You Are Viewtiful
Ontario Tories are suffering from a pretty bad lack of quality candidates at the moment. Long years of opposition plus the federal conservatives sucking up all the top talent have me wondering who could even replace Hudak?
Frank Klees is a cool dude. His party hates him though since he ran for Speaker and could have given the Liberals a majority. He convinced Hudak to change his anti-transit attitude for example.
I happen to like the Westminister model. Proroguing parliament is a problem but you can put checks in place that makes it difficult, like when the Ontario NDP got the Ontario Grits to agree to pass legislation that requires a majority to prorogue parliament, and there must be a set date when the House resumes.
Preferential ballots encourage partisan politics. I don't think we need more of that. When an MP votes with party line despite constituents' desires, it just makes people cynical towards the whole process. If there's any change needed in our system, I think there needs to be more MP involvement in their ridings, and more accountability/transparency rules by increasing the powers and protections of independent third parties and watchdogs.