I've been reading the first issue via the Web comic and it's absolutely hilarious. Does it keep up that humour the whole way though?
God Hates Astronauts? Yeah. It's completely random at times.
I've been reading the first issue via the Web comic and it's absolutely hilarious. Does it keep up that humour the whole way though?
Stray bullets is completed. 42 issues for 42 bucksCan anyone recommend something from the IMAGE sale? I'm looking for complete series'.
Stray bullets is completed. 42 issues for 42 bucks
At least buy the first issue
Yeah I only read the first trade but Stray Bullets is real good
I've been reading the first issue via the Web comic and it's absolutely hilarious. Does it keep up that humour the whole way though?
Does the Manhattan Projects delve into American history? Also should I pick up The Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars as well?
Stray bullets is completed. 42 issues for 42 bucks
At least buy the first issue
dat MU update mmmmm
Surely Hail Hydra and Red Skull are the last #1s left? some books are on #3 already Attilan Risng and the Shang Chi book for example)
I think there is an Agents of Atlas one off #1 yet to come but that should be about it.
Decided to cut my ongoings to 15. And, if after trying a #1, I want to add a series, I'll drop one of my 15 to make the space. Really want to keep a tight list. Not just for finances, but because I think I'll enjoy my books more if I'm not reading so many at the same time. Besides, I have a lot of trades and old issues I need to make the time to catch up on. I'll still likely have a few mini-series on my list at any given time.
I'll most likely drop Rat Queens at the end of the arc. Probably drop Detective Comics. If Clean Room and Extrordinary X-Men don't impress in their first arc, they'll go, too.
The story might be lacking, but damn, the art in Weirdworld #1 is beautiful.
Stray bullets is completed. 42 issues for 42 bucks
At least buy the first issue
Siege continues!
I'm liking it, and I'm liking crazy ass Sentry, fuck all of youse x_x
Don't let the negativity bring you down, generally you seem to like event books. Much like myself.
Then again I always had the capacity to say "this thing is shit but I like it anyway" which most people tend to not have, it's usually "I like this therefore it's good"
I want to do a mass purge of my ongoings too. Got too much to read as it is and I really don't need to keep up with anything I don't love.
The best post in this thread, free
JC, is there any comic you like more than Stray Bullets?
Dang. I need to get Doom Patrol (that's what that is, right?). I like that stuff.
Nice write-up! I read the beginning of Ultron Forever and I liked it, I need to get around to reading the rest.My Top Ten of 2015, kinda rambly but I hope you'll enjoy:
Dang. I need to get Doom Patrol (that's what that is, right?). I like that stuff.
that's right, Grant Morrison/Johnathan Case's Doom Patrol. It's the GOAT comic tbh. With the greatest last page ever.
Star Wars TFA was so amazing. I was blown away. Last Star Wars I saw in the theatre was that Phantom Menace garbage.
Currently? No
Welp this Dark Avengers issue where Bullseye killssure is creepy. Bullseye is great in this book, shades of Bendis's Daredevil run I guess?Sentry's wife
wait there is a comicgaf book club? Stray bullets is definitely a comic worth discussingThen he can read the comicgaf book club...
wait there is a comicgaf book club? Stray bullets is definitely a comic worth discussing
wait there is a comicgaf book club? Stray bullets is definitely a comic worth discussing
Yep there was one. It was the second book club. Had its own thread and everything. The first one was fairly successful we read Strangers in Paradise.
Yep there was one. It was the second book club. Had its own thread and everything. The first one was fairly successful we read Strangers in Paradise.
so what is going to be the next series for book club?
Hopefully something that I've already read so I don't have to keep up with something else.
Barring that, I've never read Scalped and would like to.
Sandman: Overture
As good as Overture is, its not quite as good as Sandman's highest highs. Story wise, it does what it can really well but there is an inherent restriction in creating a sequel to series like Sandman. Overture dances within those restrictions so you absolutely should check it out.
Is Low a limited series?
Is Tigra the most ridiculously fanservice-y character Marvel ever made?
I mean, she is literally a cat-girl in a bikini. She might aswell be naked.
Thanks for writing up your top 10! Rumble also made it to mine. Might be the next one I make a full post about.My Top Ten of 2015, kinda rambly but I hope you'll enjoy:
Thanks! Thats pretty awesome you got it for your brother as an Xmas book. Was he a fan of the series?Awesome write up Ed
I bought my brother the deluxe edition for Christmas. Great book. Williams was killing it, spread page after spread page
Oh, I'm sure we could find something. The 90s were a dark time.
Is Tigra the most ridiculously fanservice-y character Marvel ever made?
I mean, she is literally a cat-girl in a bikini. She might aswell be naked.
Oh, I'm sure we could find something. The 90s were a dark time.
Yea. He was a fan of sandman back in the day. He's not big into comics but he did read a series here or there. And has recently gotten into the walking dead.Thanks for writing up your top 10! Rumble also made it to mine. Might be the next one I make a full post about.
Thanks! Thats pretty awesome you got it for your brother as an Xmas book. Was he a fan of the series?
I've been giving family comics for Xmas more lately. I got my mom, my aunt, my sister and a cousin comics for Xmas.
Marvel had a thing for she-hulk real bad back in the day.