So what's it like living in the worst city in Alberta? trololololo
That city would be Calgary lolololol
So what's it like living in the worst city in Alberta? trololololo
They're deflecting now: It was the Liberals own voting reminder calls from an AMERICAN company that caused all of this, and the Cons did nothing wrong.
Only Harper would take pride in using a Canadian firm to commit election fraud. These scams are job creators. I said two weeks ago that Vik Toews was scum, but it's really his whole party.
Not even surprised... hopefully, something comes out of this.Turns out a bunch of Tory MPs were using American Telemarketing Firms.
CTV News said:Iceland considering switch to Canadian dollar
Will ongoing economic uncertainty about the eurozone push Iceland into the stable arms of the Canadian dollar? While the question may have seemed a loonie one only a decade ago, the idea has been gaining traction recently among Icelandic investors.
Canadian envoy to Iceland sparks loonie controversy
Icelands newfound love for the loonie is sparking a wave of controversy, from Reykjavik to Ottawa.
For 150 years, the rest of the world has shown scant interest in the Canadian dollar the poor cousin to the coveted U.S. greenback.
But now tiny Iceland, still reeling from the aftershocks of the devastating collapse of its banks in 2008, is looking longingly to the loonie as the salvation from wild economic gyrations and suffocating capital controls.
Canadian ambassador to Iceland Alan Bones had planned to deliver remarks to a conference on the future of the Icelandic Krona, making it clear that if Iceland decided to adopt the Canadian dollar, with all its inherent risks, Canada was ready to talk.
It's interesting to read this thread living in the prairies, this thread's sentiment is like 100% totally opposite how people think here. I presume a lot of the posters in this thread are from the eastern provinces.
I agree, but, while the evidence seems to suggest that some illicit activity has taken place, this hasn't fully moved beyond a partisan issue until Elections Canada and the RCMP announce the results of their investigations. The public IMO is discounting what the opposition has to say until such time as a non-partisan government body comes down on one side or the other.
Although we still have to absorb Trinidad and Tobago first.
You're only allowed to go once you finish your investigation for Elections Canada.Yes! I'd put in my request for a transfer in a second!![]()
You're only allowed to go once you finish your investigation for Elections Canada.
The Iceland story is a surprise. I'm just getting the hang of french, please don't make me speak Icelandic too.
Gee, ya think?Uhh, we wouldn't be annexing them, dude.
Uhh, we wouldn't be annexing them, dude.
That city would be Calgary lolololol
I don't care as long as NDPs and the current Liberals don't run the show.
Even if Conservatives did shady business, that doesn't explain the majority gov't. You can't scam your way into a majority if everyone did hate the Conservatives. I'm actually surprised they got the majority.
I don't care as long as NDPs and the current Liberals don't run the show.
Even if Conservatives did shady business, that doesn't explain the majority gov't. You can't scam your way into a majority if everyone did hate the Conservatives. I'm actually surprised they got the majority.
That 39% of the electorate can choose a majority government is one of the absolute worst traits of our system. Mandate my ass. And I feel that way regardless of what party has or doesn't have it.
You know what Canadian politics is lacking? Iceland.
Although we still have to absorb Trinidad and Tobago first.
We can replace the Queen with her on all of our money instead of having Charles.You mean Turks and Caicos.
I'm not sure. Sure Iceland's economy is small, but I don't want them dragging us down if they fuck up again. On the plus side, you know how each Euro-zone country has their own design for their Euros? I want a Canadian $20 with Björk on it!
Turns out a bunch of Tory MPs were using American Telemarketing Firms.
It was just pointing out that Harper and Del Mastro are full of shit.Not really sure how that makes the scandal worse. Lots of research and calling is farmed out to the states because...well...they do robocalling better.
And if they're calling here, they still have to follow our laws.
The prime minister and his parliamentary secretary, Peterborough MP Dean Del Mastro, claimed in the Commons that the Liberals were the only party that used American calling firms.
Weve done some checking, the PM said, and weve only found that it was the Liberal Party that did source its phone calls from the United States.
But documents show 14 Conservative campaigns enlisted the telephone services of an Ohio company called Front Porch Strategies.
In fact, Del Mastros own campaign used the American firm twice during his successful bid for re-election last year.
There is nothing illegal about Canadian political campaigns using the services of American telemarketing firms, and it is unclear why the Conservatives tried to tarnish the Liberals with the issue.
It was just pointing out that Harper and Del Mastro are full of shit.
Del Mastro is the definition of what is wrong with Canadian politics at the moment.
We dont even bother trying to chase down, trace back and correct all these Elections Canada errors anymore, Mr. Vellacott said. Too much valuable campaign time would be used up on such a project.
