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Catalonia to split from Spain within 48 hours of secession vote

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Junior Member
Oh I know, papers were dreadful but there was huge backlash on social media over those last few days and I think a repeat of those attacks will just end up in same result if not even more dramatic.

I think the media will step up their game, we'll see, won't be for a while.
I can't imagine a government much worse than May's but Rajoy has managed to be a lot more hateable .


No, a minority of catalan people feel superior and are trying to violate the constitution, and the Goverment elected by all Spanish people is applying the law (the constitutional court declared the referendum illegal, no the Goverment) to stop it, in a rough way that I dont approve, but applying the law, the same way that the Labour party did in Northern Ireland a decade ago.

Funny that you dont condemn that "ethnic minority's" man racist declarations,, though.

We dont feel superior, we never did.
The Spanish constitution was already violated by Pp itself. Also democracy should never under the law. What we are living in Catalonia is repression by a facist state.


No, a minority of catalan people feel superior and are trying to violate the constitution, and the Goverment elected by all Spanish people is applying the law (the constitutional court declared the referendum illegal, no the Goverment) to stop it, in a rough way that I dont approve, but applying the law, the same way that the Labour party did in Northern Ireland a decade ago.

Funny that you dont condemn that "ethnic minority's" man racist declarations,, though.
False, 80% of Catalonians wants to vote.

More videos:


This is the answer of the spanish government against people who ONLY wants to vote. Against normal people of all ages, women, elders... Spain is not anymore a democracy.
You just did it again

This has already happened with Vall d'Aran, a region inside Catalonia with independence desires. The Generalitat (Catalan government) recognized their right to do so if they want.


So yeah, next.

Valle de Aran is a really small region, are you going to allow Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, to stay within Spain??

Because, you know, most people in Barcelona dont want independece according to polls.

Or, basically no major catalan city besides Girona wants independence, is more of a rural thing.
This isn't ignoring every law though. This is just wanting a independence vote.

I am personally fine with an independence vote.

...but the measure for independence should not be 50%, it should be 60 or 2/3. Also, sub regions should be able to vote to stay.

As I understand it they are significant areas of Catalonia that don't want to succeed. How is it any less tyrannical to force them out of Spain than what the Spanish government is doing to suppress this vote?


With taxes he is, but not with regions. Catalionan goverment has zero right, legal or moral, to try to force regions or cities that want to stay as part of Spain if their citzens vote no.

The taxes is what I was in about. Catalan should have the right to vote for independence it is as simple as that. Do it legally and see what happens.

Nice argumentation buddy boyo.

Don't call me boyo, it's a racist term. You are the dude who seems to be against Catalans so badly.


Are you actually saying that the instigator of violence is the victim?

Fuck sake.
It was known beforehand what would happen. It's not the victim's fault, I feel for all the people who are injured in this. But the organizers, the pro-independence politicians knew that this would happen.

They also knew that such violent acts would increase support for Catalan independence not only regionally but worldwide.


The taxes is what I was in about. Catalan should have the right to vote for independence it is as simple as that. Do it legally and see what happens.


The problem is there's no way to do it legally unfortunatelly. So it's going to be a shit storm either way.


No, a minority of catalan people feel superior and are trying to violate the constitution, and the Goverment elected by all Spanish people is applying the law (the constitutional court declared the referendum illegal, no the Goverment) to stop it, in a rough way that I dont approve, but applying the law, the same way that the Labour party did in Northern Ireland a decade ago.

Funny that you dont condemn that "ethnic minority's" man racist declarations,, though.

Its funny the illegal argument. People against referendum is using it as a shield but at the same time are choosing a goverment that is known because they dont care about legality and has been punished already.

Catalan people doesn't feel superior btw, only different to the rest of Spain.
The taxes is what I was in about. Catalan should have the right to vote for independence it is as simple as that. Do it legally and see what happens.

Don't call me boyo. You are the dude who seems to be against Catalans so badly.

My mother is catalan, you know. Half my family is, and also my girlfriend.

Im against a civil conflict enforced by a nationalistic movement, you know, the same nationalism thah killed millions in the XXth century.


They are not equivalent, but they both should be punishable by the law, as they are.

If the referendum was meaningless from the start, Spain should have sat back and let the Catalans have their little democracy play moment and nothing would change, but what did they do? They rolled an army of police into town that were dressed up like they belonged in the bomb squad and violently confiscated ballot boxes and beat anyone who resisted. What are they trying to hide?


Valle de Aran is a really small region, are you going to allow Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, to stay within Spain??

Because, you know, most people in Barcelona dont want independece according to polls.

Or, basically no major catalan city besides Girona wants independence, is more of a rural thing.

