of twats. And waveth banners and interrupteth the Council and doth all manner of other unseemly things. Well, not all manner, but thou seest where this headeth.

16. Which in hindsight mayeth not have been the greatest of ideas.

17. And yet, even now in the face of Great Tribulation, the People still buy Beads.

18. So in the Great Vault of the Heavens all is not bad.

.... [vv 19-27 illegible in the recovered manuscript]

28. How and whither goeth the Sploat[1]?


[1] the meaning of this term is uncertain from the manuscript, though the apparent pronunciation has been checked with other references of the time. It is uncertain whether "Sploat" refers to a heretic sect, a powerful enemy or merely a playful individual acquaintance of the originator.

29. Sploat goeth forth with great anticipation for the imprinting of ink on the wrist this weekend, the additional piercing of ears and also for the Beta of Destiny.

30. Methuselahsheep showeth great fortitudiniosity in bearing arms before thine Council, forsooth I also know of the nature of the Committees that doest meet to organise the Committees which meet to organise a meet of that selfsame Committee.

31. Sploat wast heartened to hear of the Beads; and LO didst ask whether Methuselahseep hast yet mastered the iPad of Apple.

Goest well doth I, Sploat The Baptist. I have taken a repast from my usual sheparding this last fortnight to nurture and protect my loin spawn, the first born of the House of Meat. Mine wife, like the lioness on the plains, returns to her old hunting grounds after her all to brief sojourn to spit unto this sodden and unworthy Earth a mewling welp. And yea, it hath been good.

What of thee, Sploat The Bapist? Whose feet hast thou washed of late? Whose sins hast thine taken as thine own burden, like Samson at the pillar? What roads hast thou travelled and what parables can thy lay upon the bosom of mine mind?

I appear to be unable to differentiate between Biblical and Shakespeare.

Zounds! Thine travails dost sound most fortitudinous.

I hast not washed feet; nay, I have spent mine afternoon obliterating those who dost worship the swastika. Many gibs have been splatted and many cutscenes skipped. And LO, I hath now the platinum trophy to display for mine efforts.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
29. Sploat goeth forth with great anticipation for the imprinting of ink on the wrist this weekend, the additional piercing of ears and also for the Beta of Destiny.


51. And Methuselahsheep did arise and condemn those who pierceth their bodies as it is an ABOMINATION unless they buy their decorations from Scrumpybeads (or the Purple Pumpkin which is the closest specialist).

30. Methuselahsheep showeth great fortitudiniosity in bearing arms before thine Council, forsooth I also know of the nature of the Committees that doest meet to organise the Committees which meet to organise a meet of that selfsame Committee.

52. Don't I just!

31. Sploat wast heartened to hear of the Beads; and LO didst ask whether Methuselahseep hast yet mastered the iPad of Apple.

53. The IPAD is, so Methuselahsheep is told, not a thing to be mastered but to master you. Bollocks to that .... -eth. Getting there, albeit a bit slowly!

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Zounds! Thine travails dost sound most fortitudinous.

I hast not washed feet; nay, I have spent mine afternoon obliterating those who dost worship the swastika. Many gibs have been splatted and many cutscenes skipped. And LO, I hath now the platinum trophy to display for mine efforts.

Sploat The Baptist comest nigh unto a city to fight against the Nazis. And it shall be, that the Bosch will make war against thee, and Sploat the Baptist shalt besiege those under the red banner: And when she shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the throwing knife or with the spread of the dual shotties: and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which MachineGames hath given thee: ammo and health packeths and sucheth.



formerly Oynox Slider

51. And Methuselahsheep did arise and condemn those who pierceth their bodies as it is an ABOMINATION unless they buy their decorations from Scrumpybeads (or the Purple Pumpkin which is the closest specialist).

52. Don't I just!

53. The IPAD is, so Methuselahsheep is told, not a thing to be mastered but to master you. Bollocks to that .... -eth. Getting there, albeit a bit slowly!

Alas! I made a pact with Thy Poet and must stay Biblical until the end of the calendar day 16 July in the year of our LORD.

But glad am I that getting there you art; be it known that, once mastered, the iOS of Apple is a gateway to very many unique and enjoyable applications.

