Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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boiled goose

good with gravy
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward sword (With Zelda music cd) Wii.

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze WiiU

Both games in great condition and complete.

PM me if interested with fair offer!

Ps: also have Club Nintendo Zelda poster set and mario pin collection. Also happy to part with Pikachu, link, splatoon set amiibos.
WTS Zero Time Dilemma: Limited Watch Bonus Edition 3DS Amazon Order $50
WTS $100 Steam Wallet $88
WTS Summon Night 5 Digital Code $15
WTS Vendillion Clique (Morningtide) $30 each (have 4)

All games are complete and black label unless otherwise noted. Unless otherwise noted, shipping is $3 each and I am willing to lower shipping costs the more you buy.

Dragon Quest 8 - $12 (shipped)
Xenosaga 3 - $42 (shipped)
Rogue Galaxy - $13 (shipped)
Final Fantasy 7 - $18 (shipped) (greatest hits)

Final Fantasy 9 - $8 (greatest hits)
Final Fantasy Chronicles - $8 (greatest hits)
Final Fantasy Anthology - $8 (greatest hits)
Chrono Cross - $8 (greatest hits)
Xenosaga 1 - $7
Xenosaga 2 - $8
Final Fantasy X - $4
Final Fantasy X-2 - 4
Dirge of Cerberus - $7
Kingdom Hearts - $5
Kingdom Hearts 2 - $6
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - $6 (greatest hits)
Disgaea - $6
Disgaea 2 - $6
Star Ocean 3 - $7

FF14 summer dlc item set code - $4

Paypal (f/f or you pay the fees)/US only please.
Mighty No. 9 merch!

I didn't back the game and regret it. Does anyone have any of the kickstarter goodies they wouldn't mind letting go? PM me!


Hey. I'm selling Hellboy TPBs. Volumes 1 through 6.

They're not pristine. I've had them since the early 00s and I've moved twice. That said, they're in good condition because I loved these. Some minor edge wear, a crease or two on some corners. No stains or tears or anything like that.

Bonus: I'll throw in Volume 1 of Sandman and BPRD: Hollow Earth.

I'm only selling these as a lot because I'm trying to get rid of them easily. $35 shipped, must be in US, for all 8 TPBs. Pretty good deal if your comics get some use wear anyway. Pics:

Moving soon. Would love to move as much of this as possible into new homes! Prices do not include shipping. Feel free to haggle with me too! :)


  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Collectors Pack DLC - $10
  • Mortal Kombat X Official Wired Fight Pad (opened but never used) - $20
  • Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris + Season's Pass digital code - $10

PS Vita
  • Summon Night 5 PSN code - $15

UltraViolet Digital Codes
  • Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters - $1
  • Rick and Morty Season 2 - $14
  • Workaholics Season Five - $5

  • Battle Vixens (Ikki Tousen) Complete Manga Set - $85

  • Berserk Complete REMASTERED Collection - $95
  • Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan (Sub Edition) - $13
  • Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid - Complete Series DVD Set (sealed w/ slipcovers - Vol 3 opened) - $16
  • Haibane Renmei Complete Series - $20
  • Haunted Junction Complete Series - $16
  • Hetalia Complete Series (Season 1,2,3,4,5 LE + Movie - all SEALED) - $120
  • Jubei Chan Complete Series - $16
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack DVD - $20
  • Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Move DVD - $35
  • Mobile Suit Gundam SEED + SEED Destiny + Movie - Complete Series DVD Set - $140
  • Rio Rainbow Gate - $13
  • Starship Operators - Complete Series DVD Set (sealed) - $25
  • Wanna Be Strongest in World: Comp Series & Ovas [Blu-ray + DVD] - $24

