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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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greg davies is basically what i expect dapperbandit will look like when he's a disgruntled old fart

I can live with this



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Today was my last day off for a fortnight (bank holiday, gotta keep the shop open, plus moving house etc, damn complicated) so just had a brief scan through BritGaf to catch up.

Had two shitty customers today.


Well, you never know with shitty customers. They may come back. Had one myself about 2 months ago, arrogant, abusive, yelling at me in the shop (and this is *my* shop!).

Two weeks later she came back, all smiles, really perfunctory apology - but at least an apology - and is now a regular mid-spending customer. Still difficult to deal with, but people are different.

oh come on

I remember you got whiny more than a few times during the virgin mike era of BritGAF.

Hmm, that rings a bell or two.

But by that same token, don't take it personal when you get opinions on your venting, Vashetti. Lest ye follow the path of Cynaide.

These are the words of the wise, Vash. Basically don't take anyone here seriously. Even me, especially after midnight. WOOOOOOH!

I'll play Fez for the sake of playing it unless I get to a point where it's no longer fun. ...

Never played Braid.

(a) What's Fez?
(b) Play Braid (really)
(c) not really a tangent, but I recently found out there is a Frotz app for the iPad and have been swimming in it for the last few days. Wow. Wonderful. Well sure it is retro as well, but there is tons of good stuff for it (Andrew Plotkin, Emily Short, Graham Nelson, Adam Cadre [who comes with a bit of an asterisk if you play I-0 for example] etc). I challenge any of you to get through Nick Montfort's Ad Verbum without dying (not possible), losing (not possible), or giving up (ever so likely).

In t'olden days, we had t'draw our own maps on squared paper with real pens and that. When there were no squared paper 'bout, me and my brother would use a biro and a safety pin to tattoo 'em on our bodies. I tell ya, my left thigh looks like t'Circle and District because of Dungeon Master.

You lot don't know ye were born.

Get Frotz

> Taken


> Bunch of awesome games

Part of me getting this job will be doing a formal interview which is gonna be hard because I'll be talking to the people who live and breath pharma talk and I tend to get by with "you know, the thing with the stuff" rather than rattling off acronyms and terminology.

Pro-tip (assuming you actually know your stuff). Listen to their acronyms and repeat the same stuff back to them in real english. Works a dream. Got me offers in ad agencies, casinos, computing firms (as it was then called) and in one toilet-fittings firm (which rejected me on second thoughts).

It's a job that prior to interview I believe I'll enjoy more, and it also pays more now. In the future however the grad scheme I have (A) pays a lot more.

Progression is different, grad scheme A being a larger company will likely put opportunities my way and mould me into one area or another. Grad scheme B is a smaller company where I get the impression that jobs and pay scales are more organically created, i.e. if I want a pay rise or promotion I've got to really push for it, and validate my request!

IF I got offered B I don't know which I'd choose. Would I be kicking myself ten or twenty years down the line for not picking the money, or would I be better off and not absolutely loving the job, merely finding it decent and wondering 'what if'?

Switch your thinking. In real life you are not going to be with either of these places for the next 20 years. Probably.

A bigger company means more opportunities sure, but also more people going for them, more specialisation, less contact with customers, more nepotism and more management grooming. Also means you have other people to blame if things go wrong.

Smaller company you're more likely to be paid for what you contribute rather than what your payscale is. You know what the customers want. And you take the whack if you make a bad call. But is a bloody good learning experience. Pretty good chance the big bosses of Scheme A started out working for somebody like Scheme B.

Sounds to me like you want Scheme B. If that's what you want to do, don't let extra money up front distract you. But that is the path to take if you are ambitious.


formerly Oynox Slider
Heyo! Yeah, it was fun. Mostly relaxing by/in the pool, playing FTL and eating ridiculously over the top food like carpaccio stuffed with foie gras while the children were occupied in a kids club thing. And one night my son ended up in the epicentre of a battle, so kids fight club. Can't really complain, he burst some wee shit's nose after being jumped.

Apart from that, back to work to remember what I forgot and more interviews. Also trying to make my way through Julian Cope's time travel rave novel. How are you?

Oof. What was your reaction to him fighting? Were you proud he stood up for himself ?

I'm fine thanks, fairly settled! A little bit obsessed with The Last of Us but it'll pass when the next fancy thing comes along.

I had some fancy shmancy M&S peach and passion fruit jaffa cakes the other day as well not that impressed ;) nothing beats the classic.

Very intrigued by this badboy.

