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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Long suffering member of Fair Vote Canada and heavily involved in the failed 2007 Ontario refrendum....

Barely anybody knew what the vote was even about or even that it was happening. I was manning a phone at the 'Yes' side of the campaign a day before the election and I got a grand total of TWO calls throughout the day asking for information.

The level of coverage in the run up to the election was abysmal and spreading FUD on issues people don't know much about is incredibly easy.

Honestly, I don't even remember this at the time.. granted I was in grade 11 or 12 so I'm not sure if I could have voted but you'd think I would've heard something about it.


Subete no aware
My hope is that it would have started at a provincial level, worked, and then eventually make its way across Canada. That may still happen, but probably not in a few decades now.

I don't remember how advertised the Ontario vote was though. I knew about it because I cared about the issue, but that was when I was probably more hopefully about politics as well. lol


This is so weird and confusing. I mean, I know he wasn't perfect, but I think McGuinty was reasonable enough as an Ontario Premier..

Are we supposed to expect some kind of crazy scandal reveal?

A run for the federal leadership would be an interesting twist though.
This is so weird and confusing. I mean, I know he wasn't perfect, but I think McGuinty was reasonable enough as an Ontario Premier..

Are we supposed to expect some kind of crazy scandal reveal?

A run for the federal leadership would be an interesting twist though.
Well, depending how you want to believe the Power Plant coverup goes, that could be the reason...



Subete no aware
Don't think anyone knows for sure, but the timing is interesting.
I just assumed that there was some scandal about to break. Or the teachers were going to revolt or something.

If it is, the LOL.

What this does open up, however, is an even more hilarious prospect: Bob Rae for Ontario Liberals. LOL.
More Rae Days!

This is so weird and confusing. I mean, I know he wasn't perfect, but I think McGuinty was reasonable enough as an Ontario Premier..

Are we supposed to expect some kind of crazy scandal reveal?

A run for the federal leadership would be an interesting twist though.
But... does McGuinty even speak French?!
This is so weird and confusing. I mean, I know he wasn't perfect, but I think McGuinty was reasonable enough as an Ontario Premier..

Are we supposed to expect some kind of crazy scandal reveal?

A run for the federal leadership would be an interesting twist though.

No way he runs for federal leadership. Though...this is bizarre timing, since the federal Liberal convention is April. And he wants a provincial leadership convention as soon as possible, so a campaign would run concurrently with a federal one. That just makes no sense. It has to mean he's not running for the federal job, because whoever would work on his campaign will be tied up provincially. It basically puts Ontario off the map for all federal Liberal candidates, which has to be good for Trudeau.

This is just crazy. I'm stunned, since it didn't seem like he was in any real danger of losing his job.
So does anyone pay close attention to Ontario provincial politics? Any guesses on who becomes the next Liberal leader there? I'm ensconced in the Ottawa bubble, so I can barely even name any MPPs. Rae would be...interesting. And possibly awesome.


So does anyone pay close attention to Ontario provincial politics? Any guesses on who becomes the next Liberal leader there? I'm ensconced in the Ottawa bubble, so I can barely even name any MPPs. Rae would be...interesting. And possibly awesome.

Among those mentioned as possible Liberal leadership contenders are embattled Energy Minister Chris Bentley, Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, Children and Youth Services Minister Eric Hoskins, Health Minister Deb Matthews, Training Colleges and Universities Minister Glen Murray, and party president Yasir Naqvi, the Ottawa Centre MPP.


There is no way in hell Rae runs again in Ontario. He was basically run out the first time.

People say we have short memories in politics, but hot damn if anyone is going to forget Rae Days or the fact he was in a completely different party at the time. He'd lose Ontario the province if he ran.

I think Duncan is probably the likely front runner at this point, finance ministers usually are, as they get a lot of face time on TV/radio/newspapers. I don't think this will lead to a Hudak victory in any upcoming elections. He's just too unlikeable.


If anything, it will be funny watching Conservatives condemn McGuinty for proroguing the Legislature, but it was totally cool when Harper did it and this is totally different!

I mean, political watchers warned that Harper proroguing Parliament was going to set a dangerous precedent and they(the Tories) are now reaping what they sowed.
People say we have short memories in politics, but hot damn if anyone is going to forget Rae Days or the fact he was in a completely different party at the time. He'd lose Ontario the province if he ran.

I think Duncan is probably the likely front runner at this point, finance ministers usually are, as they get a lot of face time on TV/radio/newspapers. I don't think this will lead to a Hudak victory in any upcoming elections. He's just too unlikeable.

I think Rae has grown in a lot of people's estimation since then, plus he can remind people that the alternative was Harris-style conservatism. For all Rae's faults, he's probably more fondly remembered by most people than Harris.

Personally, from what little I've seen of his bio, Hoskins seems interesting. Don't know what his skills are like, so he's open to being Ignatieff'ed, but he looks appealing on paper, especially if the provincial Liberals want a clean break from the McGuinty years.


Subete no aware
I can't imagine that the Liberals would survive another election anyway though, so anyone taking over is basically committing career suicide Dion or Iggy style.

Maybe this will be a Kim Campbell thing and someone will want to be premier for a while because they'll get to be a part of that history even if they didn't really earn it. :p
I can't imagine that the Liberals would survive another election anyway though, so anyone taking over is basically committing career suicide Dion or Iggy style.

Maybe this will be a Kim Campbell thing and someone will want to be premier for a while because they'll get to be a part of that history even if they didn't really earn it. :p
Yes. But it really depends on how things goes with Toronto, cause the longer we drag on with Rob Ford, the more it could sour for the Conservatives.


Subete no aware
Yes. But it really depends on how things goes with Toronto, cause the longer we drag on with Rob Ford, the more it could sour for the Conservatives.
I mean, Ford is "Conservative", but it's not like there are real party lines that work out that way. I still remember the map after the election and it's the same old story - 416 votes for the lefty guy, 905 votes for the righty guy.

But even then, the other thing is that the Liberals have been fucking up so much lately that I figure short of a miracle or an incompetent Tory strategy room, there's no way they can win.

Well, I suppose if turnout is like 30% or something, then maybe it won't matter and we'll get the same result yet again. lol


an incompetent Tory strategy room, there's no way they can win.

Well, I suppose if turnout is like 30% or something, then maybe it won't matter and we'll get the same result yet again. lol

It doesn't seem like Hudak knows what he's doing either, so they have that.
I can't imagine that the Liberals would survive another election anyway though, so anyone taking over is basically committing career suicide Dion or Iggy style.

Maybe this will be a Kim Campbell thing and someone will want to be premier for a while because they'll get to be a part of that history even if they didn't really earn it. :p

I think the Ernie Eves comparison is more apt.

As for survivability, who knows. They weren't supposed to win the last one, and yet, here we are.


Subete no aware
I think the Ernie Eves comparison is more apt.

As for survivability, who knows. They weren't supposed to win the last one, and yet, here we are.
Haha, I already forgot about Ernie Eves. Inheriting a Harris government is probably the same as asking for early retirement. lol
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