I just rebutted the exact scenario you described. Stop moving goalposts when it's more than evident you don't like catalans very much.
I think the media will step up their game, we'll see, won't be for a while.
I can't imagine a government much worse than May's but Rajoy has managed to be a lot more hateable .

Thankfully paper media is being replaced in the hearts and minds of the young by tv and social media. Theresa May is a monster in my eyes, and those voting for her are complicit in the brutality shown vs the disabled here in the last 5 years. I hate to think what the likes of Rees Mogg would do.
Its funny the illegal argument. People against referendum is using it as a shield but at the same time are choosing a goverment that is known because they dont care about legality and has been punished already.

Catalan people doesn't feel superior btw, only different to the rest of Spain
Different as in less poors.

You can pretend that isn't a factor, but there is a reason why Catalonia started pushing for a referendum in this age after a major financial crisis in their country, and not when times were good.


My mother is catalan, you know. Half my family is, and also my girlfriend.

Im against a civil conflict enforced by a nationalistic movement, you know, the same nationalism thah killed millions in the XXth century.

Civil conflict was the police beating down voters. I believe any region, you notice I don't just say Catalonia should have the right to be independent.


Different as in less poors.

You can pretend that isn't a factor, but there is a reason why Catalonia started pushing for a referendum in this age after a major financial crisis in their country, and not when times were good.

So being fed up with corrupt governance isn't a noble cause for secession?
I just rebutted the exact scenario you described. Stop moving goalposts when it's more than evident you don't like catalans very much.


Rebutt it again, I dind't read it.

Oh, the independence decision is going to be city by city, region by region, town by town???

Where's the limit exactly, my fellow Spanish?


Yes, PP started as Alianza Popular (Popular Alliance), founded by former Francoist authorities.
Indeed, PP are the political heirs of dictator Franco.

This is one of the main reasons Catalans (republican majority) wants to vote, since in spain PP has the majority of votes.
I just rebutted the exact scenario you described. Stop moving goalposts when it's more than evident you don't like catalans very much.

Stop supporting the tyranny of a slim majority trying to force regions of Catalonia who don't want to succeed to come with them.
My mother is catalan, you know. Half my family is, and also my girlfriend.

Im against a civil conflict enforced by a nationalistic movement, you know, the same nationalism thah killed millions in the XXth century.

I'll say I'm sorry when the Catalan Hitler invades the world, but for now I'm content in saying you're talking nonsense.


So abandoning your countrymen to a "corrupt" government is a noble cause now?

If they keep voting for them, let them lie in their beds? What else are they meant to do?
I'm confused. Can anyone tell me if this referendum is legal or not?

By the constitution of Spain, it is not legal. The awkward moment comes when Catalonia rejects their obligation to the constitution and attempts a democratic vote on their obligation, only to be forcibly prevented from doing so, like they're some naughty puppy that is having their noses rubbed in the piss on the carpet
Stop supporting the tyranny of a slim majority trying to force regions of Catalonia who don't want to succeed to come with them.

If 6 million of people do a voting, all 6 million of people should accept the result.

That's how democracy works.

Same as brexit, same as other many democratic votes around the world.
Rajoy makes David Cameron look like a democracy Jesus.

Going hard-line created the opposite intended reaction

Cameron just asked for a clearer question than the first subjective one and agreed to the terms. And Scotland voted without a bar fight.

Rajoy? Totally used the worst play from the playbook now has turned Madrid into the villains
If they keep voting for them, let them lie in their beds? What else are they meant to do?
Of course there is corruption in the Spanish government. However, it is far from an exceptional amount

The "corruption" line is a just a smokescreen to hide that many just don't want to pay for poor people, no matter how much you pretend otherwise. As I said previously, the timing of this movement speaks volumes.

Worldwide corruption index:



Rebutt it again, I dind't read it.

Oh, the independence decision is going to be city by city, region by region, town by town???

Where's the limit exactly, my fellow Spanish?

If we look at the last election results that doesnt look much of an issue:

But anyway, feel free to keep moving the goalposts. By the way you speak it's obvious you are either a troll or someone with lots of hate in its life.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm confused. Can anyone tell me if this referendum is legal or not?
Questions of legality are where we have transitioned from democracy to bureaucracy.

Everyone has the right to a vote. That’s Democracy. The state doesn’t have a monopoly on individual voices. Whether that vote counts is a different story. But you should have the right to express your view by way of vote. I mean, you can vote for your favourite fucking pop star on X factor, but you get beaten for expressing a voice.

In my view, if you are told you can’t vote before, and beaten up for trying to vote, then I know where the illegality lies here.
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