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Bungie announces Latin/a/e/o/x @ Bungie, gets ratio'd to high heaven by actual latinos, attempts to silence detractors

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gay men GIF

Latinx ?


Some Americans strugle with the fact that alot of countries in the world use masculine and femenine words, so they have to come up with they own non binary bullshit and end disrespecting the costumes, language and culture of other countries, because they are a bunch of snowflakes that get offended with everything while the rest of the world dont give a shit.
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Categorizing people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character is racism. All these companies need to read a little Martin Luther King because they keep doing racist shit like this.
All of this stuff promotes division. It's never an attempt to make things that shouldn't be negative into the neutral they deserve to be, it's always about artificially lifting with no long term focus.

The only actual way to solve things like this is to get to a point where no one gives a fuck, but I don't often see anyone say that or act like it's the case. I guess because it isn't, it's all falsely promoted for a dollar so it's "Fuck the results, short term profit please"
West coast liberalism is a weird tribal disease. I live in Portland and everyone talks like this, and every white person thinks they are being inclusive, even when they are just trying to force their silly way of thinking on others. I recently wore a Chinese style shirt to work because it was the Chinese mid-autumn festival and you are supposed to wear certain colors. In our daily standup meeting a co-worker (white woman of course) said that I was appropriating Chinese culture and that I should be ashamed. I told her it was a gift from my Chinese parents-in-law and that our whole family was wearing similar celebratory style clothes for the first day of the Mid-autumn festival. It's so ridiculous how uneducated virtue signalling ideas can spread among people who are so small minded.

Haha, Now I'm just ranting.....
im more shocked this hasn't been taken down yet.

I saw it yesterday and I knew it wasn't gonna go well and this morning it was a shit storm.

Who tf works PR and Comms there, they better be fired for not immediately retracting and apologizing for this.
Apologise? The poor Latinx’s just don’t know what’s good for them yet :(


Call me latinx and find out why Brazil has high violence rates.
From what I gathered, Spanish is a language that refers to its speakers/residents as Latina or Latino - strictly gendered. This is just the way the language works. Actual spanish speakers call out Bungie, full of "priviledged white men/women/others" who use the west coast vernacular to remove the gendered connotations by referring to them as Latinx/e/z.

Essentially white people trying to virtue signal without understanding history, context, or the language itself and trying to push themselves as the arbiters of moral truth/justice while actual native speakers and folks they are trying to appeal to calling them out on their BS.
Portuguese is also gendered, the male (O word) is the gender neutral use, some upper middle class/rich stupid kids with their zero issues wants to replace words with X and E to be regarded as that.
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West coast liberalism is a weird tribal disease. I live in Portland and everyone talks like this, and every white person thinks they are being inclusive, even when they are just trying to force their silly way of thinking on others. I recently wore a Chinese style shirt to work because it was the Chinese mid-autumn festival and you are supposed to wear certain colors. In our daily standup meeting a co-worker (white woman of course) said that I was appropriating Chinese culture and that I should be ashamed. I told her it was a gift from my Chinese parents-in-law and that our whole family was wearing similar celebratory style clothes for the first day of the Mid-autumn festival. It's so ridiculous how uneducated virtue signalling ideas can spread among people who are so small minded.

Haha, Now I'm just ranting.....
Language is needed for progression and survival, yet all we've done in recent years is decline in remarkable fashion with how we communicate with one another and attempt to muddy factual definitions for the sake of confirming a persons insane delusions. I don't care what ones political leanings are, this nonsense simply has to stop.
Sorry but 99.9% of actual hispanics/latinos think this is bullshit, I am one of them. Outside of the US, actual hispanics and latinos are laughing in the faces of these American woke idiots as this is pure nonsense and actually offensive. Who are these fools to define how/what our culture should be like? In our culture, there are "feminine" and "masculine" endings to our words in Spanish, but it has absolutely nothing to do with "patriarchy" or suppressing women or misogyny, etc... it's just the way the Spanish language is constructed and it's important to understand the reasons for its existence as it is ... it's been that way since the language existed as we know it today....

American wokeists are so fucking stupid it's nauseating.


