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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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The Wildrose was definitely a faction split from within the PC party, then attracted new supporters from people who weren't previously involved with politics with their grassroots/Tea Party style nonsense.

I don't think there is likely to be more split than that, the PC has too much power and there is too much downside to not being a member for most MLAs.
Hehe always love these things



According to the compass thing I have affinities with QS and Le Parti Vert and have no affinities with the PLQ and PCQ. Makes sense I guess since I'm more on the left.


They are playing it exactly as expected so far. It's pretty boring so far. Marois and Couillard repeat the same keywords, David doesn't seem to be happy to be there and Legault seems to be firing in all directions when it's not really the time to do so.


It'a bit better now. Marois appears nervous and not in control, not like a PM. She got really angry twice already. Her defense of PKP and his empire and the obvious conflicts of interests is pathetic. David is the best one to humanize the themes but she's selling dreams and not the reality. 180 000 job in public transportations, lol. Her idea about the CLSC easily trumps the super clinic idea from Couillard though. Legault was strong on the jobs part (especially the zero jobs jab) but has been average on the rest. Couillard appears calm but less so when he's facing Marois. Not sure his numbers wars really appeal to voters. Dodged poorly David question on him shopping a job in the private sector while he was Ministre de la Santé.


Probably the best reply by Marois tonight :

Couillard : Because of your secularity charter many women will lose their jobs.

Marois : The only woman that lost her job in the same of secularity so far that I know of is Fatima Houda Pépin.

Nice one liners but many nurses and doctors are already planning their exit if not already left.

Marois is going batshit insane. She needs to calm down lol. Maybe it's because I can't relate to these nonsense "identity" issues.
I think this debate changes nothing but a few left wing votes towards QS.

this debate was a dud and wont move any needles with the exception towards QS that hurts the PQ from the left flank


I don't get why there's not a big federalist left/center-left political party in Québec. It's clearly what's missing and it would probably be very popular.


I don't get why there's not a big federalist left/center-left political party in Québec. It's clearly what's missing and it would probably be very popular.

There were rumours the NDP was going to form a provincial party actually since before the last election, so QS did a double-take on independence and took their orange colors in anticipation. We haven't heard of that since.


There were rumours the NDP was going to form a provincial party actually since before the last election, so QS did a double-take on independence and took their orange colors in anticipation. We haven't heard of that since.

I remember hearing Mulcair mention in an interview that there were some people trying to start up a Quebec NDP. So certainly more than just rumours at this point, but maybe still not a sure thing.
NPDQ exist. Registered as an official party last month. It will run in the next elections. I have mixed feelings about having two federalist parties. And let's face it, it's the 21st century. Look at NDP governments everywhere, sooner or later they start governing like Liberals anyway lol


that would be a horrible idea that would divide the federalist vote an benifit the evil PQ

It would at least give me (and many others) a party to vote for...

God I hate that damn political system. I'm pretty much forced to vote for the CAQ just to block the PQ. Vomit.


NPDQ exist. Registered as an official party last month. It will run in the next elections. I have mixed feelings about having two federalist parties. And let's face it, it's the 21st century. Look at NDP governments everywhere, sooner or later they start governing like Liberals anyway lol

Interesting. Although it seems like they just won't have enough time to organize and find candidates to put up any real effort in time for the current election. But I'm curious to see what happens next time.


NPDQ exist. Registered as an official party last month. It will run in the next elections. I have mixed feelings about having two federalist parties. And let's face it, it's the 21st century. Look at NDP governments everywhere, sooner or later they start governing like Liberals anyway lol

Curious to see how that will turn out. Without a left-leaning federalist party on the provincial level, I feel it makes politics too right-leaning, since anyone who is federalist has to pretty much accept whatever policy the non-sovereignist parties promote. I think it would be a good thing, although I doubt they would stand against privatization of Hydro-Quebec, SAQ, Loto-Quebec, etc.


here is my compass: economicly centrist and socially liberal

Your chart shows you as a federalist conservative, or neo-liberal. How much you agree with the political parties is the important part, not the position on the dumb chart on the left. You are close to the right-leaning parties, far from the left.
Maybe they can make a pact like the Liberals-Greens were supposed to under Dion. Hold joint nominations in ridings, and whoever wins those will get to represent federalists in that riding. Run and campaign on different platforms (not sure if they'll be allowed two podiums in debates though). Then once you get into the assembly they can work out a minority government-soft coalition kind of deal (unless of course, one party wins enough seats for a majority).

I think the main reason the federal NDP wants a Quebec NDP so bad is because no one in Quebec cares about federal politics. That's why they only have 12,000 Quebec memebers vs 30,000 for the Bloc. A Quebec NDP can help them get more members which will naturally make them a stronger force on the federal level. If they had more members without the provincial wing, I think they would have let the Quebec Liberals do their thing.


Maybe they can make a pact like the Liberals-Greens were supposed to under Dion. Hold joint nominations in ridings, and whoever wins those will get to represent federalists in that riding. Run and campaign on different platforms (not sure if they'll be allowed two podiums in debates though). Then once you get into the assembly they can work out a minority government-soft coalition kind of deal (unless of course, one party wins enough seats for a majority).

I think the main reason the federal NDP wants a Quebec NDP so bad is because no one in Quebec cares about federal politics. That's why they only have 12,000 Quebec memebers vs 30,000 for the Bloc. A Quebec NDP can help them get more members which will naturally make them a stronger force on the federal level. If they had more members without the provincial wing, I think they would have let the Quebec Liberals do their thing.

