But PR is less democratic than FPTP, we'd have the popular national vote imposing MPs on ridings and municipalities rather than the local constituents deciding. Don't get me wrong, I get where you're coming from on this, it's just that if the grits (for example) take all of Ontario and urban Quebec- which would be a massive portion of the national population, why should that decide who the MP in other parts of the country are?
But until recently...
Quebec and Ontario already decided the winner. Hell for decades, even before the polls closed in BC, the elections were called.
Harper in recent years simply supplanted Quebec with Western Canada, and did the same concept.
Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I did mean to get rid of ridings entirely. I think the concept is great but the party line gets in the way of what the region wants... its now what the party on whole wants
I mean look at Canada overall as a whole. Most people voted for a party in the center or left of centre? The conservatives won a majority of the seats but don't have a popular vote majority, not even close.
And yet, we have a majority government that is right of center making all the calls for a country that really isn't that way at all... HOW is that more democratic in any sense? Thats undemocratic because it doesn't reflect the
overall desires of the people in the country.
IMO, a government only deserves a majority when it has a majority of the people's vote. That's why I think this system is completely broken from top to bottom. Easily exploited too when you factor in split voting and how things go down when you have 4 left of center parties and one right of center party.
PR is best imo, because it forces parties to work together (like they are supposed to do) in coalitions or minority governments. There is some check and balance and some bi-partisan work being done if the "governing" party wants to stay in power. This is what you are supposed to do, work together. Its a concept long gone to this country im afraid.
Currently, when a government has a majority under this system I feel like we are in for a four year ride where the government gets to do whatever they want essentially because they had most seats. As I said the only time a majority in PR would take place is under a real majority of votes.