From what I gathered, Spanish is a language that refers to its speakers/residents as Latina or Latino - strictly gendered. This is just the way the language works. Actual spanish speakers call out Bungie, full of "priviledged white men/women/others" who use the west coast vernacular to remove the gendered connotations by referring to them as Latinx/e/z.

Essentially white people trying to virtue signal without understanding history, context, or the language itself and trying to push themselves as the arbiters of moral truth/justice while actual native speakers and folks they are trying to appeal to calling them out on their BS.

You're not seriously suggesting only people from the US play Bungie games right? They are a global enterprise, you don't get to decide on changes to a foreign language because of your local gender ideologies.

Spanish people wouldn’t use latino to describe themselves. The term was used to describe Latin Americans (Latino Americano). This includes Brazilians so it’s not even true that it serves to describe Spanish speaking people, that’s just something that developed and became appropriated. By its nature it’s something to describe immigrants, which is why it’s so widely used in the USA. If you go to Argentina they won’t be calling themselves Latinos. And today a Spanish won’t really call someone from Argentine Latino-americano or some shit like that, they will just say Argentinian.

Now you could zoom out and say that Latino and Latina is just used to describe people that speak a language born out of Latin, which is why Portugal, Spain and Italy are commonly referred to as Latin countries, but the people there don’t really have common usage of the term.

Just to conclude that this term latino/a is really more of an American thing.
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But isn’t this an American thing for Americans? Why would it matter what Hispanics outside the U.S think?

By the way… do people even remember why Latin, or we have just developed mass selective memory and now have decided that Latin just means Spanish speaking people???
Well no it's not just America. It's a large portion of Europe too. Basically anywhere there are white people who hate themselves.


This entire fucking stupidity (once again) only exists because of the trans activists who are incensed that Spanish is a gendered language.

Any attempt on Bungie’s part to actually appeal to, or consider the feelings of, latinos and latinas is, of course, fucking horseshit lies.
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West coast liberalism is a weird tribal disease. I live in Portland and everyone talks like this, and every white person thinks they are being inclusive, even when they are just trying to force their silly way of thinking on others. I recently wore a Chinese style shirt to work because it was the Chinese mid-autumn festival and you are supposed to wear certain colors. In our daily standup meeting a co-worker (white woman of course) said that I was appropriating Chinese culture and that I should be ashamed. I told her it was a gift from my Chinese parents-in-law and that our whole family was wearing similar celebratory style clothes for the first day of the Mid-autumn festival. It's so ridiculous how uneducated virtue signalling ideas can spread among people who are so small minded.

Haha, Now I'm just ranting.....
I can't imagine going to work and dealing with that. I would have told her to fuck off and mind her own business.
Language is needed for progression and survival, yet all we've done in recent years is decline in remarkable fashion with how we communicate with one another and attempt to muddy factual definitions for the sake of confirming a persons insane delusions. I don't care what ones political leanings are, this nonsense simply has to stop.
Language used to be so simple. Man, woman, male, female. People act like our ancestors were idiots and just didn't understand the intricacies of gender and sex. They probably did, they just didn't want to spend three hours explaining something so simple.


All of this stuff promotes division. It's never an attempt to make things that shouldn't be negative into the neutral they deserve to be, it's always about artificially lifting with no long term focus.
I think it's deliberate. If we're all fighting over trivialities like these we won't realize how much we have in common: like how hard we're all getting fucked by the handful in charge.


“What does woke even mean?”

"It's probably ratio because its a bad tweet, nothing to do with being woke or political".

Bungie and Sony will just hide behind the "People who disagree are just bigots" concept that social media has popularized. Easy enough to dismiss any criticism as referring to them as bigots.

Spot on. LoU2 drama was basically like that, you couldn't criticize a single thing before being called a homophobic. These people cultivated this mentally.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Damn, I thought the whole latinx shit was already killed a few years ago when hispanics trashed it similarly to this.
WTF yeah I thought so as well. Almost overnight all the progressive media stopped using that word. Some politician said something like “every time we use the word Latinx we lose a Latino vote” and (I thought) everyone got the message to quit that shit.

This is just fucking hilarious. Like they didn’t even stop at Latinx, now there are like 10 different gender suffixes and you have to list them all if you want to successfully virtue signal.
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