Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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Paragon E3 Promo Pack (Gives Beta Access to Paragon)
I already bought early access for $20, so I don't need it.
$20 Steam Card - The Steam Sale isn't doing it for me - selling for $18 - SOLD




Assassin's Creed Syndicate Season Pass (US) - $15

I'll also include a code for the Dreadful Crimes DLC ... the insert says it expires 3/31/16, but it still appears valid.

Codes delivered via PM. US/North American versions.
Payment by PayPal gift (Friends/family option), or please add enough to cover fees if using PayPal as Goods/services payment.



sparkle this bitch
Free shipping to US, everywhere else needs to cover it. Paypal only(Cover the fees ^_^)

Twilight Princess - 43$
Tales of Symphonia(Complete) - 12$

Knights of the Old Republic(Disc + Cover Art) - 6$

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Limited Edition(New) - 26$

Pokemon Black(New) - 40$
Clubhouse Games(Complete) - 7$
Dragon Quest V(New) - 50$
Etrian Odyssey II(Complete) - 16$
Kirby Canvas Curve(Complete) - 18$

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness(Complete) - 8$
Persona 3 Portable(Complete) - 17$
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology(Complete) - 9$
Phantasy Star Portable 2(Complete) - 38$
Ys Oath In Felghana LE(New) - 55$
Trails in the Sky LE(New) - 100$
Persona PSP LE(New) - 45$

PC (All PC Games but Mists for 50$ shipped)

Morrowind GOTY - 4$
Devil May Cry 4(Complete) - 4$
Obvilion GOTY(complete) - 4$
Knights of the Old Republic II(Complete) - 8$
Silent Hill 2(Complete) - 25$
Mists of Padaneria LE - 80$
Vampire Bloodlines (Game and Manual) - 10$
Arcanum(Game and Manual) - 4$
No One Lives Forever Guide - 3$
Fallout Collection(Complete) - 4$
Kohan(Game and Manual) - 5$
Alice(Game and Manual) - 8$
Witcher(Complete) - 4$
Icewind Dale Complete - 4$
Morrowind GOTY - 7$
Obivilion GOTY - 7$
NWN(Discs and Manual) - 4$

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 - 20$
Children of Eden(Complete) - 5$
Espgalduda II Black Label(Complete) - 30$
Deathsmiles Limited Edition(Complete) - 17$
Metal Gear Rising(Complete) - 5$
Devil May Cry 4 LE - 10$

Silent Hill 2GH(Complete) - 19$
Grand Theft Auto VC(Complete) - 5$
Dragon Quest 8(Complete) - 15$
Xenosaga III(Complete) - 53$
Devil Summoner LE(New) - 60$
Berserk Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō(Complete) - 20$.
Gradius 5(Disc Only) - 19$
Final Fantasy X - 4$
Final Fantasy X-2 - 4$
Devil May Cry 3SE - 4$
Devil May Cry - 4$

Earth Defense Force 2025(Complete) - 8$
Tales of Graces F - 20$
Zone of the Enders Special Edition 30$
Tales of Xillia SE - 80$
Tales of Symphonia SE(New) - 115$

Gameboy Pocket Limited Edition - 50$
Street Fighter 360 Controller(Fightpad)(Chun Li) - 35$

Azumanga Daioh Complete Thin Pack - 35$
Shiki Part 1 BluRay LE - 35$(New)
Shiki Part 2 BluRay LE - 30$
Cowboy Bebop Amazon CE - 125$

TV Shows
Chuck Season 1 & 2, 10$
Spartacus God of the Arena BluRay - 9$
FireFly DVD - 4$
Sox World Series 2005 LE New - 15$

Movies. All BluRay BluRays I have priced for 5$ or under. I'll do 50 shipped for every single one.
Life of Pi - 5$(R)
Avengers - 5$(R)
Arrietty(New) - 20$
Beauty and the Beast(Diamond)(New) - 50$
The Lone Ranger - 5$(R)
CaddyShack(New) - 5$
Supercop(new) - 5$
Man of Steel - 5$
Love Actually - 5$
The Dark Knight Rises - 5$(R)
Django Unchained - 5$(R)
Alien - 5$
Nausicaa(New) - 16$
Up - 20$
Worlds End - 5$(R)
This is the End - 5$(R)
Silver Linings Playbook - 5$(R)
Total Recall(The Good one) New - 5$
Lion King Diamond Edition 3D - 40$
Game of Thrones Season 1 - 16$
Game of Thrones Season 2 - 18$

Entire Lot of Codes for 45$, individual prices PM.

Have a "choose your game" code I got with my recent XB1 purchase. Not planning to play any of the games so I figured somebody else might want it. Looking to possibly trade for a 1-year Live Gold code.


