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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

I assume Siege is where they get rid of Sentry, since he has gone completely off the deep end
comes back for Uncanny Avengers
as a Horseman of Apocalypse/Horseman of Death.
Along with
Grim Reaper,
and Banshee
I hate Bucky's Cap suit :(
Same. It's like they tried to go for some covert version of it, but it just doesn't work.
Speaking of Inhumans, what's the deal with Karnak? This release schedule is slow as shit. That first issue hooked me.
I figured it would be a monthly, but apparently I was wrong.
Welcome to a Warren Ellis book
Is he known for delays?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
And another Marvel event ends not with a bang, but with a whimper. Loki suddenly grows a conscience after orchastrating this whole thing? Void takes a helicarrier to the face, reverts back to bob and Thor kills him with a thunderbolt...whut? Why exactly was Sentry be able to be killed when everytime he "died" before he just came back like nothing happened?

I know they were writing themselves into a corner with Sentry (for years really), and it got worse the more they used him, but that half assessment exit is still lame. Having said that, I'm STILL curious to see more with him, I need to read New Avengers when he shows up for the first tie since the initial mini one of these days. I don't know why this character fascinates me (not even in a good way), I can't explain it. I still love that first mini :/

Osborn in ghetto ass Goblin face paint underneath the Iron Patriot was funny at least. Also, reading Siege reminds me I need to resume reading Secret Warriors one if these days.

Ps: none of the tie ins really grabbed me either, none made me want to read more of those books, maybe New Mutants? That era Thunderbolts seems awful, Mighty Avengers didn't do anything for me, neither did Avengers Initiative.
It's politics are pretty laughable. The Obama esque president and evil republican ex president is not realistic at all. For me events started happening that I didn't like, and then I felt like the story should be wrapping up but kept meandering. I could go on more but it'd be spoilers and in the end what they teased at the start isn't what I hoped the book would be now.

I've read a few times it being compared to The West Wing, a show I did like but even as an outsider to US Politics that show seemed crazy liberal and idealist. Is it as bad as that?


Hey, I finally got my christmas Doom Patrol Omnibus, can y'all remind me of the standard GAF procedure for optimal comfort during omnibus reading?


ah I started reading this book

and never finished

I just figured I should actually read capes comics rather than a book and leave books for 'literature'


Should have finished it is a interesting deconstruction on a Silver Age Dr.Doom type


Boy my interest in the Omega Men is really starting to wane. I'm gonna stick with it because there's only a few more issues left, but the plodding nature of the plot is really starting to become a drag.

Justice League on the other hand continues to fire in all cylinders, the Darkseid War arc has been phenomenal from the get go. All I need are a few pages of
Big Barda
Wonder Woman
teaming up to wreck shit. If my instinct is right and this is Johns last arc on Justice League, he's going out with a bang.
Boy my interest in the Omega Men is really starting to wane. I'm gonna stick with it because there's only a few more issues left, but the plodding nature of the plot is really starting to become a drag.

Oh good, it's not just me. Last issue became one of those "read it last" books. It just doesn't feel very compelling anymore.
Welp, since I don't have any The Walking Dead issues left it's time to dive back into the old Marvel Chronological Reading order! I'm nearly into the 800-900 issue run, which sees a lot of standalone books emerge such as Hulk, Iron Man and Doctor Strange - exciting!


Reading Batgirl #45 and it dawned on me that Dick Grayson comes off like a Shojo manga antagonist in it. Dudes good looking, charming, a bit of an ass.



Oh good, it's not just me. Last issue became one of those "read it last" books. It just doesn't feel very compelling anymore.

Nope, the slow burn that was compelling for the first couple issues is just a chore now. This month's issue was extremely predictable too, especially the reveal at the end. I dunno, it's gone from intriguing political space opera to just kind of boring.


the best part was when people spoil things on hearthstone the day before you see it.

The internet is shit. I hoped the guy who posted in the OT was banned for dropping the big bomb.

But man, there are already so many fucking great theories. I really hope, that
Snoke is Darth Plagius
. Would be so great and I would love to see the PT Hater cry because the PT are that much acknowledged.

Will write a longer post in the Star Wars OT.

