Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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No More Heroes: Erotic Cherry Art Prints - $45
Kojima Productions E3 2006 Show Maybe Pamphlet - $30

Devil May Cry Graphic File Art Book - $20
Devil May Cry Deadliest Hits OST - $15
Space Dandy S1 & S2 loose DVD discs - $12

Ratchet PS4
Gravity Rush PS4

Located in Chicago, will ship via standard USPS unless otherwise requested.
I've been posting some deals on Apple products lately and on one of the MacBooks I have posted I've been able to get an even better deal.

Apple MacBook Air - 13-inch, 1.6GHz i5, 256GB Retails for $1200 and I can get it right now for $800. Sent right to your house.

PayPal FF

Also, for those looking for a new phone and smartwatch I have this:

If anyone is looking for a deal on a Motorola X Pure Edition(32GB with little to no additional upgrades) and a Moto 360 Sport(I know there aren't many people looking) I can buy it at a discount and have it sent to you. You customize it and everything. Combined they retail for $550 but I can get it for $300. Just hit me up. I have positive feedback on here and you can use PayPal without FF if you want to pay the fees. Otherwise, it's PayPal FF.

Moto X Pure Edition

Moto 360 Sport


WTS or Trade:

Halo 5 Guardians (Sealed). I got this from a survey thing but don't own an Xbox One. I'd be interested in trading it for a PS4 game, or selling it for $30.

Located in Boston, will take paypal or venmo.


Also i have an extra copy of Overwatch PC Origins Edition $45 (comes with the game code and skin)

Looking to Sell off some of my wii u stuffs i dont use any more:

Super Smash Bros - $37 Shipped
Super Mario Maker - $37 Shipped
Wii u Pro Controller- $28 Shipped sold
(2) Wii Motion Plus Controllers (built in to wiimote) - $15 Shipped each ($25 for the pair)
Mario Amiibo - $10 Shipped
Samus Amiibo - $10 Shipped
Link Amiibo - $10 Shipped
Yoshi Amiibo - $10 shipped (will bundle all 4 for $30)

Wii u - $200


GTA V Steam and/or DS 3 Steam



Yoshi's Woolly World - $35


I got a digital copy for cheap. So I'd like to sell my physical copy. The price includes shipping (in the continental US) and the game is like new.


I am a Gold Buyer/Seller so please contact me with confidence. Thank you!

BTW, also open to any offers of trades. Happy to hear what you've got!


Also selling:

My Nintendo digital DLs - $7 each




With the Steam Sale now live, consider trading for one of my games :)


*100% Positive feedback rating with both NeoGAF and the Steam Trading community*
If its a key trade, and not a "Steam gift" trade, I may ask you to trade your key first.

Want to trade my USA-region Steam giftable games for Steam USA-region copies of:
Rocket League
Doom (2016)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered

I have the following games to combine in an offer toward your trade:
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition (SS:HD1&2 plus the original versions of 1&2 - 4 games total)
Defense Grid and DLC
Binding of Isaac (Original)
Two Tribes Pack (Edge, Rush, & Toki Tori)
The Ship (2 game pack)
Secret of the Magic Crystals
Bionic Commando (2009)
Super Hexagon
"Valve Complete" Steam Game collection (every Valve game made)

Also willing to trade for an Uncharted 4 PS4 code, Doom (2016) PS4 code, or Overwatch PC Standard edition.

PM me and Ill get back to you ASAP (may be a while due to my work schedule though.)



Mad Max Steam code
Original SNES controller
Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga, original cart only.
Blur PS3
Kirby's Dream Collection, complete in case.
Super Punch Out, original cart only.


Selling Steam Games (Steam Gifts in my Inventory)

Basically just make me an offer you think is fair (PM me), I'm trying to raise some money for school so I'd prefer Paypal over trades.

