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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Does nobody want to argue about the royal family? I thought it'd help give the thread a bit of a boot.

Ooh I do, I do!

I'd vote for the abolition of the royal family in a heartbeat.

Pass me the sick bucket, the traitor-levels in this post are making me ill.

Actually I'd rather we suspended parliamentary democracy and gave absolute power back to the Monarchy. Then we'd have a government led by legitimately popular people that could pass social reforms quickly and decisively without the sluggishness and hand wringing of our current system which demands us to wait years for incremental changes to occur. The basis of decision making would be more solid as our leaders wouldn't be required to bend to the winds of populism to ensure they are re-elected. The Monarch could say and do what She/He wanted politically, without having to please a wishy-washy electorate or disgruntled back-benchers sowing discord and sabotaging progress. The lack of elections would also mean that long term plans could be pursued without the disruption of a change in government.



formerly Oynox Slider
Ooh I do, I do!

Pass me the sick bucket, the traitor-levels in this post are making me ill.

Actually I'd rather we suspended parliamentary democracy and gave absolute power back to the Monarchy. Then we'd have a government led by legitimately popular people that could pass social reforms quickly and decisively without the sluggishness and hand wringing of our current system which demands us to wait years for incremental changes to occur. The basis of decision making would be more solid as our leaders wouldn't be required to bend to the winds of populism to ensure they are re-elected. The Monarch could say and do what She/He wanted politically, without having to please a wishy-washy electorate or disgruntled back-benchers sowing discord and sabotaging progress. The lack of elections would also mean that long term plans could be pursued without the disruption of a change in government.


'"What's this for? A telephone, you say?! marvellous!"

i am annoyed and so will let iOS write the rest

The best fact Best Only Only Fact . I'm so bored the I To The I. And so much is On. I'm Right.

Jedeye Sniv

Ooh I do, I do!

Pass me the sick bucket, the traitor-levels in this post are making me ill.

Actually I'd rather we suspended parliamentary democracy and gave absolute power back to the Monarchy. Then we'd have a government led by legitimately popular people that could pass social reforms quickly and decisively without the sluggishness and hand wringing of our current system which demands us to wait years for incremental changes to occur. The basis of decision making would be more solid as our leaders wouldn't be required to bend to the winds of populism to ensure they are re-elected. The Monarch could say and do what She/He wanted politically, without having to please a wishy-washy electorate or disgruntled back-benchers sowing discord and sabotaging progress. The lack of elections would also mean that long term plans could be pursued without the disruption of a change in government.


Love this. I think I might vote for "benign dictatorship" next year, sounds like a good idea.

Still think I need to do politics research for next year to defend my "voting is pointless" schtick since it usually riles people up. FPP is a good enough reason to begin with, but I need to be able to comprehensively shit on every party too. Will adopt some of your pro monarchy logic too.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Still think I need to do politics research for next year to defend my "voting is pointless" schtick since it usually riles people up. FPP is a good enough reason to begin with, but I need to be able to comprehensively shit on every party too. Will adopt some of your pro monarchy logic too.

Usually, I'm right with you. The two main parties have spent the last twenty years edging closer and closer to the centre, making them fairly indistinguishable by anything but colour and education reforms; whilst the Lib Dems have unfortunately been in bed with the enemy and lost any good will they generated during the last election. It's all pretty pointless.

If it weren't for the fact that Mark Reckless jumped ship to UKIP, and they stand a chance to win with their policy-free, right wing, lowest denominator bullshit in the by-election, I would be sticking to my usual no voting policy.

A friend of mine was on Channel 4 talking about it. He's about 30 seconds in. The man is a genius.

Nah, man. The guy is a flighty prick who loves the smell of his own farts.

Wow. I read pretty grumpy today :D

Jedeye Sniv

Usually, I'm right with you. The two main parties have spent the last twenty years edging closer and closer to the centre, making them fairly indistinguishable by anything but colour and education reforms; whilst the Lib Dems have unfortunately been in bed with the enemy and lost any good will they generated during the last election. It's all pretty pointless.

If it weren't for the fact that Mark Reckless jumped ship to UKIP, and they stand a chance to win with their policy-free, right wing, lowest denominator bullshit in the by-election, I would be sticking to my usual no voting policy.

