Yup,I think it's deliberate. If we're all fighting over trivialities like these we won't realize how much we have in common: like how hard we're all getting fucked by the handful in charge.
As a big fan of PS, if they continue to wokeize, I probably will quit them too like Microsoft and then Linux and open source will be my only software.Cities can rebuildabsolutely deranged from Sony. I wish they weren’t making it so easy to not want a PS.
Bungie and Sony will just hide behind the "People who disagree are just bigots" concept that social media has popularized. Easy enough to dismiss any criticism as referring to them as bigots.
Yeah, including all of those unecessary letters means you have a mental disorderBeing Latin/a/e/o/x is more than just a location on a map,
More ESG funding.How does this make their games better?
Also depending on the government and project, government funding and bid qualifying.More ESG funding.
Don't understand why so many people that are not Latino are focusing on Latino culture, both the left and the right. The same people who denouncing using Latinx will also jump at the chance to deport them, criticize their culture, or advocate them being harassed by the state. Just worthless virtue signaling. Anyway, bungie doing this for money and I doubt they get far.
Exactly. It's always so odd to me that it's usually people that are apparently are all for "inclusivity and diversity", meanwhile they're basically "fighting" for things that no one from that culture even cares about. It's almost always people outside of a culture speaking on behalf of a culture that isn't theirs, lmao. It just makes no sense.Don't understand why so many people that are not Latino are focusing on Latino culture, both the left and the right. The same people who denouncing using Latinx will also jump at the chance to deport them, criticize their culture, or advocate them being harassed by the state. Just worthless virtue signaling. Anyway, bungie doing this for money and I doubt they get far.
Like Arabic, the language is all masculine/feminine. We don't have its. Everything is either masculine or feminine. You can't say a sentence without them. So this idiocy doesn't even work, unless we eradicate the whole language.I'm Hispanic and luckily, no one has described me as Latinx...yet. The Spanish language is rooted on the use of masculine and feminine versions of words. The people trying to push this Latinx vocabulary are essentially telling us that our language needs improvement. Fuck them.
The most prejudice people are the ones who enjoy isolating people into the demographic silos. You see it all the time.Exactly. It's always so odd to me that it's usually people that are apparently are all for "inclusivity and diversity", meanwhile they're basically "fighting" for things that no one from that culture even cares about. It's almost always people outside of a culture speaking on behalf of a culture that isn't theirs, lmao. It just makes no sense.
Wow so brave of you minionI personally don't give a fuck. I don't know why so many people cry about this stuff. It affects me not one bit.
I personally don't give a fuck. I don't know why so many people cry about this stuff. It affects me not one bit.
LolWow so brave of you minion
I'm sure there are some latinos who like the latine/latinx thing, but it would be cooler if they didn'tPeople overreact to the stupidest shit. The point of the messaging is to include anyone of Latin decent, and there are some who are into the whole Latinx thing.. like probably the employees at Bungie who created this. Just because most don't doesn't make those people any more or less "real."
100%. That said, I am thankful there is one corner in the internet where common sense is still allowed.Bungie and Sony will just hide behind the "People who disagree are just bigots" concept that social media has popularized. Easy enough to dismiss any criticism as referring to them as bigots.
In an era of anti-crunch I'd rather gaming companies/employees focus on actual gaming and leave all the other shit to other walks of life, where it's more appropriate/welcomed/shared etc. This idea of spending corporate time, money and resources on shit that neither minorities nor gamers want can go the way of the Dodo. It sort of does affect you; studio staff wasting time and effort on the corporate dime instead of just, you know, making the games themselves.
What's next, financial equality from Bungie/corporates? A social ranking system based on what games/genres you play? Bungie giving you internal tracking based on your persona and political views? It does and will in the future affect you, whether you choose to have your head in the sand or not.
All the Romance Languages are explicitly gendered: Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, etc. These are the languages directly descended from Latin, and therefore from the Roman Empire.From what I gathered, Spanish is a language that refers to its speakers/residents as Latina or Latino - strictly gendered. This is just the way the language works. Actual spanish speakers call out Bungie, full of "priviledged white men/women/others" who use the west coast vernacular to remove the gendered connotations by referring to them as Latinx/e/z.
Essentially white people trying to virtue signal without understanding history, context, or the language itself and trying to push themselves as the arbiters of moral truth/justice while actual native speakers and folks they are trying to appeal to calling them out on their BS.
The woke white American liberals are literally paddling upstream against the Amazon river here if they think they are going to get Europe to submit to their cultural imperialism.
Aren't a lot of latino white.
Honestly, gaming used to bring all sorts of people, ages, races and genders together. Why did we ever have to bring labels into it? What was wrong with just people coming together and having fun? I stand by my argument those roles are superfluous.The people who draw the guns and decide how many times you have to replay the same mission to unlock the purple magic socks of eternal lightning aren't working on this, don't worry. Destiny will play exactly as it ever did for you, but some people will be able to change a single letter in a word.
Incase anyone isn't aware. Just like the meme above, actual Hispanics hate this shit.
baño - Ends in O. "Masculine." The girls bathroom is not called "baña".
basura - Ends in A. "Feminine". A man's trash is not called "basuro".
So the masculine/feminine nature of a word is a concept we don't really have in english, and a spanish speaker doesn't neccesarily think of words ending in O or A as being gendered somehow.
"Latino" doesn't leave out females. You can say Latina to specify a woman, but Latino is more of a default. I don't speak enough spanish to be sure of the following nuance, but I believe the word "mankind" is more loaded that "Latino".
So people misundertanding this on such a scale and trying to dick with the language is what's pissing off latino people. It's quite obviously a lot of white people who don't even speak spanish doing it, which of course makes it far more offensive than if it was a real divide within the community.
Bungie and Sony will just hide behind the "People who disagree are just bigots" concept that social media has popularized. Easy enough to dismiss any criticism as referring to them as bigots.
Because they're on the RiGHt SiDe Of HisToRy, don't you know?I think everyone agrees that colonialism did huge damage to cultures all over the world.
So, why the fuck are these extremist leftists trying to impose a form of language colonialism on others?