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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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They've failed practically every time, the fact anyone treats Grenier as a Canadian version of Nate Silver is ridiculous. He has never been right and perpetually overstates left-leaners, obvious Alberta exception.

I'd be easy on him for missing the projection but the fact every party landed outside the confidence interval is ridiculous.

He is what he is and he works with what data he has. I don't think it's necessary to compare him to Nate Silver who has a hell of a lot more data at hand to do what he does.


I would bang a hot farmer!
PQ - 54 seats - 31,9%
PLQ - 50 seats - 31,2%
CAQ - 19 seats - 27,1%
QS - 2 seats - 6,0%

Voter turnout - 74,6%
I'm curious how the voter turnout percentage compares to past provincial elections in Quebec. Anyone know?


Holy shit at the shooting. How soon before the next elections? Couldn't the PLQ and CAQ team up for a coalition?


Junior Member


So it seems the shooter seemed very normal to anyone who knew him, never expressed any political rant, spoke well in French, etc. He was apparently a very "demanding" but good business man with a fishing business and some other similar business, something hunting-related I think. Supposedly was very religious. There is a picture of him in Vegas with Celine Dion, where he assisted to her show as a VIP (anyone can be VIP for $2500 and have their photo taken with her).

So overall no signs that he was crazy, except one person who said he showed maniacal tendencies after retiring, but I haven't seen that corroborated elsewhere.

Must have just gone crazy recently, maybe schizo. I mean compared those pics to the ones of his arrest.

edit: Ok so new details say the guy had mental problems according to a close friend, was seeing a doctor. Also bought $50,000 worth of provisions during the H1N1 scare, and has a couple of military vehicles. Was also apparently very religious, citing apostles. http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle...002-metropolis-richard-bain-comparution.shtml

Also, the weapon may have been a CZ-858, which yes, can be bought legally and would have had to be registered. Another good reason to keep the gun register.




Finger pointing has already started over the wacko killer incident. Both sides are starting to put the blame on the other.

You have this rather toxic piece from Conrad Black and you have this piece from the Société Saint Jean Baptiste that blame exlcusively anglophone medias.

Hopefully the hatred dies rather quickly or else we will have another social crisis on the horizon.


Finger pointing has already started over the wacko killer incident. Both sides are starting to put the blame on the other.

You have this rather toxic piece from Conrad Black and you have this piece from the Société Saint Jean Baptiste that blame exlcusively anglophone medias.

Hopefully the hatred dies rather quickly or else we will have another social crisis on the horizon.

This quote is just plain wrong too:

The Liberals retained 30 per cent of the vote, to 31 per cent for the PQ, and 26 per cent for the CAQ, and only about 8 per cent for the hard-line separatist Quebec Solidaire.

Since when is QS hard-line separatist? Ugh.


Finger pointing has already started over the wacko killer incident. Both sides are starting to put the blame on the other.

You have this rather toxic piece from Conrad Black and you have this piece from the Société Saint Jean Baptiste that blame exlcusively anglophone medias.

Hopefully the hatred dies rather quickly or else we will have another social crisis on the horizon.

The SSJB critique is pretty balanced and fair.

"We do not blame the English media as such, but we say it is enough. We do not call Anglophones xenophobic and we do not have to be called as such. It creates a climate of insecurity and fear conducive to this kind of event."


The organisation says that the media publicized "Unrestrained and downright hateful comments of readers who do not hesitate to draw parallels with fascist movements and neo-Nazis"

Which is in response to this kind of trash that we had to thrown our way during the whole campaign, and still after it, such as this, which isn't even a "reader comment" but an outright column in the Calgary Herald:

Corbella: Are one-third of Quebec voters bigots?

"fully 31.94 per cent of Quebec voters have no problem supporting the bigoted and racist agenda of the winning Parti Quebecois."

"the most racist party in recent Canadian history will die along with her leadership."

I expect this shit from right-wing US media, not Canada. Then again I'm not surprised.


The SSJB critique is pretty balanced and fair.

Which is in response to this kind of trash that we had to thrown our way during the whole campaign, and still after it, such as this, which isn't even a "reader comment" but an outright column in the Calgary Herald:

Corbella: Are one-third of Quebec voters bigots?

I expect this shit from right-wing US media, not Canada. Then again I'm not surprised.

... It's the Calgary Herald, dude.


What does that even mean? You take one of the more right wing newspapers from the most right wing part of the country and pretend it means something to the rest of us.