Probably disappointing.

Wow. Be careful. That's a lot of orange flavour filling.


Sheep, Fez is the Best Game Ever. Try it!


Just read in the metro that protesters against Israel took their fight to sainsbury 's in Birmingham demanding it stopped selling kosher food. So much stupidity. This is why I prefer guinea pigs. If guinea pigs had religion they'd probably just worship basil leaves and dark corners.


If guinea pigs had religion they'd probably just worship basil leaves and dark corners.

But which is better? Basil leaves or dark corners? There will be tiny guinea pig crusades to determine the answer. The battle will overflow into a Morrisons near Leicester town centre where the herb isle will be burned down

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
But which is better? Basil leaves or dark corners? There will be tiny guinea pig crusades to determine the answer. The battle will overflow into a Morrisons near Leicester town centre where the herb isle will be burned down

...but fires create light. Light is the Eternal Enemy of Dark Corners... HE'S A HERETIC! BURN HIM!



Knows the Score
Oof. What was your reaction to him fighting? Were you proud he stood up for himself ?

I'm fine thanks, fairly settled! A little bit obsessed with The Last of Us but it'll pass when the next fancy thing comes along.

Yeah, I'm fine with it, I'd prefer he didn't end up in a fight but if someone starts then I want him to defend himself.

A friend has brought his similarly aged son (we'll call him K) up playing Splinter Cell & Batman among other things, and one day an older boy started harassing one of K's friends. K waits for this boy to pass the next day, leaps out of a tree and puts the older boy in a chokehold then grabs his right hand and bends it backwards while telling him the girl is protected. He's 7.

Anyway, I'm trying to make my way through Grounded on The Last of Us but am currently trapped with clod hopper Bill in the bus park. I keep failing to get through the window due to control amnesia.

Whoo! In with a bullet!


Jedeye Sniv


lolwut how did I post that much?

So anyway I started playing Dragon Quest 6 last night on my iPad (snes emu, wii controller, win). Nice little game, enjoyed myself, put it away in my bag and forgot all about it. Fast forward to today, I get into my office, remove my headphones and I can hear this strange jaunty pan-pipe esque music coming out of my bag. So basically I think this was going off for my entire hour-long commute and I hope the old people enjoyed it.
I have nothing worthy to contribute.

I've started writing a blog but no one's allowed to read it ever. It's not under any of my usual names so you'll never find it. I just needed a way to get all my crazy thoughts out of my head. Plus it'll be funny to go back and read in a couple of years.

Jedeye Sniv

I have nothing worthy to contribute.

I've started writing a blog but no one's allowed to read it ever. It's not under any of my usual names so you'll never find it. I just needed a way to get all my crazy thoughts out of my head. Plus it'll be funny to go back and read in a couple of years.

Let us see it when it's funny then. Like the old saying goes, distance makes the pain amusing.

I've always wanted a blog or diary for deep dark thoughts but I never find my thoughts are deep or dark enough.


formerly Oynox Slider

Quick! Panflute band!

Yeah, I'm fine with it, I'd prefer he didn't end up in a fight but if someone starts then I want him to defend himself.

A friend has brought his similarly aged son (we'll call him K) up playing Splinter Cell & Batman among other things, and one day an older boy started harassing one of K's friends. K waits for this boy to pass the next day, leaps out of a tree and puts the older boy in a chokehold then grabs his right hand and bends it backwards while telling him the girl is protected. He's 7.

Anyway, I'm trying to make my way through Grounded on The Last of Us but am currently trapped with clod hopper Bill in the bus park. I keep failing to get through the window due to control amnesia.

Whoo! In with a bullet!


I found that story kind of cute?! I don't know if that is wrong!

Ach grounded! How does it compare to Survivor? I'm just about at the High School on Survivor. I'm preferring it to my first playthrough so far...especially in the dark with headphones...I hear clicking...need...a...bottle. My other experience is pretty much "half a pair of scissors! Half a f'ing pair of scissors! Is that all!?!?"


A+ for effort Sploatee. Quality contributions and lots of them

Mikeside, see me after class. This thread is your neglected child, nurtured by dishevelled hairy wildmen like Jed and Screaming Meat.


Being slapbang in the middle I'm this thread's cool Uncle.

That's actually pretty scary. Oh dear. Need to slow down a bit methinks.


Knows the Score
I have nothing worthy to contribute.