WTS Steam keys (from various Humble Bundles)

$4 each via paypal (F&F option)

$1 each via paypal (F&F option)
Hand of Fate
1001 Spikes
Absolute Drift


Genuinely Generous

LaCie 2big quadra 6TB external USB drive. Similar to this except mine is a USB 2.0. Hot-swappable. RAID 0/1. PM Me for more info. Swapped original drives for 3TB WD Red NAS drives.
Asking ~$230 shipped.





used for 6 months. No problems with it, just upgrading. message me with questions.



Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Special Edition - $90


I have these preordered at Amazon, I'll switch the address to yours so you can get release date delivery.

Zero Time Dilemma: Watch Edition (Vita) - $50


Grand Kingdom Limited Edition - $65



I've got $10 Amazon credit but I need $8.50-$10 PayPal/Steam wallet, if there's anyone that wants something digital off Amazon, including stuff like $10 PSN credit, etc. and has PayPal.

Lemme know and we can work something out!


Genuinely Generous
I have the following items for sale. Feel free to send me questions, offers, etc.
NETGEAR GS108 v3 ProSafe 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Desktop Switch
Great condition, works great. Comes with AC Adapter.
$25 shipped to US.
Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 USB Headset
Great condition, works great.
$12 shipped to US.
Sades SA-901 USB Wired 7.1 Surround Sound Noise Cancelling Headset
Great condition, works great.
$15 shipped to US.
LaCie 2big Quadra External USB/eSATA/FireWire Hard Drive Enclosure with two 3TB WD Red NAS Hard Drives.
Great condition. Comes with adapter and USB cable. This was originally a 2TB system, but I replaced the drives with 3TB NAS Drives. It's just over two years old (the enclosure itself). Still runs great with the new drives. You can do RAID 0 or 1 for 3 or 6TB depending on the RAID option.
Asking $230 shipped to US.
HDMI to RCA Adapter
Works great. Comes with USB cable.
Asking $8 shipped to US.
SATA to USB Adapter
Works great, plug and play.Comes with USB cable.
Asking $5 shipped to US

Also if you're local in Portland, I have the following for sale on OfferUp


WTS Hurtworld for Steam. I see another offer for $7 up the page, so I'm willing to beat that. Make me an offer. Paypal F&F, please.
Selling some stuff to get money for school stuff this year. US Seller, accepting Paypal F&F or you pay the fees. Shipping to the continental 48, and all prices include shipping. If you are interested or have any questions please PM me.


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- Limited Edition TE2 Fightstick (PS4). Barely used, comes with the original box. $150 Sold
Official MadCatz LED PCB for the TE2 $20

Gold Mario Amiibo, still in package but the box is somewhat bent. $30

Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works $60
Grantland Quarterly Volumes 1&2 $85
Books are in great condition, flipped through a couple times and that's it.

Lot of assorted North American Yo-Kai Watch Medals. Series 1, includes legendary Shogunyan medal $30

Digital Devil Saga Integral (Soundtrack) $65
Super Meat Boy "Nice to Meat You", signed by Danny B $25 Sold
Gitaroo Man Soundtrack (sealed) $30
Rhythm Heaven Fever Vocal Collection $20
Aside from the Gitaroo Man soundtrack, all CDs are in very good condition

Gyakuten Saiban playing cards, sealed. $30
Club Nintendo NA playing cards. Platinum Reward, Animal Crossing, Mario Party decks. $15 each, $35 for all 3

Cards Against Humanity lot, including Expansions 1 and 2, the Christmas pack and the three Kwanzaa packs. Sealed. $40

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei volumes 1-3 (English) $20

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei Official Fan/Guide Books (Original and Zoku) $30

Also here are some keys from Humble Bundles I'm selling, most are from Steam unless noted, all of them selling for $1 each
Cortex Command
Starseed Pilgrim
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Total War: Rome II- Caesar in Gaul (DLC)
Sonic Generations
Swords and Soldiers II (WiiU)
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (3DS)
Retro City Rampage DX (3DS)
Her Story
Superfight Closed Beta Access
Superfight The Joiner Micro Deck
Payday 2 E3 2016 Mask Pack
PAYDAY 2 - The Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC
Survive in Space
Cobi Treasure Deluxe

New items added 6/25

Sonic 25th Anniversary Humble Bundle steam code for Sonic Generations/Sonic Lost World/Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed/Sonic 4: Episode 2 (One code) $5

Hurtworld Steam code $3

Zero Time Dilemma Bonus Watch Edition (Vita) Amazon preorder $45


For sale:
Nintendo New 3ds Pokemon edition with box and both faceplate sets. Comes with all paperwork it originally had and all codes unused. No charger since it didn't have one.

$250 Shipped.

Was going to sell with installed games but doing so isn't worth it so lowered price.

HP Stream 13 Touch screen laptop with replacement charger. The charger is brand new because I threw out the old one getting rid of stuff from my room by accident.
Laptop has windows 10 and will be formatted when shipped. Works 100% and no issues just never use it anymore.

