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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
krypt0nian said:
Excellent! This takes away my two biggest fears of the relaunch and Supes. The Legion is still in Superman continuity and my favorite Dog of Steel exists!

Oh yeah, and Andy Kubert is cool too, I guess. ;)

hey, kubert did one of my favorite runs of ka-zar....
So it looks like Rags Morales really can't keep a monthly schedule. :(

Glad I chose to trade wait on it, but now that's been downgraded to "Get on loan from library".
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Andy Kubert's better than Rags anyway (sorry, 90s X-Men fan here)

Too bad he can't keep a monthly schedule either

Bitch, you crazy!

Both of the Kuberts are crappy versions of their father, 90's? God damn dude that was them at their WORST.

At least now they're somewhat competent, back in the 90's it was like sh*tty little wanna-be Kubert clones in a parade of nepotism horror.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Bitch, you crazy!

Both of the Kuberts are crappy versions of their father, 90's? God damn dude that was them at their WORST.

At least now they're somewhat competent, back in the 90's it was like sh*tty little wanna-be Kubert clones in a parade of nepotism horror.

Yeah, Andy was pretty bad in the 90s. It was my childhood though :(

I read his Batman from a few years ago and I no longer had my nostalgia blinders on and it was pretty rough. I'll still always like him though.
NYT: Archie is reviving its superhero characters... only in digital.

A combination of (presumably) weekly/biweekly serialized new material and Netflix-style back catalog access, all for a low subscription fee? This is remarkably similar to the model I've wanted to see DC and Marvel evolve towards for a while now. It's wonderful how progressive your approach to digital can be when your business model allows you to ignore the doomed direct market, rather than requiring you to parrot the absurd line that $2.99 for 20 pages of story is a good price point and that digital ought to just be an ancillary market for print comics.
Holy shit that is the greatest new for Archie fans in years. Incredible price point.

Is anyone reading TMNT? I would appreciate some opinions on it.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Bitch, you crazy!

Both of the Kuberts are crappy versions of their father, 90's? God damn dude that was them at their WORST.

At least now they're somewhat competent, back in the 90's it was like sh*tty little wanna-be Kubert clones in a parade of nepotism horror.

You really see Joe's style in them? His stuff is so raw, expressive, rugged, fluid. I always thought of the sons as cut rate Jim Lees.
LiveFromKyoto said:
You really see Joe's style in them? His stuff is so raw, expressive, rugged, fluid. I always thought of the sons as cut rate Jim Lees.

In their early work - Midnight Sons and most of the stuff where their people had beaks for mouths.

They've definitely improved over the years; but I'm not a fan. I won't seek out their work and if they're on a book I'm reading, it doesn't add anything to it. :\

Archie news sounds hot. I'm interested to see their old heroes return.


New Wonder Woman announcement: In Wonder Woman #3 it will be revealed that
Zeus is her father, she is no longer fashioned of clay by Hippolyta.
. From today's NY POST.


Online Ho Champ
krypt0nian said:
Especially since Bucky was just wasted for a mediocre story.

this, and not only that...he got worked in what..5 panels and it was over...at least give him a page of resisting make it epic...damn.


DSFan1970 said:
New Wonder Woman announcement: In Wonder Woman #3 it will be revealed that
Zeus is her father, she is no longer fashioned of clay by Hippolyta.
. From today's NY POST.



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Satchwar said:


you on suicide watch satch? i wanna say that itll be ok, but who knows what other soft reboots will be added to her past

the chris

DSFan1970 said:
New Wonder Woman announcement: In Wonder Woman #3 it will be revealed that
Zeus is her father, she is no longer fashioned of clay by Hippolyta.
. From today's NY POST.
Why is it that all the newspapers are spoiling comics these days.
- This with Wonder Woman
- The identity of the new Ultimate Spider-Man


In other Wonder Wonder news, the cover to issue five is up:


That whatever-it-is better protect its neck, cause Wonder Woman coming right for it. You can see it in her eyes.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It shows how brilliant and fantastic and iconic and gripping Wonder Woman's original origin was that this is the first I've ever heard of it.