Anime Figures
  • Batwoman - Bishoujo Statue - DC Comics Bishoujo - 1/7 (Kotobukiya) SEALED - $60
  • Captain Earth - Mutou Hana - Pitz - Nendoroid #453 SEALED - $40
  • Captain Earth - Yomatsuri Akari - Nendoroid #483 SEALED - $35
  • Haganai - Mikazuki Yozora - Nendoroid #193 - $30
  • Haganai NEXT - Hasegawa Kobato - Nendoroid #317 - $35
  • Highschool DxD - Rias Gremory - 1/7 - Pole Dance ver., Repaint ver. (Kaitendoh) SEALED - $90
  • iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Honda Mio - Nendoroid #533 SEALED - $30
  • Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - Elysia de Rux Ima - Nendoroid #184 - $40
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Akagi - Nendoroid #391 SEALED - $45
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Amatsukaze - Rensouhou-kun - Nendoroid #459 SEALED - $60
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Haruna - Nendoroid #495 SEALED - $65
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Kaga - Nendoroid #426 SEALED - $55
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Kumano - Nendoroid #481 SEALED - $55
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Kuubo Wo-kyuu (FuRyu) SEALED - $25
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Ryuujou - Nendoroid #514 SEALED - $40
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Senkan Seiki (Taito) SEALED - $25
  • Kantai Collection ~Kan Colle~ - Suzuya - Nendoroid #482 SEALED - $50
  • K-ON!! - Hirasawa Yui - SQ - Winter Uniform ver. (Banpresto) - $15
  • Little Busters! - Doruji - Lennon - Natsume Rin - Nendoroid #318 - $40
  • Love Live! School Idol Project - Hoshizora Rin - Nendoroid #472 SEALED - $30
  • Love Live! School Idol Project - Koizumi Hanayo - Nendoroid #496 SEALED - $30
  • Love Live! School Idol Project - Sonoda Umi - Nendoroid #510 SEALED - $30
  • Madoka★Magica - Kaname Madoka - Nendoroid #432 SEALED - Yukata ver. - $45
  • Mawaru Penguindrum - Nendoroid #243 - $30
  • Miss Monochrome - Ruu-chan - Nendoroid #406-a SEALED - $42
  • Persona 4: The Animation - Kuma - Nendoroid 256 - $40
  • Queen's Blade - Aldra - Nendoroid #155a - $20
  • Queen's Blade - Alleyne - Nendoroid - 176a - $20
  • Red She-Hulk - Bishoujo Statue - Marvel x Bishoujo - 1/7 (Kotobukiya) SEALED - $120
  • Rinne no Lagrange - Kyouno Madoka - Nendoroid #265 - $30
  • Senbonzakura - Hatsune Miku - Nendoroid #480 SEALED - $45
  • Shin Megami Tensei - Jack Frost - Nendoroid #234 - $75
  • Shining Resonance - Rinna Mayfield - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) SEALED - $95
  • Steins;Gate - Makise Kurisu - Nendoroid #130 - $25
  • Steins;Gate - Makise Kurisu - Nendoroid #149 - White Coat ver. - $25
  • Strike Witches - Gertrud Barkhorn - Nendoroid #259 - $25
  • The Dark Knight - Joker - Nendoroid #566 - Villain's Edition SEALED - $45
  • To LOVEru Darkness - Momo Belia Deviluke - Noodle Stopper Figure - Swimsuit ver. (Navy) (FuRyu) SEALED - $22
  • To LOVEru Darkness - Momo Belia Deviluke - Noodle Stopper Figure - Swimsuit ver. (White) (FuRyu) SEALED - $22

Character Card Sleeves
  • 65 Sleeves/Pack
  • Size: 67 x 92mm (for Weiss Schwarz, should fit Magic cards too)
  • Printing: Front: Transparent / Back: 5C Print (4C + White)
  • Pictures of sleeves with prices: Click Here

  • Monster Musume "Fall In Love" OP Single CD (SEALED) - $12
  • Monster Musume Papi towel - $12
  • Monster Musume Miia towerl - $12
  • Senran Kagura: Estival Versus artbook - $6
  • Senran Kagura: Estival Versus soundtrack (Sealed) - $6

  • PayPal (F&F or fees paid)


sparkle this bitch
Free shipping to US, everywhere else needs to cover it. Paypal only(Cover the fees ^_^)

Twilight Princess - 43$
Tales of Symphonia(Complete) - 12$

Knights of the Old Republic(Disc + Cover Art) - 6$

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Limited Edition(New) - 26$

Pokemon Black(New) - 40$
Clubhouse Games(Complete) - 7$
Dragon Quest V(New) - 50$
Etrian Odyssey II(Complete) - 16$
Kirby Canvas Curve(Complete) - 18$