I take payments in amazon gift cards and paypal gift. Tons of good feedback here and ships from colorado. Will ship anywhere really if the extra postage is paid outside of the states. PM If interested.



Vita JP/Asia English import titles (Looking for titles that do not have a western release, or pending one)
NISA Vita LEs(Criminal Girls/Demon Gaze/etc)
Vita memory cards 32gb/64gb
Amazon Gift Cards


Lots of money. Prefer to buy in bulk.


Fire Emblem Special Edition New Sealed (dings/dents on corners of box)

Want To Trade For:

[Preferred]Vita JP titles
NISA Vita LEs(Criminal Girls/Demon Gaze/etc
IF Vita LEs (Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1 LE/Rebirth 2 LE/etc

Will also accept:

Amazon GC



Uncharted 4: A Thief's End PS4 - $40 (SOLD)

Bloodborne: Collector's Edition PS4 - $80
- Includes original packaging, such as steelcase and enclosed artbook. Any digital codes have already been used.

Dark Souls III (Day One Edition) PS4 - $40 (SOLD)
- Includes original packaging, such as slip cover.

Shadows of the Damned PS3 - $15

Metroid Prime Trilogy (Steelcase Collector's Edition) Wii - $60
- Includes all inner contents.

The Last Story Wii - $40

All prices include shipping via USPS. Prefer Paypal F&F. PM me :)

UV codes:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - $4
The Revenant - $4
The Sopranos Complete series - $40
Brooklyn - $4
The Walking Dead: Complete Season Four - $6
The Age of Adaline - $3


PS2 four games Star wars bundle code - $9

I have 100% Positive feedback on here, Amazon and ebay as a buyer and seller. Also, pics upon request and please don't hesitate to PM me any questions, thanks!

Rebel Leader

Want to sell:

Kingston HyperX FURY 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 $14
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox game only (not xbox 360) -$5
Splatoon Boy and girl Sealed ( I want to sell them together)- $13
GameStop $10 certificate(in-store only, requires you to print) - $5

paypal or amazon gift card
Just an FYI for anyone buying or selling the Zero Time Dilemma Watch Edition. In case you missed the thread about it.
The watches were damaged in the shipment, so most other retailers are shipping the watches separately from the game, but you'll get something else as a bonus too.

Amazon has been quiet about this, but if it's like other retailers, folks should get the game on launch day, the watch later on. I know a lot of folks have been selling theirs, just a heads up to help avoid confusion on Tuesday


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

$5 Wii U code Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Disney Movies Anywhere Digital (iTunes)
$5 Aladdin

$3 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
$3 Jurassic World

Paypal F&F

8GB (2x4GB) Gskill 1600 mhz DDR3 RAM, CL9, Red $20

Recently upgraded to 16GB higher speed RAM. This RAM is in perfect shape and was working flawlessly before removal.

Sony Gold Wireless Headset (Black) SOLD

Fallout 4 (PS4) $25

Like new, everything included

Driveclub (PS4) $15

EVGA GTX 970 SSC Fielding offers

Bought March 2015, in perfect working condition, never overclocked, and I clean my case regularly. Just want to field any offers that might be out there.

All prices are negotiable through PM. We can discuss shipping. I also have a few other items we can throw into the deals to make it work. Feel free to contact me with questions.

PS Vita Slim (PCH-2003)

Comes boxed with UK plug as seen. A few marks (mainly on the back) but in good working order.
Comes with a 16GB memory card.
Does not come with the game code that's advertised on the box.

Looking for £95 - £100 shipped to the UK, shipping to the EU will be a little bit extra. Open to offers.
Payment via PayPal, UK/EU only please.

I'm afraid I don't have any feedback on GAF but I do have positive eBay feedback as a reference.

If you're interested or want some bigger pictures or something just drop me a PM.

Thanks :)


Digital Codes For Sale

Destiny Expansion 1, 2 and Taken King PS4 - $25 PP gift or fees paid. (Does not include vanilla Destiny)

Collection of four Star Wars Classic games PS4 - $10 PP gift or fees paid.

Dark Souls for Xbox 360/Xbox One - $5 PP gift or fees paid.

Want To Buy

SNES games with box and manual. Not too big on sports titles, but will entertain anything else! Outside of whatever you may have, I'm specifically looking for Saturday Night Slam Masters and Final Fight 3.



Hurtworld (Humble Steam Key) - $4
Frozen Synapse (Steam Gift) - $1
Nuclear Dawn (Steam Gift) - $1

You pay fees, PM me if you're interested.
PM me if you're interested and have any questions. I have sold over 40+ items on here with positive feedback.


EVGA GTX 970 ACX 2.0 - Photo taken 5/31/16 in Perfect condition.


$180 + Shipping (PayPal friends and family)
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