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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Sooo... This game.
I've been playing it for 25 hours now, and still, I feel like I've only scratched the surface of how deep it is.
I've alreay won one game (military victory IIRC), so I understand the basic, but many things about how to develop my cities are still not clear...

For example, I always have little amounts of food... So the population doesn't increase... How do I get more?
And since having more cities makes my citizens less happy, i shouldn't conquest/found new cities?

is there some "beginner's guide" I could look up?


Sooo... This game.
I've been playing it for 25 hours now, and still, I feel like I've only scratched the surface of how deep it is.
I've alreay won one game (military victory IIRC), so I understand the basic, but many things about how to develop my cities are still not clear...

For example, I always have little amounts of food... So the population doesn't increase... How do I get more?
And since having more cities makes my citizens less happy, i shouldn't conquest/found new cities?

is there some "beginner's guide" I could look up?

I watched this guys tutorial videos when I first started. The CivFanatics forum is quite useful as well.
Firaxis have to be working on more Civ 5 and XCOM content, but they have been mum for over a month about anything.

@TronLight - if you can grok it, check out the "Beyond the Monument" series on Youtube. A lot of it is on higher difficulties but anything that applies to Immortal/Deity also applies (and will be even more effective) to lower difficultly levels.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
I watched this guys tutorial videos when I first started. The CivFanatics forum is quite useful as well.

@TronLight - if you can grok it, check out the "Beyond the Monument" series on Youtube. A lot of it is on higher difficulties but anything that applies to Immortal/Deity also applies (and will be even more effective) to lower difficultly levels.

Thanks you both, I'll check out those sites/vids. :D
Just throwing this out there, might not be the best place and you guys might not have any answer for me, but is anyone playing this on a Windows 8 touch screen? I... am sort of trying. I don't have a Windows 8 tablet, but I do have a Nexus 10. The Splashtop app is basically a remote desktop application, takes a little fiddling (on AMD graphics cards you have to do full screen windowed), but the latency is great for something like this. Now, the app lets you're tablet work as a touchscreen as if it were an actual touchscreen, not just mouse emulation. Playing Civ 5 touch version works with some gestures, all the single finger press/drag/etc works. The three finger tap to open/close menus work, the one-finger drag + second finger tap to cancel actions works. So all that is a great start, but pinch to zoom and two finger scrolling does not seem to work. Those gestures are working in other Windows 8 apps, so I just wanted to throw this out there see if anyone has played the game on a legit Windows 8 tablet or through a setup like mine and have had similar gesture issues.


Just throwing this out there, might not be the best place and you guys might not have any answer for me, but is anyone playing this on a Windows 8 touch screen? I... am sort of trying. I don't have a Windows 8 tablet, but I do have a Nexus 10. The Splashtop app is basically a remote desktop application, takes a little fiddling (on AMD graphics cards you have to do full screen windowed), but the latency is great for something like this. Now, the app lets you're tablet work as a touchscreen as if it were an actual touchscreen, not just mouse emulation. Playing Civ 5 touch version works with some gestures, all the single finger press/drag/etc works. The three finger tap to open/close menus work, the one-finger drag + second finger tap to cancel actions works. So all that is a great start, but pinch to zoom and two finger scrolling does not seem to work. Those gestures are working in other Windows 8 apps, so I just wanted to throw this out there see if anyone has played the game on a legit Windows 8 tablet or through a setup like mine and have had similar gesture issues.

I have not, but from what I understand they made it a point to have it running really smoothly. So smooth, in fact, that when Razor was showing off their gaming speced tablet (just typing that makes me roll my eyes so hard I pulled my optic nerves) they chose Civ V as a centerpiece for touch screen gaming.


I'd like to see some type of weather implementation that affects tile output randomly for each empire. Perhaps your lands are hit with rain that increases food on the plains, but reduces production on hills, or a blizzard (monsoon on the coasts) that reduces food, but also slows movement for enemy units moving through your lands. Just a bit of randomness to mix up the slightly static nature of the game.

Yes, the game definitely needs to reintroduce the weather. I thought it was a really cool feature in the Civ4 Exp's.


Do you guys have any tips for shortening turn times? It's really unbearable and I'm on a fairly capable laptop (i7, 6GB RAM, Radeon 6770M).


King has become too easy, I guess it's time for Emperor. Sigh. Is the difference big? (incidentally, I always reload if I don't get a coastal start. Do you guys consider this cheating?)