Nah, man. The guy is a flighty prick who loves the smell of his own farts.

Wow. I read pretty grumpy today :D

Personally, I see politicians as administrators that have a job to do, and that's fine to an extent and doesn't really need my participation. The only time I'd really consider voting now is as an effort to stop something like ukip (not really an issue in my area, it's a safe 20+ year Tory seat so my vote is irrelevant here). Aside from the creeping rise of lowest common denominator right wing groups, politics in this country is largely the same no matter who is in charge. The media will continue talking about immigrants no matter who is in power. All parties are equally corrupt and bungling, just muddling their way through their jobs the way we all do. Voting is meaningless. I want to vote for "none of this", I want a new politics.

My current pet idea is that government should be much much more local. It should start at the street you live on and scale up from there. Currently our system is top down, with local politics being the purview of the dregs, the busybodies and the elderly. Scrap that. We have the technology now for distributed, casual involvement from everyone. Think like a forum but just for your road, and then your ward, and then your town, and then your borough, county, quadrant, country. A meritocracy of ideas, upvoted from the micro to the macro. No more bullshit political classes, best idea wins. People risen up from wherever they come from based on the strength of their ideas and character, not because of some false binary (trinary, lol) party system. Of course with this there is the danger that we could become some kind of totalitarian nightmare state because of the nature of some of our sirens, but I have faith that most people are sensible and moderate - it's the media that blow up extremists of all kinds and promote their views as being more important due to their prominence.

This system allows for the presence of "celebrities" (since that is what our culture manufactures so well), but the chances of them all coming from the same tiny gene pool of ideas that we have now is lower, we need more actual diversity in our politics.

Anyway I should probably stop there, but yeah I have ideas that will go nowhere, yay :p

And Brand - yeah he's a narcissist and is probably a flawed human, but show me someone who isn't. He still has some great ideas and is trying to tell people about them and some books he's read. I respect him trying.


I keep meaning to come along to one of these BritGaf meetups I've heard about but I never seem to have the money when you guys are having the meets. Is there going to be one in December before Christmas, at all? (my next payday is not till Nov 28th, and I'm away at parents' house 20 Dec - 3 Jan)
I keep meaning to come along to one of these BritGaf meetups I've heard about but I never seem to have the money when you guys are having the meets. Is there going to be one in December before Christmas, at all? (my next payday is not till Nov 28th, and I'm away at parents' house 20 Dec - 3 Jan)

There is indeed, on December 6th.

Thread here
My take on Brand: some good intentions, some thoughts on issues in society that are agreeable.

But all wrapped up in his self-important linguistic bullshit, a tendency to align himself with people who shouldn't be trusted on shit, terrible logic on things such as not voting and a huge lack of perspective on why people might not take himself seriously and being too close occasionally to being so close to the The Man speech from School of Rock that it's got to be a parody.


formerly Oynox Slider
I'm virtually with Jed on this one.

Firstly, on Russell Brand - I've followed him since very early on and I still think his radio show with Matt Morgan and Trevor Lock was hilarious. I don't really like his stand up half as much as I think he needs someone to keep him in check otherwise he does just lose himself in his own eloquence (and he is very eloquent). As a political commentator, I like him a lot. I like the Trews and I like his mission to disrupt. I'm not sure how much I agree with him, and occasionally he gets ahead of himself (Morning Joe - good disruption. Evan Davis - not so good) but I'd much rather have him around than not.

Secondly, on politics - I have always, always, always voted Labour - I come from a Labour family who vote Labour and support Labour. Labour. But I absolutely despise politicians these days. Despise to the point of supporting a cull. I just see vacuums wearing suits who are all obsessed with fighting this pointless toff civil war and know nothing about life. I got excited today as I thought the Labour party was going to coup Miliband and replace him with Andy Burnham. But then I realised it was Alan Johnson. I just wish there were politicians who were individuals instead of corporate mouthpieces (the corporate being the Party) - the likes of Tony Benn, Dennis Skinner and so on. So I am hugely, hugely disillusioned with all of them. To me, the Tories are still the party of Norman Tebbit and I'll never vote for a party that has any doubt about gay or trans rights. Never, ever, ever, ever. To hell with them - section 28, was it? Never forgive, never forget. I can't put into words how much I despise them to their horrible little rotten cores. I understand that Cameron and his Bullingdon club bastards are trying to rebrand the party, but the backbenchers are still the kind of people that I'd cross the street to avoid. Sorry if any of you are Tory backbenchers, but you probably don't like my kind or my family's kind anyway. So ner.