What does that even mean? You take one of the more right wing newspapers from the most right wing part of the country and pretend it means something to the rest of us.

He's been pulling that kind of shit since the results of the most recent federal election.

He takes the most extreme examples of the right-wing extreme and blows it up to represent the R.O.C. (tm) and then proceeds to mewl about how he doesn't even recognize the R.O.C. (tm) anymore and wants out.


Hey all,

I'd like to become more politically inclined. I have some basic knowledge (enough to know which party to vote for) but would like to learn more. Are there materials I can read or use? I require a better foundation in order to truly understand current and past political issues. Thanks!


I wonder if he'd run had he lost his charity fight against Brazeau.

As stupid as it is, I believe that event made him a 'winner' in alot of minds instead of simply being his father' son.

In other news, that stupid motion 312 or whatever the number was got rejected. Good. But Rona Ambrose voted for it. Not good.


What does that even mean? You take one of the more right wing newspapers from the most right wing part of the country and pretend it means something to the rest of us.

If it was the other way around it would be ok though right? Why would so called right wingers call out right wingers?

I don't get it.

He's been pulling that kind of shit since the results of the most recent federal election.

He takes the most extreme examples of the right-wing extreme and blows it up to represent the R.O.C. (tm) and then proceeds to mewl about how he doesn't even recognize the R.O.C. (tm) anymore and wants out.

Seems that way. I doubt most people in Calgary or even Alberta could care less out the Quebec election. I was born there and have zero interest. I so despise this ROC shit though.. smh.
I wonder if he'd run had he lost his charity fight against Brazeau.

As stupid as it is, I believe that event made him a 'winner' in alot of minds instead of simply being his father' son.

He's been pressured to run for leadership ever since he entered politics. Some Trudeaupians still exist in the party and I guess the kool-aid has lasted a really, really long time.

In other news, that stupid motion 312 or whatever the number was got rejected. Good. But Rona Ambrose voted for it. Not good.

With only a semi-whipped vote, we have a better idea now of what some of our MPs stand for. Including the Status of Women PS.


If it was the other way around it would be ok though right? Why would so called right wingers call out right wingers?

I don't get it.

Buh? I don't know what you're trying to say here at all.

With only a semi-whipped vote, we have a better idea now of what some of our MPs stand for. Including the Status of Women PS.

I wouldn't even call it semi-whipped. Only NDP members were whipped (obviously not even cabinet members were), and I can't imagine someone being in the NDP and being pro-life.
Oh boy, this could get interesting (but Harper will likely just yell at her in private and make sure she never does anything ever again)


She'll probably be out next cabinet shuffle but there won't be any action taken against her. Wouldn't play well to the base and wouldn't gain a single point from anyone else.


Subete no aware
Don't worry, when the Conservatives win yet another majority and the Liberals and the NDP cannibalize each other, they'll finally kill the Liberal party and we can move on with our lives.


Don't worry, when the Conservatives win yet another majority and the Liberals and the NDP cannibalize each other, they'll finally kill the Liberal party and we can move on with our lives.

That would be awful, only Left and Right parties and no Center party.


Subete no aware
That would be awful, only Left and Right parties and no Center party.

The problem is that the Liberal party brand is dead in Quebec and the West and the Conservatives pretty much own Ontario outside of the GTA and Hamilton.

Besides, I'm not sure we need a choice between Left and Left-of-Centre, because I suppose the argument could be made that you might as well vote Conservative at that point.


Marc Garneau?

Aside from him being an astronaut, what are his exact qualifications to actually be a leader of a political party?

I mean seriously there's a reason why the Liberals are imploding. It isn't because of a lack of policies. It isn't because of the corruption scandal. It's because nearly all of their good MPs left politics or have no interest in running.


We can start talking about having more parties when we finally evolve as a country and move past the FPTP voting system.

We'll never get past the FPTP if we don't accept the necessity and value of having more than 2 parties. It's absurd to think that any kind of stable 2 party situation could ever lead to electoral reform.


Subete no aware
We'll never get past the FPTP if we don't accept the necessity and value of having more than 2 parties. It's absurd to think that any kind of stable 2 party situation could ever lead to electoral reform.
Well, the situation as it stands now means Conservative majorities or minorities for a while unless Mulcair steps up and becomes someone that people can rally behind.
Besides, it's not like we weren't in a defacto two party system for as long as the country has been around anyway.
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