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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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formerly Oynox Slider
I like St Vincent in theory but something about the music stresses me out, I can't get into it. Speaking of, one of my friends was stood next to Carrie Brownstein at a SV gig last night, lucky bugger. He didn't even say hi, wtf

I'd have probably spontaneously combusted if I was stood next to CB.


Was anyone here aware that St. Vincent's next album is out next week??

I'm so excite.

edit: also new Warpaint album is lush as fuck.



I think St Vincent is a bit like what would happen if Kate Bush and PJ Harvey made a record together. This is clearly a good thing.

Fucking love SV.

Carrie Brownstein is amazing. I would sex her all night. I really need to spend more time with Sleater-Kinney. I've not spun them in years.



Oh man, I've got some cool new tracks for you. I need to get my finger out of my arse and send you a PM, buddy.

Have you heard the new Warpaint album yet? It's lush.

I've also been enjoying:
Holychild have a cool track out called Every Time I Fall
WATERS - Got To My Head is pretty. Yum.

and one more for the road...

WOODS - Moving to the Left.


Not enjoying it yet but I'm only about 2 hours or so in.

I played the first 3-4 hours when it was released and didn't really dig it. Ended up putting it down for about 3 months. Then I picked it back up and for some reason it 'clicked' and I ended up playing it from start to end in pretty much one sitting. I've played it through again since too, because the missus wanted to see the story.

I'd say stick with it. It starts slowly, but then it gets better. And better, and better. And better.


Obsidian fan
Would it be possible to meet up with someone tomorrow?

1 so I don't get lost and 2 so even if I get there I'm not stood around like a lemon because I can't see anyone.


formerly Oynox Slider
CHEEZMO™;101726069 said:
Would it be possible to meet up with someone tomorrow?

1 so I don't get lost and 2 so even if I get there I'm not stood around like a lemon because I can't see anyone.

You can meet us but I have no idea where the pub is and will either be relying on Emma or using Google Maps.


What you after? There's new Beck, Broken Bells, Metronomy, Phantogram, Wild Beasts & Com Truise all in the last few weeks.

I'm loving all these (except Broken Bells which they're only got 4 tracks from on Google Play Music for some stupid reason - very annoying because I've been anticipating that album for months)

I've never really been a Beck fan. Is this the album that could change my mind?

Will give Com Truise a go later.



formerly Oynox Slider
CHEEZMO™;101729507 said:
That would probably be a good idea. I don't use anything like that on my phone lel

Ok, well do you want to PM me your number? I can't PM for some reason unless I'm replying to someone.


CHEEZMO, sploatee's and Steve, I'll post up in the thread when we get to the first pub in case anyone fancies heading out a bit earlier. We should be sitting down with a beer somewhere by 12:30 at the latest.
People who stare when you're trying to eat are the worst.

Jessica Alba was sitting behind you eating a hot dog.


The Last of Us is amazing. That is all. Currently taking a break to let my nerves calm.
You just completed it, I assume? It really is quite the emotional roller-coaster and probably the best game on PS3, if not the best game of the last generation. If you haven't already, I recommend downloading and playing the new DLC, Left Behind, and prepare for more of them feels.
You just completed it, I assume? It really is quite the emotional roller-coaster and probably the best game on PS3, if not the best game of the last generation. If you haven't already, I recommend downloading and playing the new DLC, Left Behind, and prepare for more of them feels.

No, (I guess) I'm somewhere in the middle?
Sewers outside Pittsburgh, just past the nursery where the teacher killed all the kids before the clickers got in :(

Is Left Behind free? Or is it just on my main menu to tempt me into buying it?


Parachute gig was fucking awesome
The pub was packed

One of the best yet - I'm very excited for the album launch.

Currently listening to the new Japanther album and nursing a hangover
Parachute gig was fucking awesome
The pub was packed

One of the best yet - I'm very excited for the album launch.

Currently listening to the new Japanther album and nursing a hangover

I wondered what that racket was

Gig was totes amaze though, will try and post video


Question for BritGaf and a story of sorts..

The questions is, is my co-worker normal?

He's Scottish. Not British. If anyone tries to tell him differently you'll get an earful. I'm American and we're living in Japan.

The other day he was getting some visa work done here in Japan and made the poor girl working there confused as could be. Listed on the visa application was Scottish for nationality. Japan won't accept that though. Passport is British. "Yes but you see," he says, "we are legally allowed to claim our nationality as Scottish!" They went back and forth for a long time about it. Poor girl was probably thinking she doesn't get paid enough by the end of it. Finally his girlfriend has had enough and just yells at him to put British. He was still mad about it when he told me the story later that day.

It was amusing to me. His facebook has a number of posts about an independence vote coming up (you're 238 years late I tell him). But none of the Japanese here know about it. It's fun to watch the wheels turn in their minds when he tells them he is Scottish I have to say.
Yes he's normal.

A lot of Scottish, and Welsh, people are very patriotic to the point it turns them into dicks over everyday normal things, like the scenario you mentioned.