I'm also sick to death of the "immigration debate". It's just xenophobia dressed up in faux concern. Brown people! Polish people! Oh, our way of life is under threat! Utter bollocks - poverty is the real dividing line. So I utterly despise Nigel Farage too. Despicable scum, UKIP are.

So that kind of leaves the Greens. I'll probably vote Green. Seriously, I want to leave England more and more these days. We're just the city-state of London with its feeder counties and then "the regions". We don't produce anything, we're obsessed with our former glory and we care more about getting wasted and emulating "celebrities". This place is rotten and ruined and I HATE IT. AND I HATE YOU TOO, MUM!!!


are we going to do a BritGAF game of the year vote this year? We should! Because then I can vote for Bayonetta 2 and talk more about how Bayonetta 2 is the greatest thing ever since Prince and Norman Lamont's eyebrows!


Obsidian fan
As an unironic AnCom I can just state my positions with full honesty and still wind people up. It's the best of both worlds imo.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
My current pet idea is that government should be much much more local. It should start at the street you live on and scale up from there. Currently our system is top down, with local politics being the purview of the dregs, the busybodies and the elderly. Scrap that. We have the technology now for distributed, casual involvement from everyone. Think like a forum but just for your road, and then your ward, and then your town, and then your borough, county, quadrant, country. A meritocracy of ideas, upvoted from the micro to the macro. No more bullshit political classes, best idea wins. People risen up from wherever they come from based on the strength of their ideas and character, not because of some false binary (trinary, lol) party system. Of course with this there is the danger that we could become some kind of totalitarian nightmare state because of the nature of some of our sirens, but I have faith that most people are sensible and moderate - it's the media that blow up extremists of all kinds and promote their views as being more important due to their prominence.

Wow. I didn't expect that! XD

It's a nice idea on paper. How do you go about making decisions on the world stage? I imagine that top level politicians tend to have access to a lot of information that isn't widely known or have a wider view on things that would have an effect on high level decision making. Do we share state secrets with the public? How do we get that high level view down to the man or woah-man in the street?

And Brand - yeah he's a narcissist and is probably a flawed human, but show me someone who isn't. He still has some great ideas and is trying to tell people about them and some books he's read. I respect him trying.

You'll have to enlighten me on his great ideas. I can't listen to him directly without wanting to roll my nuts in ground glass and scream, which (weirdly) is exactly what his voice sounds like to me.

Jedeye Sniv

Wow. I didn't expect that! XD

It's a nice idea on paper. How do you go about making decisions on the world stage? I imagine that top level politicians tend to have access to a lot of information that isn't widely known or have a wider view on things that would have an effect on high level decision making. Do we share state secrets with the public? How do we get that high level view down to the man or woah-man in the street?

You'll have to enlighten me on his great ideas. I can't listen to him directly without wanting to roll my nuts in ground glass and scream, which (weirdly) is exactly what his voice sounds like to me.

I think we could elect people to deal with the high up stuff and there will always be a place for the political classes, just there needs to be more bredth to the types of people allowed to participate in the decision making process. Cunts in suits do well at talking to other cunts in suits, we can make use of them too. The state secrets thing is interesting though, if there was a truly distributed idea of democracy then maybe this would need to be public information. But I can see the need for them still. This matter could go up for discussion and a vote for sure.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
What is AnCom?

Anarcho-Communist, I believe.

I think we could elect people to deal with the high up stuff and there will always be a place for the political classes, just there needs to be more bredth to the types of people allowed to participate in the decision making process. Cunts in suits do well at talking to other cunts in suits, we can make use of them too. The state secrets thing is interesting though, if there was a truly distributed idea of democracy then maybe this would need to be public information. But I can see the need for them still. This matter could go up for discussion and a vote for sure.

My god. Sign me the fuck up. Although I'm not joining if that cunt Brand is involved.


formerly Oynox Slider
Anarcho-Communist, I believe.

My god. Sign me the fuck up. Although I'm not joining if that cunt Brand is involved.

Ah right, thanks.