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness(Complete) - 8$
Persona 3 Portable(Complete) - 17$
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology(Complete) - 9$
Phantasy Star Portable 2(Complete) - 38$
Ys Oath In Felghana LE(New) - 55$
Trails in the Sky LE(New) - 100$
Persona PSP LE(New) - 45$

PC (All PC Games but Mists for 50$ shipped)

Morrowind GOTY - 4$
Devil May Cry 4(Complete) - 4$
Obvilion GOTY(complete) - 4$
Knights of the Old Republic II(Complete) - 8$
Silent Hill 2(Complete) - 25$
Mists of Padaneria LE - 80$
Vampire Bloodlines (Game and Manual) - 10$
Arcanum(Game and Manual) - 4$
No One Lives Forever Guide - 3$
Fallout Collection(Complete) - 4$
Kohan(Game and Manual) - 5$
Alice(Game and Manual) - 8$
Witcher(Complete) - 4$
Icewind Dale Complete - 4$
Morrowind GOTY - 7$
Obivilion GOTY - 7$
NWN(Discs and Manual) - 4$

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 - 20$
Children of Eden(Complete) - 5$
Espgalduda II Black Label(Complete) - 30$
Deathsmiles Limited Edition(Complete) - 17$
Metal Gear Rising(Complete) - 5$
Devil May Cry 4 LE - 10$

Silent Hill 2GH(Complete) - 18$
Grand Theft Auto VC(Complete) - 5$
Dragon Quest 8(Complete) - 15$
Xenosaga III(Complete) - 42$
Devil Summoner LE(New) - 60$
Berserk Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō(Complete) - 20$.
Gradius 5(Disc Only) - 19$
Final Fantasy X - 4$
Final Fantasy X-2 - 4$
Devil May Cry 3SE - 4$
Devil May Cry - 4$

Earth Defense Force 2025(Complete) - 8$
Tales of Graces F - 20$
Zone of the Enders Special Edition 30$
Tales of Xillia SE - 80$
Tales of Symphonia SE(New) - 115$

Gameboy Pocket Limited Edition - 50$
Street Fighter 360 Controller(Fightpad)(Chun Li) - 35$

Azumanga Daioh Complete Thin Pack - 35$
Shiki Part 1 BluRay LE - 35$(New)
Shiki Part 2 BluRay LE - 30$
Cowboy Bebop Amazon CE - 125$

TV Shows
Chuck Season 1 & 2, 10$
Spartacus God of the Arena BluRay - 9$
FireFly DVD - 4$
Sox World Series 2005 LE New - 15$

Movies. All BluRay BluRays I have priced for 5$ or under. I'll do 50 shipped for every single one.
Life of Pi - 5$(R)
Avengers - 5$(R)
Arrietty(New) - 20$
Beauty and the Beast(Diamond)(New) - 50$
The Lone Ranger - 5$(R)
CaddyShack(New) - 5$
Supercop(new) - 5$
Man of Steel - 5$
Love Actually - 5$
The Dark Knight Rises - 5$(R)
Django Unchained - 5$(R)
Alien - 5$
Nausicaa(New) - 16$
Up - 20$
Worlds End - 5$(R)
This is the End - 5$(R)
Silver Linings Playbook - 5$(R)
Total Recall(The Good one) New - 5$
Lion King Diamond Edition 3D - 40$
Game of Thrones Season 1 - 16$
Game of Thrones Season 2 - 18$

Entire Lot of Codes for 45$, individual prices PM.


