Wynne is threatening to sue Hudak![]()
Ehh, I'm not really a Wynne fan, but accusing a Conservative of lying? Reality is on her side.
Sorry man, but there is no bigger liar in Canadian politics than McGuinty (except maaaaybe Ford), and IMO Wynne is more or less cut from the same cloth.
I hope Hudak calls her bluff and countersues. Ontario will get its judicial inquiry without paying for it![]()
Libel is still libel even if you don't like her.
It is not a question of like, people should be free to criticize public figures and institutions including the Premier and OLP, it is called free speech. Either way, I don't think it's libel because I don't buy her story.
Knowing it happened versus ordering it to happen are not the same thing. Hudak isn't claiming simply that she knew, but that it was all her doing.
"She oversaw and possibly ordered the criminal destruction of documents to cover up the gas plant scandal.”
Those are his exact words, with my emphasis. I think he's covered. She was campaign co-chair that ordered the cancellation of the gas plants, her signature is on the contract that cancelled the Oakville gas plant, but she claims she didn't read what she was signing (lol). I don't really see anything libelous in that statement.
It's one thing saying it in the House, it's entirely different saying it at a news conference...as far as legalities go
Just heard Bertrand's pool story... lmao wtf. Are you telling me 35% of Quebeckers not only want to give these people a province but a whole damn country xD Good luck
More like he "resigned".
Is this what Journal de Montréal feeds Quebeckers? That Alberta has an 84% chance of defaulting?
Your report says Alberta has a high chance of defaulting because of its deficit but it has the largest surplus in Canada.Your report is outdated and its predictions already proven wrong.![]()
Journal de Montréal? It was reported by Macleans and the report was made for the RBC by the MacDonald-Laurier Institute. Of course you must know better, but you have nothing to back up your claims.
At the 30-year threshold, the model assigns the highest default probability to Alberta, despite the fact that this province carries the highest bond ratings and is the only province that currently has no Net Debt. Alberta performs relatively poorly in the model analysis for two reasons. First, the province is running substantial budget deficits today. As with Ontario, these deficits are projected to persist. Second, StatCan projects that Alberta will experience more rapid growth in its senior citizen population than any other province. Since the size
of the senior population is assumed to drive health costs, the implicit assumption is that
Alberta will be driven further and further into the red.
Second, StatCan projects that Alberta will experience
more rapid growth in its senior citizen population than any other province. Since the size
of the senior population is assumed to drive health costs, the implicit assumption is that
Alberta will be driven further and further into the red.
So lets break this down: its fine for you to go to another province and refuse to speak their language, and you expect to get service in your own mother tongue. However, when the Quebecois come to your province, they have to speak English, and they should expect to receive service only in English. Its fine for you to speak zero French, but the Quebecois need to suck it up and speak English, right?
Francophones in Quebec had a pretty shitty deal up until the Quiet Revolution. They were kept oppressed by various premiers (but especially Duplessis) and (unsurprisingly) the Catholic church. English was (and, really, still is) the de-facto language of the federal government, and the majority of the ruling class in Quebec were anglophones. In order to get a good job in Quebec, it helped greatly to be perfectly fluent in English. It helped even more to have an anglophone surname.
Before the Quiet Revolution, unemployment for able-bodied francophone men was high, reaching 50% in some areas, but for the anglos it remained low. Although 80 percent of the Quebecois were francophone, they owned only 28.3% of the businesses in the province. The majority of those businesses were involved in manufacturing, but they accounted for only 15.4% of Quebecs production. The anglos controlled everything else.
And then there was the threat against the francophone language and culture. Seems ridiculous, right? Except that its not. Lets look at another francophone culture in Canada: the Acadians (i.e. my people!).
The vast majority of people with Acadian surnames are anglophones (myself included). Up until recently, it was often economically and culturally advantageous for the Acadians to assimilate, and many of them did. When my great-grandmother moved from rural Cape Breton to Halifax, she stopped speaking French altogether, even though it was her mother tongue. She didnt teach her children to speak French, and would flat-out refuse to speak to her brothers and sisters in any language except English. For her, there seemed to be little advantage in passing her culture along to her children, and every advantage in having them grow up speaking only English. Towards the end of her life she began to regret her decision, but by then, of course, it was too late.
My mother (who was, dont forget, an anglophone who grew up in pre and post Quiet Revolution Quebec) has always said that its easier to be an anglophone in Quebec than a francophone anywhere in the rest of Canada. You are far, far more likely to be able to find English services in Quebec than French services anywhere else.
QS??? They have nothing to do with the PQ think tank group.
QS is actually playing spoiler and are actually taking away the urban left wing separatist vote away from the PQ making it impossible for the PQ to win a majority due to vote splitting.
What about how QS wants to ban religious icons from being worn by state employees who hold a coercive power, is that wrong?
Oh my GOD!!! the BAN on religious gear is JUST A PLOY!!
A gimiick, a parlour trick!
All of us falling into THIS MADE UP debate about the charter is the PQ's game to sucker the opposition parties into it
the Charter of Values is 101% electoral to win votes, to take over the identity issue, and to provoke a fight against Ottawa.
QS and CAQ's stances on the subject don't matter. The PQ didn't make a consensus with the CAQ or QS during minority goverment because the PQ NEVER WANTED to have concesus with the other parties.
The PQ wanted to drage the Charter and make it the main election issue.