Brand's not a cunt, you know. Just a bit of a tosser from time to time.


Spoilerriffic because it's more blog than contribution to discussion. It's not interesting.

I'm so happy with the Wii U. I know that the games will dry up but by the time they do I'll have a nice selection of (hopefully discounted) PS4 games to catch up on.

Bayonetta 2 and Mario Kart are just that good. I'm a very hyperbolic and fickle person but they just feel so pure. Everything in them is so fine-tuned and so unpretentious. They feel like games that have been honed and polished over a long period of time by people who know their gaming history and really love everything about classic games.

I'll probably burn out on the Wii U and by Christmas have become obsessed with the Xbone. Either that or the Destiny DLC will come out and I'll lose myself in mindless grind for another month. But I wish more people would get the chance to play these games. They really deserve it.

Also, aren't Pink Floyd actually quite good? I was really closed-minded about them because they are 70s rock dinosaurs who fought each other over legal and financial rights, but the records from Dark Side of the Moon to The Wall are just great, even if sometimes they lean a bit on stodgy English blues. The lyrics are really something too, especially those to Shine On You Crazy Diamond. I really feel like any semblance of "cool" that I had in my twenties has now entirely left me. I still haven't gotten into Coldplay but it feels like it's going to happen soon.

Also, is anybody else's health/ family's health utterly fucked? I'm still hugely depressed (reduced hours, hurrah), my mum's health is declining, my dad's Parkinsons is getting worse, Emma's barely mobile outside of work hours and now she's got some ear infection which means her left ear is always bleeding. Honestly, I'm dreading Christmas. Last Christmas ended with me in a very bad place. I'm not really a fan of the celebrations or the constant images of perfectly happy normal people being perfectly happy and buying stuff. I think that's why I'm just going to give up on all of my childhood dreams and any sense of humanism and embrace a completely grey life of office mundanity. I'm going to listen to U2 and Snow Patrol and I'm going to buy all of my clothes from Marks and Spencer. I might go to V festival every other year and buy a box set of Outnumbered or something. I tell you who is hilarious, Michael McIntire - he's the best. We went to see him at the MEN. He was better than John Bishop. Etc. Etc. Pink Floyd is just the beginning.
Bayonetta 2 is proof to me that I still enjoy video games.

MK8 I'm happy to pass on, I've played enough Mario Kart over the years and I wouldn't have any fun playing it against faceless people online.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Brand's not a cunt, you know. Just a bit of a tosser from time to time.

That was a bit much. I think I actively hate every comedian called Russell and I don't know why. It's exhausting.

I couldn't care less if it's cool, I think when they are great, they're Tony the Tiger Grrrreat. EDIT: I mean, Pink Floyd. Not Russell. There's this dual slide guitar bit on one of The Shine On... tracks (part 2, I think) that is just beautiful. Also, 'Careful With That Ax, Eugene' is utterly monstrous when it kicks in. In a good way. You know, like way kids do when they say "wicked", "sick" and "bear". Or is it "bare"? I don't know. What I do know, is that song is good. But in a bad way. Like the kids mean it. Yeah.

Sorry to hear the last bit. :(


formerly Oynox Slider
That was a bit much. I think I actively hate every comedian called Russell and I don't know why. It's exhausting.

I couldn't care less if it's cool, I think when they are great, they're Tony the Tiger Grrrreat. EDIT: I mean, Pink Floyd. Not Russell. There's this dual slide guitar bit on one of The Shine On... tracks (part 2, I think) that is just beautiful. Also, 'Careful With That Ax, Eugene' is utterly monstrous when it kicks in. In a good way. You know, like way kids do when they say "wicked", "sick" and "bear". Or is it "bare"? I don't know. What I do know, is that song is good. But in a bad way. Like the kids mean it. Yeah.

Sorry to hear the last bit. :(

I think I know the bit you mean. As someone who has been around mentally ill people most of her life, the lyrics are just right - they sum it up so well. I think the current lingo is 'moist'. At least that's what dapper laughs tells me. Lucky me.

Thanks. Up last night as well with E constantly needing to move rooms to alleviate the pain. Newsflash : adult life is really fucking hard. At least I'm working from home today so I can put some music on in the background to make the work flow a bit easier.

Might put on some cool tunes 😄


I am having the longest day in work in a while.

