Maaaaan, I would have loved a bomb sniffing dog when I was over there. Then I could have just sat back and smoked a cigarette, instead of patrolling around with a mine detector when it's 115 degrees out.Overheard at GameStop today while on my post-Halloween job hunt:
"Call of Duty sold out by introducing a fucking dog. They are catering to the Brony crowd."
The cashier then went "but dogs are used as bomb sniffers and assault units in actual war".
Then he and his cronies started going off on how if THEY were soldiers, they wouldn't need no fucking dogs.
You can automatically resize an image on Imgur by adding an 's', 'm', or 'l' to the end of the url, just before the period/extension. Ex: (jj3h5489Sf(s/m/l).jpg)
The More You Know
Played 3 matches before I had to meet up with a friend.
Anyone else think the maps are too big? Each match ended due to time. I found myself running around looking for people to kill.
Got my copy in the mail today.
now i just need a system to play it lol
Got my copy in the mail today.
now i just need a system to play it lol
You can automatically resize an image on Imgur by adding an 's', 'm', or 'l' to the end of the url, just before the period/extension. Ex: (jj3h5489Sf(s/m/l).jpg)
The More You Know
wtf is wrong with this game. im getting raped in every single games and i used to rape in every cod game before.
spawns suck
you cant tell enemies from the environment
radar sucks
it takes forever to rank up and find a gun you like.
maps are huge for 6v6 (no 9v9) and multiple levels , its hard to do anything
i used to get 20-30 kills in bo2 easily, i cant even get 10 in the game
you cant tell enemies from the environment
radar sucks
It's a new need to learn the maps and get used to the is wrong with this game. im getting raped in every single games and i used to rape in every cod game before.
spawns suck
you cant tell enemies from the environment
radar sucks
it takes forever to rank up and find a gun you like.
maps are huge for 6v6 (no 9v9) and multiple levels , its hard to do anything
i used to get 20-30 kills in bo2 easily, i cant even get 10 in the game
Could you post a bigger picture? The people on the International Space Station can't see it from my screen.
It's using the IW Engine.The company Raven is still around? Is this game still using Quake code they wrote?
It's a new need to learn the maps and get used to the game.
wtf is wrong with this game. im getting raped in every single games and i used to rape in every cod game before.
spawns suck
you cant tell enemies from the environment
radar sucks
it takes forever to rank up and find a gun you like.
maps are huge for 6v6 (no 9v9) and multiple levels , its hard to do anything
i used to get 20-30 kills in bo2 easily, i cant even get 10 in the game
I haven't noticed either so far on Xbox. Shrug. I remember the spawns being way worse in MW3 which was the last MP I played a decent amount of. The big maps seem to make spawning on top of a dude less likely and slow things down a bit, which I like.So lag and horrible spawns are just issues for those new to the game?
few more things i dont like
leaning and sliding are pretty much worthless ( iw made a huge deal about it)
kill streaks suck (maybe because im a low level?)
kill cam hit marker is completely off ( just like every other cod game)
some maps are balanced for domination (2 flags are close to 1 team)
so frustrating ahhhhhhhhhhhh
The big maps seem to make spawning on top of a dude less likely and slow things down a bit, which I like.
I haven't noticed either so far on Xbox. Shrug. I remember the spawns being way worse in MW3 which was the last MP I played a decent amount of. The big maps seem to make spawning on top of a dude less likely and slow things down a bit, which I like.
Spiffy! Wonder if they went with the same rounded edges as Wii U discs.
Also, longer leveling is pretty much awesome.
What fresh hell is this? I played for maybe 2 hours today and not once got killed by some bullshit ultra powerful killstreak.
They removed Ground War?
They removed Ground War?