Not true, QC has the third highest turnout


People care about how the decisions taken by Ottawa impacts them or doesn't represent them. The NDP having 12,000 members is pretty good considering how it only became popular during the last election. It will grow over time. If they make a provincial party it will because it helps them to stay in the public's mind, to really drive the point that people shouldn't vote for them just to stop the conservatives.

But I still doubt we'll see them by the next elections, I think behind the scene QS will try to convince them not to run. QS gave them their support last time and they are stuck having to favor independence for some time. If NDPQ appears, it will force QS to distinguish themselves almost solely on that point, pushing them even further towards independence promotion. It would be a huge blow for them because they would spend their time fighting the NDP rather than the PQ.

Personally I welcome more political parties at the assembly, we need five or six with a minimum of five deputies. QS will likely have three or four this time. NDPQ could start with similar numbers without QS losing any.
Your chart shows you as a federalist conservative, or neo-liberal. How much you agree with the political parties is the important part, not the position on the dumb chart on the left. You are close to the right-leaning parties, far from the left.

Everyone else is right leaning according to you lefty-left go-gauche. LOL even when the economic bar is centered smack in the middle


Everyone else is right leaning according to you lefty-left go-gauche. LOL even when the economic bar is centered smack in the middle

It means nothing, you answered specific questions which aligned you with the conservative parties' stances. That means you want to privatize the electricity company, charge old people for their health services, keep corporate and rich people taxes low, probably no environment protection, etc. You don't get that political alignment without answering the questions with right-leaning answers on almost everything.
I was talking about federal party membership wise. Most NDP card carrying members are from the West or Ontario (-especially- BC). Quebec is the weakspot, and it's because Quebeckers aren't very likely to join federal parties, opting for provincial ones instead. Obviously things like this don't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I image Party HQ wouldn't mind more members and more $$$.
It means nothing, you answered specific questions which aligned you with the conservative parties' stances. That means you want to privatize the electricity company, charge old people for their health services, keep corporate and rich people taxes low, probably no environment protection, etc. You don't get that political alignment without answering the questions with right-leaning answers on almost everything.

you don't know how to look at charts, the dot was in the middle on the economy, not on the right... oh oh it was like 1mm off center. so to you, everyone else is a conservative.

You are a conservative on identity. You are as close as France's Front National on race, religion, heritage, langauge, identity. Look how far up your are on identity :p

Why in the blue would I want to privatize Hydro? I don't care that I pay taxes for Hydro because we pay less then other provinces, + I fondly remember what happened when Mike Harris did it in Ontario.

My memory goes way way back, you are more conservative than me. I am inclusive
I thought Harper already set in motion the ability to rewrite the law if the Supreme Court rules against him?

Don't see how. The ruling states that the only way the appointment laws can change is through a constitutional amendment that also has to be agreed upon by the provinces.


I thought Harper already set in motion the ability to rewrite the law if the Supreme Court rules against him?

Stroke down already

Section 6.1 of the Act (clause 472 of Economic Action Plan 2013 Act, No. 2) is ultra vires of Parliament acting alone, since it substantively changes the eligibility requirements for appointments to the Quebec seats on the Court under s. 6. The assertion that it is a declaratory provision does not alter its import. However, s. 5.1 (clause 471) does not alter the law as it existed in 1982 and is therefore validly enacted under s. 101 of the Constitution Act, 1867, although it is redundant.


BTW guys, for everyone here in Quebec wishing that they could acutally vote for parties that actually reflect what they want and not have votes for left wing parties help the right wing or votes for federalist parties help soverignist ones (thanks crazy FPTP system). Here's a campaign to change just that.


They've got some sort of event on Mar 22nd.
BTW guys, for everyone here in Quebec wishing that they could acutally vote for parties that actually reflect what they want and not have votes for left wing parties help the right wing or votes for federalist parties help soverignist ones (thanks crazy FPTP system). Here's a campaign to change just that.


They've got some sort of event on Mar 22nd.
i agree that every person's vote should have the equal weight as any vote.
our FPTP system complete silences minority voters, stifles the urban vote but gives way too much power to rural votes. Which is completely insane!

I am a staunch believer that 1 person = 1 vote.

Sovereignty is to be respect as a people by moving away from multiculturalism imposed on us by Canada that prevents us from exercising our own choices as a secular francophone society.

This is why I am against independence, no matter the party.
Just card-carrying members, or those who vote for them too? Are you saying that 37% of Canadians.....hate Canada? :p

Mulroney tried to bow to seperatists with th Distinct Society clause in Meech Lake Accord.
Mulroney is co-chair of Quebecor, which is PKP's media empire. PKP being a PQ candidate.
Harper was a Reform regionalist and has a hate on Federal institutions such as the Supreme Court.
Harper had PKP at his home, Harper cozzied up to PKP on trying to lax the CRTC to help Sun News (owned by PKP)

Conservatives are not Federalists, they are regionalsits
Oh, I didn't know you got to decide who was a proper Canadian and who wasn't. Good to know.
Politically, if a so-called Federalist politician cozzies up to a separatist politician,then they are no longer a true Federalist.

A true Federalist (politician) does not deal with a separatist politician. (Denis Lebel, transport minister was a card carrying member of the Bloc :p)
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