Halo is waiting for me when I get home, but I have sooo much work to do.

So much my head is spinning and I don't even know what to start on.

Hate days like today.

Jedeye Sniv

I am having the longest day in work in a while.

Halo is waiting for me when I get home, but I have sooo much work to do.

So much my head is spinning and I don't even know what to start on.

Hate days like today.

Oh man, you and me both. Yesterday a problem came up at work and it's caused me around 7 hours of work when I could have sorted it in an hour. When something goes wrong here, management want to write a book about it. So stressful, I feel completely demoralised and unmotivated now. And I still have my actual work to get done. Sigh.

No Halo at home for me, but I might be able to swing a blowie if I'm lucky.
Oh man, you and me both. Yesterday a problem came up at work and it's caused me around 7 hours of work when I could have sorted it in an hour. When something goes wrong here, management want to write a book about it. So stressful, I feel completely demoralised and unmotivated now. And I still have my actual work to get done. Sigh.

No Halo at home for me, but I might be able to swing a blowie if I'm lucky.

Wish I had work. Having all this free time has become boring fast, I just have more time to lapse into bad habits. Sending off applications only to get rejected time and again sucks the motivation out of you. I think soon before Christmas is a bad time to look really.

"When can you start?"
"Shortly before I stop."

But I can't get complacent because I'm living off my savings right now and I'll be damned if I hoarded my earnings for 18 months just to watch it bleed out.

No blowie for me but at least I have the hankerchief collection.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Wish I had work. Having all this free time has become boring fast, I just have more time to lapse into bad habits. Sending off applications only to get rejected time and again sucks the motivation out of you. I think soon before Christmas is a bad time to look really.

"When can you start?"
"Shortly before I stop."

But I can't get complacent because I'm living off my savings right now and I'll be damned if I hoarded my earnings for 18 months just to watch it bleed out.

No blowie for me but at least I have the hankerchief collection.

Before I started my job all I wanted to do was get started, I had shitall money once Uni was done so I couldn't do anything with my final summer, bored as fuck.
These days the time flies by with work.


Oh man, you and me both. Yesterday a problem came up at work and it's caused me around 7 hours of work when I could have sorted it in an hour. When something goes wrong here, management want to write a book about it. So stressful, I feel completely demoralised and unmotivated now. And I still have my actual work to get done. Sigh.

No Halo at home for me, but I might be able to swing a blowie if I'm lucky.

I know that feel bro, it's like let me get on with what I need to fix.
But no we need to fully examine an issue first before I can actually go near it.
Like damn it management, I already know what went wrong, we can all gather round and pull pitchforks and fire later.

Yeah I know that feeling, I did an extra 30 hours last week, a LOT of 2am finishes and weekend working.. which I get time in lieu for, which quite frankly can fuck off, I already have 15 days holiday left, but no time to actually take it at all.

Sounds good about the blowie, I wish you the best of luck....

If I could swing one and Halo, damn day made! But I doubt it as that'd make me too happy.

Wish I had work. Having all this free time has become boring fast, I just have more time to lapse into bad habits. Sending off applications only to get rejected time and again sucks the motivation out of you. I think soon before Christmas is a bad time to look really.

"When can you start?"
"Shortly before I stop."

But I can't get complacent because I'm living off my savings right now and I'll be damned if I hoarded my earnings for 18 months just to watch it bleed out.

No blowie for me but at least I have the hankerchief collection.


Welcome to the show Dapper, I have one thing to say. Get off Destiny and go out and get a job and stop drinking wine ya filthy bum.


So I'm finally settled to read Dan Brown's Inferno. And we have an English born character who is now running around in Florence. And she's now recalling the nursery rhyme: ring a ring o' roses.

Except I didn't recognise the third line. Googled it. & it stems from the version more common to America.

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!

We all fall down.

The one more common to Britain, according to wiki:

Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down.


My childhood agrees more with wiki than Dan Brown's character who use to recite it as a 'school girl in England'.

Edit: beside that wiki cites experts saying its being linked to the black death is tenuous at best.

Jedeye Sniv

So I'm finally settled to read Dan Brown's Inferno. And we have an English born character who is now running around in Florence. And she's now recalling the nursery rhyme: ring a ring o' roses.

Except I didn't recognise the third line. Googled it. & it stems from the version more common to America.