Edit: According to http://www.civfanatics.com/civ5/difficulties the jump from King to Emperor doesn't seem too bad. I guess I'll find out!

I wouldn't say it's cheating, but I like to take what the game gives me. I enjoy having weird starting positons. Makes for a more interesting game in my opinion.


Civilization V: Brave New World announced – expands culture and diplomacy


Firaxis have announced the second expansion pack for their life-destroying 4X strategy Civilization V. Brave New World not only increases the number of leaders, scenarios and wonders for budding empire builders to play with, but looks set to drastically overhaul two key areas of the game: Culture and Diplomacy. This is particularly great news for anyone who’s spent hours attempting to cajole Civ V’s fickle rulers.

A World Congress will let you create and vote on resolutions – imposing trade sanctions on rogue nations, capping resource usage, electing a host for the “World Games”, and setting rules for the use of nuclear weapons. Of course, ideology will only be a small part of a nation’s decision: vote trading and intrigue are both required for a successful resolution. Firaxis say this will also provide a new path to the Diplomatic Victory.

Speaking of victory conditions, there’s a new one: Culture Victory. It sounds like a more active prospect than the Cultural Victory path. Here you must spread your culture far and wide, using Great Writers, Artists and Musicians to create masterpieces that will prove your dominance in the arts. You’ll also have access to archaeologists to investigate ancient battle grounds and ruined cities for rare artifacts.

The other big change is the introduction of international trade routes, letting you spread your cities’ produce by land and sea. Not only can you send goods to other civilisations, but also to other cities within your own empire – sending aid to cities that are lacking the raw resources. And trade routes expand into other areas of the game, with science, religion and culture also taking a trip on your caravans.

In addition to all that, Brave New World will bring nine new leaders, eight world wonders, new Industrial Age ideologies, and scenarios covering the American Civil War and the colonial push into Africa.

...more in the link

awesomeness. I wont pay full price but I will pick it up when its discounted. i'm loving the new culture victory.


Lots of info on the expansion here: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/03/15/civilization-v-brave-new-world-preview/

Later on when archaeology comes online, you’re going to be running around on a second phase of exploration and discovery in the world when archaeology comes up because there’s now all these digs around the world that are actually reflections of stuff that happened earlier in the game where a battle might have taken place, where a barbarian camp was. You can extract artefacts from these sites and also put them in your museums.

That's pretty sweet.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Later on when archaeology comes online, you’re going to be running around on a second phase of exploration and discovery in the world when archaeology comes up because there’s now all these digs around the world that are actually reflections of stuff that happened earlier in the game where a battle might have taken place, where a barbarian camp was. You can extract artefacts from these sites and also put them in your museums.

That sounds really cool actually.

I'm so glad the 2nd expansion is focusing on exactly what I feel the game needs: better diplomacy. I'm looking very forward to this.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I really hope it's more substantial. I mean, GK did a lot of fix, but still.

That sounds really cool actually.

I'm so glad the 2nd expansion is focusing on exactly what I feel the game needs: better diplomacy. I'm looking very forward to this.

Yeah. The game needs better diplomacy. Say what you want about being able to manipulate AIs in IV, at least the diplomacy through that worked.


So, no laughing but I haven't played a Civ game since Civ 2 (which I actually still play). However, it's a bit.... rudimentary.

Which of the newer Civ games is deemed to be better? IV or V?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So, no laughing but I haven't played a Civ game since Civ 2 (which I actually still play). However, it's a bit.... rudimentary.

Which of the newer Civ games is deemed to be better? IV or V?

I own every Civ game and have played them all very extensively, and my answer to you is this:

While IV is probably the best, most fleshed out Civ game right now, that is really only because it has two expansion packs into it to make it so. I would recommend you buy Civ V (with the Gods & Kings expansion) if you are looking to get back into a modern Civ game. To put it simply, V is almost as good as IV was, but V shows much more promise for it's future. This next Diplomacy expansion looks to address the only real weakness with V right now: it's end game and diplomacy. But the big reason is that V has an excellent interface and looks fantastic. Also, the combat in V is more tactical and IMHO better than IV.

In short, buy Civ V with the G&K expansion, its your best choice today.


I allways go for Cultural victories, but somehow the victory condition has allways seemed abit simplistic. This new condition sounds like just the thing needed to make cultural play more strategic and fun.