Sacred 3 Gold -
Risen 2 Dark Waters Gold Edition -
Saints Row 2 -
Saints Row 3 Full Package -
Dragon Age Origins -
Samorost 2 -
Samorost 2 -
Cortex Command -
Wizorb, Bit Trip Runner, Gratuitous Space Battles, Jamestown -
Eets Munchies -
Toki Tori 2+ -
Bit Trip Presents.... Runner2 -
Papo & Yo -
Joe Danger 2:The Movie -
To The Moon -
Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes -
Mercenary Kings -
The Stanley Parable -
The Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing II -
Screencheat -
Coin Crypt -
Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown -
Warmachine Tactics -
Warmachine Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle -
Shadowrun Returns -
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! -
Magicka 2 -
Red Alert 3 Uprising -
Red Alert 3 Uprising -
Dreamcast Collection -
Nights Into Dreams -
Sonic All Star Racing -
Total War Rome II - Caesar in Gaul -
Empire Total War -
Company of Heroes 2 Western Fron Armies:OW -
Sonic Generations -
Company of Heroes Complete Collection, Warhammer 40,000 Master Collection, Medieval II Total War Collection, Sega/Megadrive Strategy Pack -
Hitman Absolution -
Supreme Commander 2 -
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light -
Startopia -
Red Faction:Armgeddon Path To War -
Titan Quest -
Batman AC GOTY -
DLC for Guards of Middle Earth, Gotham City, Batman AO, LOTRO
Scribblenauts Unlimited -
Mortal Kombat Kollection -
DLC for Guards of Middle Earth, Gotham City, Batman AO, LOTRO
Neighbours from Hell Compilation
Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance, The Guild 2, Red Faction Armageddon
Telltale Games Steam

Dead Space
Burnout Paradise:The Ultimate Box(2x)
Crysis 2 Maximun Edition(2x)
Medal of Honor(2x)
Mirror's Edge(2x)
Red Alert 3: Uprising(2x)
Battlefield 3



In case it hasn't been mentioned here yet, Aksys has said that the watch bundles were damaged in transit and that they'll be shipping the game only first. Then the watch will be coming later in July separately. This will obviously affect people who sold their pre-order on here. Figured people would want to know to inform their buyers.

Here is a link to Aksys's twitter where they detail the issue:

This guy from Aksys has been answering lots of questions about the debacle as well:

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Asia (English subtitles/menus) Sealed

$55 shipped in the US via media mail. PayPal only.

Simply don't have the time to dedicate to this game right now.



I accept PayPal gift money, or regular payment as well but buyer must cover fees. I also have Venmo, or take cash if in Seattle area.

Note: All prices do not take into account shipping fees. If you live in the Seattle area, we could negotiate meeting somewhere for the trade. Else, shipping fees are around $10 in the US and TBD for international shipments.

1. Bloodborne Collector's Edition Guide (digital codes used) $40.00

2. Xenoblade Chronicles X Collector's Edition $50.00

3. Stella Glow Launch Edition (box is a little bit damaged, that's how Amazon shipped it :( ) $30.00

4. Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) $25.00

5. Tales of Xillia 2: Collector's Edition $50.00

Feel free to request additional pictures.



1) "Last Gen" 3DS XL with: $150
- 2 Games: Pokemon Omega Ruby and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
- Accessories: USB Charging Cable + Car Outlet Adapter + 2 Stylus + 3 Game Cases + Screen Cleaning Cloth + Earphones + Travel Case (all of above fits in case)
- Have seen very little use, only two games. Want to sell because its just gathering dust. No scratches at all, just dust particles in picture.

2) 64 GB 3rd Generation iPAD, MINT condition. $150
(no box)

made cheaper, please get these off me!
WTS Samsung Galaxy Gear VR headset - $55 to United States. New, been attached to a phone once.

My phone has a cracked screen and my glasses are kinda scratched, so it doesn't work well for me. :p

Have 2-3 positive feedbacks (maybe more, I sell infrequently). Can take pictures, obviously, if needed. :)


Looking to buy:

  • $20 PSN credit, maybe around $16 if that's reasonable.
    [*]Quantum Break PC code, $20



Galaxy Gear VR - Brand new - $70 shipped in the continental US
Surface Book (i5,256 SSD,8gb RAM) complete, very nice condition (let me know if interested, can workout a deal)


Looking for a steam key for Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes from the most recent Humble Monthly. PM me if you have this for sale, thanks!


Darkness no more
Selling Uncharted 4 for $38 shipped Paypal gift.
Beat it in a few days and stuck it on the shelf, so it's in perfect shape.


WTS: Lots of physical copies of games for Xbox 360/PS3/Wii/WiiU/PSP.

Spreadsheet here.