PixelJunk Eden
Toki Tori
Red Faction II
Legend of Korra
Legend of Dungeon
Rogue Legacy
Fortune Summoners
Just Cause
Knights of the Old Republic
The Bridge

Pictures of my DS / 3DS / PS3 collection, if interested in anything just offer me and if its fair I'll send it :D

Also have a bunch of stuff listed on my eBay, same thing, make me an offer you think is fair and since we're going through NeoGaf (no eBay fees) I'll give you a break, just please don't lowball :(


WTS leftover Humble Steam KEYS:

1993 Space Machine - $1
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - $1
Tomb Raider 1 + 2 + 3 (not the new ones) - $1 for all

Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director's Cut - $3
Murdered: Soul Suspect - $3
Planetary Annihilation TITANS - $3

Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack - $4
Hurtworld - $4

Paypal gift preferred, although I'm open to using other methods. Please PM me - I check mostly during the day U.S. CST and will reply to whomever sent me first.
Looking for the following Disney Movies before I bite the bullet and buy from Amazon/Ebay. Must have Digital Copy

-Beauty and the Beast
-Lion King
-Lady and the Tramp
-Cinderella (animated)
-Toy Story Trilogy

Also looking for PSN credit, up to 100 at 20% off, hopefully

WTS: $4-5 each:

Humble Bundle Keys (All Steam)
The Forest
Planetary Annihilation TITANS
Grey Goo: Definitive Edition


Paypal [F/F] preferred. PM me if interested.


WTS Humble bundle games for Steam games:

I have these games
A Fistful of Gun
Back to the Future: The Game
Broken Age
Company of Heroes Complete Edition, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection, Medieval II: Total War Collection, Rome: Total War - Collection, SEGA Genesis/Megadrive Strategy Pack (Shining Force, Shining Force 2, Gain Ground, Columns) (SINGLE KEY)
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Hand of Fate
Her Story
Mushroom 11
Poker Night at the Inventory
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Read Only Memories
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
Shadow Warrior Special Edition
Soul Axiom
Towerfall Ascension
The Walking Dead: Season 1 x 2

Willing to trade everything for Hyper Light Drifter($15.99 on humble widget, even in europe or €15.99/15.99$ on Steam), or VA-11 Hall-A. (14.99$ on Steam, €13.49 on humble)
I am looking to buy a physical or digital copy of DOOM for either the Xbox One or PS4. If it is a physical copy I would like it to be complete with the case. Please shoot me a private message if you have any questions, concerns or offers. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.


Looking to buy a copy of Resident Evil on the Sega Saturn (US).

Not having any luck with EBay prices, and customs charges (living in Canada). Figured I would see if anybody can help a collector out.
Reposting this from a while back :)


These games I got bundled with my CPU.

Just Cause 3 (Steam Code) - 15€

Warface VIP Pack -


Permanent Items:

GU3 Machine Gun
GU2 Assault Rifle
PHS-12 Shotgun
R4 CQB Carbine
R16 SPR Custom Sniper Rifle
MD9 Pistol
Ultra Marine Combat Knife


5 Resurrection Coins

Time limited items - 30 days duration each:

Strike Team Alpha Body Skin - four classes set
Exosuit "AOS M2" Body Skin - four classes set
Flashbang Grenade
White Smoke Grenade

World of Warships premium invitation code (New players only!) -


Premium Warship

In Game Gold

Premium World of Warships in game time

Special Signal Flag 4 Pack for this Intel® Bundle!

PayPal F&F.

PM if interested :)


Looking to buy a copy of Resident Evil on the Sega Saturn (US).

Not having any luck with EBay prices, and customs charges (living in Canada). Figured I would see if anybody can help a collector out.

Did you see my post in the Sega Saturn appreciation thread? Haha, ironic timing.

Pokemon Red Edition 2DS - Japanese Version = $120

Never opened. Not really trying to make any money on it. I ended up having to ship this one separately, so this will be pretty close to my actual cost after all of the Tenso and shipping fees. Not saying it's EXACTLY the cost, but pretty close.

Also, if you're interested, I would be happy to modify it to Region Free for you.

Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS Limited Edition = $50

This one has the typical damage to the front that a lot of these had. Otherwise the box is in great condition and the seal has never been broken.

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages = $25

It may not look too bad in the picture, but this box is NOT in good shape. Also does not include the manual.

Pokemon Emerald = $35

The condition of this box is much better, but still not perfect. This one has a bend in the bottom left hand corner; you can barely make it out in the picture. Includes the game (legit), poster, and warning pamphlet, but does not include the box insert or the manual.

Brand new Pokken Controller = $20

Bought because I thought I was buying the game....then decided not to.

- Free shipping on any purchase >$25


Neo Member
In the words of the new Spider-Man in civil war "hey everyone". I'm looking for a few things hopefully someone can help me obtain them.