Knows the Score
Question for BritGaf and a story of sorts..

The questions is, is my co-worker normal?

He's Scottish. Not British. If anyone tries to tell him differently you'll get an earful. I'm American and we're living in Japan.

The other day he was getting some visa work done here in Japan and made the poor girl working there confused as could be. Listed on the visa application was Scottish for nationality. Japan won't accept that though. Passport is British. "Yes but you see," he says, "we are legally allowed to claim our nationality as Scottish!" They went back and forth for a long time about it. Poor girl was probably thinking she doesn't get paid enough by the end of it. Finally his girlfriend has had enough and just yells at him to put British. He was still mad about it when he told me the story later that day.

It was amusing to me. His facebook has a number of posts about an independence vote coming up (you're 238 years late I tell him). But none of the Japanese here know about it. It's fun to watch the wheels turn in their minds when he tells them he is Scottish I have to say.

For the purpose of filling out a Visa application, his passport is British and that's the most important aspect here. He might consider himself as part of the Scottish national identity, but that's not legally recognised internationally at this point in time.
Dude was being a dick, but I gotta disagree with you about Patriotism. Being proud of your heritage and where you're from is a really nice thing. I wasn't patriotic until I left Wales, and however much I may slag it off now I'm still proud to say I'm Welsh and if anyone not Welsh slags off my country I will defend it.
New Tomb Raider ain't poo, it's fucking great. All the Uncharted games are great too.

Can't wait to see Uncharted PS4. That shit should look mental.

+1 for Tomb Raider = good. Running, jumping, sliding down ziplines, shooting guys with flaming arrows...what more do you want? The PS4 version looks ace too.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning patriotism. I just personally couldn't care less and struggle to understand why others do. It's just an ultimately inconsequential part of this big ball that you happened to emerge from a vagina in, that's where it ends as far as I'm concerned.

Different strokes innit.

Björk Guðmundsdóttir is a stone cold fucking genius. I'd be proud if I was from Iceland.


Question for BritGaf and a story of sorts..

The questions is, is my co-worker normal?

He's Scottish. Not British. If anyone tries to tell him differently you'll get an earful. I'm American and we're living in Japan.

The other day he was getting some visa work done here in Japan and made the poor girl working there confused as could be. Listed on the visa application was Scottish for nationality. Japan won't accept that though. Passport is British. "Yes but you see," he says, "we are legally allowed to claim our nationality as Scottish!" They went back and forth for a long time about it. Poor girl was probably thinking she doesn't get paid enough by the end of it. Finally his girlfriend has had enough and just yells at him to put British. He was still mad about it when he told me the story later that day.

It was amusing to me. His facebook has a number of posts about an independence vote coming up (you're 238 years late I tell him). But none of the Japanese here know about it. It's fun to watch the wheels turn in their minds when he tells them he is Scottish I have to say.

Classic case of excessive nationalism (Patriotism would've probably fit too. Thanks Steve). Very normal and frequent with Scots especially when abroad. It shouldn't be that malicious though. Unsure why your co-worker was taking it too seriously and being an ass. Hell, when I travel and people ask me where I'm from in a social situation I'll say I'm Scottish instead of British but when it comes to red tape and bureaucracy what the hell is the point in putting down "Scottish" if the option isn't there? Not worth the time and hassle. I put myself down as "British" when I applied for my Japan Rail Pass last year because it fuckin' said so on my passport. Unless I am legally "Scottish" on an official document I am not going to thump my chest and demand that people call me Scottish when officially I am British.

Cut a long rant short; your co-worker was being a dick in my opinion.

and lol about him caring so much about Scottish Independence when he won't even be eligible to vote because he emigrated out of the country he so dearly loves. What a patriot!


"Hating people you never met and taking Pride in accomplishments you had no part in"

He was referring to nationalism but the latter part applies to patriotism as well.

Anyway: sunny in Manchester thus far :)


Every time I hear a good point raised about voting Yes for independence and I slowly lean towards the idea of an independent Scotland being a smart move, I come across the usual "YEAH, FREE SCOTLAND! FUCK THE ENGLISH!" Rangers (ha) jersey wearing asshat and I'll be like "Do you strongly believe we are capable of managing on our own? Will we have the resources, economy and money to stand up with every other nation on this planet?" and they'll respond with "AAYYYEE! CUS FUCK THE TORIES AND THAT CAMERON BASTARD! SCOTLAND! SCOTLAND!"



Knows the Score
Every time I hear a good point raised about voting Yes for independence and I slowly lean towards the idea of an independent Scotland being a smart move, I come across the usual "YEAH, FREE SCOTLAND! FUCK THE ENGLISH!" Rangers (ha) jersey wearing asshat and I'll be like "Do you strongly believe we are capable of managing on our own? Will we have the resources, economy and money to stand up with every other nation on this planet?" and they'll respond with "AAYYYEE! CUS FUCK THE TORIES AND THAT CAMERON BASTARD! SCOTLAND! SCOTLAND!"


