True, but they don't even have that base anymore. Where you cannot capture the imagination of Ontarians, you cannot capture their votes.The Liberals have always been whatever they needed to be to get elected, and slowly that has lost them all their power bases except one: Ontario. The Liberal party as it currently stands does not stand for any kind of ideal, not even one as wishy-washy as centrism.
Oh, and as long as McGuinty's in power, the federal Liberals will have a hard time convincing Ontarians that they need another McGuinty in the PM's chair. Somehow, they've grown quite attached to this whole "balance" thing.
At any rate, the left split's impact has absolutely been overstated. And a lot of Liberals break to Conservative as the Liberal vote collapses. But in the last election, when it seemed very most important for them to do so, the CPC only managed about a single points' worth of growth out of the threat of an NDP-led coalition. Liberal swing voters are just plain not a big growth area anymore, and a hell of a lot more of them are willing to swing left than right. Polls show that pretty clearly. The right wing of the Liberal party already left years ago.
I agree with the first statement here but while many more Liberals will break blue than blue will break red (Conservatives have always had a broader and more solid base), the mushy Liberal vote just doesn't show up if they don't hear something good from dear leader. They don't swing so much as they simply get off the playground.
What is left of the "Liberal Swing Vote" once you take out the red tories are actually mushy NDP and always have been, they've just been afraid to vote NDP because they never thought they had a viable chance, until Quebec voters sniffed a strong waft of citrus. They were socially left and economically left and "liked the ideas of the NDP and thought they had a role to play in Parliament" but didn't want them actually in power because they might bankrupt the country. So they voted for the people who governed by public opinion poll.
Now it's okay to ID as a swing dipper. Even though they now stand for about the same number of policies that the Liberals do.