-New Nintendo 3ds (not XL) American version.
-The plain white faceplates or cover plates however you wanna call them.

thank you for looking.
Hey Folks,

I am in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (has original box etc good condition) N.A. 3DS 1000 thai baht
The Legend of Zelda: minish cap GBA no box N.A. 1000 baht
Bravely Default N.A. 3DS 500 baht
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Vita 2000 baht
Soul Sacrifice Vita 300 baht
Tearaway Vita 300 baht
Jak and Daxter Collection vita 300 baht

I do not have paypal would prefer to sell inside Thailand.

I will trade for:

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Other Wii U games

The Talos Principle: complete edition
Street Fighter V
Odin Sphere Leftraiser English edition
Attack on Titan

Puellla Madoka Magica games

Vita/ PS3
Ninja Gaiden games

Private message offers.

No shipping included. US only.
Want Paypal gift/fees paid and/or US PSN credit.
Feel free to message me with any questions or offers. Thanks.


Darkstalkers 3(no original case or booklet) $5
PS1 memory card $5

Metal Gear Solid Saga Vol. 2 $4
Shadow Hearts: Covenant(No original case or booklet) $15
Evil Dead: Regeneration(No original case or booklet) $4
Parappa The Rapper 2(No original case or booklet) $4

Uncharted 1-3 $10 or $5 each
Killzone 2 $4

GameCube controller $10
GameCube memory card $5

Strategy guides
Breath Of Fire 4 strategy guide $10
FFX/X-2 strategy guide(make an offer)
Final Fantasy 13 strategy guide $5
Final Fantasy 7 strategy guide $10
Metal Gear Solid 2 strategy guide $5
Mass Effect 2 strategy guide $5
Kingdom Hearts BBS strategy guide $5

Nintendo wi-fi USB connector $5
Nintendo DS Rumble Pak $5
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass lunchbox with DS case and stickers inside $10
Code Of Princess Collector’s Edition box and soundtrack CD(no game) $5
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 limited edition box with collectible pin(no game) $5
Fallout 3 PS3 Collector's Edition(no game included) $10
Beyond: Two Souls steelbook case(no game or dlc) $5
Dead Space 2 PS3 Collector’s Edition(Everything except game or dlc) $5
Bioshock Infinite PS3 Premium Edition(no game or dlc) $5
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection box and book(no game or case) $5
The Dark Knight Joker Headknocker bobblehead(new) $40
Max Media Dock(DS Lite media player) $5
3DS black universal folio case(new) $5
NDS Game Keeper steel case $5
WWE All Stars Brawl stick (PS3)

This stick is basically new since I never used it, but I painted over the image because I thought it was ugly.
Anywho, feel free to make me an offer.

Blurays - $4 each unless noted
Clockwork Orange
Jackie Brown
Full Metal Jacket
Django Unchained
Planet Terror
Departed/Goodfellas/Aviator Collection $10
Edward Scissorhands
Hellboy 2
This Is The End
Pineapple Express
Funny People
This is 40
Breakfast At Tiffany’s
Walk Hard
Talladega Nights
Sleepy Hollow
There Will be Blood
Big Fish
Escape From New York
Sin City: Two-Disc Theatrical & Recut, Extended, and Unrated Versions
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Shawshank Redemption
Terminator 2
The Green Mile/Forrest Gump collection
Sweeney Todd
30 Minutes Or Less
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Austin Powers trilogy
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Rambo First Blood part 2
The Road Warrior
First Blood
Blair Witch Project
Sixth Sense
Dog Day Afternoon
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
District 9
Horrible Bosses
Step Brothers
Big Trouble In Little China
Iron Man 2
Gangs Of New York
Interview With a Vampire
Louie season 1
Louie season 2
Kick Ass
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Simpsons Movie

Arrested Development seasons 1-3 $25
South Park seasons 1-12 $40
Party Down seasons 1 & 2 $15
Eastbound & Down season 1 $4
Futurama volumes 1-6 $25
Futurama Green Yonder $4
Aeon Flux collection $10
Tim & Eric season 1 $4
Daria Complete series $15

mf luder

Anyone in the uk want to buy Star fox zero for £20ish, or Ratchet and clank ps4 for £16. Ideally I'd like to swap either or part exchange for Uncharted 4 or Mirrors edge. Other games considered. I have a ps4, Wii U, ps vita and 3DS.
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