I own every Civ game and have played them all very extensively, and my answer to you is this:

While IV is probably the best, most fleshed out Civ game right now, that is really only because it has two expansion packs into it to make it so. I would recommend you buy Civ V (with the Gods & Kings expansion) if you are looking to get back into a modern Civ game. To put it simply, V is almost as good as IV was, but V shows much more promise for it's future. This next Diplomacy expansion looks to address the only real weakness with V right now: it's end game and diplomacy. But the big reason is that V has an excellent interface and looks fantastic. Also, the combat in V is more tactical and IMHO better than IV.

In short, buy Civ V with the G&K expansion, its your best choice today.

Sweet. I might wait for the next steam sale and grab it then. I have to say $30 for the complete Civ 4 is really temping.


Picked this back up today to try it with the Gods & Kings expansion, which I'd never played.

Was going for the Science victory. Every single civ was friendly with me and each other, except for England which was on the south of the map and blocked off by the other civs. So I figured, hey, let's not build up any armies! What's the worst that can happen, if I keep everybody happy?

So I sent a spy to Germany just to see how it worked... and they declared war on me and sent like 8 units against my single archer and my two workers. Captured two of my cities and would only accept a peace treaty if I gave them my other city! Freaking bastards. I tried to put up a fight but couldn't do it, and ended up ceding the city to them.

The worst part is that I had forgotten to save periodically--my last save was like 150 turns ago. Now my civilization is in shambles, my science production is down to half of what it was, and I have no idea what to even do since I'm surrounded on all sides by the Germans. lol

Learning experience, I guess.


So if I have a Mac and I buy the PC Steam version from GMG and activate it on Steam, will it give me the Mac version as well?

$6 is way too good to pass up.

EDIT: Definitely worked. Sweet.


Picked this back up today to try it with the Gods & Kings expansion, which I'd never played.

Was going for the Science victory. Every single civ was friendly with me and each other, except for England which was on the south of the map and blocked off by the other civs. So I figured, hey, let's not build up any armies! What's the worst that can happen, if I keep everybody happy?

So I sent a spy to Germany just to see how it worked... and they declared war on me and sent like 8 units against my single archer and my two workers. Captured two of my cities and would only accept a peace treaty if I gave them my other city! Freaking bastards. I tried to put up a fight but couldn't do it, and ended up ceding the city to them.

The worst part is that I had forgotten to save periodically--my last save was like 150 turns ago. Now my civilization is in shambles, my science production is down to half of what it was, and I have no idea what to even do since I'm surrounded on all sides by the Germans. lol

Learning experience, I guess.

The game autosaves...
I liked CIV IV well enough (though not LOVED it) will I like the Gold Edition of CIV V? I played CIV IV very recently mind you, like within this year.

Isn't it true CIV V is more streamlined and easier? I prefer the difficulty

Yet I hear that CIV V has better features like polygon tiles and no stacking.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I liked CIV IV well enough (though not LOVED it) will I like the Gold Edition of CIV V? I played CIV IV very recently mind you, like within this year.

Isn't it true CIV V is more streamlined and easier? I prefer the difficulty

Yet I hear that CIV V has better features like polygon tiles and no stacking.

It takes a few steps forward and more steps backward, but that's for me personally.


The AI really boggles at times. An ally of mine recovers a captured city for me (I wasn't even aware he was fighting to recover it, I just noticed when I got the confirmation that I had it back).

Then literally two turns down, he declares war on me and tries to capture the same city for himself!


I bought the G and K recently but haven't played it. I was wondering if anyone wanted to do some co-op on a higher difficulty level against AI opponents.

Just looking for fun. I'm not ultra hardcore but if anyone wants to play (prefer if someone has a mic so we can talk while we play instead of typing what we're doing), let me know.


Played one game of Civ 5 a year or 2 back. Enjoyed it, but it took so long I shelved it. Now I bought G & K and have been enjoying the hell out of it, 30 hours later. Addictive as all hell, though does feel like I need a higher difficulty. Just feel like I need to grasp exactly how to achieve each victory before I turn it up.
Played for 7.5 hours yesterday and didn't even finish (I played on the default settings - got Austria). I just kept hitting next turn for awhile and before I knew it I had a huge military and it took hours just to beat one other nation right next to me haha.


So far Poland, Brazil and Assyria are confirmed as new civilizations for the new expansion.

The release date is 9th of July.
I'm glad Civ V finally clicked with me. I loved IV and now I'm loving it just as much. You can easily lose hours to this game.
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