Sploat The Baptist comest nigh unto a city to fight against the Nazis. And it shall be, that the Bosch will make war against thee, and Sploat the Baptist shalt besiege those under the red banner: And when she shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the throwing knife or with the spread of the dual shotties: and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which MachineGames hath given thee: ammo and health packeths and sucheth.


Amen. Praise be.


Separately, whoeth here will be partaking of the Beta of Destiny? I hath decided not to not play thine game, but as memories of the Alpha and of its enjoyableness didst plague me, I did concede. 'Twould be good to make the acquaintance of fellow Gaffers of Brit and lay down thy smack.


Yeah, if people could stop sharing that picture of the 4 students having sex in a car park in Belfast on facebook, that would be great.


Maturity, bitches.
Thou shalt not worship idols. Amen.
But the show makes its demands pretty clear


I can't argue with that.


Maturity, bitches.
Also heard they recommend you cover up so you can't use this as an excuse to turn up to work only wearing a pair of pink sparkling knickers.

Going to be a fun day installing printers in the IT Suite if the air con isn't blasting away.


Maturity, bitches.
I say just turn up in comfortable clothes and if your workplace makes a fuss just strip off to your pants and say "now I'm not wearing casual clothes, happy now?" and then sit back down at your desk.

There comes a point where workers need to be comfortable rather than sharply dressed.


casual clothes are allowed at work here, fortunately for me
so i'm rocking t-shirt and shorts, unfortunately for everyone else


formerly Oynox Slider
But the show makes its demands pretty clear


I can't argue with that.

I wanted to find the source of this pic and pretend I knew about it but I failed. So...

"oh I love that show! It's adorable when Yuki-chan acts like a 5 year old girl while wearing a skimpy sailor Costume! I think the West is so backwards when it comes to sex! BRB buying used knickers from vending machine and refusing to promote my secretary!"


"oh I love that show! It's adorable when Yuki-chan acts like a 5 year old girl while wearing a skimpy sailor Costume! I think the West is so backwards when it comes to sex! BRB buying used knickers from vending machine and refusing to promote my secretary!"


Jedeye Sniv

I wanted to find the source of this pic and pretend I knew about it but I failed. So...

"oh I love that show! It's adorable when Yuki-chan acts like a 5 year old girl while wearing a skimpy sailor Costume! I think the West is so backwards when it comes to sex! BRB buying used knickers from vending machine and refusing to promote my secretary!"

I THINK that's from Haruhi Suzumiya which is actually a fairly funny programme, minimal creepy Japan syndrome, apart from one character with massive boobs but she's actually an undercover agent from the future so it's ok.


So I got put back onto inbound phone calls at work last week after two months being a quality control supervisor, for some bullshit reason

Can't deal with it. I've turned into a nervous wreck again, I've broken down numerous times, and when I had a particularly angry and abusive caller earlier, I told him I was going to kill myself. I somehow managed to slice my arm into shreds, I left work and now I'm waiting to be admitted into a psych hospital

In the waiting room
So I got put back onto inbound phone calls at work last week after two months being a quality control supervisor, for some bullshit reason

Can't deal with it. I've turned into a nervous wreck again, I've broken down numerous times, and when I had a particularly angry and abusive caller earlier, I told him I was going to kill myself. I somehow managed to slice my arm into shreds, I left work and now I'm waiting to be admitted into a psych hospital

In the waiting room

Yeah you need professional help dude.

I hope you get the help you need and get yourself sorted out and in a much better place, peace and love be with you.


formerly Oynox Slider

Too far, wasn't it? Sploatee outed as racist, again.

I THINK that's from Haruhi Suzumiya which is actually a fairly funny programme, minimal creepy Japan syndrome, apart from one character with massive boobs but she's actually an undercover agent from the future so it's ok.

At least it's accurate. Futureboobs are massive, it hath been foretold.

So I got put back onto inbound phone calls at work last week after two months being a quality control supervisor, for some bullshit reason

Can't deal with it. I've turned into a nervous wreck again, I've broken down numerous times, and when I had a particularly angry and abusive caller earlier, I told him I was going to kill myself. I somehow managed to slice my arm into shreds, I left work and now I'm waiting to be admitted into a psych hospital

In the waiting room

I've been there, literally. Twice. :'(

Please please please get as much help as you can.

If you're going to cut try and do it somewhere less visible.