Haha, it's the Rangers wings of my family that are the strongest union supporters. I was at a funeral wake this week and one member of their family who moved to London years ago was talking about Cameron's message to the English to tell Scotland how much they're loved and I wanted to just slip under the table to escape.



Every time I hear a good point raised about voting Yes for independence and I slowly lean towards the idea of an independent Scotland being a smart move, I come across the usual "YEAH, FREE SCOTLAND! FUCK THE ENGLISH!" Rangers (ha) jersey wearing asshat and I'll be like "Do you strongly believe we are capable of managing on our own? Will we have the resources, economy and money to stand up with every other nation on this planet?" and they'll respond with "AAYYYEE! CUS FUCK THE TORIES AND THAT CAMERON BASTARD! SCOTLAND! SCOTLAND!"


To be honest, that's about the level of the No campaign, nevermind its typical supporter. Brainless fucktards on both sides of the debate, what can you do?


Haha, it's the Rangers wings of my family that are the strongest union supporters. I was at a funeral wake this week and one member of their family who moved to London years ago was talking about Cameron's message to the English to tell Scotland how much they're loved and I wanted to just slip under the table to escape.


Huge support for Rangers over in Fife. Don't really understand it but I do see more blue tops than green/white in that region. Can't understand football politics and why it engulfs a huge part of people's lives. It's about as serious as politics to some.

Sorry for your loss 8bit. We should've met up when you were in Glasgow but I had work deadlines to complete these past couple of weeks so it wouldn't have worked out on my end. Same reason I didn't see Mike on his last visit to the city.

To be honest, that's about the level of the No campaign, nevermind its typical supporter. Brainless fucktards on both sides of the debate, what can you do?

True dat brah. *sigh*

It's all just politics at the end of the day.

I'm on the fence now as opposed to initially aligning to the No campaign. Really dislike how threatening the UK government has been about this instead of trying to convince the people of Scotland that staying together is better. It's all the "See if you giys split, you'll bee soooooooooooorrry!" shtick. Ugh, where's the incentives for staying if we're just going to be parented like that? Still need to sit down and read the facts and come up with a pros and cons list....soon


Knows the Score
Sorry for your loss 8bit. We should've met up when you were in Glasgow but I had work deadlines to complete these past couple of weeks so it wouldn't have worked out on my end. Same reason I didn't see Mike on his last visit to the city.

No problem, I didn't have much time nor was I feeling all that sociable so it wouldn't have been ideal.


I'm on the fence now as opposed to initially aligning to the No campaign. Really dislike how threatening the UK government has been about this instead of trying to convince the people of Scotland that staying together is better. It's all the "See if you giys split, you'll bee soooooooooooorrry!" shtick. Ugh, where's the incentives for staying if we're just going to be parented like that? Still need to sit down and read the facts and come up with a pros and cons list....soon

Without resorting to the lol torys rhetoric usually found on the net, I think it boils down to the politics of fear.

Labour spent years trying to sell the benefits of a united kingdom, the argument is still there, so the con's are trying the other tac, a very effective one mind, of sowing uncertainty amongst the voters.

As patriotic as anyone may be, are they willing to risk losing asset value / quality of life by going to currency wilderness?


Huge support for Rangers over in Fife. Don't really understand it but I do see more blue tops than green/white in that region. Can't understand football politics and why it engulfs a huge part of people's lives. It's about as serious as politics to some.

Sorry for your loss 8bit. We should've met up when you were in Glasgow but I had work deadlines to complete these past couple of weeks so it wouldn't have worked out on my end. Same reason I didn't see Mike on his last visit to the city.

True dat brah. *sigh*

It's all just politics at the end of the day.

I'm on the fence now as opposed to initially aligning to the No campaign. Really dislike how threatening the UK government has been about this instead of trying to convince the people of Scotland that staying together is better. It's all the "See if you giys split, you'll bee soooooooooooorrry!" shtick. Ugh, where's the incentives for staying if we're just going to be parented like that? Still need to sit down and read the facts and come up with a pros and cons list....soon

Personally, I hope you guys go for it. Not looked into all the facts and figures but my initial response is if it's such a shitty deal for Scotland and Scotland would be so much worse off, why are the three main parties desperate for it not to happen?

First, Scotland, then Wales (lol), then London. I would love that.


if it's such a shitty deal for Scotland and Scotland would be so much worse off, why are the three main parties desperate for it not to happen?.

Because it won't help the UK at all either...

I don't care either way, not one fuck given, but that's why they care, because as much as they think Scotland will be worse off by a large margin we will by a little one.


Just going to head straight to Port St Beer House geezas and geezettes. Come along early if you're at a loose end.

See you guys in a bit!


Because it won't help the UK at all either...

I don't care either way, not one fuck given, but that's why they care, because as much as they think Scotland will be worse off by a large margin we will by a little one.

That was part of my point. Essentially they don't give a fuck about the Scots, it's all about England.

I'm really interested to see if the No campaign blow it with their negativity, the momentum certainly seems to be with the Yes camp but they still have some way to go to even reach parity. Interesting times.
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