I really hope we get Minis about Rey, Finn and Poe, these guys are so great and I instantly loved them.
Nope, the slow burn that was compelling for the first couple issues is just a chore now. This month's issue was extremely predictable too, especially the reveal at the end. I dunno, it's gone from intriguing political space opera to just kind of boring.

So what you're saying is that it would have been better off being cut to a smaller number of issues like DC was going to do with the early cancellation?


The internet is shit. I hoped the guy who posted in the OT was banned for dropping the big bomb.

But man, there are already so many fucking great theories. I really hope, that
Snoke is Darth Plagius
. Would be so great and I would love to see the PT Hater cry because the PT are that much acknowledged.

Will write a longer post in the Star Wars OT.

I really hope we get Minis about Rey, Finn and Poe, these guys are so great and I instantly loved them.

I'm not a fan of that theory, but I'm hoping for more PT shout outs. I hope Maz gets more screen time as she bridges both timelines.
But man, there are already so many fucking great theories. I really hope, that
Snoke is Darth Plagius
. Would be so great and I would love to see the PT Hater cry because the PT are that much acknowledged.

Not Possible.
Darth Plagueis was a Muun, and Snoke is clearly not.
It's a neat theory, but people just can't let go of it despite official canon evidence that precludes it.


The internet is shit. I hoped the guy who posted in the OT was banned for dropping the big bomb.

But man, there are already so many fucking great theories. I really hope, that
Snoke is Darth Plagius
. Would be so great and I would love to see the PT Hater cry because the PT are that much acknowledged.

Will write a longer post in the Star Wars OT.

I really hope we get Minis about Rey, Finn and Poe, these guys are so great and I instantly loved them.

The PT is terrible but I'd be fine with that theory. PT is still Star Wars and adds to the mythology.


Not Possible.
Darth Plagueis was a Muun, and Snoke is clearly not.
It's a neat theory, but people just can't let go of it despite official canon evidence that precludes it.

But we never have seen a Live Action Muun. I think there is a resemblence, especially since he is disfigured, maybe Sidious just pulled some really gruesome stuff off.
And hey, the dude could create a human beeing out of the force, maybe he just jumped in another body or something

V > IV = VI > VIII >>>>>> III > I >> II
Not Possible.
Darth Plagueis was a Muun, and Snoke is clearly not.
It's a neat theory, but people just can't let go of it despite official canon evidence that precludes it.

I don't think it's confirmed that he is a Muun in any canon material. I still don't think it's him though. Kasdan didn't even know who Plagueis was when asked about him.


He's on the cover of his own novel, which is accepted as official canon. I think it's safe to let the Plagueis theory die.

The Darth Plagueis book is no longer canon.

And I dont think that they use the same music for two different charactes. Star Wars was always about character motifs in the music and I dont believe that this was an accident.
Just listen to the music in the Darth Plaguies scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05dT34hGRdg

And now Snokes theme, that I cant find because german youtube is shit. Its the same. This cant be an accident, Williams knows what he does.
His novel came out before the EU wipe. But even if it was him, they probably would have just stuck with the race he'd been associated with in the old EU.

Not true! There was an article in a magazine I read before the movie came out. I think it may have been in Time. Not sure, but it had a pic of everything from the new official canon, and the Tarkin and Plagueis novels were there, along with Aftermath, etc. etc.


Not true! There was an article in a magazine I read before the movie came out. I think it may have been in Time. Not sure, but it had a pic of everything from the new official canon, and the Tarkin and Plagueis novels were there, along with Aftermath, etc. etc.

Tarkin is in the new EU, since its released after the Whipe, this isnt the case for Plagueis.
Not true! There was an article in a magazine I read before the movie came out. I think it may have been in Time. Not sure, but it had a pic of everything from the new official canon, and the Tarkin and Plagueis novels were there, along with Aftermath, etc. etc.

They must have buggered it up. Tarkin made a few things from the Plagueis novel canon but his race was never confirmed. I actually quite like the book, it's a shame Luceno didn't write it later.


Speaking of comics, the Star Wars annual was actually quite a fun read. Eneb Ray's an interesting character. I hope he turns up again at some point.

Kanan was good too. Still a bit gutted it's finishing in three issues.
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