My desire to own physical stuff has lessened greatly so I'm looking to part ways with a large portion of my (admittedly unimpressive) collection. Please don't judge my gaming tastes based on whether a game is still shrinkwrapped; I own most of these digitally, too. :p

A few quick bullet points:
- Almost everything is priced aside from the DJ Max Portable games. I used VideoGamePriceCharts and generally knocked a few bucks off of their prices. That said, I'm negotiable -- within reason.
- Not looking for any trades, aside from maaaaybe an NVIDIA Shield console.
- Shipping is from San Diego, CA.
- The more games I can ship together, the better!
- Aside from exceptional circumstances, I'd prefer to ship within the continental US to save potential headaches.

Gears of War Remastered - X1 - $12 shipped, Used, Complete and mint except one of the case tabs broke off, case closes but does not snap shut

Make offers for any of the following:

Xbox 360 Grand Theft Auto V - Complete / mint
Xbox 360 Red Dead Redemption (Platinum Hits Edition) - Unopened
Xbox 360 Mass Effect 2: Collector's Edition - Complete, slight wear on sleeve, DLC codes are used
Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3: Collector's Edition - Unopened
Xbox 360 Halo 3: ODST - Complete / mint
Xbox 360 Halo Wars: Unopened
Xbox 360 Battlefield 3: Premium Edition, DLC codes are used
Xbox 360 Halo: CE Anniversary Edition - Complete / mint
Xbox 360 Halo 3 - Complete / mint

Buy all of the 360 games for $80 shipped.

PayPal F&F preferred payment method.


For Sale:

Played (almost new condition but opened. Possible some scuffs on cases but fully intact otherwise

Super Smash Bros 3DS
Zelda A Link Between Worlds

New (Sealed)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (3DS)
God of War Saga (PS3)
Final Fantasy x / x-2 HD Remastered (PS4)
Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)

PM me an offer.

It's been awhile since I have sold anything, but I have good feedback and will ship quickly. West coast (US) preferred.
PS4 Lego The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition ~ $40
Bravely Default 1 PAL
please PM me

Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS PAL(new) for Bravely Default PAL
(I can add some quids)
(I don't mind if it's opened but in really good conditions,with box and art).

Steam keys
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered (Humble bundle gift) $2
Awesomenauts $1
Sanctum 2 $1
FEZ $1
Bastion $2
Limbo $1
Abyss Odyssey $1
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Steam Key $1
Just Cause Collection $3 (I'm not sure which one does it have)
The Walking Dead: Season 1 $2
The Walking Dead: 400 Days $2
The Walking Dead: Season 2 $4

Back to the Future: The Game $1
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse $1
Poker Night at the Inventory $1
Puzzle Agent $1
Puzzle Agent 2 $1
The Wolf Among Us $3
Poker Night 2 $1

Some games that I didn't open and came with my consoles, I can upload pictures on request.
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS PAL BOX (Only the box) ~£???
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS PAL (new unopen, came with the console) ~£20
-Xenoblade Cover plates for n3DS (also never opened, came with the console) ~Make me an offer I have no idea for the price.

-Metal gear solid V: TPP (new, came with the console, never open) ~£18

-Star Wars 4 Classic Games Download Code for PSN NA ~$10

Persona 4 Dancing all night DLC from Disco Fever Edition (UK version, only the dlc code) ~Make me an offer.

Shipping is +£3 (for tracking, I'm in UK), I will try to post next day.
Paypal gift or buyer pay fees, prices are not final.



PayPal Friends & Family
$50 Steam Wallet Gift Card

Xbox Live 12 Month Gold Membership

$50 iTunes Gift Card

$20 PSN Gift Card | $50 PSN Gift Card

$25 Xbox Gift Card | $50 Xbox Gift Card

$20 eShop Gift Card

$20 Gift Card




All games are complete and black label unless otherwise noted. Unless otherwise noted, shipping is $3.50 each and I am willing to lower shipping costs the more you buy.