I've started writing a blog but no one's allowed to read it ever. It's not under any of my usual names so you'll never find it. I just needed a way to get all my crazy thoughts out of my head. Plus it'll be funny to go back and read in a couple of years.

It's a good thing to do, cathartic and less likely to be found than a diary.

Quick! Panflute band!

I found that story kind of cute?! I don't know if that is wrong!

Ach grounded! How does it compare to Survivor? I'm just about at the High School on Survivor. I'm preferring it to my first playthrough so far...especially in the dark with headphones...I hear clicking...need...a...bottle. My other experience is pretty much "half a pair of scissors! Half a f'ing pair of scissors! Is that all!?!?"

That's actually pretty scary. Oh dear. Need to slow down a bit methinks.

It's cute in one sense, but having your 7 year old think and act like he's a cross between Sam Fisher and Batman is a little disconcerting, especially in such a peace loving neutral leaning environment such as here.

With Grounded, pretty much every drawer is empty. It's the runners that are the real danger, avoiding the clickers isn't so hard. Kind of dreading
the hospital
though, but I've completed it on Survivor so should be able to do it again carefully.


anyone else sick of this absolute of this absolutely bi polar weather.

Left this morning without a jacket, and now I think my walk home is going to be an absolute drenching.

On a positive note I am wearing my new top today:



formerly Oynox Slider
I thought it was quite a nice top. I didn't get the reference.

By posting this I am adding to my sad sackiness. How can I be the top poster? I'm a bloody relative newbie! I blame whatsapp.

Jedeye Sniv

I thought it was quite a nice top. I didn't get the reference.

By posting this I am adding to my sad sackiness. How can I be the top poster? I'm a bloody relative newbie! I blame whatsapp.

I'm shocked and appalled I'm second. I know you post a lot, I read it. I didn't think I posted that much. I can go days without it and not realise.

Now, if we had combined WA and GAF post counts...
Switch your thinking. In real life you are not going to be with either of these places for the next 20 years. Probably.

A bigger company means more opportunities sure, but also more people going for them, more specialisation, less contact with customers, more nepotism and more management grooming. Also means you have other people to blame if things go wrong.

Smaller company you're more likely to be paid for what you contribute rather than what your payscale is. You know what the customers want. And you take the whack if you make a bad call. But is a bloody good learning experience. Pretty good chance the big bosses of Scheme A started out working for somebody like Scheme B.

Sounds to me like you want Scheme B. If that's what you want to do, don't let extra money up front distract you. But that is the path to take if you are ambitious.

Thanks for all the advice! IIRC you've done so many different things in your career I was secretly hoping you'd part with some wisdom!

It's a very good point regarding both how long I would stay at either company, plus how both praise and responsibility can come back to you in the smaller firm.

As it happens, the interview went okay. Presentation went fine, though I don't quite think it was quite what they were looking for. In fact that summed up the whole hour really, I don't even think I was the right person for the job, someone with a Masters or relevant experience would be in a much better position to fit right in. I.e. with graduate scheme A, they expect and prefer no prior knowledge, and have the resources to train you. This company however simply doesn't, and expects a certain standard of knowledge which I simply do not have.

I also found myself not too keen on the company. It's absolutely tiny (<50 in several offices), which is very different to what I anticipated and hoped for (certainly compared to some of its competitors which I know of, employing over 150).

All that said, it's made me confident in sticking with the graduate scheme with company A, I've scratched that itch of trying out for a job directly using my degree, and at least went to the interview, checked it out, and considered if it was for me. In an ideal world I'd be able to afford a Masters in Economics, and then go to those other consultancy firms who absolutely require such a qualification. Given that that's just not workable right now, company A is the best option for me, and I actually feel really excited again!

Positions 11-20 is where it's at. All day son, all day.


Knows the Score
I thought it was quite a nice top. I didn't get the reference.

By posting this I am adding to my sad sackiness. How can I be the top poster? I'm a bloody relative newbie! I blame whatsapp.

If Cyadine was still here we'd be on OT7 by now so don't worry too much about it.


formerly Oynox Slider
I'm shocked and appalled I'm second. I know you post a lot, I read it. I didn't think I posted that much. I can go days without it and not realise.

Now, if we had combined WA and GAF post counts...

You should move your posts here!

re is no need 2 feel shame, splat


If Cyadine was still here we'd be on OT7 by now so don't worry too much about it.


Welp, got a girl friend so yes I guess I can get laid, even with this top..

Thanks, I see britGAF isn't that bad after all then.

It's the best place in the world. Once you post, you never stop (see above).
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