You didn't know Wonder Woman's original origin? :lol
Satchwar said:

You didn't know Wonder Woman's original origin? :lol

It sounds so ineffectual and lame that it doesn't surprise me that it never came up in the context of a story.

"Oh no! The forge that...um...the clay you came from? Was stolen by....um...Batroc? Is he even in the DCU? Shit...um. I...I don't know. Let's make you a secret agent for a while."

the chris

ReiGun said:
In other Wonder Wonder news, the cover to issue five is up:


That whatever-it-is better protect its neck, cause Wonder Woman coming right for it. You can see it in her eyes.
Dat tentacle


Satchwar said:

Next 12 issues: Wonder Woman deals with daddy issues!

Look. DC.

Just... go hire Greg Pak from Marvel and put him on your Wonder Woman book and things will fix themselves.
Htown said:
Next 12 issues: Wonder Woman deals with daddy issues!

Look. DC.

Just... go hire Greg Pak from Marvel and put him on your Wonder Woman book and things will fix themselves.

Naw he's busy with that turrrible Herc comic. Azzarello is fine, thanks.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It sounds so ineffectual and lame that it doesn't surprise me that it never came up in the context of a story.

"Oh no! The forge that...um...the clay you came from? Was stolen by....um...Batroc? Is he even in the DCU? Shit...um. I...I don't know. Let's make you a secret agent for a while."
Have you ever read "The Circle"?


I hope it's okay to talk about older series in here.

I finished reading the entire New Xmen by Grant Morrison this weekend. Some good stuff in there! Loved the writing, but some of the art was kinda...bleh. Still it at least caught me up on the whole Jean/Scott/Emma thing and I feel ready to dive into Astonishing Xmen right after I finish reading the Batwoman Elegy.

I've been trying to catch up with the X universe, but there are so many damn series going on at the same time. I'd love to get an omnibus of the Uncanny Xmen, but it seems the only ones available are like 1-250 or something.

:sigh: I'll start reading Schism soon so that I can at least be caught up on that end.


BenjaminBirdie said:
What's that?

I've read about circles...
It's the first (and greatest) arc of Gail Simone's Wonder Woman run. Diana's origin gets some important tweaks, and you get to see how Diana's virgin birth affects Hippolyta's personal elite guard, known as The Circle.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
Is anyone reading TMNT? I would appreciate some opinions on it.

I didn't really enjoy Issue 1 when I first read it. Mainly because there was barely any content for the price but I really liked Issue 2. I'll stick around for at least another two issues. I know it's not much of an opinion but barely anything has happened.

Cheska said:
I hope it's okay to talk about older series in here.

I finished reading the entire New Xmen by Grant Morrison this weekend. Some good stuff in there! Loved the writing, but some of the art was kinda...bleh. Still it at least caught me up on the whole Jean/Scott/Emma thing and I feel ready to dive into Astonishing Xmen right after I finish reading the Batwoman Elegy.

I read Whedon's Astonishing run before reading Morrison's New X-Men and enjoyed it. About a year later I read New X-Men (loved it) and decided I'd read Astonishing again since it would make more sense. And now? It doesn't hold a candle to New X-Men. I ended up not even finishing it because the story isn't anywhere near as good.

Archie article said:
Tonally, the stories will be similar to “The Incredibles,” Mr. Goldwater said. “They are not going to be water-downed superheroes, but they are not going to be dark either.”

OMG. I wasn't interested in Archie's superheroes until I read that. I may just very well subscribe because of that and the cheap price. I really hope they get some old Archie issues as well. I want to read the old Riverdale stories I read as a kid again. I stupidly threw them all away one day because I had an entire garbage bag filled with them in the garage.
Satchwar said:
It's the first (and greatest) arc of Gail Simone's Wonder Woman run. Diana's origin gets some important tweaks, and you get to see how Diana's virgin birth affects Hippolyta's personal elite guard, known as The Circle.