Dragon Quest 8 - $12 (shipped)
Xenosaga 3 - $42 (shipped)
Rogue Galaxy - $13 (shipped)
Final Fantasy 7 - $18 (shipped) (greatest hits)

Final Fantasy 9 - $8 (greatest hits)
Final Fantasy Chronicles - $8 (greatest hits)
Final Fantasy Anthology - $8 (greatest hits)
Chrono Cross - $8 (greatest hits)
Xenosaga 1 - $7
Xenosaga 2 - $8
Final Fantasy X - $4
Final Fantasy X-2 - 4
Dirge of Cerberus - $7
Kingdom Hearts - $5
Kingdom Hearts 2 - $6
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - $6 (greatest hits)
Disgaea - $6
Disgaea 2 - $6
Star Ocean 3 - $7

FF14 summer dlc item set code - $4

Paypal (f/f or you pay the fees)/US only please.


Looking to pare down my gaming collection after over 30 years of collecting (been a gamer since the Pong era) so I thought I'd start off with a few small things. I am going to post them on and off as I get to them but I like to include pics so I will probably just cycle stuff out to keep within guidelines of the thread. Everything from a smoke-free home.


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for SNES
- $22 shipped


Cart has some wear on spine side of label but is in otherwise good shape. See the rest of the pics HERE

Buster Bros. for TurboGrafx-16 CD - $35 shipped


Great condition. Includes jewel case, manual and game CD. Ignore that black splotch on the top left of the manual in photo, it is dirt on my camera lens. :p

Sol-Divide for Japanese PS1 (IMPORT)
- $35 shipped

Unsealed but fantastic condition - includes disc, manual and the insert label spine. Please be aware that this will only play on a Japanese model PS1 OR a modded region free PS1 system!

Battle Arena Toshinden 2 for Japanese PS1 (IMPORT)
- $35 shipped

Unsealed but great condition - includes disc, manual and the insert label spine. Please be aware that this will only play on a Japanese model PS1 OR a modded region free PS1 system!

Pokemon Crystal for Game Boy/Game Boy Color - $35 shipped

Brand NEW battery personally soldered in by me just under two years ago. Working great and in great condition. Includes the original plastic cart case since no loose GB game should be without one. ;)

Club Nintendo set of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask soundtrack CDs - $24 shipped

Ocarina is unsealed but in fantastic condition, no scratches on disc. Majora's Mask is SEALED but because of Nintendo's careless shipping there are a couple of scratches on the jewel case UNDER the shrinkwrap however the actual shrinkwrap itself is fine - go figure.

I haven't sold or bought a lot here (under ten transactions) but I am a 10 year standing GAF member (and 17 year eBay seller) so buy confidently. Accepting payment via PayPal Friends & Family/Gift. Please be aware that I can usually only ship on Saturdays due to a full time work schedule. US shipping only.

Any questions or inquiries, PM me and I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you for looking! :D



PC Components:

Asrock Extreme 4 Z77 Motherboard. Note: the GPU clips on the PCIE slots have snapped off (the ones you slide over after inserting the GPU). The slots work just fine though, you just need to secure the GPU to the case, which people do anyway. - $75 OBO

Steam Controller - $32

HyperX Cloud 2 headset. Barely worn (just couldn't get used to a wired one in my setup) - $60

Steam games:

Tomb Raider (Steam Gift) - $5

Playstation 4 stuff:
DOOM - 40. This has a tear on the back of the insert/ plastic so check the imgur album if that's the sort of thing that would bother you
The Technomancer (Code, not retail) - $40 or a trade for the PC version / Steam Wallet
Ratcher & Clank - $28
Bloodborne $ -25

Playstation Vita:

The Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Lionheart Edition - $28

Some Notes:

- I prefer Google Wallet, but will take Paypal if fees are covered.
- Open to offers, need to sell at least a few things in order to pay for rent.
- Some of the items look a little dusty in the pictures, but will be cleaned well before shipping, I had just lent out my compressed air can and am getting it back shortly, I can take more pictures upon request
-Many more images here: Pictures of pretty much everything on the list multiples for notables like the 980 Ti
- Shipping to US only, and most of the bigger items are rough estimates, I might have to adjust slightly if my estimate is way off (but will discuss and shouldn't be a big issue).