Call centre operators and automated calling systems are only as good as the data provided to them, he said.
So now the Conservatives are blaming Elections Canada for this. Wow.
Robocalls scandal likely the fault of Elections Canada: Tory MP
That 39% of the electorate can choose a majority government is one of the absolute worst traits of our system. Mandate my ass. And I feel that way regardless of what party has or doesn't have it.
I'm a little surprised the suspension of parliament isn't in the list of the Conservatives dirty tactics. I'm always amazed they managed to convince people that a coalition was undemocratic: as if the majority of elected officials working together was some how the worst possible thing for democracy.
This. To my utter shame I voted against electoral reform in Ontario. I'm really tempted to switch my vote to NDP (currently Green supporter) if they're still pushing for reform come next election (and if Quebec will keep propping them up to being a viable alternative).
I don't understand how this works at all. Youtube videos are now a breach of privilege?!
Three annoying things that banks do to customers are about to become history.
Following up on commitments made in the past two budgets, the federal government has announced measures that will stop banks from mailing unsolicited credit card convenience cheques to customers, and that will reduce the holding period on newly deposited cheques. The banks will also have to stop being so secretive about the penalties clients must pay when they want to get out of a mortgage early.
The government said in its 2010 budget that it would standardize the calculation and disclosure of mortgage penalties. The measures just announced don’t address the fact that mortgage lenders use different methods to calculate penalties, some of which hit borrowers harder than others. But they do require banks to:
* Annually show customers how they can pay off their mortgages faster without incurring prepayment charges.
* Provide online mortgage penalty calculators.
* Offer a toll-free phone line that customers can call to talk to bank staff about mortgage prepayment penalties and find out the actual charge that would apply.
* Disclose the details of how actual mortgage prepayment penalties are calculated (example: whether three months’ interest is being used, or a calculation called the interest rate differential that looks at how much interest a bank is losing out on if you break your mortgage).
These rules will be introduced over the next six to 12 months or so, and they apply specifically to new mortgages. The Department of Finance says the measures will be applied to existing mortgages “where it is feasible to do so.” Business mortgages are not covered.
The new rules for cheques take effect Aug. 1. They’ll limit banks to a four-day hold on newly deposited cheques of less than $1,500, which is down from five to seven days right now in many cases. Also, banks will have to provide immediate access to the first $100 deposited in a branch; for cheques deposited by bank machine, access to the first $100 would come the next business day.
Isn´t Canada really good at policing its banking sector? That´s one thing I´ve always heard from the US.Holy shit, the Conservatives do something that actually helps people:
Isn´t Canada really good at policing its banking sector? That´s one thing I´ve always heard from the US.
Ya, the Conservatives are not behaving very innocent or responsibly. If they get nailed with election fraud it would be the biggest scandal in Canadian history.
Seems like the Conservatives hired an Edmonton company (nepotism? or just an attempt to cover their tracks?) to make the voter suppression robocalls in Guelph and tried to hide the fact by not officially reporting that election expense, which is illegal.
Holy shit, the Conservatives do something that actually helps people:
The request from the Conservatives to the Liberals to release their records is an old ploy, a really good Rovian tactic. Accuse your accuser of you what you're being accused of. What I don't understand is why it works? Why don't people call that out immediately? The Liberals fell into the trap of releasing their records with NO payoff. Ugh. The Conservatives seem to be better at playing the game than the other parties.
The request from the Conservatives to the Liberals to release their records is an old ploy, a really good Rovian tactic. Accuse your accuser of you what you're being accused of. What I don't understand is why it works? Why don't people call that out immediately? The Liberals fell into the trap of releasing their records with NO payoff. Ugh. The Conservatives seem to be better at playing the game than the other parties.
I disagree. Releasing the records right off the bat completely defuses the Conservative argument, and if they didn't do it the CPC would just hammer on it in QP for the next four years.
It also emphasizes the fact that the CPC itself won't do the same, and the Liberals get to take the moral high ground. If the NDP do the same that doesn't leave a lot of question about the Conservative's guilt or complicity in the matter.
For the people that actually pay attention, you are correct. Unfortunately, most people don't pay attention unless it is repeated ad nauseum and frequently. It'll be interesting to see whether or not this is quickly forgotten or if it blows up.
I guess I'm a little more skeptical than usual since earlier this week I overhead a Canadian gentleman saying that Obama was clearly a muslim, was empathetic to the muslims and wasn't even American, and that he was ACTIVELY trying to destroy America, and by proxy (LOL, what does that even mean?) Canada. Anecdotal, yes, but I didn't think such ignorance was possible. :/
Even Canada has Conservatives. That's how Harper has a majority. Well, that and maybe illegal voter suppression.