Sounds great. Was Clayface behind the whole thing? Are they like brother and sister?



VGChampion said:
I didn't really enjoy Issue 1 when I first read it. Mainly because there was barely any content for the price but I really liked Issue 2. I'll stick around for at least another two issues. I know it's not much of an opinion but barely anything has happened.

I read Whedon's Astonishing run before reading Morrison's New X-Men and enjoyed it. About a year later I read New X-Men (loved it) and decided I'd read Astonishing again since it would make more sense. And now? It doesn't hold a candle to New X-Men. I ended up not even finishing it because the story isn't anywhere near as good.

Aww that's a bummer to hear :( I already bought the book so Im still going to give it a try for continuity, but I'm glad I read New X-Men first.
Cheska said:
Aww that's a bummer to hear :( I already bought the book so Im still going to give it a try for continuity, but I'm glad I read New X-Men first.

You may still very well like it as I enjoyed it my first time around but New X-Men blew me away with all the stories that kept weaving together Astonishing just felt... small. Which isn't always a bad thing mind you.
VGChampion said:
You may still very well like it as I enjoyed it my first time around but New X-Men blew me away with all the stories that kept weaving together Astonishing just felt... small. Which isn't always a bad thing mind you.

I looove New X-Men, consider it one of my favorite Science Fiction novels, all told, but Astonishing is my favorite thing Whedon's ever wrote. Not as good as NXM (very little is) but it's still a fantastic read. One of my favorite ending sequences in comics.
Wow, the carnival of narcissism and social disorders on display as Phoenix Jones and his entourage of idiots are a public nuisance is boggling my mind.

I admit, I only clicked on this to see this knob get beaten with a shoe.

Dear Comic Fans,

Stop playing dress up and just call the cops. :|

Also hilarious that when video starts to get heated there's a very conspicuous edit with a bullsh*t cover story. Hahaha~!

Satchwar said:

Don't worry Satchy, I'm sure at some point Grant Morrison will take some drugs and write a Wonder Woman story that will have you taking a prybar to BB's mouth to get him to stop suckling at the teat.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Don't worry Satchy, I'm sure at some point Grant Morrison will take some drugs and write a Wonder Woman story that will have you taking a prybar to BB's mouth to get him to stop suckling at the teat.

I've read good WW stories. (I think. I'm sure I must have.) Doesn't make her origin any less Completely Stupid.

But hey, you got to get a Morrison swipe in!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
The Take Out Bandit said:
Wow, the carnival of narcissism and social disorders on display as Phoenix Jones and his entourage of idiots are a public nuisance is boggling my mind.

I admit, I only clicked on this to see this knob get beaten with a shoe.

Dear Comic Fans,

Stop playing dress up and just call the cops. :|

Also hilarious that when video starts to get heated there's a very conspicuous edit with a bullsh*t cover story. Hahaha~!

what is the effectiveness of all this? why intervene if you arent going to do anything but make a bigger mess of it all?
The Take Out Bandit said:
Don't worry Satchy, I'm sure at some point Grant Morrison will take some drugs and write a Wonder Woman story that will have you taking a prybar to BB's mouth to get him to stop suckling at the teat.

Oh my goodness I'd buy the drugs myself to be able to read it.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I've read good WW stories. (I think. I'm sure I must have.) Doesn't make her origin any less Completely Stupid.

One thing you seem to be missing is regardless of how "stupid" you think a characters origin is, it's sacred to fans of that character.

Not every character can just be a sci-fi retelling of the Baby Moses story.

It makes perfect sense to me, that a character that is the outside emissary of peace to the world of Man, be something other than human.

The problem here is DC just doesn't give a damn, and every time some writer puts in the effort to make the origin and mythology of Wonder Woman more cognizant they just throw it all out in six months and start over.