Steam Keys


Chroma Squad


Steredenn - $2
Planetary Annihilation TITANS - $3
The Forest - $6
Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack - $2
1993 Space Machine - $2
I've been posting some deals on Apple products lately and on one of the MacBooks I have posted I've been able to get an even better deal. This is the cheapest way to get a brand-new MacBook.

Apple MacBook Air - 13-inch, 1.6GHz i5, 256GB Retails for $1200 and I can get it right now for $800. Sent right to your house.

PayPal FF

Also, for those looking for a new phone and smartwatch I have this:

If anyone is looking for a deal on a Motorola X Pure Edition(32GB with little to no additional upgrades) and a Moto 360 Sport(I know there aren't many people looking) I can buy it at a discount and have it sent to you. You customize it and everything. Combined they retail for $550 but I can get it for $300. Just hit me up. I have positive feedback on here and you can use PayPal without FF if you want to pay the fees. Otherwise, it's PayPal FF.

Hard to beat a brand-new phone and smartwatch combo for $300.

Moto X Pure Edition

Moto 360 Sport

No shipping included. US only.
Want Paypal gift/fees paid and/or US PSN credit.
Feel free to message me with any questions or offers. Thanks.


Final Fantasy XIV Summer DLC Promo - $3

Darkstalkers 3(no original case or booklet) $5
PS1 memory card $5

Metal Gear Solid Saga Vol. 2 $4
Shadow Hearts: Covenant(No original case or booklet) $15
Evil Dead: Regeneration(No original case or booklet) $4
Parappa The Rapper 2(No original case or booklet) $4

Uncharted 1-3 $10 or $5 each
Killzone 2 $4

GameCube controller $10
GameCube memory card $5

Strategy guides
Breath Of Fire 4 strategy guide $10
FFX/X-2 strategy guide(make an offer)
Final Fantasy 13 strategy guide $5
Final Fantasy 7 strategy guide $10
Metal Gear Solid 2 strategy guide $5
Mass Effect 2 strategy guide $5
Kingdom Hearts BBS strategy guide $5

Nintendo wi-fi USB connector $5
Code Of Princess Collector’s Edition box and soundtrack CD(no game) $5
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 limited edition box with collectible pin(no game) $5
Fallout 3 PS3 Collector's Edition(no game included) $10
Beyond: Two Souls steelbook case(no game or dlc) $5
Dead Space 2 PS3 Collector’s Edition(Everything except game or dlc) $5
Bioshock Infinite PS3 Premium Edition(no game or dlc) $5
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection box and book(no game or case) $5
The Dark Knight Joker Headknocker bobblehead(new) $40
Max Media Dock(DS Lite media player) $5
3DS black universal folio case(new) $5
NDS Game Keeper steel case $5
WWE All Stars Brawl stick (PS3)

This stick is basically new since I never used it, but I painted over the image because I thought it was ugly.
Anywho, feel free to make me an offer.

Blurays - $4 each unless noted
Clockwork Orange
Jackie Brown
Full Metal Jacket
Django Unchained
Planet Terror
Departed/Goodfellas/Aviator Collection $10
Edward Scissorhands
Hellboy 2
This Is The End
Pineapple Express
Funny People
This is 40
Breakfast At Tiffany’s
Walk Hard
Talladega Nights
Sleepy Hollow
There Will be Blood
Big Fish
Escape From New York
Sin City: Two-Disc Theatrical & Recut, Extended, and Unrated Versions
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Shawshank Redemption
Terminator 2
The Green Mile/Forrest Gump collection
Sweeney Todd
30 Minutes Or Less
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Austin Powers trilogy
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Rambo First Blood part 2
The Road Warrior
First Blood
Blair Witch Project
Sixth Sense
Dog Day Afternoon
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
District 9
Horrible Bosses
Step Brothers
Big Trouble In Little China
Iron Man 2
Gangs Of New York
Interview With a Vampire
Louie season 1
Louie season 2
Kick Ass
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Simpsons Movie

Arrested Development seasons 1-3 $25
South Park seasons 1-12 $40
Party Down seasons 1 & 2 $15
Eastbound & Down season 1 $4
Futurama volumes 1-6 $25
Futurama Green Yonder $4
Aeon Flux collection $10
Tim & Eric season 1 $4
Daria Complete series $15
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