Wake UP! You got played
What about how QS wants to ban religious icons from being worn by state employees who hold a coercive power, is that wrong?
edit: What is vote splitting? People aren't allowed to vote for who they want without being said to be taking votes from the bigger parties?
As an outsider I would say yes. There is nothing scary or "coercive" about a police woman or judge wearing hijab.
Why not answer my question? We can walk and chew bubble gum at the same, why can't you speak about that particular issue?
because the THINK TANKS and using it to manipulate the nationalists in thinking that it isIf the charter really isn't an issue, why are you debating it with such passion?
So can a police officer hang a Habs logo on the rear-view mirror of the police car?
If the charter really isn't an issue, why are you debating it with such passion?
The very fact it's being debated means it's important for a significant portion of the electorate.
There's no trick here. If people support it (which they do in a significant majority as confirmed by several polls), if people care enough to talk about it, then it's a meaningful issue.because the THINK TANKS and using it to manipulate the nationalists in thinking that it is
Already did previously, and I don't see how it applies to my point (in fact, that's further proving my point because you went straight to an opinion piece)
Why not lol
I disagree with your previous point about not deciding what counts as a religion, on a case by case basis. I am pretty sure we've got 99.9% of (serious) religions covered under the current system.
If a person believes he is being discriminated against, he can take it to the Human Rights Council. I'm pretty sure if you take it that far then people will start to believe you are serious about your religion (or mentally ill)
"I am pretty sure we've got 99.9% of (serious) religions covered under the current system."
See post above. It doesn't matter why they care, but they do, therefore it's important just like the many other issues all parties involved want us to care about.how can someone who lives in the boonies hundred of miles away from Montreal ever conceive of the thought of laying eyes on a visible minority or a religious minority who happens to wear headgear in the public sector?
who made them care about this topic?
I will tell you who:
an invented issue
See post above. It doesn't matter why they care, but they do, therefore it's important just like the many other issues all parties involved want us to care about.
ALL issues are invented by someone, it's just a matter of who's better at pushing their agenda.
Ether, you babble on and on on HYPOTHETICALs
but where are the documents that lists the complaints?
Drainville doesn`t`want to show publicly the messages and mail he received about this
It's a Seinfeld episode, a Law about Nothing
you are being boring with you Devil's Advocate. Bring forth proofs about there ever being a problem in the public sector.
See post above. It doesn't matter why they care, but they do, therefore it's important just like the many other issues all parties involved want us to care about.
ALL issues are invented by someone, it's just a matter of who's better at pushing their agenda.
If we go further, can the police officer wear a Habs' cap? Is that also "Why not lol"?
Imagine a tourist from Boston coming to Montreal to see a Bruins VS Habs game. Outside the Bell center a few police officiers are wearing Habs caps, and arrest the man. He believes the arrest is unwarranted. Would he not be justified in believing that he may have received unfair treatment? Is it really necessary to let a police officer show who his favorite hockey team is? Would we not be better off with forbidding state employees from displaying an image which does not fit with their expected neutrality in their duties?
So already you are "pretty sure" that we have have some arbitrary definition of 99.9% of (serious) religions, covered under the current system (what system? the constitution? it's quite vague). I wonder where they are cataloged, and by who, under what system. What are the requirements to be a (serious) religion? Ultimately you are saying that the state must categorize (serious) religions. That seems discriminatory and outright excessive lawmaking.
Let's see: You are claiming that the state employees can hold a non-neutral image in relation to their expected duties (wear whatever they want, be it political messages, favorite sport team, religious affiliation). But the fact is right now a police officer CANNOT wear a Habs cap, nor can a Revenue Québec employee wear a PQ shirt. So why can a religious police officer wear a religious hat? Why is he given a privilege? Because his motivation to wear the hat is claimed to be religious, when this is something which is impossible to prove, because one's belief in religion can always be questioned; some claim to be religious out of fear of repercussion from their social circle? To fix this contradiction you have to go back to cataloging religions otherwise the Revenue Québec employee could claim to be wearing a PQ shirt out of religious beliefs, which means the state has to establish which religions exist and which don't, and even go deeper and establish what doctrine is specifically recognized by the state for each of those religions. Again, it is extremely illogical for the state to do this and highly discriminatory.
Even if the limit was only applied to state employees who hold a coercive power, which state employees really hold a coercive power? Does the tax agency's employees hold coercive power? Because ultimately no one can be found guilty but by a judge, yet police officers are considered to be employees who hold coercive power, so clearly it has nothing to do with the resulting ability to cast a sentence. In mental institutions, the employees hold obvious coercive power, but various other institutions hold less obvious coercive power. It's quite a blurry line to try and define where projecting an image that isn't neutral isn't a going to have negative implications in the application of the employees' duties.
As things are, the Canadian constitution is discriminatory since it grants privilege to those who claim to hold religious beliefs, unsurprisingly since it is an old and outdated constitution which Quebec has not ratified for good reasons and which is based on older British constitutions from the time Britain was a god-fearing empire.
Why not instead do as you claim?
No cataloging of beliefs to establish a list of state-recognized religions, no excessive legislation, no privilege, same rules for everyone, no discrimination. And if you then feel discriminated against, take it to the court? Because at end of the day, in this manner, we are all on the same footing.
This is directly in continuity with the progress we have made in this nation (Quebec) over the past decades.