Meanwhile the boys club over at DC has reverential poring over of the complex mythologies and cockamamie origins of characters that get crafted into awesome stories. The best example of this is Geoff Johns making absolute sense out of all the various Hawkman stories that came out of the years.

It's Hawkman.

As much as I like the character, I'm one of 10 people who actually give a crap. You can't honestly tell me the same cannot be done for Wonder Woman.

Parallax said:
what is the effectiveness of all this? why intervene if you arent going to do anything but make a bigger mess of it all?

Hey man, do you dress like a giant peanut butter cup and "fight crime"? LOLOLOLOL
The Take Out Bandit said:
One thing you seem to be missing is regardless of how "stupid" you think a characters origin is, it's sacred to fans of that character.

Not every character can just be a sci-fi retelling of the Baby Moses story.

It makes perfect sense to me, that a character that is the outside emissary of peace to the world of Man, be something other than human.

The problem here is DC just doesn't give a damn, and every time some writer puts in the effort to make the origin and mythology of Wonder Woman more cognizant they just throw it all out in six months and start over.

Meanwhile the boys club over at DC has reverential poring over of the complex mythologies and cockamamie origins of characters that get crafted into awesome stories. The best example of this is Geoff Johns making absolute sense out of all the various Hawkman stories that came out of the years.

It's Hawkman.

As much as I like the character, I'm one of 10 people who actually give a crap. You can't honestly tell me the same cannot be done for Wonder Woman.

I'm not saying you can't give a crap. You're welcome to. I personally think it's stupid. The way that you think all Grant Morrison comics suck shit and chide me about it. I don't give a shit. Why should you give a shit if I think WW's origin is dumber than a box of hammers locked inside a box shaped like an even bigger hammer?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
The Take Out Bandit said:
One thing you seem to be missing is regardless of how "stupid" you think a characters origin is, it's sacred to fans of that character.

Not every character can just be a sci-fi retelling of the Baby Moses story.

It makes perfect sense to me, that a character that is the outside emissary of peace to the world of Man, be something other than human.

The problem here is DC just doesn't give a damn, and every time some writer puts in the effort to make the origin and mythology of Wonder Woman more cognizant they just throw it all out in six months and start over.

Meanwhile the boys club over at DC has reverential poring over of the complex mythologies and cockamamie origins of characters that get crafted into awesome stories. The best example of this is Geoff Johns making absolute sense out of all the various Hawkman stories that came out of the years.

It's Hawkman.

As much as I like the character, I'm one of 10 people who actually give a crap. You can't honestly tell me the same cannot be done for Wonder Woman.

Hey man, do you dress like a giant peanut butter cup and "fight crime"? LOLOLOLOL

mace powers? what in the blue hell are you talking about? a joke i hope?
BenjaminBirdie said:
The way that you think all Grant Morrison comics suck shit and chide me about it.

I don't think all Grant Morrison comics suck shit. Just most of the modern era Morrison as celebrity / pop culture icon and not writer comics.

Because of his pop culture icon status folks treat everything he craps out as some reverential work, when it's really not as entertaining, interesting, or coherent as the stuff he was doing a decade ago.

I'd put Invisibles at the top of Morrison's pyramid of wacky writings; but even when my brain checked out and started to just go with the flow, when the end of that series finally came around it all locked into place wonderfully and demonstrated the kind of crazy, but entertaining thinking I enjoyed out of Morrison.

Now he just tends to pay lip service to abstract concepts of funnybook icons and history, but the pay off just isn't there. See also, Final Crisis.

His Batman run is also a bit middling in terms of quality, where it seems he's trying to take his Invisibles ideas and concepts and force them into the mainstream with limited success.

Parallax said:
mace powers? what in the blue hell are you talking about? a joke i hope?

I'm afraid not. In the video this alleged "superhero" is macing a group of people who are just trying to chase his silly ass off.

Not. Helping.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I don't think all Grant Morrison comics suck shit. Just most of the modern era Morrison as celebrity / pop culture icon and not writer comics.