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!

We all fall down.

The one more common to Britain, according to wiki:

Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down.


My childhood agrees more with wiki than Dan Brown's character who use to recite it as a 'school girl in England'.

Edit: beside that wiki cites experts saying its being linked to the black death is tenuous at best.

Mate what are you doing reading Dan Brown? You're WriterGAF, you should know better!

And I was taught it was about the black death at school, but what do provincial history teachers really know, eh?
So I'm finally settled to read Dan Brown's Inferno. And we have an English born character who is now running around in Florence. And she's now recalling the nursery rhyme: ring a ring o' roses.

Except I didn't recognise the third line. Googled it. & it stems from the version more common to America.

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!

We all fall down.

The one more common to Britain, according to wiki:

Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down.


My childhood agrees more with wiki than Dan Brown's character who use to recite it as a 'school girl in England'.

Edit: beside that wiki cites experts saying its being linked to the black death is tenuous at best.

I agree with you mate, I always remember saying atishoo as a kid.

But regardless I gotta agree with Jed, what are you doing reading Dan Brown? Unless this is the first book of his you've read so you're unaware how bad he is.

Welcome to the show Dapper, I have one thing to say. Get off Destiny and go out and get a job and stop drinking wine ya filthy bum.

My fucking goodness no. What's the middle class equivalent of Jeremy Kyle? Put me on that.

And I've given up on Destiny. Haven't played it since October I think. It occurred to me that the only reason I was playing was so that some Raid gear might drop when I do a Raid I can only get loot from once a week, and the only reason I want that specific loot is so I can level up to 30 which gives me nothing whatsoever.

I've moved over to CoD AW which is actually fun/infuriating in the moment to moment gameplay. But that still is just a time waster. I want a big single player RPG so bad, but I've never played any of the Dragon Age games so would feel a little lost picking up the 3rd entry in a series. I have Persona 3 on my Vita and that's nearly finished. After that's done I may pick up Shin Megami Tensei IV. I don't own a 3DS but my housemate does and he's in the Himalayas so fuck him.
He did actually say I could use it
. But can I justify the modest expense?. Quandaries everywhere.


Writing is difficult. I'll not have a go at Brown for that. But it's a shame his editor doesn't step in more often; a shame too that his army of researchers, experts, consultants etc don't alert him to basic errors.
The most famous black death poem not really being about the black death in a book about such things at its core.. Wish he would hire gaffers in the stupid questions thread.
# there is no such thing as a stupid question.


formerly Oynox Slider
My fucking goodness no. What's the middle class equivalent of Jeremy Kyle? Put me on that.

And I've given up on Destiny. Haven't played it since October I think. It occurred to me that the only reason I was playing was so that some Raid gear might drop when I do a Raid I can only get loot from once a week, and the only reason I want that specific loot is so I can level up to 30 which gives me nothing whatsoever.

I've moved over to CoD AW which is actually fun/infuriating in the moment to moment gameplay. But that still is just a time waster. I want a big single player RPG so bad, but I've never played any of the Dragon Age games so would feel a little lost picking up the 3rd entry in a series. I have Persona 3 on my Vita and that's nearly finished. After that's done I may pick up Shin Megami Tensei IV. I don't own a 3DS but my housemate does and he's in the Himalayas and said I could use it. But can I justify the modest expense?. Quandaries everywhere.

I've actually been playing spots of Destiny here and there, mostly just one or two PvP games now and again. It's nice to play a PvP FPS where I don't feel stressed out.

I did wonder about Advanced Warfare, but I find Call of Duty multiplayer to be insanely hard and it's too frustrating for a casual type when you get killed the instant you're spotted. The USA stuff is a bit irritating too, but I don't really like summer action films that much I guess.

I know what you mean about wanting a huge game to get stuck into though. Now Destiny's not as compulsive anymore I would like something meaty that I can play over a long period of time and was watching videos of Dragon Age. It just looks a bit too much on the RPG rather than the action side of action RPG for me.

What about the mountains of JRPGs on the Vita? Or something like Danganronpa or Freedom Wars? They look like the kind of games you could sink a hundred hours into (even though neither have really grabbed me). I think Dragon Age might be your best bet though. The reviews are saying that there's something like 200 hours of content to grind through.
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