Even better, as long as it gets stuck in your head is all that matters.sdornan said:I don't like that one as much though.
Even better, as long as it gets stuck in your head is all that matters.sdornan said:I don't like that one as much though.
MrCompletely said:At least its not the OT of Shiny Happy People Holding Hands
Tabris said:Why is Mao Zedong no longer available? Also why is Stalin no longer available? I'm not a big fan of them picking politically correct leaders. Make the most famous leaders or the leader that most exemplifies their civilization. Wu Zetian hardly does that. Create a leader from the Ming Dynasty instead if you don't want to do Mao Zedong.
Stalin hasn't been in a Civ game since the original. How long has it been since you've played a Civ game?Tabris said:Why is Mao Zedong no longer available? Also why is Stalin no longer available? I'm not a big fan of them picking politically correct leaders. Make the most famous leaders or the leader that most exemplifies their civilization. Wu Zetian hardly does that. Create a leader from the Ming Dynasty instead if you don't want to do Mao Zedong.
I'm assuming you're replying about the demo and not Mao/Stalin.pix said:Yes it will be a seperate download.
XiaNaphryz said:I'm assuming you're replying about the demo and not Mao/Stalin.![]()
XiaNaphryz said:Stalin hasn't been in a Civ game since the original. How long has it been since you've played a Civ game?
As for where this game fits into the series, Civilization V isnt necessarily a definitively better empire-building game on Civilization IV as that would be almost impossible. This is more of an equal that exists in parallel, offering a fresh and invigorating style of play with more emphasis on combat.
Civ V isnt simply a rehash of what came before with better graphics (though it has those, too): its a whole new world with a whole new set of rich, intricate rules to master. Its also impossible for a strategy fan to resist picking up or to quit.
Screaming_Gremlin said:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v258/Screaming_Gremlin/Civ4ScreenShot0009-45.jpg/IMG][/QUOTE]
I'm not including expansions here, just base game releases. ;P
But I suppose I was a bit harsh with that comment if he had jumped in when Civ IV w/ BTS is pretty much the only way to get the game. ;)
sdornan said:
Via some methodology I am not entirely certain of, I received a working code for a review copy of Civilization V. I have played it enough to know that it is a game of clean lines and flawless ratios unbounded by the smooth corners of the world it simulates. It's perfect and deathless and it isn't going anywhere, ready the very moment I summon it to enclose me in its pure structures. It's the maximized centerfold archetype when what I'm after is filthy, anonymous, alleyway rutting. That's King's Bounty.
Winning, actually, is where one of Civilization V's weaknesses come to light. While players can win through either diplomacy (via building the United Nations and being elected the leader), conquest (by taking out all other nations), science (by building a space ship and launching it), culture (by completing five of the policy tree branches), or by having the biggest score in the year 2050, in all the games I played it seemed it was overly difficult to get anything but a timed or military victory against the AI when starting from the earliest period. The AI is simply far too aggressive once they're on your borders, and no amount of gifts or other concessions would keep them from deciding to attack me. Attacking would then force me to focus on my military, taking my cities' production away from building the other scientific or cultural items I needed to win. It's more than a little annoying to play for ten or more hours only to realize that the victory you've been working towards is going to be thwarted by a belligerent computer player. I mean, look, I'm all for the blood of nations on my hands, but sometimes I like to be peaceful too, you know?
I'm guessing he might not have setup his empire to best get the victory condition he wanted, considering the reports that it's totally possible to have a small 3 city empire and still win (there's even a related achievement for it).Rad- said:This part sounds very disappointing.
I'd chalk that up to inexperience with how the underlying diplomacy systems work. I would've said the same thing about Civ IV until I read about how the neutral/pleased/friendly system worked. If you were "friendly" with a civ they were guaranteed to not attack you, for some civs it would be enough to be at "pleased", but more aggressive leaders (Stalin etc.) could decide to attack you anyway. At neutral it could happen at any time from most civs, and if they'd started planning to attack you ~30 something turns before you went into friendly/pleased territory they would follow through with the plan. Knowing that I had a much easier time manipulating the AIs and I never felt "cheated" if they attacked me out of nowhere.Rad- said:This part sounds very disappointing.
Rad- said:This part sounds very disappointing.
Leader personality traits are randomized at game startup. Check the OP.Toma said:Is this the same verdict in other reviews? Is there some sort slider to tell the AI how aggressive its supposed to be? Or sliders for each individual leader?
Toma said:Is this the same verdict in other reviews? Is there some sort slider to tell the AI how aggressive its supposed to be? Or sliders for each individual leader?
The only consistent thing I've seen in the reviews so far in terms of negatives is on the AI. PC Gamer touched up on it, as well as Tom Chick in a recent preview (his review's supposed to be up soon, where hopefully he'll expand on his issues).f0rk said:One review mentioned it was too hard to win a space race and a culture victory always came first for him. But that's clearly a playstyle "problem" rather than a real issue with the game.
I think it's just the reviewers aren't that good.
XiaNaphryz said:Demo confirmed to be released at the same time as full game unlock:
Dreams-Visions said:are you guys pre-ordering the regular or deluxe edition?
is the bonus bablyon civilization worth the extra $10?
Note: I've never played a Civ game.
Minus the leader render/native language vocal stuff anyway.Forkball said:Or you could just wait fifteen minutes for CivFanatics to recreate the Civ plus a ton of other ones.
I'd go with regular. There's enough game to take in there already without worrying about missing an optional civilization.Dreams-Visions said:are you guys pre-ordering the regular or deluxe edition?
is the bonus bablyon civilization worth the extra $10?
Note: I've never played a Civ game.
Forkball said:Or you could just wait fifteen minutes for CivFanatics to recreate the Civ plus a ton of other ones.
I dunno about his breakdowns, as he also slips in a bunch of trolling comments throughout his posts.chuckddd said:Trying to finish up reading this manual before game time. MrGameTheory over on Apolyton has a really good break down.
Sleep, goodbye, I'll miss thee.
WARNING, that guy is a super troll.chuckddd said:Trying to finish up reading this manual before game time. MrGameTheory over on Apolyton has a really good break down.
Sleep, goodbye, I'll miss thee.
:lol :lol :lolSome dude said:I thought that review was pretty bad though. It's fine if some people prefer Civ IV but that really shouldn't taint an objective review, because it's purely opinion.
Huh?Some other dude said:The people who these reviewers are writing for are casual gamers!!!
They are trying to give the average man on the street a good idea if he will enjoy the game or not. You, nor I nor anyone else who is a member of the Civ Fanatics board AND has posted more than once on it count as the average man on the street, however good we are at pretending to be to our wives, children, friends and family!