Because of his pop culture icon status folks treat everything he craps out as some reverential work, when it's really not as entertaining, interesting, or coherent as the stuff he was doing a decade ago.

I'd put Invisibles at the top of Morrison's pyramid of wacky writings; but even when my brain checked out and started to just go with the flow, when the end of that series finally came around it all locked into place wonderfully and demonstrated the kind of crazy, but entertaining thinking I enjoyed out of Morrison.

Now he just tends to pay lip service to abstract concepts of funnybook icons and history, but the pay off just isn't there. See also, Final Crisis.

His Batman run is also a bit middling in terms of quality, where it seems he's trying to take his Invisibles ideas and concepts and force them into the mainstream with limited success.

I thought RIP was pretty flat but I like Inc. I'm pretty fair about his work. I happen to think Final Crisis is brilliant, but it's not like it was blind loyalism. I wrote extensively about the series for CBR and articulated exactly why.

But again, think what you want, I don't care.

I'm more concerned about why you think I can't think that origin is stupid, as if that somehow impinges on your loyalty to it.


Ok, the only comic i've ever read was the Walking Dead, which i liked. As i'd like to try some other ones, i randomly chose the Batman & Robin series (2010). Is it just me, or does if often makes absolutely no sense at all? I'm at #16, the end of the Grant Morrison run.

One disconnected scene after another, people being dead/not dead/undead, the whole story just not making any sense at all. Is it me being new to this, is it just this comic or are all comics like this?
Phoenix4 said:
Ok, the only comic i've ever read was the Walking Dead, which i liked. As i'd like to try some other ones, i randomly chose the Batman & Robin series (2010). Is it just me, or does if often makes absolutely no sense at all? I'm at #16, the end of the Grant Morrison run.

One disconnected scene after another, people being dead/not dead/undead, the whole story just not making any sense at all. Is it me being new to this, is it just this comic or are all comics like this?

One bad comic, or 16 bad ones. Sorry, horrible case for comics.

Just know there are good Batman comics out there. I'm fond of the Peter Milligan run on the Detective series.

I'm sure Tatsumaki may have some suggestions for you as well.

Rest assured, not all comics are incoherent and confusing messes. Sorry to hear you've had a bad time of it thus far.
Phoenix4 said:
Ok, the only comic i've ever read was the Walking Dead, which i liked. As i'd like to try some other ones, i randomly chose the Batman & Robin series (2010). Is it just me, or does if often makes absolutely no sense at all? I'm at #16, the end of the Grant Morrison run.

One disconnected scene after another, people being dead/not dead/undead, the whole story just not making any sense at all. Is it me being new to this, is it just this comic or are all comics like this?

I thought issues 1-3 was some of the best batman comics i've read in awhile. It really fell off a cliff during the second arc.

But to each, his own.


Yeah i must say i liked the first few as well, but it started getting a mess for me with the

Oh, must saw i read a few issues of Invincible by Robert Kirkman as well, liked that one too.

What i love about The Walking Dead is the tension and bleakness of the story. Can someone recommend me some real 'page turner' series? I was thinking of starting with Sin City, good choice?


Phoenix4 said:
What i love about The Walking Dead is the tension and bleakness of the story.

Well why not read more apocalyptic comics then? Y The Last man and Sweet Tooth for example. I also recommend Locke & Key if you want bleak.


Someome is going to have to take over Marvel posting duties for a few weeks. I got hit by a truck on my motorcycle last week so I'm relegated to a posting on my iPhone from a hospital bed.

Also in related news, flying is no longer the coolest superpower to me lol. :p


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
notworksafe said:
Someome is going to have to take over Marvel posting duties for a few weeks. I got hit by a truck on my motorcycle last week so I'm relegated to a posting on my iPhone from a hospital bed.

Also in related news, flying is no longer the coolest superpower to me lol. :p

damn, are you serious? im sorry to hear that.


Yeah sadly. The good news is that I already got a surgery to put my hip back together, so now it's all about learning to walk again.
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