Try and be patient with yourself. I know that's hollow at the moment but it's the most important thing.

Don't be afraid to ring the samaritans or any helplines. That is what they are therefore.

Please please please get as much help as you can.


I THINK that's from Haruhi Suzumiya which is actually a fairly funny programme, minimal creepy Japan syndrome, apart from one character with massive boobs but she's actually an undercover agent from the future so it's ok.

It's from Idolm@ster. Idol culture is pretty much maximum creepy japan.

yet still better than popgaf


Maturity, bitches.
I wanted to find the source of this pic and pretend I knew about it but I failed. So...

"oh I love that show! It's adorable when Yuki-chan acts like a 5 year old girl while wearing a skimpy sailor Costume! I think the West is so backwards when it comes to sex! BRB buying used knickers from vending machine and refusing to promote my secretary!"

Fine, I'll be quiet.

Son Of D

So I got put back onto inbound phone calls at work last week after two months being a quality control supervisor, for some bullshit reason

Can't deal with it. I've turned into a nervous wreck again, I've broken down numerous times, and when I had a particularly angry and abusive caller earlier, I told him I was going to kill myself. I somehow managed to slice my arm into shreds, I left work and now I'm waiting to be admitted into a psych hospital

In the waiting room
As someone who has been in a somewhat similar situation all I can say is get every bit of help you can. Sploatee's advice is really good advice. Just please get the help you can. I know you can sort things out, just do all you can to keep yourself stable.


So I got put back onto inbound phone calls at work last week after two months being a quality control supervisor, for some bullshit reason

Can't deal with it. I've turned into a nervous wreck again, I've broken down numerous times, and when I had a particularly angry and abusive caller earlier, I told him I was going to kill myself. I somehow managed to slice my arm into shreds, I left work and now I'm waiting to be admitted into a psych hospital

In the waiting room

Really sorry to hear that, hope you get all the help you need.


Schrödinger's cat;121410661 said:
Woot. New job. Smack bang in the heart of town.

In fact, right opposite Crytek UK's offices.

Should make for some interesting viewing.

I don't think you can view people not going into work!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm waiting for KLM to confirm my flights right now. I'll be back in Scotland for the first time in over three years.

I was considering wearing shorts at work today but I think I'd have been fired if I did.

Outside of my interviews, I've worn sweat pants to work every day for the last three years.

And I cycle to my office wearing my muay thai gear.

I guess Taiwanese companies are a bit more liberal with dress codes due to it being 34-40c outside.


Jesus Rich, I hope you're OK mane. :|
Ninj, forgot to say: Atlas Bar is a literal stones-throw from my office...

Sweet mate! Pop in and say hi. We have all the gins under the sun, it's kind of our thing if that floats your boat.

Not tonight though, we're about to shut for a private BBQ do; 250 peeps, 150 covers for food...

Sheeit. Currently popping back into town for suplies while the bro finishes up with prep. Ah, sweet respite!

It's going to be a late one tonight, gagging for a beer already.


Jesus Rich, I hope you're OK mane. :|

Sweet mate! Pop in and say hi. We have all the gins under the sun, it's kind of our thing if that floats your boat.

Not tonight though, we're about to shut for a private BBQ do; 250 peeps, 150 covers for food...

Sheeit. Currently popping back into town for suplies while the bro finishes up with prep. Ah, sweet respite!

It's going to be a late one tonight, gagging for a beer already.

When are you normally there in the week mano?
Rich I hope you're in a better place soon :( It sounds like you sought help straight away, so you've already done the best thing you could for yourself! All the best!

Well...looks like my laptop broke...after only 2 moths use. I'm gonna contact PC Specialist either today or tomorrow about this.

Honestly that's why I'd never buy a gaming laptop, there's no easy way of diagnosing the issue yourself, removing the part at fault replacing it.

Is it just not turning on or something similar?


When are you normally there in the week mano?
It depends on the day chief. We start about 9am most days, but Mondays and Tuesdays are usually pretty quiet so we're usually out of there by 4pm. Wednesdays and Thursdays are busier so we're there until around 7-8pm. Fridays and weekends are pretty flexible depending on what we have going on and where it is.

It's best just to shoot me a text a give me a heads up a few hours ahead of time as I'm often out and about doing drops and pick ups.

It'll be good to see you fella!
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